Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning: Alternative Universe
Summary: A wrong call leads to the one girl who is absolutely right for him…
A/N: Inspired by The Feelings' "Love it When You Call".
When You Call
"Pick up the phone Woo Bin," Yi Jeong muttered in exasperation. It was nine at night and he was headed down to the opening of the latest club in town. He hadn't bothered to call Woo Bin in advance until now because it was taken for granted that Prince Song would be there. Firstly, he had to check out the competition because his family owned numerous clubs and bars in the city. Secondly, whenever there was a new club, there would be pretty girls galore and to quote the man itself, it was "just like a buffet".
The traffic light turned red and Yi Jeong slowed down his car, coming to a smooth halt. Not paying attention to the pedestrians who were walking across the road, he cut the call and hastily dialled Woo Bin's number again. Partying alone was no fun and that was becoming more of a possibility with each passing moment. There was only one thing that would make Woo Bin turn in early for the night and girls like that were exceptionally hot. Usually, they managed to keep him interested for a week. That in itself was a rare thing.
Finally, the ringing tone stopped as someone picked up. "Finally! I've been trying to get you all evening. So, does she look like Lee Hyori?" There were a few seconds of silence and he realised what he had done. "Tell me I didn't interrupt the two of you. Sorry—" This time there was a laugh, a distinctly feminine laugh. Since when did Woo Bin let girls answer his phone? There was this one time when he had been all tied up, literally but even then the girl had put the phone to his ear instead of answering it directly.
"No, I'm afraid there's just one person here and I certainly don't look like Lee Hyori. Sorry to disappoint you," the girl answered, her voice laced with irony. "But you are interrupting my time with Big Bang."
Damn, he must have called the wrong number. No girl Woo Bin picked up would have dared to reply like that. Still, he couldn't let that kind of cheek pass without doing anything. "I'll make it worth your while sweetheart, even if you don't look like Lee Hyori."
Ga Eul rolled her eyes when she heard his reply. Who in his right mind wouldn't apologise and hang up? 'Only a narcissistic playboy type with byuntae friends who screwed around on first dates and shared the details afterwards.' On screen, G-Dragon was singing with Park Bom and she really didn't want to miss that. "No matter how good-looking you are," she said with deliberate emphasis to let him know she really didn't think so, "there's no way you can outdo T.O.P or Taeyang. I don't think you even come close actually."
Ouch, but he probably deserved that. Just then, the light turned green. "You never know."
"Call it a hunch and my instincts are pretty good. Can I go now?" As soon as she said that, Ga Eul smacked herself on the forehead. The curse of good manners, she thought grimly. She ought to have insisted on hanging up immediately. "I'm sure you'll find someone else to keep you company."
"Once you leave me. But I have you for the moment."
"You're going to have to use better lines than that you know."
Yi Jeong laughed as he made a right turn. Strange as this was, it was the most intelligent conversation he had had with a woman for a long time. Usually his dates all nodded their heads and fell over themselves to please him. Although he hadn't picked them for their brains, it still made for exceedingly boring conversation. "You just have to bear with me for five more minutes or so, alright?"
"But the concert will be over in about that time." Ga Eul sat up on her bed, turning up the volume. As far as she knew, there wouldn't be a repeat telecast.
"I'll make it up to you."
"You'll see."
Fat chance that he was going to do that if he couldn't even tell her how he would compensate her wasted time. "What if I hang up?"
No girl had ever hung up on him. Ever. "You'll regret it and be left wondering what would have happened if you had just stayed on the line."
That wasn't true. Okay, maybe a little true. Just a bit. He does have a very nice voice, Ga Eul admitted reluctantly. Deep and smooth, he spoke very fluently and he oozed confidence. "I'm only doing this because I pity you."
"Sure you are," he drawled, grinning.
"After all, what guy can't get a date on Friday night and has to depend on his best friend for company?"
Double ouch. The girl didn't pull her punches at all. "Why settle for one date when I can get three or more when I get to the club? And by the way, clubbing is more fun with friends. You should try it sometimes."
"No thanks. That's just not my scene. And not my idea of dating either."
"Ah, you're one of those types."
Ga Eul's spine straightened when she heard his tone. "And pray tell, just what is that type?"
The club was just ahead but he didn't want to go in, not just yet. "You believe in soulmates. You think that somewhere out there, there is a perfect person just waiting for you. And when you find him, you'll never let him go because you'll regret it forever."
Goosebumps erupted on her skin and the fine hairs at the back of her neck rose. That was an almost word for word replica of what she had written in her diary when she had been sixteen. "Not bad for a Casanova," she managed to squeeze the words out. He chuckled softly and the sound sent a shiver down her spine. How was it possible for a stranger to know this part of her that well? Unless… "Did you use to believe in a soulmate too?"
Any amusement he had felt melted away with her question. "That's not up for discussion tonight, sweetheart."
"Using an endearment isn't going to get me off topic, you know."
"I know it isn't. But I'm here already and if I'm not mistaken, that other call coming in is my friend."
Why on earth did she feel a little disappointed? Maybe he was right, she needed to go out more and have more of a life. "It was interesting talking to you. Remember, prevention is better than a cure so please use protection."
Yi Jeong almost choked when she said that. "I'll remember that," he said dryly. "Good night Miss Soulmate."
"Good night, Casanova."
Taking out her keys, Ga Eul unlocked the mailbox in front of her house and reached in. Sifting through the stack of mail, she left the bills and letters to her parents on the dining table before taking hers up to her room. It had been three days since the conversation with Casanova and she was still wondering if she should tell Jan Di about it. Knowing what an alarmist her best friend was, she would probably be scolded and warned about psychos and perverts. Not that the guy who was pursuing Jan Di was the most stable in the world. Gu Jun Pyo might be handsome and out of this world rich but he put the 'rotten' in the phrase 'spoiled rotten' and had a temper as explosive as dynamite. Not a good combination considering that Jan Di was as hot-tempered as he was.
Setting aside some magazines she subscribed to, she found a plain cream coloured envelope with her name written on it. Tearing it open, she slipped her hand inside and almost keeled over when she realised what she was holding. It was two front row tickets to the next Big Bang concert and a note that read, "I told you I would make it up to you."
That did it. She was going to have to tell Jan Di. And she was going to have to call Casanova again. He had some serious explaining to do.