A/N: I'm crazy. Here I go with another one...

John quickly strode up the pathway into his home. He couldn't wait to drop his bags off in his room, kiss his mother hello, get into his own small car, and drive over to his beloved girlfriend, Amanda's apartment for a welcome home celebration.

He turned the knob to the large mahogany front door, opening it, and stepping through the threshold. As he turned to close the door behind him, he heard the sweet and familiar voice of his mother's; but it was not filled with the usual giddiness, it was serious; something John was sacred to hear about the cause of.

"John," she said in that voice that made the hairs on John's neck rise.

"Hey mom." He took the distance between them in four long strides with his long legs, and kissed her cheek. "What's wrong?" he asked with worry.

"You should come see this."

"Can I call Amanda first?" he asked, hoping to prolong whatever it was that he thought he was getting in trouble for; even though he hasn't been here for several months. "I haven't talked to her in a few weeks."

"I don't think you'd be able to get in touch with her." She said sadly, but knowingly.

"What. Why?" He was concerned. All the terrible situations of what could have happened to Amanda were racing through his head.

"Come." Was all she said as she walked further into the living room, John following on her tail.

His old bassinet that his younger brothers and himself all used as babies was sitting over in the corner of the living room near the windows, the bright Arizona rays shining through. His mother continued to walk towards it. She picked up a little bundle of pink into her arms. John looked at her with a confused gaze.

"The hospital dropped her off two weeks ago." She told him. He still wasn't understanding as to what his mother was hinting at. "This is your daughter, John." She clarified.

The words flew out of his mouth without any thought, "What the fuck?"

"Language." She scolded her eldest son.

"Sorry, but, What? How?" he was flabbergasted, he never knew of such thing, especially of this magnitude that tied into his life completely.

"She never told you." It wasn't a question, she knew for a fact John had no idea this whole time.

He shook his head in confirmation, "No."

"This is your daughter, John." She said again, trying to force this information into his confused and racing head.

"Where's Amanda?" he asked franticly. He needed to know.

"I don't know." She sincerely said, shaking her head side to side. "They wouldn't tell me."

He was on the verge of fury. "Why not?"

"I don't know John." She ended it there, was done arguing with him, and would not let him get any further in his anger.

He took the defeat. "My daughter?" he diverted his attention back to the bundle cradled in his mother's arms.

"Yes." His mother handed him the little bundle. Her small eyes where bright emerald green and the little hairs on her head were starting to come in on the dirty blonde side. He looked down at her, as she looked back up at her unknowing father. She was about to cry, but before she had the chance to; John rubbed her cheek with his thumb and brought his head down to place a delicate kiss on her fragile forehead.

"She doesn't have a name, I have the birth certificate, and you just need to fill the name in when you decide on one." His mother told him sweetly, taking in the scene in front of her. Nothing could touch her open heart more than the site of her son taking in the reality of his own baby girl.

"Couldn't you name her?" he asked, wanting his mother to take care of everything for him like the old days. He knew he wasn't ready for this type of responsibility, especially with the bands scaling success.

"She's your responsibility now and forever, son." She told him.

He looked back down at the bundle of joy in his arms. She started to cuddle herself into him, and he smiled down at her. Just like her father, she has an enchanting smile, even though she has not one tooth yet.

"Ava." He declared. "I'll call her Ava. Ava Grace." Her middle name was given to her after his late grandmother who died of a bad case of breast and pancreatic cancer at the same time.

"I think that's a wonderful name."

It's short. I just had to write this scene once it popped into my head, and now I don't know where I'm going with this.

Comment/Review please!

Love you all - Dominique