Hi I do not own KHR or any of the characters.

In this story Tsuna is around the age he was when he meet Nono the first time. Hope you enjoy :)

"Tsuna..." the man roamed the room and made echoes in the mansion. An old man walked down the hallway looking around. "Tsuna, where are you?" He stopped as he saw a small figure looking at one of the paintings on the wall.

It was raining outside and lightning tried to reach the ground as he walked closer towards the figure. The figure turned around and looked at him with big brown eyes. "Grandfather who is that?" he asked, while his brown spiky hair covered his face.

The old man took a look at the painting and replied, "That is Giotto, the First Vongola Boss and Tsuna, you really frightened me. Don't ever disappear like that. Will you promise me that?" Tsuna look at him and nodded with a smile that could melt the coldest heart. "Now that was Giotto and this is the second..." he continued while Tsuna listened closely.

After awhile they began to walk back holding hands. "Grandfather why did you ask me to call you Grandfather?" Tsuna looked up at him.

"Because for me, you are family!" Tsuna made an 'o' mouth and went back to his thoughts. The old man back went back and thought of the time when Tsuna came and thought, "Tsuna, why are you here at the Vongola base?"


"Boss." a man ran into the room. Everyone stopped talking and turned around. "There is an intruder in area 45." People started talking.

"Has he hurt anyone or done any damage?" asked an old man at the end of the table. The reply was 'no.' He took his jacket and whispered to a man at the table. "Iemitsu, will you come too? Something tells me it's best that you come." he walked out of the room. "What is he doing right now?"

Iemitsu took his jacket too and went after the boss. "He is crying, sir."

The boss turned around and looked at him in disbelief. "He's crying?" he repeated.

At area 45 was a little boy sitting at the floor and crying. He had brown spiky hair and big brown eyes. His knee was bleeding and his teddy bear was dirty. He pulled down his big pink hood with bunny ears over his eyes and sobbed into his sweater arm.

Iemitsu ran down the hallway behind the boss and listened to every thing that they told him. They had made the security in area 45 small since this did not seem like a threat (i wasn't sure what it was.)

They walked down and the man showed him a screen with the intruder on. The intruder was sitting on the floor crying while hiding his face. This wasn't a enemy it was a small kid, a small kid that was scared and was hurt.

Iemitsu just stood there and looked at him, there was something about him but he could not seem to find what it was. Not until he saw the boy take his teddy bear and look up, causing his hood with bunny ears to fall back.

"Tsuna." he said out loud unconsciously, He ran out of the room and the boss went after him. Iemitsu screamed his name, wanting to know what was going on. Iemitsu ran to him, but stopped a part away. "Tsuna." he said with a kind voice.

The kid looked up and got teary eyes when the man called him. "Tsuna, what are you doing?" he asked. Tsuna walked towards him.

"Daddy...Daddy..." Tsuna sobbed over and over again. Iemitsu picked him up and walked away. Tsuna looked up at him. "Daddy, I hurt my knee." he said and looked down at the bleeding knee.

(end of flashback)

The boss looked down at Tsuna that was about to climb down from the chair. Iemitsu was on a mission and he knew Tsuna would not like to be alone with someone he did not know.

He sighted, but he had to admit that Tsuna was adorable. Tsuna had an affect on everyone, he was like drug, you could say. When you've seen or talked to him once you just wanted more. He was sure that when Tsuna was older, the magic affection spell would be a lot stronger than it was now. But he was worried; Tsuna was so small and it was already pretty strong.

End of chapter