Title: Sam's Diary
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Sam's thoughts throughout the first year.
Author: Y3lhsa
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Children of the Gods
When I got my new orders for the transfer to Cheyenne Mountain I was so excited. It seems like I had been waiting for this since I had started working on the Program three years ago. Just one week later and I'm wondering what I've gotten myself into. I never imagined that the Stargate could possibly connect to so many different planets or that we would be drawn into a war with parasites that burrow into our brains. It's beyond anything I ever dreamed of and I love it. The possibilities of all we have already and could learn is exhilarating! I am going to explore the galaxy with two of the men who first went through and an alien as well!
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While exploring the galaxy sounds very exciting and wonderful, I don't think I imagined the local food and drink to be so much of a problem. If this happens again I might have to forgo all native cuisine.
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Playing an instrumental part in liberating a tribe of subservient women definitely made this mission a highlight. Of course, fighting a warlord and winning did feel great. It makes me grateful, somewhat, to Jonas for encouraging me to take self defense and tactics training.
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The Broca Divide/P3X-797
The best thing I can say about this mission is that I discovered that Daniel and the Colonel do indeed have a sense of humor, wry as it might be. I find it refreshing considering I've spent the last several years with the dry factual humor of the scientists I worked with. I do not however want to ever find myself in a situation like this again. Attacking your CO in the locker room is bound to bite you in the butt. The subsequent stab wound not withstanding I came out of this fairly well. Daniel on the other hand... he made some new friends. I don't think Colonel O'Neill is going let go of that any time soon.
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The First Commandment
I should have known having to work in the same facility as Jonas wouldn't be advantageous. I had forgotten just how emphatic he could be when questioned. I suppose the lack of surprise should worry me but he always liked to be in control; of everyone and everything. The only surprise is that it took me so long to realize it. I feel sorry for him and for all those people he worked almost to death, yet I'm also relieved that he no longer has the ability to hurt anyone else.
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Rations and rations only, for the time being. It was only a matter of time before that came into effect. These goa'uld are beyond cruel. To bring these people here to fulfill his curiosity and leave them. It's lucky that they decided to break the statue or who knows how long it would have been before we figured out how to turn the nanocites off. It took awhile but the Colonel is back to normal, of course now it's Daniel's turn to tease him about off-world relations. Too bad we couldn't keep any of the nanocites; it would have been a great opportunity to study new technology.
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Cold Lazarus/P3X-562
Wow, information overload. I guess we still have a long way to go before we learn all there is to know about each other. Daniel is such an open book; I think he makes up for the rest of us. None of us really talk about our lives before we started working here. Teal'c and the Colonel talk even less. I share a little about my father and of course when we ran into Jonas here at the SGC. Other than that, I guess it's going to take time. Lots and lots of time.
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Thor's Hammer/Cimmeria
The Colonel and Daniel have hope now. That one day Share and Skaara will be saved if we can find them. Unfortunately we had to destroy the Hammer but I hope the goa'uld don't find out. At least now we know that there is another race that might be willing to help us. If we can make contact.
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Torment of Tantalus
I never knew that Catherine was ever engaged much less that he had supposedly died working on the Stargate. It was good to see her again, I hadn't seen her since the Colonel came back from Abydos. We used to talk all the time about where the Stargate could possibly go. Now I can tell her all about the planets we have already visited. Ernest seems to be adjusting well and I've never seen Catherine so happy. We haven't been able to get a lock on the planet again and Daniel hadn't stopped complaining since we left. I feel the same, but there wasn't much of a choice.
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Wow, Teal'c has a family. I really had hoped that we could save his son, but at least now Teal'c knows that he is alright. I can't imagine what Teal'c must have been going through all this time wondering what had happened to his family due to his decision to betray Apophis. We still don't have a goa'uld to study, but we now have an ally we can hopefully count on to help us.
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Fire and Water
It feels so good to have Daniel back with us again. When I thought we had lost him it felt so real and yet like a dream. I felt the pain of his death and somehow I still knew he was alive. It was so confusing to have both of those truths side by side in my head. I'm angry that that... creature made us think Daniel was dead just to probe his memory. Daniel would have helped him without the subterfuge and I know the Colonel wouldn't have agreed, but to be tricked like that is cruel. He forgives him for it, just like that. He understands and doesn't hold it against him. I do, I understand, but I can't forgive him for kidnapping Daniel and making us believe him dead.
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The Nox
After all the planets we've visited and friends we've made, it's still not enough. They always want more. We can't just force people to give us what we want. Besides, we haven't even come across anyone who has any technology we could use against the goa'uld. Not until now anyway. Nefreu was a cute kid though. Hopefully one day we will have the chance to prove ourselves worthy of an alliance.
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For the first time in my military career I used my femininity to my advantage and I definitely never want to do that again. I would rather shoot my way clear. Dr. Frasier and I became friends during this and it'll be nice to have someone to talk to besides the guys without having to censor parts of the conversation. Once again we have learned a little bit more about the goa'uld. It's hard to believe that all goa'uld come from one "queen" goa'uld. I'm worried about what she hoped to accomplish when she went to Chulak. She may have learned of Teal'c's family but I'm not sure she would concern herself with them. All of the men are slowly recalling bits and pieces of the last few days so there shouldn't be a problem with memory loss. No one has reported any knowledge she could have obtained that would harm us in the future. Apparently all she needed was an incubator and of course DNA.
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Watching Teal'c accept responsibility for the death of that man's father made me realize just how much he regrets and is ashamed of the acts he committed while first prime. I sometimes forget that he was the one who took Share and Skaara. Even though he had no choice it must not feel like much consolation to all of the people he has waged war on. Daniel never talks about it, but from what he revealed earlier, he has somehow found a way to forgive Teal'c and accept that he is now a part of our team.
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Janet and I talked about what we should do with Cassandra and despite wanting to raise her myself; she should be raised by some one who can have a more reliable influence on her life. I think it's a good idea for Janet to take her in. She would have the benefit of having a doctor who knows about her unique situation. I'm happy also that she will be close by so I can visit often. I never expected that we would grow so close in such a short amount of time, but I don't regret it. It just makes me appreciate what I do even more. Having the chance to know Cassandra and becoming better friends with Janet I feel like we are becoming a family. What with Mark not talking to me and my dad incommunicado it's nice to have people to come home to. If Dad only knew what I was doing now. The Stargate makes NASA look like a kid's play. Which I guess it is in a way.
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I would love to have been able to study the Tollans technology further. They are centuries ahead of us technologically. To be able to walk through walls and send messages out into space faster than the speed of light is incredible. For all their advancements I can't imagine living in a world devoid of animal life. I was happy to share Schrödinger with Narim. He seems like a good man and maybe someday we'll see each other again.
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Tin Man
It's strange, knowing that there is now another version of myself out there. To be stuck on a planet without sunlight, Cassandra and Janet. It would drive me crazy being stuck with that weird man and thousands of years to look forward to. I wouldn't be too surprised if they don't bury the gate. I already know the Colonel doesn't always do what he is supposed to.
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We'll be able to go back to active duty again soon. They say we were down there for almost a week before Daniel figured out what had happened. I was so concerned with getting home that I didn't even consider we might already be there. The Colonel is still recovering and from what I hear, he is not the best patient. I'm just grateful we're both alive. The Jaffa we found has been down there for a very long time, but so far no other Jaffa has been discovered. Michele was excited the first time I talked to her and I think her team are also. General Hammond hasn't protested too much so hopefully I'll be able to make a trip down there soon.
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There But For The Grace of God / Politics
I know the theory exists and I've never known Daniel to hallucinate, however I'm having a hard time believing he went to an alternate universe. Even after all I've seen there are still some things that seem too fantastic to actually be real. He had to have gotten that burn somewhere. I guess it doesn't matter much anymore. With the shutdown of the SGC, we've lost all hope of protecting ourselves from the goa'uld Daniel says are coming.
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