A/N: As requested, here's a PrussiaXAustria phone conversation.

Italics for Austria

Bold for Prussia




"Hey specs! Why'd you call? I wa—"

"Let's break-up"

"W-what? T-that's not a very funny joke specs"

"Yeah? Well it's not a joke. I'm hanging up"


"Hello? HELLO? SPECS?"





"If you wish to leave a message then do so after the beep"

"SPECS! This is not cool! Not cool at all… At least tell me what I did to upset you that much!"





"If you wish to leave a message then do so after the beep"

"I'm sorry, whatever I did, and I doubt it was that bad… sorry"





"If you wish to leave a message then do so after the beep"

"Okay, so maybe it was THAT bad since you haven't responded to any one of my messages."





"If you wish to leave a message then do so after the beep"

"Roderich Edelstein I'm dying here! At least tell me what I did!"





"If you wish to leave a message then do so after the beep"

"Answer the freaking pho—"


"Well first tell me why you want to break up with me"

"Figure it out on your own you unfeeling bastard!"

"Just tell me already, you owe me an explanation"


"We're not going anywhere with yelling at each other"

"I hate you"

"I know… we've established that"

[/silent sob] "…"

"H-hey… no need to tear up specs, that's so not you"

"What do you know about me?"

"A lot Specs, a lot"


"Yes, because I'm so awesome that way"

"Haha, don't make me laugh, you don't even know why I'm mad at you."

"Well, no matter how awesome I am, I am not freaking omniscient, although I'm about to get there—"

"Stop it. I don't want to talk to you anymore"

"So… hang up then"

"I will!"

"Go ahead!"


"Hey specs… I know you're still there"


"This is stupid, tell me please? There! The great ore-sama begged. Happy?"


"What do I have to do to make you tell me?"

"Nothing. Because you need to figure it out."

[/exasperated sigh] "Look, specs, I love you, so we have to work this out… tell me"

[/blush] Gil's straight-forward ain't he? "J-just think about it for a minute"







"Okay I got nothing."

[/irritated] "You didn't even try"

"I DID! Just tell me already"





"The awesome me does not beg Austria… but for you… Please… please… please… tell me"

[/hardly breathing] [/flustered] "Fine…"


"It's just that… today… I-I came across Herakles and Kiku"

[/expectant] "Yeah…?"

"Well… I saw them holding hands"

"So? We do that too"

[/blush] "It's not that you daft Albino!"

"Then what?"

"I talked to them… well, truth be told, they were the first to approach me. And… and…"


"Greece introduced Japan as his lover…"


"With no hesitation…"


"… Are you still there?"

[/laugh] "That's it? That's the reason? You're breaking up with me because Greece and Japan are dating? [/burst out laughing] [/long pause] Oh wait… You're breaking up with me because Greece and Japan are dating?"



"You insensitive jerk!"

"Specs… what do you mean by your little story?"

"I want you to introduce me too! I just noticed today that you never really introduce me to your friends— or to anybody for that matter!"

"What? Francis and Antonio? They know you already."

"Not that you idiot"

"Then what…?"

"You never tell them we're dating"





"Is that it?"


"seriously? That's it?"

"It's not a small thing Gilbert. It's a big thing"

"Yes I know… do you want me to tell them now?"


"'Cause I could tell them now, actually, I could tell the whole world now…"


"What you want Specs… what you need, though it'll kill me, I will do everything you want me to do… you could've told me before, I would shamelessly parade you to the world"

[/scarlet overload] "I-idiot. Of course I wouldn't tell you that, you have to do that on your own"

"I feel it unnecessary to do so"


"Doesn't the hickeys prove otherwise? And the fact that I hold hands with you despite the unawesomeness of it all"

"… Gilbert…"

"Plus the nights that I spend in your house,"

[/starting to get pissed] "… Gilbert…"

"The fact that I know your ero zone and bluntly point it out at meetings that I'm not welcomed in,"

[/mother of all annoyed] "… Gilbert…"

"The fact that we spend an ungodly time in the washroom and coming back together with you disoriented and me with the awesome afterglow"

[/about to reconsider if he loved Gilbert enough to not hang-up] "… Gilbert…"

"Plus the—"

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I get it… just… just stop"

"so… we're going out again?"

[/blush] "… Eh… yes."

"AWESOME! I knew you love me too much to break up with me specs"


"So… this is where I go to your place and we do a very wild make-up sex right?"

[/BLUSH] "You should really stop watching porn"

"Yeah… well, if it's not you it's my collection"

"Excuse me?"

"Gee… Specs, calm down, it's not like I'm cheating on you with my collection"

"Well, technically, you are!"

"Really specs? Really?"

"Do you want to break up again?"

"NONONONO! Kidding! You're so unawesome"

"Well excuse me for being the logical one"

"It's not logical to think that one is cheating on the other by watching hot, wet—"


"Would it help if I tell you the things I watch are our videos?"


"Yeah… I kinda recorded a few"


"And I kind of gave a few copies to Elizaveta—BUT only because she asked me nicely with her big and recently upgraded frying pan"

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! Video-taping us… doing… doing that"

"It was a personal collection specs, nothing to it really"

"I demand you to burn those this instant!"

"I have a tape of the time we role-played M and S"



[/blush] "Keep that… But throw everything else!"

"No fair!"




"Where are you by the way?"


"Seriously? YOU're in the market?"

"Yeah… What of it?"

"Well the fact that you're breaking up with me in a market lowers my Gilbert meter of awesomeness"

"Can't a man break up with his lover while buying Senfgurken?"

"You are buying pickles while dumping me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"

"I believe in saving time GILBERT"

"So breaking up with me and doing your grocery is right on your schedule?"


"The awesome me won't stand for that!"

"Yeah well the 'awesome' you is at fault so don't go Che Guevarra on me"

"SHHEEEESSSHHHEEEEE Specs, you really are a GIRL aren't you?"

"E-excuse me?"

"Throwing yourself on drama mode for that"

"I value our relationship Gilbert and if you have the decency to understand that then just .trap, Capisci?"

"Like I don't value it!"

"From the way I see it… you're only in it for the sex"

[/not amused] "Don't flatter yourself Specs… you hardly move. I have to make you drink those aphrodisiac pills to get you going"

[/blush] "Gilbert! Don't say something like that in Public!"

"I'm not in Public I'm in my room, calm down"

"You are as perverse as you are conceited"

"Whaaaatt? Its true isn't it? And that's beside the point. The point was it's more than the sex… because if it was only that I would've hitched a ride of Francis' molestation bandwagon. If you're forgetting, I will repeat, I LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO UNDRESS AND SAY YES TO ANYTHING YOU WANT ME TO DO. Perverted or wholesome"

[/blush] "Idiot…"

"Hey while you're there, buy me Heineken in can please"

"No… I am concerned enough for your well-being to buy you beer"

"Specs… I've been drinking since I can remember… Yet I'm still here, just buy me four cans—"

"I'm trying to keep you around long enough, bastard! It's bad as it is that you're not a nation anymore, I don't need for you to kill yourself any further"

[/blush] "… Wow Specs… I'm touched"

[/flustered] "S-shut up"

"So… what now?"

"I don't know."

"Do you… want to watch that?"

"NO! Good heavens why would you ask me such a thing?"

"Well I'm sorry Mr. 'I-pretend-to-be-decent-but-I-hit-my-Gilbert-with-a-riding-crop-when-we're-at-it-cause-that's-my kink', But I thought you'd want that"

[/blush] "You are very lewd. Stop hanging out with Francis"

"Like you aren't… you made me wear my war coat once and made me parade around the whole house with just… that!"

[/blush] "You could've said no!"

"You know me, I say Yes… I'll undress, everything to make you happy"

[/can hardly contain heartbeat] "Idiot"

"Hey specs…"


"Want me to come over your house later?"


"Oh okay…"

"Well… I must hang-up now, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Specs! Ich Liebe Dich!"


"He hang-up" [/background: AWWWWWW]



"Ich liebe dich so sehr, Ohne dich kann ich nicht leben! Please come to my home later and make me feel better"


"And this is why I love Specs"

The silverette German smiled, pocketing his phone and grabbing a coat from the rack, "Hey west! I won't be home till tomorrow, don't wait up for me!" He shouted from the living room as he was preparing to leave. With a lewd smirk he pocketed a small pink bottle labeled "L'amour" in fancy cursive letters. He recalled France's exact words as he gave the vial to him,

"Spray this on both of you while making 'l'amour' to each other and I guarantee a very 'frisky' result"

Austria was going to have it rough whether he liked it or not. As he walked out, he grabbed his video camera, what? Austria told him to throw away the old videos; he never said anything about recording another one.

A/N: So yeah… this one was rushed… :/ Thanks a lot reader who I shall not name. You flooded me with an update and now I'm forced to so please just stop.

Anywho… I enjoyed making this despite the rant so… I hope you enjoyed reading as well. I want your opinion…. Pretty please review? It's what keep Authors writing not just favoriting the story… but also reviewing.