Chapter 12


A few hours after the battle had ended, Mario, Sonic and their teams had all chosen to meet with President Bowman to talk about matters regarding the registration law. But before this, they had all the villains locked back up in the underground prison in order to prevent any further problems from taking place.

Later, the two groups were gathered up in the White House.

"What are you all doing here together?" asked the President.

"We chose to make peace with each other. The war is no longer important, so we ended it on our terms." said Sonic.

"We came here to talk with you about this registration thing you've got going on. We want it cancelled." said Mario.

"What, but that's preposterous."

"Who cares, we just want you to talk to Congress and have them put this law out of business."

"Sonic, you were initially in support of this law when it first came into passage."

"I know, but after having a near death experience because of it, I realize now that it's all one big pile of garbage that should have been thrown away."

"It was a mistake from the very beginning Marvin, you never should have approved it."

"Mario I am the President of this city, I have full authority, and I can approve any law that I deem necessary."

"Yeah, cut it with the whole President talk, we're not deaf you know." said Bowser sarcastically.

"How dare you speak to the President like that, he's probably got half a mind to have you arrest-"

"Shut your mouth Laura Zanton, your words don't matter to us. As far as I'm concerned, everything you say is just nothing but mindless babbling." said Yoshi.

"Excuse you, but do you know who you're talking to like that dino boy?" asked Laura.

"Yes, and frankly I don't care. You may be a big time S.W.A.R.M commander, but you're not that much of an authority figure like the President."

"He is right you know." said Vector.

"Mr. President, do you hear what these guys are saying about me?"

"Yes I do, and actually I agree with them."


"You actually do act like you have full authority around Smash City. Well perhaps you've forgotten, I am President, you're only a commander. Therefore your authority is only limited."

"So what's it gonna be Mr. President, are you gonna have this registration law dissolved or not?" asked Sonic.

"Well, it seems that you thought really hard about all this, and I respect your decision. So if you really want this to end, I suppose I could meet with Congress and have them cancel it."

"Good. It's nice that you chose to support our decision." said Mario.

"But what about me and my organization!" asked Laura.

"Here's the thing about that Zanton, no one cares." said Samus.

Later the next day..

After the events of Civil War had passed over, the Smash Brothers had all became one group once again. Donkey Kong rejoined with them soon after, at the exact same time that Master Hand did. To make things more better, they all decided to live in Smash Tower together, using it as their new home and a base of operations. The warehouse that Mario and his Resistance had used before during the war had since been abandoned after they salvaged out all the technology they had installed in there and built it into the tower. All of the allies they had originally gained during the conflict had returned to thier respective homelands. However most of them had chosen to remain with the Smashers.

The underground prison had since became mainly used for locking up villains and only villains. All of the S.W.A.R.M troops had resigned from working for Laura Zanton and have begun working for the Smashers. Laura on the other hand had now started working for President Bowman, serving as his personal assistant.

Meanwhile the Smash Brothers and thier friends were currently watching today's news reports.

"And so in spite of recent events that have occurred, thanks to the President, Congress has now declared the Registration law null and void. The Super Smash Brothers are no longer required to work with the government, and can resume thier duty as the heroes of our beloved city." said a female reporter.

"Well, this is the life, we're all back together again, we have a brand new home, we have an army of soldiers and robots who obey our every command, we've got new friends, things just couldn't get any better than this." said Yoshi.

"Ain't that the truth!" said Donkey Kong.

"By the way, it's good to have you back DK, we all really missed you."

"I'm glad to be back."

"You know something, now that I've gotten to be in this tower, I might actually like it here." said Knuckles.

"Us too." said Vector and the other Chaotix members.

"Me as well." said Blaze.

"I agree." said Silver.

"What's best for me is that I get to be with Marth." said Shiida as she hugged him.

"Too bad that Shadow and Rouge didn't want to stay with us." said Sonic.

"Hey, it's their loss." said Mega Man.

"All that matters now is everything is back to normal." said Mario.

Meanwhile down in the prison....

"Curse those Smash Brothers, I can't believe that they left us all locked down here, oh how I want to kill them. I especially hated it when Sonic had me subjected to getting a mind control chip attached to my neck. They think they can get away with it, I don't think so. I will escape from here, and I will have my revenge, I guarantee it, but I won't be doing it alone now will I!." said Ridley as he looked around the room from a window his rather large prison cell, viewing all of the other villains that were locked up.

This gave Ridley an idea, an incredibly sinister and evil idea.

He then laughed evilly


Here's Chapter 12. The very last chapter of my story.

I was originally aiming for fourteen chapters but I decided to limit it to twelve since I had a lot of other stories to work on.

Ridley's got something planned, looks like this call for a sequel.

Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this story.

I worked really hard on it.

Plus, I'd like to thank Super Shadowsonic for inspiring me to write this story. And I want to thank Conor T. Hedgehog for letting me use him in my story.

Later everybody.