The entire world seemed to be still. Serene and silent as the spring peach blossoms drifted through the air gently. The sun was a golden coin suspended by a invisible thread of spider's silk in the air as Shifu sat, cross-legged and silent, his staff laid across his knees as he breathed deeply, taking in the rare silence. The valley below him was no doubt already busy early in the morning and he could smell the faint traces of smoke from stoves preparing to cook.

Suddenly the peace and serenity was shattered and Shifu found himself staring up into cruel, cold golden eyes with a sword-blade sharp grin. He rode on what seemed to be an enormous monster from the night, made of smoke and silver, ravaging all in his path as more warriors sprung up behind him. A thin figure stood in the debris, calling out loudly, worriedly, but the words were lost upon the chaos and soon the monstrous shadow engulfed the thin figure.

"Master, Shifu?" The small red panda gasped and turned, startled at the sight of his apprentice, Crane, looking at him worriedly. "I brought you some breakfast, is everything alright?"

Shifu wanted to smile at his apprentice's concern, but his heart couldn't bear to lie to the young bird. Crane was gentle, graceful and kind, always willing to help and protect. The village could care less about him, but Crane knew that he was still a welcome addition to them. Crane had taken on the position of Shifu's son, helping the herbalist and learning his trade. He cooked and cleaned Shifu's home, seeing to minor injuries and caring for Shifu himself when he fell victim to headaches as a result of his prophetic visions.

"I am afraid not, my son." Shifu whispered softly. "There is great danger approaching us, an army of savage monsters."

"Are you sure? The village has always been a safe harbor for strangers and travelers and none have ever come bearing ill will."

"I am sure, my son. Go, tell Tigress, Mantis, Viper and Monkey to prepare warriors to fight. I forsee that the battle is nearer than we expect."

Crane bowed respectfully and spread his wings, diving off of the tall hill that Shifu had been resting on, flying to the valley to seek out his friends and give them Shifu's orders. Shifu sighed and closed his eyes, praying to any deities that would listen that his prophecy did not come true.

Crane flew into the village, meeting happy villagers as he flew. Friendly rabbits, pigs, ducks, and sheep greeted him with amenity and respect and he returned it. Soon he came to the training grounds and found all the expert warriors training new recruits. But there was one he must talk to first and
searched until he finally found her, meditating alone in the shade across the grounds.

Crane flew over to her and bowed respectfully to her.

"Good evening Master Tigress."

Tigress slowly opened her eyes and growled deeply in her chest, looking at Crane without emotion on her face but she then smiled and bowed her head to him.

"And a good Evening to you Master Crane, what brings you here?" Tigress asked.

Crane sat down and sighed.

"Master Shifu had a vision. A vision of demon savages coming and attacking us. He foretold that the battle of bloodshed was near and ordered for more warriors to be trained in time for this coming tragedy." Crane explained with great grief in his voice.

"You do not approve of defending our village." Tigress stated as she stood, Crane standing as well.

"I do not approve of violence." Crane stated firmly. "I dislike seeing my friends, those people that I help and see every day, sent to fight a battle that is not worth the suffering."

Tigress nodded.

"A wise answer. Master Shifu would be proud." The young female turned away. "I will prepare the warriors. When did Shifu say the savages would be arriving?"

"Soon." Crane whispered.

And soon it was.

The village was unrecognizable as the invaders attacked, warriors attempting to stave off the strange demons. They were enormous cats with silver and black fur that rode of large horses that tossed their heads madly, the horses seeming to attack just as viciously as their riders. Smoke choked the air and homes were destroyed, food and supplies stolen from the villagers, the people being herded into the center of the village like slaves.

"Crane! Get inside!" Shifu called and Crane spread his wings, beating off an attacker who was attempting to pull him into the temporary pen to race towards Shifu's home.

"But, Master-"

"Stay here, you are the healer once I am dead, you need to be kept safe!" Shifu left, locking the door behind him.

"Master!" Crane slammed his side into the door as it was lock, grunting and squawking angrily, clawing at the door in an attempt to open it. He felt so useless, so helpless, that his desperation fueled his efforts for escape.

Master Shifu had no other choice but to help. True he was the village herbalist but he too was a skilled warrior. He was even the one who taught Tigress how to become a great warrior and now he must show his true mastery once again.

Shifu ran to the center of the village where the villagers where and attacked the savages that were there guarding them. The large fierce cats fought hard but Shifu used his nerve attacks to knock them out. Once they were down he ordered the villagers to run, and run they did.

Once every last male, female, and cub was safe Shifu went in search of the remaining warriors to help them fight. When he arrived he was met with a gruesome sight. So much blood had already been spilled. Shifu growled at this and then heard fighting nearby. He followed the sounds and finally found
Tigress, Viper, Monkey, Mantis, and Po fighting one large and powerful snow leopard.

The leopard seemed to be just playing with the warriors. Batting them away and laughing as he dodged their every attack with ease. Master Shifu could stand it no longer and joined in the fight to bring down the savage.

"Who do you think you are? Attacking a peaceful village? We have never done any wrong to anyone!" Tigress snarled, trying to land a blow to the leopard.

"Who am I?" The enormous cat grabbed her by the neck, using her body as a blunt object to send the other warriors to their knees. He laughed. "I am Tai Lung! Leader of the Mountain Tribe! And you…" He stepped on Tigress' skull, lightly pressing her face to the ground. "Will do best to remember that, wretch."

Tai Lung growled as a sudden weight collided with him, sending him slightly off balance. He turned and growled when he saw a small red panda.

"Pathetic, now you're sending in weak old doctors?" The leopard tossed Shifu aside, but was unprepared for the smaller male to flip around his arm and make his small feet collide with his skull. Tai Lung was sent hurtling into a building, pausing before turning back to the small warrior.

"Ow." He murmured before shooting forward like an arrow propelled from a bow. He crashed through the others as easily as if they had been made of paper.

"Tai Lung! The villagers have escaped!" A voice called and the leopard snarled, looking down at the red panda before him. He moved suddenly in a blur of silver, black and gold, slamming Shifu into a door.

The door collapsed and a voice let out a cry of alarm. Tai Lung snarled as he ducked into the building, looking around for Shifu, intent on forcing him to tell him where the villagers had gone.

"Crane…" Shifu whispered, horrified that he had lured this monster to his assistant.

"Master Shifu." Crane cried out and rushed to his master's side, not noticing the danger he was putting himself in by letting his guard down like he was.

Crane gently cupped one of his wings under Shifu's head and used the other to check him over for broken bones or serious injury.

He then stiffened when he heard a growl behind him and slowly turned, inhaling sharply at the terrifying sight that he was met with. Crane shivered at the glowing golden eyes staring at him but didn't move. One reason was because he refused to leave his master unprotected; and the other was because he was too terrified to move.

Tai Lung stared down at the bird, taking in the elegant curve of the slender body, eyes lingering on the full chest. Quite a specimen, for a bird. Shifu noticed the look and clutched Crane's wing.

"Run, Crane." He choked out and Crane shook his head, staring up at the snow leopard fearfully. He had never seen anything so large and powerful looking. Of course Po was enormous, but he wasn't muscular or lethal in appearance. This cat, this Tai Lung, was clearly a warrior, made of nothing but sinew, claws and teeth.

Tai Lung grinned, showing off a razor-blade smile and Crane shivered, moving to stand protectively over his mentor.

"Run, little bird." He murmured before lunging forward, arms wrapping around Crane's waist, pulling his back firmly against his chest. Crane squawked and struggled, but Tai Lung pulled him firmly against his chest, pinning his wings as he searched for something to bind him with. He quickly tore the sheets off of the bed, binding Crane's wings to his sides as the bird swore and shrieked angrily at him, struggling weakly.

"Release me you savage." Crane shouted.

Tai Lung growled at the insult and took a piece of the sheet and tied Crane's beak shut. Once certain the Crane was immobilized he tucked him under his arm and sneered at the red panda.

"Well this was fun but I must really go." Tai Lung said and then turned and walked out of the ruined house.

Tai Lung then called for his horse, which came to him like a loyal hound and let him mount with his prize in paw. Tai Lung put Crane in his lap and then let out a roar and started to lead his warrior's back to their kingdom with the things they found of value.

And of interest…