Fallout 3 – Wrong Vault
Chapter 1: Wrong Vault
There was a rumble of thunder, as I dashed through the rain, and after a brief fumbling of his keys, let myself into the house. "What a miserable night", I thought, as I shook off the rain from my coat. "Another night, alone with the computer, O'Well".
I wandered into the kitchen, and got the microwave heating up another Supermarket dinner, while I booted up my computer, ready for another game of Fallout 3, which I loved due to the flexibility of play available, and that you could customise your character. I preferred slim, good-looking female characters, which was in contrast to my own over-weight, unfit male self.
After tea, and washing the few pots, I decided to start off a fresh game, ignoring the thunderstorm outside. I spent some time shaping her appearance, and her Special Tags, birthday party, and the GOAT Exam, with emphasis on Small Guns, Science and Repair. The screen was just doing its fade-out before starting the game proper, when there was huge FLASH and BANG behind me (from I presume was a lightning strike), which hurled me forward into... And THROUGH the screen.
For the next few moments, I seemed to be falling into flashing/smoke-laden hell-hole, with some strange force that seemed to both dragging at me, as well as pushing hard from behind. Then I saw what appeared to be a wall with window rushing towards me, or is me rushing towards it.
With a SLAM, I hit the window, was pinned to it like some rubber Garfield on a car window, pinned there by whatever the force that had pushed me here, and was now seemed intent on crushing me against the glass. The only thing, I could do, was stare through the filthy window, at a strangely familiar scene.
It appeared to be Vault-Tec bedroom, from out of the game, but I had never seen it from this angle. There was a young man lying in the bed, when a young girl dashed in, wearing a blue Vault suit, woke him, talked briefly, and after handing him some things, turned and ran out. As she turned, I saw her face, and recognised that it was Amata.
The lad after a brief pause, leapt out of bed, grabbed various bits and pieces, and ran out, all without seeing me, staring in at him; I suppose no-one looks out of these underground windows any more..
The force crushing down on me, now seem determined to use me as some kind of wash-rag rubbing me first one way and then another across the window, obvious trying to push me inside...
But only thing, I could think about was "if that's Vault 101! then the young lad must be/going to be the Lone Wanderer!, how is that possible?"
CRACKKKK! Something in the wall of reality that I pressed against seemed to fracture, and suddenly I slid sideways away from the window, and into...O'%$and$!
I dropped from the ceiling, and landed painfully hard onto a filthy mattress. I groggily raised myself up, noting that something seemed odd about my hands and arms, but with the rest of aches and pains, it didn't seem important.
"Where was I?" I gazed around dimly lit room, which was filthy, and looked like a rampaging horde had come through at some stage. There seemed to be a blue haze, but as I stood up, the room door was flung open, and a wild-eyed individual burst in, waving a knife, screaming "I can see you! DIE!"
A red mist seemed to fall over me, as a sudden wave of madness, roared out from the back of my brain; I blindly grabbed something and charged forward.
When finally my sanity returned, and I could think clearly once more; I found myself standing in the middle of the room, with broken base-ball bat in my hand, with my opponent's body lying between my feet.
"What the hell happened?/" I stammered out, not noticing that it was not my normal voice. Looking down, I saw at least part of the answer, for on the back of the man's blue overalls, was a number...
"O' boy!, I'm in the wrong Vault"