Summary: All of us have an inner child; that shows people who we really are and what we really feel. What happens when Raven and Beast Boy are forced to let their inner children out?

Chapter One

Beast Boy slowly opened his eyes, expecting to feel warm and refreshed, albeit slightly sleepy. What he didn't expect was to be blinded by a ray of sunlight that was poking through his curtains, which just so happened to land on his face.

Ennngh, stupid burning ball of yellow crap.

The green shape-shifter was about sit up when there was a none-too-soft knock at his door. "Beast Boy, get your lazy butt up and get downstairs, Robin called training drills today!" Raven called in her monotone, impatiently standing outside his door, not happy about having to be anywhere near BB's room.

Why did I have to be the one to wake him up? I might catch a disease just from being within close proximity, she grumbled silently to herself, but she stopped when his door opened and out stepped the now-fresh Beast Boy.

"Good morning, Raven." he said cheerily, smiling at the empath, but she just scowled at him and told him to move it, repeating her earlier thought out loud as she walked away.

That left Beast Boy standing outside his room, hurt because she would say something like that when he had a disease, and when she'd never even set foot in his room. Contrary to popular belief, he no longer left anything capable of growing mold inside his room anymore, so now it was no longer smelly, just messy.

He shrugged it off, having gotten used to Raven's hurtful comments, which for some reason were only directed at him. They still hurt, but he couldn't do anything about it. The rest of the team let Raven act that way, but when someone else started acting like a grouch, everyone ganged up on them. That was especially true of Beast Boy, and they got mad at him when he wasn't himself!

Not wishing to continue this train of thought, Beast Boy shook his head and made his way to the common room where the rest of his team was waiting. He walked through the doors to see everyone already up and ready for training, and smiled as he walked up to his best bud Cyborg.

"What's up, dude? What kind of training are we doing today?"

"I think we're goin' outside to the course, since all the mud from that storm last week is dried up now." the metal man replied while clipping Beast Boy on the shoulder, causing him to fall into Raven, who was standing next to Cyborg.

"Watch it you idiot!" she hissed, angry that the green teen accidentally stepped on the hem of her cloak.

"I'm sorry, it was an acci-"

"Save it." she cut him off, not wanting to hear his voice. Raven had been acting this way since the Titans first started, but no one seemed to care that she treated Beast Boy like an insignificant bug, brushing aside the fact that he could turn into one.

Beast Boy looked down, his shoulders slumping and his ears drooping, but no one noticed as they turned their attention to Robin.

"Alright, today we're going to practice in teams of three. First it's Starfire, Raven and I, then I'll switch out with Cyborg and Raven will switch out with Beast Boy, then..." he continued on until everyone participated in every group possible.

The Titans made their way outside to the obstacle course, and Cyborg and Beast Boy worked the controls while the other three took up their positions. That figures, Robin showing off with the girls at his side before everyone gets tired, that way he gets the best time AND props for being the only guy. Asshole...

Beast Boy usually had thought patterns similar to this one when it came to his stick-up-his-ass leader, whom he had grown a great dislike for ever since the Beast incident. It just wasn't fair; when Cyborg had seemingly betrayed them when they went to retrieve him from the H.I.V.E., they didn't give up on him and kept trying to get through to him, barely attacking him. When Raven attempted to end the FUCKING WORLD they still tried to save her, no matter what the cost.

But when he seems out of it, they question him. When he has a lapse of control, they hold him to it and harbor a grudge. When he isn't in control of his own body, they threaten to throw him in jail, after mercilessly attacking him after hunting him down like an animal.

It's bad enough that they treat him like he's brain dead, but then they have to rub it in his face. All he ever tries to do is make everyone happy, but all he gets for it are cold shoulders and insults. Beast Boy seriously contemplated leaving the team several times, and today was no exception.

But he didn't have time for that right now, since it was time for him and Cyborg to join Starfire on the training course. It went well, and the team was able to get through the course on good time even while they wasted some of it destroying the enemies that marred their path.

Beast Boy was feeling pretty good, he got through the course without being hit once, and he destroyed a good chunk of the laser lock-on systems without any help, but Raven insisted on pointing out how slow he was compared to everyone else, never mind that he stopped a gun turret from blasting Starfire out of the sky. Beast Boy was seething, and stomped over to the controls to continue monitoring the others.

After awhile, everyone started getting tired, and Beast Boy could sense their exhaustion. Right now it was Robin, Raven and Cyborg out on the course, and before they started Beast Boy put the difficulty level down a notch because Robin seemed really tired. The changeling started zoning out, thinking about music, when a cry of pain ripped through the air.

He looked up to see everyone crowding around an injured Robin, who had been hit by an electrical disc and fell out of the air. As Beast Boy made his way over, Raven looked up and glared at him.

"What took you so long to get over here, had to reset the difficulty setting?" she accused, narrowing her eyes at the green changeling.

"No, why would I do that?" he defended, trying to figure out why she would think that.

"I saw you twiddle the dial for the difficult level before we started, don't lie!"

"Yeah, I did, but-"

"Why would you do such a thing, Beast Boy?" Starfire asked, close to tears at the thought of a friend hurting her beloved.

"No, listen! I didn't raise the difficulty level, I-" he began, but was cut off again.

"Save it, B. He's out cold; the shocks went straight to his brain and caused him to lose consciousness. He'll be out for awhile." Cyborg took one last look at the panel on his arm before picking up his leader and making his way back to the Tower.

The girls followed soon after, one distraught with her face in her hands, and the other awkwardly patting her on the back while glaring at the green changeling. Beast Boy didn't know what to do, all he knew was that he wanted to be alone. So with his ears the lowest they'd ever been, he slowly made his way back to the Tower.

Beast Boy entered the Tower through his bedroom window, not wanting to see anyone. They were all undoubtedly fussing over Robin because of a brief electric shock. He got those all the time in battle, but no one fussed over him. What the others did t know, was that Beast Boy actually kept an eye on the others in case they were in danger? More often than not, he'd be the one to take the more brutal hits aimed at his friends, without a word of thanks in return. Then afterwards, they'd criticize him for getting so badly beaten up. All of this was especially true after their trip to Tokyo.

Now in his room, our little green friend (who, coincidentally, wasn't so little anymore. He stood at a good 5'10, now just as tall as Robin, and just as muscular) switched on his CD player. He wanted to buy an iPod, but he only had a few dollars to his name because Robin hadn't been adding the correct amount of money to his Titan bank account, and he only went into his inheritance for serious reasons.

Beast Boy flicked through his CD collection thinking about the day's events. No one let him add his say to anything, and he got blamed for something he didn't even do. Again.

He decided to listen to one of his favorite bands. Skillet.

Now, to outsiders BB may seem like the kind of guy to listen to rap and hip hop (he does in front of hid friends) but he actually prefers rock. He also was pretty religious, going to church almost every Sunday, so it wasn't strange for him to listen to a Christian band.

He chose his favorite song, names after the album: 'Comatose'. He set it to where he only had to push 'Play' to start the song, then he dug through his closet and pulled out one of his most prized possessions and it's companion. A red Samick Stratocaster slightly chipped and scratched from age, and a small Maxwell amplifier.

As he set the dials on the amp to the right pitch and tuned up the guitar, he couldn't help but think of an old friend from long ago, whom he hadn't seen since his escape from the thieves who kidnapped him. He escaped with only the guitar and amp his friend, no, his brother gave him, but he was the only one. He missed his brother dearly, he was the only one to ever truly understand him without betraying him, but fate cruelly took him away, in the form of an exploding gas tank.

As he finished tuning and tightening the strings, he stared at the pick he held between the thumb and middle finger of his right hand. It was a Frankenstein-head Medium-sized guitar pick, faded with age, but that suited him just fine. It made him feel like his brother was there with him...

Before he became too depressed, he hooked the cable into the guitar and connected it to the amp, flicking it on before turning to the CD player. He pushed 'Play' and began to strum to the beat. As the singer projected his voice, Beast Boy did the same.

"I hate, feeling like this."

"I'm so tired, of trying to fight this."

"I'm asleep and all I dream of,"

"Is waking to you!"

He sang the lyrics straight from his heart, and his voice waivered not once. He strummed the guitar and played with the skill of a pro, never missing a note.

"Tell me, that you will listen."

"Your touch is what I'm missin'."

"And the more I hide I realize, I'm slowly losing you!"

As he sang, he couldn't help but think of Raven. He knew he cared for her, as more than a friend should, but he knew, deep in his heart, that she would never feel the same way for him. That's why her insults hurt so much, because he couldn't bear being hated by the one he loved.

Beast Boy didn't deny he loved the violet-eyed girl, and as he thought about it he realized he always had. The signs were obvious, and it didn't take a genius to figure it out. He continued to play along to the song, alone in his little world he built for himself, made of misery and pain.

Raven sat in her room, softly chanting her usual mantra, trying to keep her mind clear. She didn't need to suppress her emotions anymore, but old habits die hard. She mulled over the day's events in her head, and what she learned after the training accident.

After they got Robin to the medical wing, they set him up in a bed and let him rest there while they went to the course to see what happened. They saw that Beast Boy wasn't lying; he really 'had' turned the difficulty level down a notch. Raven's stomach twisted with guilt, remembering her words to him and the way she glared at him.

Then she thought back to how she treated him the entire day, and every day before then. She seemed to be acting more and more hostile towards the changeling, and she didn't know why. She wasn't on her period, so it couldn't be that (Beast Boy knew it too; he was able to smell her blood mixed in with her natural scent when she was).

Raven didn't want to be that mean to him, but she couldn't control her actions around him. She didn't know how to deal with him otherwise, and it bothered her because she had a soft spot for the green Titan. Not even Raven knew, but deep within her mind, her emotions held much more than just a soft spot for the emerald joker, and all of them were sad because of the way their master treated him.

The guilt started to eat away at Raven, and before long she couldn't take it anymore. She thought long and hard, and came to the conclusion that the next time she saw Beast Boy, she would apologize and try to do something nice for him. With that plan in her head, Raven continued her meditation, trying to come up with a way to show her green teammate how much she appreciated what he did for her, and everyone in general.

Beast Boy played and sang his way through the entire Skillet album, and after the last song ended he packed up and put away his guitar. He felt slightly better, but he knew he'd have to stay away from his team unless they had to go on a mission, and even then he'd have to keep out of speaking distance to them if he could. He just couldn't deal with the hurt that buried itself deep in his chest, and in his current state he was prone to snap at anyone.

Just then, the alarm went off, further adding to the changeling's bad mood. 'Really? Right as I think the only time I'm going to have to deal with anyone is on a mission, this infernal thing goes off? Geez, I can't catch a break.'

He growled a bit under his breath as he opened his door and made his way to the common room. Once he arrived, he quickly walked over to the Titan mainframe computer terminal to see who was stupid enough to try something when he was in his current mood.

The screen showed a break-in at one of the electronic stores in North Jump, in one of the more popular strip malls. Beast Boy almost let out a bark of satisfaction when he saw that Control Freak was inside the store, accompanied by Warp. Beast Boy didn't bother wondering how Warp managed to change himself back from an infant into an adult, instead opting for thinking up ways to play with his new geeky chew-toy.

Here I come, tubby... Not bothering to wait for the others, Beast Boy ran at a window and leaped out into the chilly evening air.

Raven had been meditating for a good 7 hours, and during that time, she was able to calm her emotions and think up a way to make amends with Beast Boy. They left the training course at around 4:35, so the clock was about to hit 11:40 when the alarm went off.

Grumbling to herself, Raven made her way to the Ops Center in the common room, meeting up with Starfire and Cyborg along the way. When they got to the common room, however, they saw Beast Boy already checking the full-screen city map and grinning to himself. Raven was about to go up to Beast Boy and place a hand on his shoulder, but before she could get to him, he turned and leaped out one of the large windows, not bothering to get anyone else.

"Hey, why'd BB leave us like that? We're supposed to be a team!" Cyborg said in annoyance.

"Maybe friend Beast Boy is just eager to do the "kicking of the butt". Starfire suggested as she floated next to the large teen.

"Well, let's go. Don't want Beast Boy to hurt himself."

There it is again! Why can't I ever mention him without insulting him? Raven frowned, silently scolding herself. But that stopped when she and the other two headed out after their friend.

"Hurry up, we haven't got much time! And coming from me, that's saying something." Warp shouted the first part at his tech-savvy comrade, but muttered the second part to himself. Right now, he was standing outside GameBlock impatiently tapping his foot. Recently, he began looking into less-valuable items in this time period, things that would be of great value in the future where they are impossible to get.

Warp was beginning to get agitated, wanting to get away before the Titans showed up. Just then, Control Freak came out of the store, a new Gamestation XL 2, a stack of new games, some expensive hardware and a bag of money from the register. He nodded at Warp and, using his new-and-improved remote, made the cardboard cut-outs carry the new 70' LCD screen TV he had behind him, and started running down the street.

Control Freak would've just used his remote to make the TV move on it's own, but he didn't want to risk damaging it (it's quite hard to not do that when you have a bunch of super-powered teens attacking you, so things tend to get broken.)

Before the two villains got to the end of the strip, a green blur landed in front of them. They looked closer and saw it was only Beast Boy, so the two men dropped their guard since he wouldn't be that much of a threat.

"Ah, the green one. What a pleasant surprise. It's been 'far' too long, hasn't it?" Warp taunted, not seeing the look in Beast Boy's eyes. "Where are your friends, too scared to face the wrath of CONTROL FREAK?" the fat man yelled, also oblivious to the murderous look in the green orbs currently trained on him.

But the two buffoons quickly took note of the animalistic growl that emanated from the kid in front of them, and started backing up.

"Wh-what's wrong with him?" Control Freak asked, his voice wavering a little due to his fright.

"I don't know, nor do I want to find out." Warp replied as he started adjusting the laser rifle he held in his hands. He recently took to actually carrying hid weapons rather than attaching them to his armor. Makes it so much easier when the suit is inoperable.

Beast Boy quickly leaped at Control Freak, the intent to kill evident in the way he tried biting him as a tiger. Control Freak shrieked and sent a cardboard robot after the green feline, the paper somehow shooting laser beams without burning itself.

Beast Boy quickly morphed into a falcon, soaring high above the street before morphing again to land behind Warp as a grizzly bear. He swiped at the time traveler and managed to make several deep claw marks in the back of his armor. Warp retaliated by blasting him with the weapon he finally finished adjusting, having set it to 'stun'.

But the green Titan wouldn't go down so easily, and was quickly losing his already boiling temper. He threw away all inhibitions and decided to fight hand to hand, shredding his gloves to better use his claws.

"Alright, time to finish this!" he roared, his voice deep and menacing. He entered a crouching position and started to rodie run (A.N. Fans of Gears of War know what this is, it's running while crouched) at Warp, the claws of his right hand scraping along the ground, making sparks fly.

As soon as he was within range, BB let loose with a barrage of ferocious attacks, slashing and biting at anything Warp left exposed. The time jumper tried in vain to get the crazed changeling off him, but to no avail. Before long, Beast Boy gae up on his claws, and instead started pounding his fists into the metal, straining it as it started to bend under his assault.

Control Freak could only watch as his partner came closer and closer to his demise, seeing as it was obvious that suit wasn't going to hold out much longer. Not that it mattered, because Warp's cries of pain were a sure sign that Beast Boy had gotten through it anyway.

And that's what the Titans arrived to: Control Freak fighting with himself about whether he should help Warp, and Beast Boy on the verge of killing said Warp. When CF noticed them, however, he turned and bolted. Seeing the fat man make his getaway, Starfire and Cyborg gave chase, leaving a stunned Raven with a half-dead villain and a very pissed-off teammate.

Beast Boy finally calmed down a bit from his anger-induced haze, and backed away from the now bloodied form of Warp. He was breathing heavily, blood gently dripping from the tips of his claws, and he casually brought his hand to his mouth and cleaned off the blood, much like a car would.

As he did this, Raven watched him. She was still in a state of shock, never having seen this side of Beast Boy. Sure, there was the Beast incident, but he didn't 'voluntarily' attack anyone that time. As she watched him clean himself of the blood, she couldn't help but be turned on by it.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' Raven wondered vaguely when she realized she was becoming hot and bothered, and her leotard suddenly was way too confining. But she didn't dwell on that, instead turning her attention to Beast Boy, who was now starting to walk away.

Raven was about to call him back when he beat her to the punch: "Call the authorities, have an ambulance come pick him up. We're done here." he said in a voice that cut through Raven like a knife. His voice sounded so cold, and filled with hatred that put Trigon to shame.

"Beas-" she began, but was cut off. "

Save it, not interested."

She went lay a hand on his shoulder, but he sharply turned right before her hand made contact with his shoulder. "Don't touch me, just stay away from me!" Those words hurt Raven more than any physical injury.

What have I done?

As the two carried on their less-than-friendly conversation, Warp was slowly beginning to regain consciousness. He blinked his eyes several times, before his sight came back into focus. He looked down at his suit, now nothing but scrap metal. Warp reached a weak hand down to his belt, removing a small laser pistol from its latch. He slowly adjusted the dials to his chosen coordinates, charged the shot, and aimed the weapon at his attacker...

Beast Boy sensed when Warp woke up, and sensed when the laser blast was about to go off. He swiftly turned back to the downed villain and bared his teeth, snarling as if challenging him. Raven was taken aback at Beast Boy's sudden actions, not knowing what was going on. She put a hand on the changeling's shoulder.

"Beast Boy, what's wr-" she never got to finish her sentence, because a that moment Warp's weapon discharged and fired the shot, hitting it's mark dead-on. Beast Boy felt mind-numbing pain wrack his body and the intensity of it brought him to his knees, clutching his abdomen.

Raven didn't sink to the ground, her comrade had taken the brunt of the blast, but the charge went through his body and the residue seeped into her, due to her still touching him. She placed one hand on her chest and one on her head, feeling pain shoot throughout her body.

Before long, the pain stopped, and the two blacked out. A few minutes later, Warp managed to get himself into a somewhat standing position, using the wall next to him for support. He set the coordinates for his tattered suit, and used the remaining power he had to teleport into the future, where he had a ready supply of energy waiting. But he fully intended to come back, seeing as he had unfinished business with the changeling...

After he disappeared, the two heroes slowly came to. Raven slowly sat up, rubbing her head and having no idea where she was. The last thing she remembered was talking to Mother about her studies and her new school. She got to her feet and dusted herself off, trying to get the dirt off her small cloak.

She turned around and saw a boy sitting on the ground not too far away from her, using a fist to rub his eye, as if he just woke up. Raven immediately noticed two things about this boy: he was green, and he was 'really' cute. She didn't quite understand the feeling she was getting in her stomach, but decided to ignore it.

The boy finally noticed her, and stood up while keeping his eyes on her. Raven was tempted to put her hood up, as she usually did when people stared at her. They never had anything nice to say to her, usually things like "demon-spawn" and "freak". Afterwords they usually glared at her and walked away. What she wasn't expecting was for the boy to give a small smile, a small fang poking out of his mouth.

"Hi, my name's Gawfield. What's your name?"

A.N. Well, that concludes the first chapter of my story. There's more to come, but from here on out until I say so Beast Boy will have a lisp. And this story is purely a fluff fic, so expect moments in the future that will leave you feeling suffocated by fluff overload.

Fun fact: the guitar, pick, and amp Beast Boy has are all actually real items. They belong to me. Three guesses on who his brother is supposed to be (if you saw my profile, you'll get it.). And you never know, BBs brother might not be as dead as he thinks...