Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

A/N: Wow this is by far my longest chapter...close to 7k words. Took me awhile to write as well. Enjoy.

Chapter 4: The Founding of Hogwarts

Scotland bore witness to a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder one night, not that anyone noticed it. A man stood in place of where the lightning had struck, eyes closed but posture calm and alert. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked around and vaguely recognised where he was. 'Hmm this is definitely where Hogwarts will stand, I can feel it, looks as though it has not been built yet. That means I am any time before 980 A.D.' he thought. Taking a quick look at himself, Harry quickly came up with an appearance lest somebody recognise him from Merlin's time. Keeping his hair black, he slimmed down slightly and hid the tattoos he had acquired, he made himself look around 20 years of age. His hair he kept long and had it tied back with a green silk cord. His final addition was a small black goatee upon his chin.

Hearing the sound of laughter and music Harry looked south and saw a small settlement with lights in the buildings. Deciding there was no time like the present he made his way towards the commotion. Arriving in the settlement he established the ruckus had been coming from a pub, entering he found himself smiling. Here was a bunch of people enjoying their time together, laughing at jokes and stories and singing along to folklore songs. He went to the bar and asked for a mead, not knowing what currency this time used yet, he offered a small ruby he had plenty of from his time with Merlin, the barkeep had examined said ruby and announced it would pay for all his drinks that night and a room to stay in.

Finding himself a seat in a corner booth Harry sat and opened his senses. He could tell these people were all magical, some more powerful than others but none had any evil intent. It was three auras that drew his attention. They each were more powerful than those in the pub combined, not including Harry, he was in a league of his own. Opening his senses more to hear what they were discussing in a dark corner he could not helped but be shocked by what he heard.

"Godric we seem to be in a bit of a quandary, we have the land but no resources to build upon it. Seraphar was the one who said he could supply the materials but his passing has unfortunately lost us the contacts." A woman's voice spoke, it was soft and musical, graceful on the ears.

"I know Rowena, Seraphar Slytherin was a great man, there is his sister to think of, but unfortunately she does not hold any magical power. There are no more Slytherins I am aware of that could help us in our task." The man identified as Godric spoke, his voice a deep baritone, confident and powerful.

"Aye my friends, tis a time of sorrow, we were close to achieving our dream of building a school but maybe it is not meant to be." Another woman's voice spoke up, this one with a thick Scottish accent but it held a caring much like a mother would a child.

Harry thinking quick on his feet sent a telepathic message to Hedwig. *Hed my friend, I need a favour if you will? Can you scour the and see if you can find any mention or rumour of Salazar Slytherin? We need him here for our home to be built!*

Her response came minutes later, * I have been doing just that Harry-wizard, trying to find any information on the founders. I believe you are near three of them now, however this may be bad news but no Salazar Slytherin has been known in this world…he does not exist Harry*

*Thank you Hedwig, I think I know what I must do.*

Standing up Harry made his way over to the three.

"Excuse me good sir and fair ladies, I could not help overhearing you talking of Seraphar." He spoke.

"Oh, you knew of him? And who are you if I may ask? It is not polite to eavesdrop on others conversations" Godric asked.

"Forgive me sir, I travelled back here as soon as I heard of my cousins death. I am Salazar Slytherin. Pleasure to meet you all."

"Oh? I was under the impression that excluding his sister Selaina, Seraphar had no other family." Rowena's musical voice filtered into Harry's ears.

"I am only distantly related by way of Seraphar's father. My Father is his cousin. So although distantly, we are related none the less, and as I have no family of my own, I wish to pay respects to one of the last Slytherins."

"Why don't you join us for a drink Salazar? We can tell you of the life of your cousin." Helga piped up.

The three founders and Harry or Salazar in this time, drank and laughed into the night. The mood was dark and quiet at first but Harry's calm, welcoming and friendly demeanour quickly put the other three at ease.

Harry awoke the next morning with a weight on his chest. Opening his eyes and glancing down he was met with raven black hair much like his, but this was silky and definitely belonged to a female. Cursing himself for his lack of memories of the night before, Harry carefully tried to untangle himself from the woman in his bed.

"Hmm, morning Sal. Gah my head aches so much right now! Erm.. why are you in my room? And in my bed at that!" the voice triggered flashbacks in Harry's mind. After getting royally drunk Godric and Helga had retired for the night leaving Harry and Rowena in a drinking contest. Harry quickly began to appreciate Rowena, she was smart, funny, energetic, witty, and absolutely stunning. The drinks had piled up into eventually they had both stumbled into a room in the inn, both stripped naked and lay in bed holding each other kissing passionately before Rowena, quickly followed by Harry, fell into a sound sleep.

"I believe my fair lady, we simply passed out after our drink fest last night. I won by the way, you passed out first." Harry said with a grin, finding it surprisingly comfortable to wake up with the dark haired beauty.

"Well Sal, do not expect this to happen again, heck I only just met you and I'm in this state! Now I'm going to get up, close your eyes!" Rowena said, rising with the duvet wrapped around her. Harry couldn't help peeking, but then realised that with Rowena claiming the duvet he was left in all his glory.

"Errr, Row, can erm you chuck me something to cover up with please?"

Rowena, turning in confusion looked at Harry and then blushed a vivid red that would make any Weasley proud. "Well erm, Sal, err, yes, yes something to wear, right you are!"

After changing Harry and Rowena made their way downstairs back into the pub and were met by Godric and Helga. Now that it was daylight Harry could get a good look at the legendary founders. Godric stood at a respectable 6ft 2, had broad shoulders and an athletic build. Dark brown hair and murky green eyes donned a clean shaven face that had a few scars here and their but which just added to the handsomeness of him. All in all, Godric looked like a battle experienced warrior, but seemed to lack the same power Harry did.

Helga was a fair 5ft 5, had curly blonde hair, warm and inviting brown eyes a slim physique and an air of friendliness. Her hand was entwined with Godric's, which harry immediately picked up on. Looking to his left at Rowena, Harry smiled. She was definitely attractive. As stated she had dark flowing silky black hair, her eyes held a superior intelligence hiding a disciplined mind and spark of wanting for more knowledge, she stood at 5ft 7 and held herself gracefully.

"Good morning you two. Fun night was it? Never mind, Salazar, would you be inclined as to join us this day? We plan to visit the patch of land not 10 minutes' walk from here. It is our hopes to build a school of learning for witches and wizards. Any input or ideas you have would be welcomed." Godric spoke, amusement evident in his eyes.

"It would be my pleasure Sir." Harry replied.

"Come now, we shall have less of the formalities, you didn't seem to care much for them last night after a few meads." Helga said, not hiding the smile that adorned her face.

"Of course, please lead on then."

Upon arriving at what would soon be the grounds of Hogwarts, Harry took a look around, surprised at how different the place looked without a huge castle overlooking the lake.

"We plan to place several buildings around the central area with huts over to the side for accommodation." Rowena explained, trying to get Harry to visualise what they had planned.

"Hmm, interesting." Was all he said.

"We of course will teach ourselves and will share the head responsibilities, rather than trying to select one of us to govern the school." Helga said.

"Of course we are now missing a potions master, Grey Arts and Dark magic teacher and also the backing we needed for the school with the loss of Seraphar." Godric stated sadly. "I do not suppose you know of anyone we could approach who could help us do you Salazar?"

"Possibly, but if I may be so bold, why do you wish to teach children the grey and the dark? Also what else will they be taught?" Harry inquired.

"Well, we three have known each other since we were small children and grew up on the legends of Merlin. Stories say that Merlin travelled with a companion, and the both of them decided to learn all the magic they could, coming up with the motto of 'There is no Dark or light, only magic'." Rowena began but was soon interrupted by Harry.

"and intent" he quietly spoke with a faraway look in his eyes, Rowena seemed to pick up on this but wisely kept it to herself for later analysis.

"Yes, and so we would like to continue on with that teaching." Godric continued, "I will teach weapons, etiquette, Magical beings and offensive magic. Helga here will be teaching healing, herbology, history and defensive magic. Rowena shall teach charms, transfiguration, mind arts and runic magic."

"Very good, very good indeed. I do know of someone who is a master in those required fields and more. He has mastered potions, dark and grey arts, battle magic, enchanting, necromancy, blood magic, warding, mind arts, basic healing and also holds power in the elements." Harry said, a smile upon his face.

"Really? Would this person be interested in teaching? We would find a way to pay them of course!" Godric exclaimed.

"Really, and I am sure he would not mind doing it for free. I also know of someone who can and will fund the building of the school on the condition that he gets a say on the design."

"Pray tell, who do you know that could do so much for us? Would it take long for you to contact them and for them to get here?" Rowena excitedly said.

"Easy now Row, you don't want to scare this person off!" he chuckled.

"Out with it Salazar, please, who would do this?"

"Why me of course" he said grinning from ear to ear.

"You? But how do you know so much magic? You are what the same age as us, mid to late twenties? And you would be willing to work with us? For free? And you say you could fund this school? Do you know how much it would cost?" were the questions all three founders pitched to him.

"Yes, me. I know so much magic because I have been traveling since my parents died at the age of 7. Yes I am roughly the same age as you three, I am currently 28 to be exact. Yes, I would work for free, I would consider it an honour to pass my knowledge on to those willing to learn. I can fund this school because during my travels I made many discoveries and hired my services out to those he needed them. Overall I have saved up quite the fortune, a fortune that I could not see used better than for the creation of a place of learning for many many years to come."

And so the next 5 years were spent ordering materials and building the school. Harry had persuaded the founders against the idea of huts and small buildings. He, after many arguments, convinced them that money was no object and that they should go all out. Eventually, the castle that Harry knew, loved and classed as his home was built. He had even built the 'Chamber of Secrets' although without the statues and the Basilisk. It was just a little get away for him where he could train his skills and just be himself for a few hours or days without fear of being walked in on.

Harry and Rowena throughout the five years had grew closer and were unofficially dating, much to the pleasure of Godric and Helga. However this budding romance came with its risks. Harry had accidently let a few things slip throughout the years, all of which Rowena had filed away in her mind, waiting until she had enough information to confront 'Salazar' with. It was several days after the completion of the school just after New Year's Day that Harry let the last bit of information that made Rowena suspicious slip.

He has been stood at the front of the School looking on with a faraway look in his eyes. Rowena was hidden, looking on at the man she was growing to love when she heard him start talking to himself.

"You would be proud brother. This place we have built here will be a symbol of hope for a thousand years and more if I have anything to say about it. Many will call it home, and many will wish to return after they have finished schooling. You would have loved this place. I miss you brother, I hope I can see you again someday."

Rowena prided herself on being an intelligent person, after sifting through all the things she knew about Salazar, she could not once remember him mentioning a brother, he had told them he had no other living family and that he was an only child, so then who was he calling brother." So confused and deep in her thoughts was she that the rest of the day slipped by with her friends growing concerned about her. She had not spoken a word since the morning, something that was quite unlike her.

"Row, honey, is something the matter?" Harry asked that evening in their private quarters.

Harry's voice was what was needed to shock her out of her thoughts. Looking up into his emerald green eyes, a lone tear rolled down her cheek.

"Who are you? These past five years have been great but every now and again you say or do something that doesn't make sense. You disappear every morning to god knows where, you always get a faraway look in your eyes when certain things are mentioned like your remembering something or someone. It is at these times that I see someone in you who isn't what he shows. Although you far outclass me in the mind arts, when you have that faraway look in your eyes, I see flashes of images as if memories of someone who lived for over a hundred years, as if you were living that life and experiencing all those things. Who are you Sal?" Rowena said, sadness and pleading evident in her tone.

"Let it never be said that you are not an intelligent woman Rowena. You are very perceptive, and had I not cared for you so much I would have considered wiping your memory of those occurrences. I know that sounds bad but my story cannot be known by many, it could lead to the end of the world. However, as I do care for you, I think you deserve to know the truth. All I ask is that you do not tell Godric and Helga. I trust you with my life but I need you to promise me that, please?"

"I, Rowena Ravenclaw, swear on my magic and my life that I will not reveal anything I am told tonight without permission from the promise seeker. So mote it be." With a flash of light the oath was accepted.

"You worded that very carefully my dear Row, very clever of you I must say, for the oath would not have worked if you made it too Salazar Slytherin, for no man has ever existed." Raising his hand to stop Rowena's questions, Harry let out a deep sigh and rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands. Looking back up to meet Rowena's eyes he let his true appearance show, the appearance he had held just before bidding farewell to Merlin.

"I, Harry James Potter, swear on my magic and my life that what I reveal tonight will be nothing but truth. So mote it be." With another flash of light Harry began to explain his life.

Throughout his story Rowena sat stunned whilst he explained his life in the future up to the point of meeting Tyrael. Had she not heard the oath Harry had made herself then she would not have believed what she was told. She would have believed him crazy and tried to help him. However the oath said otherwise, this man had lived a hard life, but then from what he had told her, how had he become to look like he was, as far as she was aware he had left his time when he was 16, meaning he could be no older than 21 now compared to her 29.

"I can see you are still confused. No doubt to my appearance and how I know so much magic? Well I can explain that to. The next part of my life will probably be even more unbelievable, but as I am still held by my oath, you know it will be truth."

Harry went on to explain his life with Merlin, starting with when he had first met him, explaining all the years they went travelling and learning new and ancient magic. How they had become blood brothers, learnt the elements, became shape shifters, the advantages of necromancy, of the elven people and finally his last few days with Merlin. To say that Rowena was shocked and impressed would be an understatement. She looked upon Harry with awe, astounded by all he had done.

"Sala…Harry…Wow, that…it…you…I'm…." She stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

Harry chuckled, pleased that for once he had shocked the normally witty and sarcastic Rowena into silence.

"There is one thing you must know though before we possibly take things any further. Someday I will have to leave, I will not be able to stop it. Magic chooses when it is time. If I had any control over it I would have stayed with Merlin until his passing day. I care for you greatly Row, but I cannot ask you to hold onto to something that could be gone tomorrow."

"No Harry! My feelings for you have grown since we first met! I cannot throw away what we have, yes you may be gone tomorrow, but maybe you won't be gone for many years. I wish to continue how we are, just as long as we promise something to each other. That when the time for you to leave comes, that we will learn to move on and love again. I love you Harry, please don't push me away!" Rowena cried, tears freely flowing from her eyes.

"And I love you Rowena, we will take each day as it comes. If this is what you want then it shall be so. You should know by now I cannot deny you when you are upset." Harry said pulling Rowena into a loving embrace and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I hope you won't be disappointed and if you change your mind then I understand, but I am unable to have children, I have tried many different potions and spells but nothing works." Rowena said fearfully, scared that Harry would leave her.

"Row, my love, that does not matter to me, I think magic has made it so that I cannot sire any children either. I am only sorry we cannot experience parenthood together, but I does not and will not make me love you any less!"

"That's a relief. Now come here Harry, show me how much you love me!" Rowena stated in a saucy voice, slowly dropping her robes over her shoulders.

That night, Harry and Rowena made love for the first time, and they would both agreed, it was one hell of an experience they would practice regularly. Both wishing that Harry would be there for a very very long time.

The following morning they lay in bed, Harry stroking Rowena's hair, her lay across him, head lay on his chest. "Harry, I'm going to go back to calling you Salazar, so Helga and Godric do not get suspicious. But I think you should tell them the truth. They would hold your secret to the grave, you can trust them just as much as you trust me, I promise you that."

"I know Row, but I think we should wait awhile, I do not wish to cause problems with school starting soon. Give me time, I promise I will tell them."

The next 20 years flew by, Harry had learnt many things from the other three founders of the school and in turn taught them many things in return. Harry had still not got around to explaining his past or, or future if you thought of it differently, to Godric and Helga. But that night saw the truth come out in a way Harry did not plan.

"Salazar," Godric said, all four founders sat around the fireplace in Helga and Godric's quarters. "There is something about you my friend that does not add up and quite frankly confuses the hell out of Helga and I. Throughout the past 25 years we have known you, everything just seemed planned as if you were working from a memory of living this life before. I find it hard to believe that this castle is built from a dream you had. You just seemed to know so much detail and where everything was to go. Tell me Salazar, how did this come about?"

Harry looked over to Rowena, who nodded her head, signalling it was time to tell them.

"That Godric, is because I have lived in this very School before. Tell me, have you ever had any thoughts or theories of time travel?"

"No, it is impossible Salazar, we all know that. Perhaps going a few minutes into the past to a maximum of a few hours if you used the correct runic combination and materials, but you're talking years here." Helga said.

"Well you see, I am from 1000 years in the future. This school has been my home for 5 years before." Harry began but was quickly interrupted.

"Preposterous! That is inconceivable Salazar! Do you take us for fools? Why lie to us? I thought we could trust you! I think you should leave before you make me angry!" Godric spat.

"Very well Godric, if that is your wish." Harry stood, and made his way to the door and noticed Rowena with tearful eyes.

"I shall stay at the inn in Hogsmeade, the one where we first met if you change your mind and wish to listen to me. I won't be far Row, you can some and see me anytime you want." Harry said, turning and leaving the castle.

"You knew didn't you Rowena! You knew and never told us! Do you know how betrayed I feel right now?" Godric could not hold his anger in, his words echoed with power.

"Silence you foolish man! I swore an oath by magic and by my life I would not reveal his secrets! Would you have wished me to die telling you? No, I didn't think so. Do you not think that I could lose the man I love more than anything to the sands of time. One day he will not be here, he has to return to his own time and some point and he cannot control when he has to leave! It kills me to know I will someday without him, and the more years that go on, the sooner I think he will have to leave. Do not speak to me of betrayal Gryffindor! Time has betrayed me and my loved!" Rowena spat running from the room.

"Helga, what should we do? Did I over-react? Should I go after him?" Godric whispered, disappointed in himself for his outburst.

"I think we should leave it for a few days my love, let things cool down slightly. Then I shall go speak with Rowena whilst you go and apologise to Harry, he was going to tell us why he has kept this from us all these years yet you did not give him chance. I love you Godric, but sometimes you can be a right dunderhead." Helga said lovingly, trying to console her love.

Two weeks later and Harry was sat at a table in the inn with Rowena by his side. They had met every night since Harry's departure, Rowena even had the sense to bring his students homework essays that he marked and gave her back to take back to the school, as well as instructions for them all to follow whilst he was away.

It was this night that Godric came into the inn and requested 'Salazar' returned to the school for a discussion. Harry quickly agreed and after grabbing his belongings from the room he was staying in and paying the barkeep for his time there, followed Godric back to his home, Rowena on his arm.

Upon entering Godric's office, which would in later years become known as the Headmasters office, they were met my Helga. Who immediately stood and embraced Harry in a hug.

"Salazar, it is good to see you again. We have missed you. Godric and I are sorry for how things turned out and for how long it took too come and get you. Seraphar's sister, Selaina, unfortunately died whilst giving birth, she had a baby boy which weirdly she called Salazar, even though she has never met you or even heard of you,"

When Harry heard this things clicked in his mind that had been bugging him since his proclamation of being Salazar Slytherin. He did not want to leave a Basilisk in the school and he did not have the statues that he knew were in the chamber in his time. Drawing this new information into what he already knew, Harry figured that this new Salazar Slytherin would be the one Voldemort would be descended from, he would access the chamber and place the Basilisk their and also erect statues of himself, proclaiming he was Harry or as he was known 'Salazar Slytherin, Founder of Hogwarts'.

"Please, there is nothing to apologise for. What I said was a bombshell that I asked you believe by just my word. I am willing to swear on oath if that is what it takes?"

"No Salazar, that is not required. We have spoken to Rowena and known you for 25 years now. We trust you and your word." Godric said, hoping for forgiveness.

"Then let me tell you the story of a boy named Harry Potter…."

For long into the night they talked, well Harry did the talking whilst the others listened. When Harry finished his life story so far, Godric and Helga promptly fainted. A quick Ennervate later and they were both back in the land of the conscious, too stunned to say or do anything. All into Rowena giggled, which set Harry off, and eventually both Godric and Helga joined in.

"So you see, I had to introduce myself as Salazar, else this school, the future, my present, would not exist. I hope you can forgive me for living a lie since I have met you, but please understand that it had to be done." Harry said once they had all calmed down.

"But Salazar, which by the way I will continue to call you so I don't get confused, you say you didn't want to be written in History. I'm afraid you are too late for that. My great grandfather has everything about you in his book. Harold Emrys… yes but then…no…that makes you my relative!" Godric shouted, running off through a door in his office. When he returned he held a large ancient looking tome.

Harry took the book from Godric and examined the front cover. On the front was a picture, one that only two people knew existed. It was a picture of stars with a lightning bolt going through the centre. His and Merlin's sign. Opening the book Harry read the first page, which was a dedication and author proclamation. It read :

Dear Heir,

I invoke the ancestors right to keep this book and all its contents within a family secret. People not of our blood will only see a blank book, but those who belong to our line will be able to read of my life. I dedicate this book to my brother, for without him I would not have made it through some sticky situations. If you are reading this then you are worthy to know of our family's secrets. Learn from this book heir and stay true to our line and motto: There is no light and dark, only magic and intent.

Merlin Emrys

"I can't believe it. He actually got around to writing a book and settling down with a family. Godric… Thank you, seeing this book means so much to me!" Harry said, tears welling in his eyes. The first time any of the founders had seen him close to crying.

"Please Salazar, take this book. He would want you to have it. I think that is why he wrote it to be honest, so that someday in your time, you would receive it and remember him, just like he remembered you." Godric said quietly, laying a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Thank you Godric but I cannot accept. It needs to be passed down the family. The Gryffindor line and by veto Hufflepuff line shall be needed in the years to come, your heirs will need the knowledge in this book to help them. I am positive the book will make its way to me eventually." Harry said, handing the book back.

"Now that we have my history and future out in the open, I have some bad news. Rowena, I am so sorry but my time is coming to a close here. Magic is close to sending me on to the next place. I wished we had more time together but I believe that this will be my last night. Godric, I ask for one more duel before I am to leave? I always find great joy duelling you?" Harry asked with a cheeky grin.

"Fuck Sal, of all the things you could do before you must go, you want to humiliate me again? Fine, but only as a last request my friend."

"Come my friends, let us drink and celebrate my time here." Harry chuckled, pouring everyone a goblet of mead.

Later that Harry and Rowena had retired to their quarters they sat up talking for a while.

"So, by the way you were acting, it sounds like your leaving tomorrow?" Rowena said, holding back her sobs.

"I am sorry Rowena, I wish I could stay, I really do, but I cant. The magical pull is as strong as it was with Merlin. There is no way for me to stop it. I love you Row." Harry whispered, holding Rowena close to him.

"And I love you Harry. We knew this would happen, I just didn't think it would be so soon. Promise me you will move on Harry, don't forget about me but don't stop yourself from loving again. Please promise me that. Name a child after me will you?" Rowena cried.

"As long as you love again Row, as long as you move on and have a happy life with someone who makes you as happy as you make me."

"Less talk now Harry, make love to me one more time!"

The following morning Harry and Rowena met Helga and Godric at the front of the school. Both had tears in their eyes knowing this would be the last moments they had with their friend. Words could not describe the gratitude they felt for all the things Harry 'Salazar' Emrys-Potter had done for them.

"You ready to have your arse handed to you one more time old chap?" Harry joked, a twinkle evident in his powerful emerald green eyes.

"If this was not your last day I would throw you in the damn lake when you were sleeping you little twerp" Godric replied, equally amused.

Harry turned to Rowena and hugged her tightly, giving her a passionate kiss he whispered in her ear, "Goodbye my love, I will always remember you"

He turned to Helga and pulled her into a hug much as brothers and sisters would. "Don't ever change Helga, I'll miss you."

Grabbing Godric in a manly hug he whispered so only Godric could hear him, "Take care of her my friend, make sure she moves on and loves again. It would not be fair if she held on to the memory of me and forgot to live. Take it easy on her."

Stepping back he spoke loudly once again, "C'mon Grubby-door let's get the show on the road!"

They both got into a duelling stance one they were a safe distance away from the castle, staring into each other's eyes. Godric made the first moving, sending an exploding curse at the ground in front of Harry. Harry arched his eyebrow and manipulated the point of where the spell would hit into a gaping hole, quickly sealing it once the spell was safely within. Returning fire Harry sent a concussion jinx followed by a stupefy and several expelliarmus's, as Godric was distracted deflecting, dodging and blocking the curses he failed to notice Harry start running at him. At the last second he sent a bombarda hex straight in Harry's path. Harry, with the aid of the air element jumped and flew straight over the spell, flipping around mid-air and firing off a bludgeoning spell followed by a bone breaker. Godric was impressed with Harry, he knew that Harry was good but now he seemed to be just toying with him. Godric trying to take the advantage of Harry's lack of seriousness fired several powerful spells at Harry that if landed would have sent him flying backwards, bound in ropes and unconscious. Harry just stood still, slapping the curses to the side, tapping his foot impatiently.

"C'mon you can do better than this Godric! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!" He chided.

Godric growled and sent a medium powered Abeo at Harry, that would have broken every bone at the point of impact. Harry was about to spring into action but felt a pull in his magical core, distracted he forgot about the curse on its way in line with his ribcage. Turning to Rowena, Harry looked into her eyes and smiled a sad smile whispering "I love you" Just before he disappeared in a flash of lightning, milliseconds before the curse hit him.

All three founders stood, tears in their eyes, staring at the spot Harry had just occupied when they heard a trill, that lifted their hearts and made them remember the good times. Looking for the source they saw a red and gold bird in the distance flying towards them. As it got closer Godric recognised it as a phoenix. But no just any phoenix, this phoenix was the one from his ancestors' book. It was Fawkes.

As Fawkes swooped in he dropped a package to each of the founders before settling on Godric's shoulder.

*Good afternoon Godric Gryffindor. Merlin and Harry send their regards and hope you all the best. I find you worthy heir of Merlin, from this day until the day you pass I shall stay with you. Now I must rest, we shall see each other again tomorrow* And with that Fawkes flew towards the castle.

Godric looked down in his hands and saw a long thing wrapped object with a letter attached. He removed the letter and broke the seal of his ancestor, reading the message within.

Dear Godric,

It is an honour to hear about you from my brother Harry. I am Merlin and if I am right then you have just been accepted as Fawkes's next companion. Congratulation, Fawkes is a true friend. Now, Harry has told me all about you but from what I have heard you lack one thing all great warriors possess. A sword. Harry and I have spent the last few months crafting this blade for you, and if I do say so myself it is a work of art.

We wish you all the best of luck and happiness in the future my Heir. Do the Gryffindor line proud.

Merlin and Harry (Salazar)

Opening the package, Godric was awed by the sword that lay in his hands. It was of a type of silver that still gleamed as if just been made. The handle gad intricate designs of phoenix's and Griffins all over it with a Hogwarts crest in the centre where the cross section met. Encircling each end of the hilt were beautiful glowing red rubies. The blade itself was 34 inches long and had his name engraved down the length of it. Godric told himself that he would cherish this sword for as long as he lived.

Helga looked at the letter she had received as well as book-shaped package. Opening her letter she let out a gasp of shock at what she read.

Dear Helga,

Thank you for being such a great friend. If I ever had a sister I would wish for her to be exactly like you. Please keep an eye on Rowena for me, I have given her a present that should make her very happy indeed and quite possibly sad that she could not share it with me.

Although I taught you a lot of healing spells and potions there were many I did not get around to. Your package is a book I wrote holding every single spell and potion me and Merlin know that could be used for healing. I hope you like the present.

Live a happy life my friend and have many kids with Godric!


Harry 'Salazar' James Emrys-Potter

Whilst Helga and Godric were reading their letters they missed Rowena as she let out a cry and fell to her knees crying tears of joy and sorrow. Her letter had opened up possibilities for her that she had only dreamed of doing with Harry.

Dear Rowena,

Hey my love, I'm sorry I disappeared like that but it was unavoidable. A good thing has happened though, magic has sent me to see Merlin one last time before I return to my own time. Know that I will always remember you and hold a place for you in my heart.

During the past few months me and Merlin have been working our hardest on a potion. I pleases me to say that it works and to be able to pass it onto you. This potion will fix your reproductive organs, enabling you to have children. I am only sorry that it could not be with me, but please use the potion and start a family. Do not let the memory of me hold you back. We did promise each other to move on, please don't break that promise. I want you to be happy and to love again.

With all my love,

Harry James Emrys-Potter.

A/N: Ok so the results of the Harry and who pairings so far are as follows:

Slytherin Girl: 11

Tonks: 10

Hermione: 8

OFC: 3

Ginny: 2

Thanks for reviews and votes
