Hi guys! I've been busy these past couple of days so sorry for the late update! Well, anyways, thank you for all the wonderful reviews! As thanks for the reviews, I'll make this chapter extra long and filled with Kurtty!

Disclaimer: I don't own the X-men… (sigh)

"Vat… vat do you mean? She can't be gone! I drove to school with her zis morning!" said Kurt, who was in utter emotional shock. He loves her. She just couldn't be gone.

"Ya, Professor, what's goin' awn?" said Rogue, who was worried by Kurt's terrified /heartbroken /worried expression.

"I really don't know. I simply checked up to see how well you were coping with the anti-mutant turmoil. One moment I had her mental reading, the next moment, I didn't. I fear that she is hurt." said the Professor.

At that point, Kurt's eyes were about the same size as the headlights on the limo. Kurt's mind went through all the possible reasons that the professor couldn't pick up Kitty's mental reading and to his dismay, none of them were good.

"Then why are we headin' to the Institute! We should be lookin' for her!" said Rogue. Kurt heartily agreed with his adopted sister.

They both looked like they were about to jump out the window and tuck and roll when the Professor stopped them.

"Wait. I will use Cerebro and find her while you all get changed into your uniforms. I'll meet you in the garage in ten minutes. Then, I will tell you where you find her." said the Professor as the limo doors opened and Kurt bolted out.

Kurt teleported to his room and threw his inducer on the nightstand. He threw his clothes off and slipped into his uniform. All that he could think about was the many horrible things that could be happening to his Kätzchen.

Kurt teleported to the garage, eager for good news.

Where could she be? What if someone kidnapped her and killed her… No! No,no,no,no! If anyone has laid a finger on her, I will personally rip them to shreds! Kurt thought.

The rest of the X-Men filed in, none of them were as worried as Kurt, but worried all the same.

"Uh, Kurt?" said Evan. Kurt turned around.

"What?" Kurt hissed. Kurt was becoming impatient and wanted to get Kitty home safely as soon as possible.

"Sorry! I was just saying, if someone was to, you know, hurt Kitty, I'll totally stay out of your way!" said Evan.

"She isn't hurt! Don't ever say that!" growled Kurt. Evan held his hands up in a surrender.

The professor rolled in.

"She's at the school. I don't know exactly where, but she's definitely at the school. Everyone, go and split up. Bring her home as soon as you find her." said the Professor.

Kurt and the others nodded. Just before Scott could get in the driver's side, Kurt teleported into it.

"Come on! We don't have all day! Pick up the pace!" yelled Kurt as everyone wordlessly scrambled into a seat. Scott was grumbling about not driving but Kurt was far from caring. Kurt threw the X-Van in reverse and tore down the road.

"Slow down, Kurt! Gawsh, you're gonna kill us all!" shrieked Rogue as he made a sharp turn. Kurt wasn't listening. Kurt swerved and spun into a parking place in front of the school.

The other X-Men resisted the urge to kiss the ground. Kurt ran through the halls, listening frantically for signs of his Kätzchen.

Kurt heard people screaming, gasping and whispering wherever he went. The worst possible idea popped into his head.

Oh my gosh. Something has happened to her! Someone killed her or…

Kurt didn't get a chance to finish the thought because one of the popular girls at the school screamed really loudly

"Demon! It's so horrible!"

Kurt looked down in horror as he saw that he was not wearing his inducer. He had left it at the institute because he was in such a hurry to save Kitty.

Now his worst fear had come true, everyone knew what he really looked like and he would be called a demon now and forever.

That's not true. Kitty dieing is your worst fear! She might die now if you give up and throw yourself a pity-party! shrieked a voice in Kurt's head as he remembered the reason he came back to the school in the first place.

Kurt ran around the school frantically until he appeared near the basement. That's when Kurt heard the faint screaming.


Kurt bounded down the steps and ran to the door. Kurt rapidly read the sign.

'Danger! Extermination in progress, Trespassers will face medical injuries and even death. Keep out!'

No! Kitty!

Luckily, the room was where Forge's old lab used to be, so Kurt could teleport in it. ( For those of you who don't remember, Kurt can only teleport to places that he knows of.)

Kurt held his breath and teleported in, then out with Kitty and away from the toxic fumes.

"Kurt, you came." whispered Kitty as she had a coughing spell.

"Yes, mien Kätzchen. How could I stay away?" said Kurt as he gave her a faint smile.

That coughing sounds horrible! thought Kurt. He immediately contacted the Professor.

Professor, I've found Kitty and she's in really bad shape. I'll teleport her to the mansion.

Ok, Kurt. I'll tell the others to come back to the mansion. Hank and I will wait for you in the Infirmary.

Kitty had another coughing fit and her whole body shook with each cough. Kurt immediately teleported halfway to the mansion. (The mansion is too far for Kurt to teleport the whole way at one time in case some of you forgot.) He teleported her the rest of the way and appeared in the infirmary.

"You're going to be fine Keety." said Kurt as he laid her on a cot. The Professor and Hank were no where to be found. Kitty started wheezing and her breaths were short and shallow now.

"Kurt," Kitty wheezed. "I just wanted to tell you, that if I…" Kitty coughed harder. "If I don't make it, I…" Her coughs were harder still and her wheezing got worse.

Kitty gasped as she took one, then two shallow, shaky breaths. Then, she was still.

"No!" Kurt screamed as he ran his hands through his hair. Tears flowed down his blue, fuzzy cheeks. Kurt did the only thing that he knew to do. Kurt gave her CPR.

Kurt had figured out how to do this when he had to take health class when he first got to Bayville High. There was a poster in the back of the health classroom that informed everyone who read it on the proper way to perform CPR.

When Kurt got bored in that class, which happened pretty much every day, he reread that stupid poster until he had unintentionally memorized it. He never thought that that seemingly useless information could come in handy.

Kurt put his lips against hers and breathed air into her lungs. He repeated that and checked for a pulse. There was none. Tears ran harder and faster down his cheeks as he did it again and again. Still, to no avail.

Kurt put his head on her chest and started sobbing, which was something he hadn't done in a long while. Then Kurt heard a faint, slow thumping sound. It was Kitty's heartbeat. It was slow and faint, but it was there.

Kurt laughed in pure joy as he pressed his lips against hers for one last breath. As Kurt's lips touched hers, a pair of thin arms wrapped around his neck and he was kissed back.

The kiss was warm and sweet and perfect… until someone cleared their throat behind them.

"Well I can see that Kitty is in much better condition than I suspected." said Beast, who was trying to hide a smile. The Professor also tried to appear serious, but Kurt and Kitty could still see both of the adult's smiles.

"Sorry that we were delayed, but we had elevator troubles." said the Professor.

That's when Rogue, Evan, Scott, Tabitha, and Jean walked in.

"I wonder what these two lovebirds have been doing while we were gone?" asked Evan with a teasing grin on his face.

"I bet cha' that they were makin' out!" said Rogue as she gestured to Kitty's arms, which were still wrapped around Kurt. Rogue smiled a knowing smile and laughed.

Kurt's face turned bright purple and Kitty's face was flushed of color. Rogue's smile faded when Kurt or Kitty didn't defend themselves.

"So you two were makin' out!" said Rogue with a shocked, then gleeful grin on her face.

Tabitha continued laughing and eventually everyone else started laughing at Kurt and Kitty's motionless expressions too. Tabitha calmed down enough to blurt out

"If you two keep it up, Rogue's gonna be an aunt!"

Kurt and Kitty started blushing like crazy at this point.

"Well, everyone, Kitty needs her rest and Mr. McCoy still has to run some more tests on her so we should leave her be."

The other students left and the Professor rolled out the door. Beast had to leave to get some medical materials, so that left Kurt and Kitty alone again.

"What I wanted to say was that I love you." said Kitty softly.

"I love you too, mien Katzchen." said Kurt as he leaned down to give her one last kiss.

"Not now, lover boy. Try that again later." said Beast as he walked in.

"Kurt, I'd love for you to teach me how to do CPR sometime. It really comes in handy." whispered Kitty.

"Anytime, but ze mouth-to-mouth part is ze trickiest. I think zat ve, I mean you, vould have to practice it a lot." said Kurt with a devilish smile.

"Only if you're the dummy, which shouldn't be hard for you." said Kitty coolly.

"Ouch, mien Kätzchen. Zat really hurts!" said Kurt sarcastically. "I'll be ze dummy any time though! I hope I can teach you soon." smirked Kurt as he turned to leave.

"Oh, and Kurt…" said Kitty as Kurt turned around.

"Thank you." said Kitty, whose beautiful, joy filled eyes were all that Kurt needed to feel like he was in heaven.

"Anytime, mien Katzchen." said Kurt as he gave Kitty one last peck on the lips before Beast would force him out the hard way. Kurt teleported to his room where he could daydream about Kitty and his future together. Sure, the kids at school would now call him a demon, but he had an angel at his side because of it. He couldn't ask for anything more..

The End!

So was it a good enough ending? I hoped that it would be as good as I envisioned it. No flames please! Oh, and I have a very important question that I would adore an answer to. I've heard all over the internet that a fifth season of X-Men Evolution would be coming out sometime this year. Please please please tell me if you know anything! Because I, for one would adore more episodes and more snippets of Kurtty to play around with, but who wouldn't, right? Anyways, please tell me if you see or know anything. I'd very much appreciate it! Tell me te answer in a review or PM!