It's four in the morning, and I started this at around 12ish. I'm new to the entire Zaang fandom, well, not entirely new. I've come to this fandom a few times before in the past, back when Avatar was in the anime section and had frequent stories and such. I'm hardly on fan fiction anymore, but when I am, I always feel an urge to write something and post it. So here it is. My first Zaang one shot. I hope you enjoy it (Not really, just read it already. It's only two pages.)
Zuko honestly believed that there were six-year-old children out in the world who knew more about sex than his boyfriend for six months, Aang, did.
The reason behind Zuko believing this was because Aang had no idea what the terms, "nocturnal emissions" and "erections" meant. When Aang had asked him what they meant, Zuko was fully prepared to just slam the younger (technically older) male up against a wall, and teach him what they meant his way. But that would be wrong, and since Aang is still a virgin, (an adorably innocent virgin with the cutest grey eyes Zuko has ever seen) Zuko couldn't do much of anything besides educate his boyfriend.
Pinching the bridge of his nose in order to get rid of the tell tale headache, Zuko began to think of ways to tell his adorable boyfriend without causing mental scarring, scaring him off, or worse, a fight and potential break up. God he hated how innocent he was, but at the same time, he loved it, craved for it, obsessed over it…
He cleared his throat before he ended up whipping out his fiery cock and "teach" Aang what exactly an erection is. And by teaching him that, Aang will experience his first nocturnal emission about Zuko. "Yes, I shall be the first…" he mumbled to himself.
"What was that Zuko?" Aang had turned around from his spot on the sandy beach where Zuko had taken them. It was a nice secluded area where they could do anything they liked without getting peeped at. Yes, it was the perfect little spot. Aang had even made a small picnic, strictly vegetarian, though, much to Zuko's annoyance. But, eh, he had to make a few sacrifices for his soon-to-be lover.
"Nothing, just thinking…" He had said in a louder voice. "Thinking about how I'll educate you, heh." He then said in a much small voice.
"Quit your mumbling and come over here, Mr. Anti-social."
With a sigh, Zuko got up from his spot at the top of a medium sized bolder and went over to Aang. Aang patted the spot next to him, then giggled when Zuko had plopped himself down on the sand. Aang immediately clutched onto him and planted his lips onto his boyfriend's. This was totally not how Zuko was going to do this. He needed to separate himself from Aang, before he-
He then slammed Aang onto the ground, licking and sucking at the smaller boy's neck. His hands were racing all over the soft pale skin. Going lower, and lower, and lower, Zuko almost made it past the elastic to Aang's pants, when Aang said: "Zuko, what is this poking and prodding?"
Zuko's erection, along with his brain, had a huge "what the fuck" moment. If it weren't for the fact that Zuko thought he had the cutest expression on his face (it was the one where he would just look up to you so innocently. Add a small blush to it, and you have the cutest expression in the world!) he would have just gotten up and left Aang at the beach. Along with taking the picnic basket with him, a guy's gotta eat, right?
Zuko could barely contain himself, he was horny, Aang already looked completely fuckable at the moment, and they were outside. So he was feeling a little kinky as well. It was just that face and that question, how could he say no to that face? How could he just ignore the question when faced with that adorable expression? It was baffling, and Zuko had no idea to ignore both and to just continue on with his soon-to-be love making, or rather, soon-to-be fucking. Either or was fine with him.
"The poking and prodding that is going on is my erection, Aang." He said dully.
"There's that word again! What is that?"
Zuko got off of Aang and sat up, his hard on throbbing and his tears of dissatisfaction about to bubble up to the surface. He really, really, REALLY, needed to get laid.
"An erection is when a massive amount of blood flows down to your penis because of sexual urges."
"What kinds of sexual urges?"
Will it ever end, because it doesn't seem like it will anytime soon. Not as long as Aang had questions about this topic. And as long as Aang had a question, the longer Zuko, and his penis, had to wait in order to be fulfilled. If you look at it in a certain way, it almost appears to be sadistic. Damn adorable ukes…
"Like, for example, right about now."
Zuko was beginning to think about the idea of forced sex. The term 'rape' was a little too strong, and he doubted Aang even knew of the word. But, just to keep it safe, he'd call it "forced sex".
"You and I on the ground kissing as passionately as we were, is a sexual urge because when someone is kissing another person as intensely as we were, it could create a bit of friction and, well, it makes me really want to have sex."
"And sex is the only way to get rid of these urges?"
"Sex, Masturbation, there's a ton of things out there that can relieve sexual urges. But, sex is the most common one."
"Oh, I understand now!"
Good, maybe now we can have sex instead of yammering on about this, Zuko thought.
"So, now what do we do?"
And the ever famous awkward silence has made itself known. Zuko looked up at the setting sun, feeling his sexual desires go down with it. God he hated explaining things, and he hated how much his erection was dying at each passing moment. He was never going to get laid, at least not tonight that is. There's always tomorrow.
Yeah, like I said, two pages. Now, you can either review, or leave. If I were you, I'd leave a review. I just might add more to this if you want me to. Chances are, I will, but then again, there's the slim chance of me not doing it because of the high probability of me just being lazy. So yeah, two paged one shot. Reviewing = You actually giving a damn. It's 4:14. G'night.