
*Alec was finishing up the first chapter*

Alec: Welcome, my fans, to yet another...

Zayril: *interrupting Alec* You're fans? What about me?

Alec: *grins sheepishly* Oh right! Welcome, our fans, to yet another SpyroFic.

Zayril: But this isn't your everyday story. Alec and I have created this story as a collab!

Alec: I will be writing the Prologue and Chapter 1 of this collaboration project. Zayril will do Chapter 2. Then me, then Zayril interchanging each chapter. Well, I got nothing else to say. How about you?

Zayril: Just the disclaimer.

Alec: Ah, yes. The disclaimer. The one thing that comes between our stories and getting us arrested for copyright issues.


Alec: We do not own any canon Spyro characters. We only own our OCs.

Zayril: And if you don't like our story, then don't read it.


Spyro and Cynder are in the center of the planet, which was splitting apart. They were in the middle of a battle with Malefor, "You cannot defeat me," Malefor said, "I am eternal!" Malefor shot his fury beam at Spyro and Cynder.

Spyro and Cynder retaliate with their own fury beams. Their beams combined and collide with Malefor's, "Just...hang...on!" Spyro said to Cynder and himself, struggling to fight off Malefor's attack. Malefor's attack was pushed back, knocking him out of the air.

Malefor fell back to the ground. But he got back to his feet, refusing to be defeated. Then the spirits of the ancestors appeared around him, "What is this?" Malefor wondered as he saw the spirits. The ancestors attacked Malefor to seal him away once again, "NOOOO!" Malefor yelled as he was pulled back into the realm of darkness.

Spyro and Cynder's Chain was broken and Malefor was defeated. But it was too late. The planet was still splitting apart, "Spyro, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Cynder apologized in a sad tone, ashamed of what she has done to Spyro.

"Don't be," Spyro said, reassuring Cynder, "It's over."

The planet continued to fall apart, "So...this is it?" Cynder said as she watched the planet fall apart from the inside.

Then, the spirit of Ignitus came to Spyro, "Spyro," Ignitus said, "When a dragon dies, he does not truly leave this world. His spirit lives on, binding itself with nature, offering hope for the future."

Hearing this, Spyro reopened his eyes and turned his head to Cynder, "I know what I need to do," He said. Then he turned to Cynder, "Just get out of here, Cynder."

"Spyro, no," Cynder said, refusing to leave Spyro behind, "You don't have to do anything. Let's just go."

Spyro turned back to Cynder, "Where, Cynder?" Spyro said, "There'll be nothing left. The world is breaking apart. But I think I can stop it. I think I'm meant to."

"Then I'm with you," Cynder said refusing to leave Spyro's side. Spyro then began to glow a purple and white light as he used a fury wave to bind the planet back together. "I love you." Cynder said as her voice trailed of in an echo. This gave Spyro an extra boost of power.

The planet rejoined and returned to what it once was. The planet was now free of threat that Malefor created. Peace was restored to the planet. Several dragons, cheetah's, moles, and other creatures came out of hiding from the caves to see that peace had been restored. They looked into the sky where there were two cloud formations of two dragons One of them was purple, and the other was black...

...Then the song Guide You Home by Rebecca Knuebuhl and Gabriel Mann began to play as the credits began to scroll. The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon had been beaten.

There were two teenagers sitting in front of a television screen. One of them was eighteen years old. He was tall and had dark brown hair and eyes that had a reddish hue to them. He wore a red t-shirt and black pants. He was tall and had an average build. Even though he didn't look stronger than average for his age, his height gave him an intimidating appearance.

The other teen was sixteen years old. He had silvery gray hair and pale green eyes. He wore a cobalt blue t-shirt and shorts to match. He was average height and had a slim but fit build, giving him a somewhat aerodynamic appearance. A body built for speed.

"Man, Alec. I've never seen anyone so focused on a game before!" the silver haired teen exclaimed, "I mean what is with you and Cynder? You were doing everything in your power to protect her!"

"I guess I just get a little too into what I do," the brown haired teen, now known as Alec replied, "Besides Xander, I noticed how your mind was practically just as much in the game as mine was."

"My mind?" Xander, the silver haired teen asked, "I'm not the one who was growling and snarling while playing the game. There was something about the look in your eyes that just seemed...I don't know...feral." Alec just blushed sheepishly in response.

The credits finished and the final cut scene played...

In the White Isle, the Chronicler was looking through one of his books when he notices someone has arrived, "Be welcome, friend," The Chronicler said as he looked over his shoulder, "I've long been expecting you." He looked back at the book in front of him, "A new age is beginning. With each new age, a worthy dragon is chosen to chronicle the many triumphs and failures of that age. This has been my duty for many millennia," The chronicler looked back over his shoulder, "But now...Ignitus, I pass this honor to you."

"And...What of Spyro?" Ignitus asked as he walked up to the Chronicler, "Is he..."

"Mmm, that is the question, isn't it?" The Chronicler replied. Then he summoned another book over to him, "You see, each time a dragon dies, a new page is written in this book. I've done my best, but I can't seem to find any trace of Spyro." The Chronicler began to glow. Then he vanished, bestowing upon Ignitus the duties of the Chronicler.

Ignitus, now with a new teal color, began to look through the book, "Well, young dragon..." Ignitus, the new age Chronicler said, "...where might you be?"

The scene changed to an open field where Spyro and Cynder were happily flying and weaving playfully.

"Now that you're finished with the game, can we go get ready for the party?" Xander asked, crossing his arms as he was waiting patiently.

"Yes," Alec replied. They got up and left to the said party.

After Alec and Xander left, there was a sudden power surge and the game continued back with the Chronicler. As he was searching for a sign of Spyro and Cynder, another book was summoned to him. Ignitus opened in and began reading, "It cannot be! Those two have gone missing over fifteen years ago!" He said wide-eyed with shock.

I hope you like my prologue. And we hope you like our story. Please R&R