AN: Hello all of my dear Freddy lovers! Sorry I've been MIA for so long, life has been busy but since Halloween is Monday I figured I'd give you a little treat filled with some wonderful tricks (sorry had to get my cheesy moment in :D) Anyway here is the newest chapter to this beloved story of mine, hope you enjoy!

"You got your ankle into quite a mess didn't you Mrs. Vlassis?" the doctor stated as he went over the x-rays that had been taken of her broken ankle. Dani sighed, feeling the weight of the cast that now encased her lower leg, Alex standing beside the bed, worry on his face. She hadn't known how to explain to him what had happened, or even how it had happened, but she had made up the excuse that she had gone to get some ice and the machine on their floor was broken. So, she took the stairs and slipped, falling and breaking her ankle. He believed it, and immediately took her to the hospital, where she had been now for the past fouteen hours.

She hadn't seen Freddy when she was under anesthetics, which relieved her, but it also frightened her. What was Krueger doing to him? Was he alright? All of these questions made her head spin, and as the doctor dragged on about how she had to take care of her ankle while it was in the cast, she rested her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes.

"Dani? Sweetheart are you OK?" Alex asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded slowly, "Mmhmm, just really tired I guess."

The doctor looked at her, "I'll let you get some rest Mrs. Vlassis, I'm sure your husband can fetch us if you need anything."

Alex shook his hand, "Thanks doc."

Dani waved her hand tiredly, "Thank you, doctor."

Once the door shut behind the elderly man, Alex sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed, "Your brother came to see you while you were in surgery. He and I had a long talk."

The young woman opened her eyes, "What about?"

His dark eyes found hers, "Who's Freddy, Dani?"

She froze, her eyes shooting open wide: Bradley had told him. Bradley had told him everything, she was sure of it. "What did Bradley tell you? You already know the answer to that question if the two of you had such a long conversation."

Alex didn't budge, "I want to hear it from your own lips, Danielle."

That surprised her, him calling her by her full first name, but after thinking it over she figured there was no use hiding it anymore, "Freddy, was a man in my life a long time ago. He and I had a very close relationship."

"Extremely close, so I've been told," he snapped.

She glared at him, "If you know everything about my past why don't you tell me then, Alex?"

He glared back just as hard, "Fine then! Freddy Krueger was a thirty-five year old man that you slept with when you were just eighteen years old! It was disgusting, Dani! He molested your brother and his classmates!"

"Those were childish lies! It was more thank just a fuck, Alex! I loved him, he loved me! We were..." her voice trailed off, she didn't want to tell him that they were going to get married.

"Were what, Dani? You and that psycho were going to what?" he sneered, now obviously very angry at her.

"We were going to get married, Alex. That ring that I always used to wear when we were dating, wasn't my mother's, Freddy had given it to me."

She could tell the moment she said that, Alex's heart broke, the sadness in his eyes far too obvious for anyone to miss, "You were going to get married."

Dani felt tears welling up in her eyes, "That's why no one in my family likes me, they thing that I'm disgusting! They killed him, Alex, they burned him alive because of that stupid rumor that he was molesting the kids in Bradley's preschool class! None of that was true!"

"Enough, I've heard enough," he held up his hand to silence her, tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes, " expect me to believe that after all that, you just forgot about him and married me? Was there any point in time in our relationship that you wished I was him?"

She choked back a sob, a knife of anguish piercing her heart; this was the question she hadn't even answered for herself. Did she wish she'd married Freddy instead of Alex? "I...I don't know. Alex, I'm sorry! You have to believe me!"

He stood, grabbing his coat from the back of the chair, never once looking at her again.

"Alex! Alex!" she cried, her leg burning in pain as she twisted, trying to reach for his arm to stop him, but it was no use. He left the room, slamming the door behind him, and her heart broke. Sobs poured out of her that had been held in for years, sobs of anger, of sorrow, and of guilt. Two of the nurses had to poke their heads in just to see what was wrong with her, but she just screamed at them to get out. No one came into her room again for the rest of the night, leaving her to cry for hours and hours on end.

The next morning, Dani's doctor had quickly stopped in to inform her that she could go home, and to her surprise, her brother had come to get her. As she was signing yet another release form, she heard a knock on the door, pulling her attention away from the nurse.

"Dani, are you OK?" Bradley questioned, holding the door open for the young woman exiting the room, leaving both brother and sister alone.

She sighed, keeping her gaze off of him, "What do you want, Bradley? Don't have enough to talk to my husband about anymore so you've decided to come bother me?"

He sighed, rubbing his hand over his face, "He needed to know the truth, Dani."

"Your version of the truth, you mean. The family's version of the truth, not my story. Not the real story," she snapped, finally bringing her eyes to meet his, anger glazed over her arctic blue orbs.

Bradley walked closer, sitting down in the chair, "What happened back then, wasn't something any of the kids in my class could explain, Dani. We were violated, it wasn't something you project to the world."

She sat up, "It didn't mean Freddy had to be burned alive, Bradley! He didn't deserve that! He didn't touch you! Any of you!"

"You weren't there! You don't know what he did!" he shot back.

"I WOULD HAVE KNOWN! HE WOULD HAVE TOLD ME!" she screamed, her face turning red with anger, "Get out. GET OUT NOW!"

Bradley stood, "I'm taking you home, then when you're cleared to fly you're on the next flight back to New York City."

Dani glared at him, "Thanks to you I don't have a home to go to, Bradley. Alex is probably furious enough with me to file for divorce. Thank you."

"You deserve at least that," he mumbled, slamming the door behind him.

She stared in the direction that he'd left, hearing that last sentence out of his mouth was like a knife to the heart: she'd been hurt more than he knew, and he had the audacity to say that she deserved to lose Alex? She sighed, resting back against the pillows and closing her eyes, wanting so desperately to be back with Freddy, "I need you, Freddy. I need you now more than ever."

Soot; that's all she smelled was soot. When Dani opened her eyes she found herself in a dark room, light coming through a single window covered with layers and layers of dust didn't help her vision at all. The smell of burnt cloth and wood filled her nostrils, warmth coming from a small furnace in the corner sent a chill of comfort down her spine. Where was she? She looked down at her ankle and noticed that the cast wasn't there, but she could feel its weight on her leg. Suddenly, the door flew open, and Freddy was tossed roughly to the floor in front of her, the door slamming shut just as fast as it had opened. She knelt down beside him, hearing his sobs of pain, seeing the fresh burns on his arms, hands, and neck.

"Freddy, oh God Freddy I'm so sorry," she felt tears fill her eyes as she helped him to sit up, tearing at her shirt and covering the worst of the burns.

His sad eyes found hers, full of pain, "Dani...Dani does he know you're here?"

She shook her head, "No, but just relax, OK? I'm here with you, and that's all that matters."

He smiled quickly, "But...Alex."

"Alex knows, not the truth but he knows, and he couldn't handle it like I thought he could," she sighed, running her fingers soothingly through his hair, "he asked, if there was any point in time during our relationship that I had wished he were you. My answer was I didn't know, but I do know, Freddy, and that answer is yes. I've wished you were him from the moment I met him. I wanted to be with you forever so bad that I even thought of killing myself once or twice," Dani felt her hot tears running down her cheeks as her eyes met his, "I love you Freddy. I'll never stop loving you as much as I do."

Freddy placed a burned hand on her cheek, "I love you Dani, I'll always love you."

She brought her lips to his tentatively, not wanting to cause him any more pain than he'd already been through. Freddy kissed her back lovingly, having missed the feeling of her skin against his. Slowly he slid his tongue across her lips, feeling her mouth open, allowing him to plunge his tongue within its familiar warmth. He danced his tongue with hers in a fit of passion, pulling her flush against his chest, ignoring the pain shooting through his arms and hands.

Dani moaned low in her throat, sliding her hand under his sweater, feeling the familiar ripples and crevices in his skin, now several new scars from Krueger's torture sessions had formed, giving her fingertips new sensations to memorize. A loud bang caused the two of them to break apart, "It's him," Freddy placed a kiss on her forehead, "wake up, Dani, don't let him hurt you any more."

Dani kissed him again, "I will get you out of here, Freddy. I'll bring you back to me."

He nodded, watching as she willed herself awake, disappearing before his eyes before the door opened up again, a smirk of confidence on his lips, "She's not here you bastard."

Dani's eyes shot open, seeing a wheelchair and her brother in front of her, "Time to go home, Dani," Bradley stated, seeing the flushed look on her face making him curious.

Ignoring him, she slowly climbed out of the bed and into the chair, allowing him to wheel her down to the car, before handing her the new pair of crutches she was told to use, and getting into the passenger's seat. Her mind was on other things during that long drive back to the house; Alex, Freddy, Krueger, Freddy, Alex, the names just spun in her head like a ferris wheel, and it wasn't stopping any time soon. Resting her head on the glass of the window she sighed, trying to think of how she was going to free Freddy from Krueger's evil hold on him. She would figure it out, and she would succeed, no matter what she needed to do.

AN: So like I said please review if you can! Here's your Halloween treat from me! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! :D