Watch and do what I do MY ASS, Viktor! He lands on a window ledge, turning around seeing if I can do. I can do it! What am I thinking there is no way I can do that! I stop myself at the ledge, looking another way to get there. Hearing the fight below me, It's going to take time to get to that building and floor if I go look around a way down. Time I don't have! My eyes search around, until I see black.
Viktor came back, grabbing me by my waist and jumping back. I gasp, not having enough time to even scream or process that this jerk just double jump! The Hell! We enter the main building and I hear commotions and voices I know oh so well. Nami? Chopper? Sanji?!
"What the-? How the hell-" I go back and forth, motioning with my hands, but the words don't come out. At this point, Viktor doesn't have time for me to ask questions and he couldn't answer them with the time we have. I know by this stunt I pulled of, I might be required to have a damn collar and leash at this point. I get lost more than Zoro! Flipping Zoro!
"Later! Go up these stairs and you'll find your captain! Remember, get out of here alive with those documents, Angelina!" he yells, ordering me around. Or is it more like shooing me away? Okay. I can do this. Get Robin and get out of dodge. It seems easy, right?
"Asshole," I made the weakest comeback I can think of, before leaving and climbing the stairs. I can hear Luffy screaming at someone, making me climb faster. I burst out, at the same time Sanji breaks through the roof.
"Nami! Chopper!" I yell back. I run towards them and as I get closer I hit Nami on the head. I was extremely angry with her.
"What the hell was with your attack! I thought I was gonna die again by Enue again! Never scare me again!" I hit her one more time, before bringing her in with a hug. Chopper is also brought into this hug-fest. I feel a lot better with my friends beside me.
Chopper looks up and points out Usopp, I mean, Sniper King flying above us, and landing on the roof. I look around and see all of us are here.
"I'm begging you, Robin!" Luffy yells loud enough. We all look at him and follow his lead. Everyone gets on the columns, standing proud beside our captain. I struggle to get up with Chopper and Sanji and look up to see Sanji's hand. I see his smile and I grab onto his hand and he lifts me up.
"If you wanna die or can say whatever you want! But you have to say it ..TO OUR FACES" Luffy proclaims.
"He's right, Robin" Nami said. I stare her down and join in.
"Robin, Come Back!" Chopper and I yell at the same time. I'm not going back to my crew without Robin. Even though, I was Crocodile's prisoner at that time and Robin was my enemy. She did everything in her power to make sure I was safe. I was never treated harshly by the guards and their members. I know she is a good person in her heart.
Looking at the members of CP9, I piece the information that Viktor gave me. Most of them have devil fruit abilities. But that is not what making shaking in my boots. I swallow hard as Lucci and Kaku look my way. It's the fact that Lucci, Kaku, and I know each other true identity. Kaku and Lucci are assassins undercover while Water 7, while I was a lost pirate without her crew.
"CP9! Listen up, guys! I'm giving you the order to kill them but do it in the Tower of Law. Since there is no guarantee they can get up here!" a creepy guy shouts at them. Then he turns to us, and I recoil in disgust. God that is a face that even a mother won't love!
"Wahahaha! You stupid pirates! Well, You'll learn that nothing you can do will change this! Cower before the power of the assassin group of CP9! Bow under the weight of the gates of justice which a mere human cannot open! And moreover, I now have the authority to use this golden transponder make a BUSTER CALL!"
GHOSTBUSTERS! I mean like I basically drown him out for a bit. He just spits out garbage at this point. He turns around and laughs.
"Yes, just twenty years ago,...this wat the power that wiped out your homeland, Nico Robin and the name Ohara, disappear from the maps the following year...isn't that right?!" WHAT? I don't get it. Did he say an entire island disappear? An entire island full of people…. I realized to make it disappear, the people had to die, but why. Why. Why? WHY! Why does this government have so much power like this? They don't have the right to kill innocent people!
I snap out of my thoughts and look up to barely seeing Robin. Is she okay? I have no idea what they are saying with all this wind blowing around. I see Robin stand up and calmly speaks to us.
"The more I wish to stay with all...the greater your risk from the fangs of my destiny. No matter how far across the sea I unshakable foe continues to pursue me! The foe is simply the world and its darkness. First with Aokiji… and now this time- I've already involved you twice! If this is to continues forever, no matter how kind and compassionate you all are-Someday it will become too much of a burden! Someday, you'll betray me and cast me aside!" Robin yells. At this point, she is trying to be strong and not cry. I held it together. Did she feel like this all the time? Did she think about it all the time?
When I see Robin, I'm going to hug the hell out of that woman and dispel every dark thought that she has.
"That's my greatest fear. That's why I didn't want you to rescue me! If I'm gonna die someday anyway-I want to die here!" Robin said. I frown, quietly seething at this point. Now, I'm ready to bring the thunder! They are going down for making Robin relive those days. You hear me, Bitches! You are dead meat!
"Wahahah. I understand! That makes perfect sense! You're absolutely right! Having you tag along, no one would not consider it a nuisance!" Creepy guy turns to us "Look at that symbol, pirates!"
"It represents the unity of more than 170 nations allied across the four seas and the Grandline. It represents the world! Do you realize how frivolous your resistance is?! Do you understand the sheer power of the organization that after this woman?!" I highly doubt you know what frivolous mean. Puh-lease, go back to the grave you came out of.
"I totally get who Robin's enemy is. Sniper king, Shoot down that flag," Luffy calmly says. I stand straight up and ready for the Usopp attacks. He lets out a fire attack in the shape of a bird and it shoots right through it, burning the entire flag. I can hear the screams of disbelief from everyone on the island. Yes, Luffy burn that flag. BURN, BABY, BURN! Of course, He knows that he declare war on the World government. I swear I thought I heard Viktor yell "Da Fuck!" somewhere out there.
"Bring it on!" Luffy yells back.
"ROBIN! SAY THAT YOU WANT TO LIVE!" Luffy yells. There is a lot of yelling and not a lot of punching this guy in the face Luffy. I am so ready to fight low-level guys to rescue Robin. I see Robin getting emotional and finally yells,
I hear the drawbridge lowering itself down. I guess the guys are actually doing it. I couldn't contain myself.
"I'M COMING, ROBIN. I'LL SAVE YOU!" I yell out. I keep smiling, as I realize that I gain the attention of CP9. Fuck. Damn. Forgot about that guy. Maybe I should had Luffy had the last fighting words. The drawbridge is coming closer to its destination and I can feel both groups of fighters ready to fight. I just realizing that we are going to face a group of assassins.
The bridge stops as an explosion stops it in its tracks.
"The drawbridge stopped!" Sanji observes it. I fell to my knees and look down to see the issues. I guess someone stop the chains. Then I tense up. I don't know how to explain this, but everything seems to muffle out. My crew's voices became background noise, muffled as if I headphones on. I can feel something coming. Something is coming. SOMETHING IS COMING THIS WAY! I look around trying to figure out what it is. I look up to see that the CP9's attention is not on us. Everyone is yelling and arguing with the group below us. Then I hear it. No mistake about it. It's a train and a person?
"No one can stop the work of Tom,"
Before I can process what was going on and what's happening to me, Luffy snaps me back to reality by making his entire group jump off the building.
I scream and somehow we land on a flying Rocket Man train. I grab onto the roof and squeeze my eyes together.
"We're gonna crash!" Luffy yells, looking at the closed doors in front of us. We are going to die. Shit! Damn! We crash through the door and through a stone wall, giving them some open space concept in their lobby and a grand entranceway.
I blink to see that I'm under someone and they are protecting me from the rubble. I see a very familiar scar across their chest. I reach up, tracing it. Mihawk did this to him. He flinches, before moving some rumble. Then he lifts himself up, getting rid of the rumble. I sit up and see that everyone is okay and Zoro lifts me up by the front of my shirt.
"Thanks, Zoro," I said, brushing off some dust. I look over to him and he seems okay. I check him out for any other injuries as well. Seeing nothing at all, I back away from him.
"It's okay," he says and moves forward. Before we had time to regroup with the rest of the crew, a voice stops us.
"Hold it! Chapa pa pa. It seems you made it to Enies Lobby! But even if you go to the next room, Nico Robin is not there. Lucci has taken her to the gates of Justice. The director is with them," A large round man states.
This man is oddly round shaped, with a good groom set of green hair. He wears the traditional suit of a government agent black suit, black dress shirt, and a silver tie. Basically, another asshole to deal with. Yet, what sets him apart is that he has a zipper for a mouth. Okay. That is weird as hell. I mean that is the weirdest thing I have ever see….. wait my captain is a rubber man and sometimes when he stretches its kind of weird for me. Never mind. Continue Zipper man.
"Don't ask me how to find them. We, of the CP9, won't let you get there. Our orders are to kill you all, cha pa pa. Unless you beat all of us, there's no way you can rescue Nico Robin," He said. I growl a bit, in frustration. Why can't they make it easy for us?
"Take a look," he said, lifting up a key.
"For what?" I ask him, done playing all these mind games.
"Nico Robin has been handcuffed with cuffs made out of sea stone," he said, bring bad news to us. I hear that takes away a Devil Fruit User powers away.
"Sea prism stone?!" Choppers asks us. He is a bit confused.
"It's a stone that blocks devil fruit users. It's the same as if you were sinking in the sea," Nami explains it perfectly. Chopper gasps, turning his attention the round man.
"So that's why Robin has let you push her around, even though she's so strong. It must be awful for her." Chopper said, being so cute. God I love this deer.
"Even if, for some reason, you are able to rescue Nico Robin, the sea prism is hard as diamond. You'll never be able to get it off of her," He said. WHAT!
"If that's okay with you, go ahead and save her, cha pa pa," he said. I swear if he says cha pa pa again I'm going to Cha pa pa pop off with these hands!
"Then Hand Them Over!" Luffy stretches his hand. The guy disappears, but I thought I saw him kick the air, like Viktor did. It looks like he can use those techniques that I see Viktor use. He reappears behind us.
"Don't be too hasty, I never said this is the real key," he said.
"What?!" we scream at him. He turns around arms stretch out and steps on-air, going higher and higher.
"It could be the keys to some other handcuffs, cha pa pa. There are five CP9 in the tower, including myself. Each one has a key," he said. I stand there thinking, there are eight of us and five of them. We should split up and get the keys and Robin at the same time.
"So you're saying that unless we beat each of you, take your keys, and test them on Robin's handcuffs, we don't know which is the correct one?" Zoro said, actually sounding smart for a change.
"Crap! What a waste of time! While we're messing around, that bastard is taking Robin to the Gates of Justice," Sanji complains.
"Remember guys! Our priority is saving Robin. We can come back and get the key," Nami said. I quickly shake my head.
"You can't do that, Nami. What if he decides to destroy the key or worst," I retort, giving an unneeded chill down our spine.
"Wow! You're smart! Look, we are giving you a sporting chance, later," he said, disappearing. Luffy gets angry and was about to chase after him, but Zoro holds him back.
"Hey Luffy Wait!"
"Guh! Come back here"
Usopp jumps in and holds Luffy back from running off, while the rest of us, think of a plan.
"Lucci is that pigeon guy," Sanji asks. I hug myself, shivering. I didn't like how Lucci looks at me.
"Yea, since Robin is with Lucci, if any of us should go after them, it should be Luffy. I don't know how to explain it-" I was cut off by Nami.
"Oi, Luffy! Get that Lucci guy," Nami orders him.
"Not counting Luffy, there are seven of us and only five of the CP9 guys. We'll get their five keys and then we can follow Luffy! If Robin passes through that Gate, It's all over. This is the battle against time. Everyone wins even if it kills you," Nami yells.
We all separate from each other. Some went to the ground floor while the rest of us go on the higher floors. Luffy zooms past us, leaving us behind. I need to find the keys. I can only hope I don't run into Lucci. Yeah that guy gives me the hives. It's like being Crocodile's prisoner again.
I pass by an open door and do a double-take. I see papers around that desk, and judging by the looks of this office as I step in, maybe a high-ranking officer. How lucky am I! I close the door behind me and quickly make work. I look at these papers and it looks like some important stuff. God, I wish I had a camera or something, but all well.
"Blah blah blah, Black market. Blah blah blah, Some dude name Joker giving out weapons….," My eyes widen as I read more and more. I quickly flip the paper over and stagger away from the desk. It's another Crocodile. Nope, I quickly nope out of there. That looks like information that can get me to kill just for knowing it. I open my fanny pack and stick the important papers in. I open the drawers and see a bag of money. Yep, taking that as well.
I hear a rumbling above me as I reach the stairs. I grab unto the wall, stabilizing myself. Well now I know where not to go. I go down the stairs on the other side of the tower. I find myself back on the ground floor.
"Hey, it's the nice Lady,"
I see the little girl down the stairs on a lower landing. I tilt my head in confusion. Does this tower have a basement? I grimace. I really don't want to know what's in the basement.
"Lady, we just saw your friend pass by here,"
That immediately got my attention. I go down the stairs and smile at the child.
"Which friend is that?" I ask her. She grabs my hand and leads me further down the stairs, while her cat-bunny follows us.
"The black-haired lady with those mean guys," she said, rounding the corner. I look up to see a steel door left ajar. I open it to see a long hallway. I assume this is an underground tunnel to the gates. If this is what it is, that means Robin, Lucci and that director guy went through here. I groan in agony. I sigh, knowing I need to buy Luffy time to get here. I squat down to her level.
"Hey you think you can find my captain and send him this way. Tell him I'll try and buy him some time, okay?" I ask of her. At this point I need to trust that no marines or agent would kill a sweet child like her. She nods and runs off to find my lost captain. I turn and start to walk down this cold dark hall.
"To Robin...and maybe certain death," I mumble to myself as I start to jog. I follow the long hallway, just going to the flow of it. It doesn't take long for me to a set of doors. Let's see what's behind door number one.
Carefully and sneakily, I open the door and peek in. It looks like a giant warehouse or a storage room with many pallets of boxes. I step in, closing the door. I thought I was a smooth criminal, being all sneaky around here. Nope. I see something dive at me, I move out of their way and see it's that bird, Hattori. My eyes follow them back to its master, Lucci. Great. Fabulous, even. Welp, my ass is grass.
"Hey there, Handsome. Miss me?" I casually said. Lucci hops off from the stacks of boxes and lands silently ten feet away from me.
"Angelina," Lucci states my name. Oh lord. He said my name in his real voice and I'm a bit into it. Well shit. Damn me and my voice kink. This is going to be hard to focus on.
"Who would have thought that you were just a lowly criminal?" he said, with a neutral face on. There is a ninety percent chance that I would need to fight this monster. The only thing I need to do is buy enough time for Luffy to get to me.
"Remember when I asked for your opinion…..No. Me neither. To be honest, I'm a snack" I sass him. With the look in his eyes, I feel like he wants to tear me to shreds. Then he smirks, and I tense up. I need to be on my toes with this one. I don't think I can take him on. Lucci is waiting for me to make a move, so he can make his move. He is out for blood. I know it. He wants to kill me!
We stare at each other for a long time. The only motion he does is a step here and there, a flick of his wrist, while I give him small reactions, moving back, keeping my distance from him, knowing that he can close this distance in a snap.
Lucci and I circle each other, he stepping closer to me while I step back. Making sure I can dodge to the left, right or back, I keep moving. Lucci boldly rushes to me, surprising me. One moment we were almost dancing, then Lucci is in front of me and pain shooting up and down my arm.
"Finger pistol," Lucci said, taking his finger out of my arm. I jump back, grabbing my arm. I backflip with one arm for more distance. Blood drips down my arm. I look down to see a hole in my biceps. It's not deep enough to hit my muscle. I look up in fear, hoping that Luffy hurries up to find this place.
"What's wrong? Afraid," Lucci heartlessly said. I gulp, afraid. This is different. This is way different. I can feel the blood lust from him, choking me. My body shiver. My arm hair is standing up.
"Afraid. Yes. I am afraid….of dying. But I know you won't kill me," I state calmly. I straighten up. This is my time. Come on. I didn't come all the way here for me to die again. I won't die again. Lucci stands there, frowning, not liking my answer.
"To be honest, I think you're playing with me, like a cat to a mouse. I bet…hahahah," I laugh at my situation. I psychoanalyze Lucci as a heartless bastard, but I was wrong! I look up and smile with a crazy look in my eyes.
"Shit! I bet you get off killi-"
I quickly dodge another finger pistol from him, I wince as Lucci cuts me this time. I back away quickly and run into a lot of crates. I need to create a distance from him.
Holding my breath, I flatten against a box as I hear something land close by me. I hear the panting and the sniffing of a large animal looking for me. I peek from my hiding spot to see human/leopard hybrid Lucci crouch down, staring at me. His teeth are sharp and his claws are too. If I get hit by a finger pistol from him, I'm done for.
Letting out a gasp and something otherworldly, I will myself to turn and run, but Lucci uses his speed and once again is in front of me, in mid-air. His claws are out and he swipes right destroying the crate, but I dodge right in time. I give him a punch on his right side, but he doesn't even flinch.
Mentally, I am cursing at him, but I made a mistake. I turn my back on him. My eyes should have been on this monster and not a route to escape him.
First, I sense a weight on my back, making me fall. I brace myself, hands out in front of me. Then, I feel him breathing down on my neck, his claws sinking into my waist, and his sharp teeth chomping down on my shoulder. My tank top soaking the blood a bit, before dripping onto the white cobblestone floor.
I scream, as his teeth dig deeper, blood coming out of it. I struggle to get up again, as he shakes his head back and forth with every move I make to even get up. So, I lay there, tears coming down, I stay on my forearms and knees and start to shake. Lucci is having a good grasp of me, dragging his claws down a bit, daring me to move in his grasp. Fuck! It is like having a dog bite ya and not letting go.
I can feel his tongue, lapping against my skin, lapping up my blood over and over again, inside his mouth. I shudder and the texture of his tone, like a cat sandpapery and uncomfortable as I hear it. I think Lucci is either purring or fucking moaning, hell maybe even both. This freak is either getting off from the blood, or the pain he is causing.
I grind my teeth together, moving my head slightly to see him rubbing his furry head against taking a last taste of blood before staring at me with his golden eyes. Lucci reverts back to his human side, yet letting his teeth be sharp, and his claws in me. My blood paints his lips red.
"You should join us, Angelina D. Portagas or should I say Angelina D. Talon, instead," Lucci purrs out, licking his lips. I tremble badly. How does he know my name? I know they have information on my crew, but not me. They didn't know about me being a pirate until I showed up on the train. How the hell does he know my dad's name?
"...QUE?" I loudly said, turning around. I try to back away from him, that look in his eyes. It reminds me of how Crocodile looked at me when I was in his grasp. Crazy. Obsessed. Bloodlust.
He transforms back to his half form, using his tail to drag me back under him. He smirks, one hand beside my head, while using the other to grab my jaw. His claws drawing a bit of blood.
"Viktor, did say you might not understand? So, I'll help you understand... the very position that you are in," Lucci said, sounding like a true Disney villain. I whimper as his grip tightens.
"You can either desert these pirates and become one of us, a true agent of justice, a World government agent, or you can die here, alone," Lucci goes on. At this point, I'm confused. Why?! The hell is going on?
"Why?" I question. How does he know about that last name? No one should know about that! The information about my real biological father shouldn't be known. By the way Lucci is smirking, he likes the way I look right now. Lost. Confused. Conflicted.
"I only offer this chance to get rid of the reputation you're going to get for associating with these pirate. I won't let my teacher's reputation be ruined because of you. If what Viktor says is true, you can become the greatest weapon for justice, for the World government," Lucci said, digging his claws. I have no idea what my dad does or what type of man he is, but did LUCCI just called him his TEACHER?!
I hear the familiar sound of my captain. Yet, I need to deal with this monster before. His tail tightens around my ankle, and slowly his whole body transforms to a leopard.
"Decide: Join or Die….."
"...fuck no,"
Panting, I struggle to stand anymore. I reach the door Robin had pass, but turn around and slid down. Blood coats the door as I go down, I grunt as I sit down. Looking down and grabbing at my side, I know Lucci left a mark. I see him, coming towards me. He squats down, lifting my head with a clawed finger. I glare at him tiredly. I feel more blood seep out of my wound.
"Shame. I watch you when you came to Water 7. You had the greatest potential to be a World Government agent like me," he mumbles. He lifts my left hand that was applying pressure from my wounds and stares at me. He slowly sticks out his tongue and 'cleans' my hand, while his other hand covers the wound he made. Three claw marks on my side, still bleeding.
"You would have been perfect under my direction," he mumbles, leaning and kissing my forehead. He gets up, leaving me there and sits on a crate.
"Now, you will watch me kill your captain and I'll kill you myself," he said, just in time. Luffy burst in and sees Lucci first, but then he sees me. I can see the anger inside of him swell as he sees me, bloodied and bruised. Lucci is going to use me to get a rise from Luffy.
"Welcome," Lucci calmly says. Luffy growls at him.
"THAT PIGEON GUY!" Luffy yells out. Come on, Luffy. Beat that Bastard so we can save Robin. I pant heavily, as it is hard to move around when you have a sadistic heartless, blood loving assassin, playing around with you. I look around for something to wrap myself with, anything that can stop the bleeding. I hiss at the pain. I wish I could pay attention to the fight, but I think I can take a nap right?