Last Time:
"Hey, just because I'm a size 10 in shoes, and you're a dainty, little, midget siz-"
"OKAY!" I growled, eyes flashing black, trying to intimidate him. He just laughed, ruffling my hair. "Jas.." I moaned, trying to straighten it out and back into place.
A shoe suddenly hit Jasper in the side of the head. Rosalie held the other shoe in a throwing position.
"Never, I repeat Jasper, NEVER mess up a girls hair!" She growled menacingly.
Needless to say, the tension was gone.
She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing.
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing.
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing.
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving.
She's Everything - Brad Paisley.
Thirty Years Later.
Jasper POV.
"Bella, remind me again why we are doing this?" I whined to my wife.
Yes, my wife. I finally got the girl of my dreams, and I couldn't be happier.
She pulled a tight grey long sleeve shirt over her black tank top, the hood sitting on top of her head. She reached for her hair and pulled it up into a low pony tail, choppy layers sticking out and fringe covering part of her face.
I reached over, pushing the hair behind her ear, before playfully biting it. She jumped, hitting me lightly.
"I have to do my make up, Jazz." She smiled, pushing me away so she could walk into the en suite of our room.
We currently lived with Peter, Charlotte, Emmett and Rosalie. Carlisle and Esme stayed with us for a few years, before The Denali's needed their help to train two new borns.
Alice and Edward.
Shocked? Yeah, I was too.
They had been living together for a while, Edward was driving her to her parents when a drunk driver hit them.
Carmen and Kate just happened to be out in town when they hit. The drunk driver died on impact, but the Denali's bit and changed Edward and Alice. They were 23 at the time.
"It was Char's idea." Bella growled, twisting the ring se got from Rose around her thumb and walking out of the bathroom in her hoody and boy shorts.
Her make up was perfect, as always. Even though she was drop dead gorgeous, no pun intended, she never left the house without make up. Dark black ringed her red eyes, a light layer of pale foundation dusted her face. Bright red lipstick to complete the look. I'll admit, my wife is vain. But I love her. Her and Rosalie really gang up on me sometimes.
Yeah, I messed with 'The hair'. I ruffled Rose's hair, she bit my index finger off and kept it for a week. Bella just laughed.
I absentmindedly touched my index finger at the memory. I'm so glad that we can reattach our limbs.
"Jasper?" A human voice rang out.
"Hang on, Bella's just getting dressed, Anna!" I called back loud enough to hear.
"Again, dang! I thought you two were over 'The Honeymoon' stage." She giggled, walking in as Bella pulled on some deep red skinny jeans. "I'm contemplating leaving Colin for your wife." She joked. Bella smiled.
"Love you too, sweet thang." She winked, causing Anna to go into a fit of laughs.
Anna decided she wanted to live a human life. She got imprinted on by Colin. One of the werewolves.
She was really so beautiful now, and I was proud to have a blood relation with her. She had wide blue eyes that sparkled with flecks of brown, long blonde hair that curled at the ends and never frizzed. She was tall, around 5'9. One of the many things Colin loved about his 32 year old imprint. Colin himself is still quite young, he's the same age as Anna.
Jake and Leah weren't ready to stop phasing just yet, they were so attached to our little family, that they own a house here in Texas so they can visit whenever they want. Jake took over the Alpha position when Sam decided to revoke himself and stop phasing to raise his five kids Tara, Evalynn, Nick, Deryl and Connor. They ranged from the ages of 10 - 17. Evalynn the youngest, and Connor the oldest.
"Mom!" A male voice rang out. Calm down, this is going to be a shock.
We found a little boy. He was around eleven years old when we met him. We adopted him immediately. It's been twenty years since then, and he stands at 6'2.
He was such a mommy's boy. Sometimes it made me jealous.
He had long black hair, reaching to the end of his shoulder blades. His eyes were bright red, and skin was pale. He asked to be changed on his twenty-first birthday.
"Hey baby." Bella smiled, she treated Devlin as if she had birthed him. She was the one that changed him, so I guess they did share a rather special bond.
"Hi Anna, how's Colin?" He asked politely, wrapping his arms around his mother and lifting her off of her feet before running out the door before she could reply.
"-.. He's great.." She told the open the door.
"Dev, put me down!" Bella yelled.
"No chance, mom." Dev laughed.
"We should go check on them Uncle Jasper."
"Technically, we're second cousins." I told her.
"Don't care." She smiled, walking out of the room.
"Oh my god.. Dev..!" Bella whispered. I walked outside, and stopped.
Dev had the power to control elements. He had pulled flowers through the garden, all multi-colored to draw out a heart.
"Happy mothers day, mom!" He hugged her. Bella hugged him back with a huge smile on her face.
"I gotta go hunting, I'll be home later." He said, leaning down and kissing Bella's cheek, before waving at me and sprinting off into the dull part of town.
I smiled, walking toward my wife, wrapping my own arms around her. Finally, I thought. I finally get to be the one holding her.
I smiled, quickly kissing her lips and muttering an I love you.
It's finished! Done, zip, wah pow!
I wasn't planning on ending it, but I wanna get on with my other stories.
Oh, can you check out my poll please?
Much love.
X x x x x x x.