My newest fanfic! Gaara x Hinata!

No I do not own Naruto! Just the storyline! Oh, and there probably will be mature content, but it won't be for a few chapters, lol. :P

And last but definitely not least, enjoy!

The sun was setting over the vast desert, the sand shifting to settle for the night as the last faint breezes blew their last breaths. As the sun set, softly kissing the last dune, Gaara of the desert stared out at the vast ocean of sand that is his home, watching calmly the remainders of yet another day of his existence.

His existence…

Memories flooded Gaara's mind; memories filled with pain and hurt, memories he could never let go. He knew he had hurt people, both people had known and people he didn't know. He had killed cruelly and harshly, mercilessly, for absolutely no reason other than to prove the meaning of his own existence. A murderer-that's what he thought of himself.

A murderer.

He buried his head in his hands as these thoughts consumed him. Of course he was different now, but it still hurt all the same. That's what he had been telling himself since the one-tailed sand demon Shukaku had been extracted from within his being, to try to minimize the guilt and pain. 'I'm different now. I'm different now. I'll never do it again' he would frequently mutter in defense, but it didn't erase the damage that had already been done. The screams of pain, the pleadings, and the many haunted, dead looks in his victim's eyes still plague him.

Gaara shook his head, trying to shake these images from his mind, but they wouldn't go away. They never go away.

The sound of footsteps reached his ears. He turned his head and quickly stood up, searching for a potential threat…

However, there was no such threat. It was just the eldest sand sibling, Temari.

She had grown a lot over the last few years. She was taller now, and had developed into quite a beautiful woman. She, at the ripe age of 23, has been married to Konahagakure's celebrated lazy-ass/genius Shikamaru Nara for about 2 years. They were hoping to have children soon (The godaime Kazekage, an uncle? No one could really believe it. Gaara had had a hard time grasping the concept himself), but it just wasn't happening…

Gaara shifted his attention back to his sister, forcing himself to focus. She had to be here for a reason, after all.

"Hello Temari," Gaara stated simply, "What brings you here?"

"Hello Gaara," she smiled, "I'm here to give you the evening status report since Kankuro's off duty tonight. There has been no suspicious activity within the village reported as of today, and the students are all behaving nicely and are showing promising talent."

"Good. And what of the border patrol?" Gaara questioned.

"Well…" Temari shifted uneasily, "They found several corpses belonging to shinobi of another village about 100 km south of us. The bodies were all brutally mutilated, so it made identifying them pretty difficult. The area has been secured as a result, and several members of our Department of Investigation are out there right now wrapping up their report and finishing their immediate processing. The bodies have been taken to the morgue for safekeeping and, if the need arises, testing. Although," the blonde looked incredibly uncomfortable at this point, "the immediate response personnel wanted me to convey that although they will try to respect the foreign shinobi and their home village's privacy, if there are any problems they will ask for your permission before immediately examining the corpses for further information."

"From which village were the victims?" Gaara asked firmly, not allowing any concern or worry to show. Due to his responsibilities, the Kazekage could not allow himself to show outward concern for other villages' ninja, and it was in instances such as this that Gaara really hated being Kazekage.

"Kirigakure," Temari answered, her eyebrows tugging downward with her frown. "Apparently they were heading to Iwagakure. I have already notified both villages, so there's no need for you to do it."

"Thank you, Temari", Gaara said, giving her a tiny smile (one that he reserved for his two siblings only) in thanks. "I appreciate it."

"Anytime, little brother", she grinned back. "Do you need anything else before I go?"

"Actually," A frown soon found its way onto the young Kazekage's face, "Tell the department members working on the case to investigate the type of wounds the shinobi received during their battle with the unknown perpetrators. If the wounds are suspicious or unusual, investigate the types of weapons used. If that reveals anything, tell them to contact the ANBU office and have them run through the lists of missing nin that specialize in those types of attacks or weapons. I doubt it was that serious of an attack, but, we should exercise caution. If we follow the clues, we'll eventually end up with something useful."

Gaara sighed for a moment, turning away, before speaking again, "Also, I want the border patrol increased, just in case there is a real threat and this wasn't just some typical rogue attack. Have them double how many rounds they make and I want the guards to be on full alert. Again, we can never be too cautious."

"Understood" Temari said, bowing.

An inevitable sigh escaped Gaara's lips, and he muttered, "You don't have to bow to me, Temari."

"I know," she grinned evilly, "I just love to mess with you." With that she was running across Suna's rooftops, laughing.

Sisters can be so annoying sometimes.

So guys, whatcha think? :DDD

I originally was gonna wait to post this, but with the flurry of activity I've been getting from my GaaxSaku oneshot, Love Defined, I've reconsidered. Obviously. Lol. :P

So as you can see, good things happen when people REVIEW. :D *coughHINTcough*

Anyways, I'm busy writing and correcting chapters to some of my other stories on here. There are some I'm even up to chapters 8 and 9 completed, and already written, but need to be re-read over and corrected. Either that, or I'm out of ideas on writing any further…lol. So what do you think? Should I just type them up and post them and let you guys decide? :P haha either way, I hope to get some stuff up soon. New chapters, and new stories alike. And ehh, maybe even a one-shot or two. Depends on how well things go. :P

Well, that's all I have to say. Hope you guys enjoy this new story, and I hope to be updating soon!
