Disclaimer: I do not own Boondock Saints. This story is just for fun.

A/N: My first time writing BDS. Tips and flames are welcomed but mostly tips.

Agent Smecker sat at his desk, looking outside as the storm clouds rolled in over South Boston. Crappy weather to match a crappy day and it was going to get even worst if he got another call from a concern parent asking if it was okay for their kids to be outside in the front yard. Over the past month people have been disappearing from the streets, all at night, all between the ages of nineteen to about thirty, and all have been random. He decided to check out the news to see what rumors he would be dealing with the rest of the day.

"Good afternoon South Boston, this is Tanya Light and our top stories for this afternoon is the newest disappearance of twenty five year old Amanda Bible and twenty seven year old Jason Glintion. Steve Roundhouse is in downtown with the latest. Steve."

"Thank you Tanya. I'm standing in front of the Coldstone Apartments here in downtown South Boston where twenty seven year old Jason Glintion lived with his girlfriend. Last night around 3 am police received a phone call from the girlfriend saying she hasn't seen Jason on two days and last night Danny's Bar, where Jason worked as bartender, called and said Jason was late coming in. She said he would walk to work since they lived a block away from the bar and when she went to re-trace his steps she found his cell phone and keys behind some dumpsters in an ally near Danny's Bar. Then, exactly two hours later, police received another phone call from a concern mother saying she hasn't seen her daughter, twenty five year old Amanda Bible, since last night when she went out with friends around five in the evening. When policed questioned her friends, they said she left the restaurant early to finish her homework and walked to her home that was two blocks away by herself. Police re-traced her steps and found a cell phone hidden behind some trash bags in the ally a few minutes away from her house, and friends had conformed that the cell phone did belong to Amanda. Police are looking into these disappearances and I will bring you more news as they come. Back to you Tanya."

"Thank you Steve. Now for the weather. Storms are rolling in and..."

Smecker turned the TV off with a click and looked down at the ten files he had laid in piles on his desk. Three files in the upper right corner, four files in the upper left corner, two files in the lower right hand corner, and one in the lower left hand corner. Pretty soon Amanda and Jason's files will be joining the one in the lower left hand corner. He looked up when Greenly, Duffy, and Dolly walked in caring two files and handing them to Smecker without a word.

"Here are the two newest disappearance cases," Greenly said, watching as Smecker put the two gently in the lower left hand corner of his desk. "Have you figured something out?"

"Yes and no." He pointed to the three files in the upper right corner. "These three disappeared two three weeks ago, all a day and hour apart from each other and all by themselves at night in places they were familiar with." He then pointed to the four files in the upper left corner. "These four disappeared two weeks ago, a day and two hours apart from each other and all by themselves at night. These two here? A week ago a day apart from each other and guess what?"

"They disappeared at night," Dolly said, shaking his head.

"Correct. These right here, our newest disappearances. This one two days ago and now these two newest just two hours apart since last night."

Duffy sat down and opened up the file he was carrying and looked it over. "All the parents have said their kids were good kids, no records on any of them, all either in college, working full time jobs, or have families of their own. No problems when they were kids, just your everyday good kids trying to make it in this fucked up world."

"Worst part is we have no leads," Dolly said. "I'm not even sure where to begin. We've re-traced steps, talked to people on the streets, hell; even the homeless people in the allies didn't see anything."

"Here's something else to add to your no leads. None of these victims have any connection with each other. These are just random disappearance," Smecker said, standing up. "Boys, we need to find out what the hell is going on in out town. I'm getting calls from parents asking if it's okay to let their kids out in their own friend yard to play because they are afraid their kids are going to be next."

"What can we do? We don't know who to look for, what to look for, and no idea where to begin. The only thing we have is they all disappeared blocks from their homes," Dolly said.

"Why not ask the brothers to look around," Greenly suggested. "Maybe they can get more information than we can."

Smecker thought about this and wondered if the brothers would take the job. They might not work for the police but the brothers have told him that if they ever need any help catching these bad guys to give them a call and they will be more than happy to help out. "That might just work. Greenly, you're using that brain of yours more and more each day. Now, I want you boys to go back on the streets and try to get more information. I'm going to give the brothers a call and see what they can do to help us. We need to find these bastards before more innocent people start disappearing."