Disclaimer: I don't own Randy Orton or any WWE superstars. I just own Yavette, Ryan, Jay and David.

Yavette couldn't believe her luck, first she gets lost. Then she forgot to get cash at the ATM, meaning she had to turn all the way around to get cash. She was on her way to see the superstars of the WWE. Once arriving at the arena, she met up with her friends. The people she was suppose to be traveling with, sitting in the front row eating popcorn.

"It's about time you got here. What took you so long?" Ryan ask over the blaring music that was playing. The Raw house show was just about to begin. "You were suppose to be in town a few hours ago."

"Long story, the important thing is I'm here now." Yavette told him turning to grab her camera out her purse, trying to grab a quick shot of Edge. Someone she had been a fan of for years now. "Where's David?" Not noticing her on and off again boyfriend of five years.

"Not sure." Ryan shrugged "He was right behind us a few minutes ago. Don't know where he could've disappeared to."

"Doesn't surprise me." Yavette said ever since they got together five years ago. He always disappeared, either with a woman or to find a drink. "That was a good match." Watching Edge's hand raised in victory took her mind off of David.

"I am waiting to see some chicks, bring out Maryse or Kelly." Jay said, It was his typical behavior all about the women, and believing all the women wanted to be with him. He was good looking but the attitude sucked major. Which was why he was still single. "This sucks, I want Divas."

"Anyway, how have you been Allen?" Yavette ask not wanting to hear anymore about Jay and the Divas. "Work going good?"

"I guess you can say that still not making enough money." Allen said pushing his glasses up his face. "I'm actually considering going back to school, to take on more classes."

"Really? That sounds interesting. What would you study?" Yavette ask

"Physics. You know I am interested in things like that." Allen said

"I like that." Yavette said sending him a smile, out the group he was the smartest. His ways made him very attractive. Just because he spoke his mind and he understood life. Even though he was single, she knew he would find someone special one day. "I hope I get to see Randy Orton."

"Oh man here she goes. How can you be so crazy about someone, and he doesn't even know you exist?" Ryan ask

"He knows I exist he knows he has fans out there, I just happen to be one of them." Yavette told him "So shut up."

"Oh please your not a fan, you just like to look at him. The guy is a punk who thinks he scares people, he wouldn't be a match with me." Ryan said

"Hornswoggle wouldn't be no match for you." Allen laughed "So leave her alone, Layla doesn't want you."

"One day she will." Ryan mumbled "One day she will be my wife."

A hour had gone by when David finally showed up. He claimed he got tied up in the bathroom. Yavette didn't have to question what he meant, wasn't the first time he left to be with a woman. She was pretty sure that it wasn't going to be the last either. Why she dealt with it? She didn't have the answer either.

The show was getting to the point where they were sending Divas, just to fill time. Finally after waiting half the night, the man she was waiting to see finally emerged. Randy Orton's music hit and he slowly mad his way down the ramp, to tag with John Cena. She couldn't help but be amazed at the responds he was getting. People could knew a star when they seen one, and Randy Orton was just that.

She found herself forgetting to breath, when Randy crashed into the barricade. While he was making his way back to his feet, his eyes scanned the crowd. Just for a brief moment his beautiful blue eyes locked on her. It wasn't until David shoved her that made her look away.

"Snap out of it, he is not that important. I'm your man." David said

"Really? I never would've guessed you were my man." Yavette said rubbing her arm. "There is no harm in looking anyway."

"You want something to look at, look this way." David told her pointing to his self.

Allen leaned over and whispered in her ear "Don't stare to hard, you might go blind though."

"I heard that, keep it up and your going to be eating your glasses." David warned which of course went ignored by Allen. "This is boring, I'm going to get something to eat."

Yavette didn't see most of the match, she did however see the ending. Which was John Cena and Randy Orton's hands raised in victory. She made sure to get a couple of more shot's of Randy. Noticing he was holding his shoulder. "I hope he is not hurt."

"Who care's if he is." Ryan said "I'm out I don't want to see no matches."

"Well he is my ride so I have to go with him." Jay said

"My ride as well." Allen said "You leaving to?"

"You guys go ahead, I have to use the bathroom. Plus I want to talk to David before I go home." Yavette said hugging Allen and Jay, and smacking Ryan upside the head. "Call when you guys get home, make sure you drive safe."

After waiting a few minutes to get into the bathroom, she was finally able to do what she had to do. Once she fixed up her make up she decided to go look for David. She tried his phone a few times, and after three time she still got voicemail. "You got to be kidding me?" Her car was not starting, she then realized that she left the lights on. Now the car was totally dead. "Hey Allen it's Yavette, when you get this message give me a call. I'm still at the arena, my car is dead and I can't find David. So I'm kind of stuck here, just give me a call soon as you can."

With so much on her mind she randomly wander around, not knowing what she was going to do. She hated the dark and just being outside with little light, freaked her out. She could feel a panic attack coming on. "Happy thoughts, your will be fine."

"You lost or something?" A voice asked behind her "She turned around to see Randy Orton himself "You okay?" She just responded by shaking her head no. "What's the problem."

"My car broke down, my friends left me and my boyfriend won't answer his phone." Yavette said "I don't know anyone else to call, and I don't want to stay in my car. So I guess I have a lot of problems."

"I can give you a ride. Where are you going?" Randy ask

"I'm actually not from around here. I just rode into town, just for the event. To visit some friends as well, however they all left before the show ended." Yavette said "I'm sorry for talking to much, but yes I need a ride."

She was alone in a town she knew nothing about, and she was visibly upset. He couldn't leave her alone, even if he didn't know her. He still wanted to help. "Why don't you come with me. I will get your car for you, and for tonight you can stay in my room."

"I couldn't do that. I will just stay in my car tonight." Yavette said "I will be okay."

"Listen, I don't know you or much about your situation. I do however know that you need help. So stop being stubborn and let me help you." Randy said "Where is your car?"

They walked back around the arena to get her things out of her car. She popped the trunk to grab all the important things she was going to need. Finally getting most of the things she needed, she locked the car and follow Randy to his car.

"So you drove from where?" Randy ask once they were in his car

"New York, I'm out there on business. As well as here in Philadelphia, and some in California. It was only a two hour drive, I will be back home once I finish business." Yavette said

"Where exactly is home?" Randy ask

"Honestly I don't know, I been in New York for a few months. While I been away something happen with David, that's my boyfriend and he lost the place." Yavette said He was so stupid for letting that place go. "I sent him money every two weeks to make sure the bills were paid and the rent was caught up. Apparently he was doing something else with that money, because the bills didn't get paid. So I will be looking for one, once I'm done in New York."

"I hope it all works out for you." Randy said as they arrived to the hotel, he went around to the back of the car popping the trunk. "Don't touch your bags, they will take them for us."

"I can carry them myself." Yavette offered

"I'm pretty sure you can, but your not. So allow them to take them." Randy said gesturing towards the men to grab their bags."

"Again Randy thank you for doing this, you don't have to." Yavette said "I have money to get my own room." Following Randy into the room.

"Listen I wouldn't have asked you if it was a problem, it's fine. Now I'm going to go take a shower." Randy said heading into the bathroom. "Make yourself at home."

"Okay thanks." Yavette said It was a pretty big room, she did notice however that there was one bed. He said there was two, from what she could tell it was one bed and a couch. A living room part and a small kitchen and dinning area. "Guess I will take the couch."

She went over to the closet and took out an extra pillow and blanket, she went over to her bag and got her pajamas. After finding something other than advertisement on television, she pulled the blanket around her and laid on the couch.

Randy stopped dead in his tracks, at what he saw when he exit the bathroom. "What are you doing?"

"Watching TV, if you want to turn you can. There really is not anything on at this hour." Yavette said handing him the remote, only he didn't take it "What?"

"I'm not talking about the TV, I'm talking about you sleeping on the couch. That's not going to happen. You go get in the bed I will crash on the couch." Randy said

"Randy this is your room. I thought there was two beds not one, so I was thinking I would take the couch. Especially with your shoulder." Yavette said "I don't mind."

"My shoulder is fine, you go on the bed." Randy said there was no way he was going to allow a woman sleep on the couch. No matter how uncomfortable he was going to be, he rather it be him then her. "So to the bed you go."

"No." Yavette said "Besides I'm use to it. My boyfriend use to make me sleep there, at least three time a week."

"I'm not him and your getting on the bed." Randy said

"You can't make me Randy." Yavette said turning to her side, trying to get more comfortable

"I can't?" Randy question and she shook her head no "Okay then." Not giving her time to respond he quickly picked her up, with his good arm and carried her to the bed.

"Seriously?" Yavette ask "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did. If you would've stop being so stubborn, I could've handle it better. Now go to sleep." Randy said

"I have to use the bathroom." Yavette said getting out of the bed, walking over to her bag and grabbing her toothbrush and pajamas

After a few moments she emerged, and got back into bed. Randy could tell that she still wanted to argue about the bed situation, but decided against it.

"Good night." Randy said

"Good night." Yavette said

"Once the TV was shut off he heard her gasped "You okay?"

"I was wondering if you could possibly turn on the TV." Yavette said "I'm kind of afraid of the dark."

"No problem." Randy said switching on the TV. "Go ahead to sleep."

"It's just that sometimes I am-"

"You don't have to explain it's okay. Just get some rest." Randy said

"I will. Goodnight." Yavette said