Disclaimer: I own nothing

A/N: To all my faithful readers, apologies for the grand delay. In fact, this Author's Note is in danger of being longer than the actual chapter.

It has been a few years, but this story has stayed with me. I'd completed the draft when the hard drive it was stored on died. There was no way to save it, and try as I might, I couldn't capture the essence of what I had. The original storyline, yes, but the dialogue between the characters... no.

It has taken this long because I've had to go back and watch all the Bones eps, re-read my work several times, and write and throw away at least 4 drafts of the rest of this story. I fear that my writing style has changed, and this may affect the way I write the characters - if this is indeed true, please forgive me. I endeavour to keep their voices true . I'll post each new chapter as I type it up (I'm writing it longhand this time).

But without much ado, let me pick up where we left off all those many, many moons ago. With another one of Brennan's letters.


Dear Booth,

I went into Ambon with Sebastian and some of the peacekeepers today to pick up supplies. Greta thought I needed a change of scenery and I agreed that her reasoning is sound. It was good to be back in civilization – the Spice Islands are a fascinating melting pot of cultures. And then I saw something on CNN at the UN barracks that chilled my blood. It is an apt analogy because it is still very hot and humid here, but I did suddenly feel cold.

There was a shooting in a mall in DC – a woman was killed protecting her child, and I immediately thought of Parker and Rebecca. It is just so close to Christmas too... but this sense of foreboding just will not leave me. It is not rational, but I cannot, as you say, shake it. There were few details in the report, and I wish I could get some reassurance, but I gave up on that a while ago.

I miss you. I miss Parker. I hope everybody at home is safe.



Only a few more letters until they reach the coffee cart. And we find out what other devious plans are on the boil.

Sorry for taking so long with this. Thanks for sticking with me.