A/N: I just finished French class, and this is a product of that. Sorry. Je T'Adore basically means…I adore or I love, then add Dawn and wahla! I adore Dawn. I love Dawn. And no, don't even ask me how Paul and Brock know French…

Paul nervously scratched the back of his neck, a habit he picked up in one of the rare moments he was actually nervous. He saw the girl, skipping next to her friends through the streets, talking animatedly. He pushed on his normal scowl and calmed all emotions. Walking passed them, he grabbed Dawn's wrist and pulled her along with him. Brock and Ash's faces showed surprise, and Dawn's confusion.

"Okay, I guess I'll talk to you guys later." She shrugged, walking backwards, before waving and spinning around to walk normally, all while being dragged along by Paul. Pulling her into the forest, where no one could see or hear them, Paul let go of her wrist, but didn't turn to face her.

"What's going on?" Dawn asked, rubbing her wrist absentmindly. Paul stiffened and Dawn noticed. "What's-"

"Je t'adore Dawn!" Paul blurted in French, bolting before she had a chance to ask what he said. Dawn stared after him in confusion for a moment, before shaking her head and heading back towards her friends.

"What did he want?" Ash asked curiously when he saw her coming back their way.

"Nothing." Dawn shrugged, frowning. Ash opened his mouth to object, but Brock elbowed him and shook his head. He could tell Dawn was confused about something.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Paul scolded himself. "You got scared!" he taunted himself as he walked into his camp. He shook his head with a sigh. "She doesn't know French." He plopped down on his sleeping bag, sighing and hoping to sleep his troubles away. Of course the fates wouldn't see it that way as he basically sat there sulking.

Dawn had been distracted all throughout dinner and Brock had kept his careful tab on her, and noticed it.

"I'm going to go train Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed, suddenly hopping up. Brock and Dawn both nodded, since this was normal for him. Ash took off into the forest and Brock decided this was the opportune moment to confront Dawn about what happened with Paul. After all, she was just staring into space.

"What's going on?" Brock finally asked.

"You know French, right Brock?" Dawn asked distractedly. She thought what Paul has said was French. It sounded that way. When Brock nodded, she continued, "What does 'je t'adore Dawn' mean?" Dawn asked, turning to look at him. Brock's eyes widened.

"Who said that to you?" he blurted. Dawn scowled.

"Paul." She answered, "Why? It means you're stupid or something, right?" she growled, rolling her eyes. "Jerk…" she muttered. Brock shook his head vigourously.

"No! No! No! Do you like Paul?" Brock asked randomly. Dawn immediately blushed, but shook her head furiously.

"No!" she squeaked out.

"Je t'adore Dawn, basically means I love, or more correctly, I adore Dawn." Brock explained, a huge smirk covering his face.

Dawn gasped, blush deepening extremely as she brought her hands to her face to cover up. "Go find him." Brock nodded, and Dawn bolted, she was aware of Brock's chuckle and no doubtly the grin that was now on his face.

Paul was still in the same position he had been in for a few hours now. He was slouched in his sleeping bag, hands covering his eyes.

Dawn crept across his camp, smiling slightly to herself as she attempted to sneak up on him. It obviously worked, for when she plopped down next to him, he jumped and his eyes snapped open. He sat up as quick as possible.

"Troublesome!" he attempted to growl, "What are you doing here?" Paul exclaimed, more shock than anger on his features. Dawn grinned coyly.

"Je t'adore Paul." She smirked at his even more shocked face now, before putting a hand on his cheek and kissing him.