True Self

Ariel: It's been a while since I updated….

Ikuto: I know..

Ariel: I wasn't talking to you

Ikuto: Hey! What's your real name?

Ariel: -whispers into Rima's ear and they both discuss something in whispers- My name is Sylvir…

Ikuto: Really?

Sylvir: no..

Ikuto: b-b-b-ut you said it was ur real name

Sylvir: It's my vampire name and also short for a username I use a lot

Ikuto: Ok…

Sylvir: fine..I'll tell you my real name….later…

Ikuto: when?

Sylvir: ….sometime…..

Important news- I made a blog!Visit my profile for the link, thnx!

Disclaimer- I do not own Shugo Chara or any of it's characters! I also do not own Alice by Avril Lavigne and Bring Me to Life by Evanescence or any of the lyrics!


"Arigatou, Kaminari for going through all this trouble." Amu said bowing to her.

"No, it's okay."

"Is there anything else I need to know before I go?"

"You will be meeting you're co-workers 10 AM tomorrow." She replied.

"Who are my co-workers?"

"That, I cannot tell you. You'll see for yo-" Her phone went off.

"I'll leave you to do your work then, thanks again!" Amu said.

Kaminari waved to her and watched her leave before picking over the phone.

"Hello, who is this?" She asked, then paused and nodded. "You want me to give your daughter a stage name? How about Sapphire Yoshida?"

She paused again to listen to the woman talking on the other line.

"Ok, then it's settled. Call me if you want anything else." Kaminari said and hanged up.


I opened my eyes and found myself inside a volcano. I looked around and saw a few tunnels well at least I thought they were.

Curious, I walked into one of them. I immediately lost my balance and tumbled down. A song suddenly started playing from…somewhere…

Trippin out
Spinning around
I'm underground
I fell down
Yeah I fell down

I think it was from the movie Alice in Wonderland, but I wasn't sure. Well hey, I don't watch movies much.

I felt a my feet hit the ground and I stood up to find myself on another part of the island. (sorry! I know I said Crater Lake. But I meant that was what the lake looked like. Or sort of looks like. So if something I describe doesn't look like Crater Lake, or around it u get the point. then 1. I failed in describing 2. I made it up)

I was surrounded by water and the water was surrounded by…land? I'm on a volcano that is within another volcano? And it happens to be in the middle of some sort of lake!

I peered into it, and saw something, a light I think at the bottom. (I know, impossible to see bottom.)

I looked at it more closely and noticed, on it had this symbol that seemed awfully familiar. I couldn't recall where I had seen it but it was really, really uncommon to be found.

I found myself in Wonderland
Get back on my feet, again
Is this real?
Is this pretend?
I'll take a stand until the end

"I see you have finally come." A voice from behind said, startling me. That's strange, I thought, my ears are extra sensitive but I couldn't hear or detect someone creeping up behind me?

"It's ok, Serenity. I won't hurt you. I'm only here to help." This time I noticed that the voice belonged to a girl.

"Serenity…it's okay, I won't harm you. Turn and look at me, look at me please." I wasn't sure if I should turn around of not. But her pleading was getting annoying so I finally gave in.

The girl looked almost as I had expected her to be. Her hair color was more unusual than mine. It was a color that looked kind of like white, but looked more like very faint or a pale pinkish color. Her eyes reminded me of my best friend Utau Hoshina Hinamori, who was also my "sister". And I mean "sister" as in legal terms. She isn't technically my sister, but still…I don't want to get off topic here.

I, I'll get by
I, I'll survive
When the world's crashing down
When I fall and hit the ground
I will turn myself around
Don't you try to stop me
I, and I won't cry

The song ended.

"Who are you?" I asked, about to make a dash for the nearest escape in case if something happens. I didn't trust her even though she said "I won't hurt you." I felt as if she will.

"I am Sorano Yamashita and I am here to tell you about the legend." She said. Ok, I change my mind about how she reminded me of Utau. She looked exactly like a doll; petite figure, big eyes, long hair, the cute hat and her clothing. It made her look like a doll. I'm serious, like dead serious. I swear if I didn't know better, I'd think she is a doll.

"You aren't gonna ask me for my name?"

"No, why should I? I know who you are. You're in it, DUH!" What did she just say? I'm in it? This isn't making any sense now. What's it? And she made it sound like I was supposed to know what it meant or something.

Another song started. We both listened.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

Wake me up
(Wake me up inside)
I can't wake up
(Wake me up inside)
Save me
(Call my name and save me from the dark)

Wake me up
(Bid my blood to run)
I can't wake up
(Before I come undone)
Save me
(Save me from the nothing I've become)

After what seemed like a minute or two, she grabbed my hand and starting walking.

"Where are we going?" I snapped, withdrawing my hand from her grasp. She looked up at me in surprise.

"I'm only taking you on a walk around the island"

"Oh" I relaxed a bit and she took my hand again.

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

She gave me a tour of the island. And afterwards she brought me back to the spot where I was looking at the bright light.

"That" She pointed, "you have to get, no matter what."

"What is it?" I asked.

"That is the rest of the scroll, the magical scroll that was made by…umm.." Sorano looked uncomfortable. "Anyways, that is the scroll you and Alan have to get."

"Um, but why?"

"You just have to get it ok?" Her voice changed into a snarl.

"Tell me what it is first"

"NO! YOU HAVE TO IT DAMNIT! YOU HAVE TO GET IT EVEN IF YOU GUYS DIE." She took a menacing step forward. Ok…this is weird. She was all shy and stuff earlier and now she's..a..a monster. And the song suddenly stopped playing.

"Tell me why, Sorano! Just tell me first..please!" I said. She took a couple more steps forward and I took another step back.


"What do you mean?" I asked. She snapped.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT? JUST GET THE GOT DAMN SCROLL! GO!" Without warning, she pushed me into the water. I tried getting wings to come out, but nothing happened. So I tried swimming back up. It seemed like the surface was getting further and further. I was sinking deeper every second, into the endless darkness. Weird, huh? You can see the bottom from the surface but when your in the water its all dark.

I was running out of breath and none of my spells were working. Damn it. I forgot. We vampurgels are weak under water. It is impossible to use any magic under water but it is possible to use our wings to swim.

My throat felt like it was on fire. And I was freezing. The water was so cold and I was stuck in the dark. I mean, yeah my vision works underwater but still, it wasn't working as well for some reason. I felt as if I was sinking in quicksand.

Just as I felt my lungs were going to burst, I woke up. Utau was shaking me.

"Amu! Amu! You okay?"

I opened my eyes to find her violet eyes looking at me. Concern was plastered across her face. I sat up.

"Yeah. I-I'm okay. Just hadda nightmare it's okay Utau. Don't get paranoid about it ok?" She frowned.

"Bu-sure." She forced a smile. "Sure," she repeated. "No prob."

"Thanks sister." Utau paused at the door, "You sure your okay, Amu?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Only a nightmare, right? No biggie."

"If you wanna talk to me, just you know, tell me." She said and closed the door behind her.

I replayed the words in my head. "Yeah. Only a nightmare, right? No biggie."

I couldn't get those words outta my head. For some reason, the more I thought about it, the more I doubted what I said.

Somewhere in my head, a voice told me I was wrong. But I shrugged it off.

Oh shit! I looked at the clock. It read 10:05 AM. SHIT! SHIT! I'm late! I pushed those thoughts away as I hurriedly whispered a quick changing spell. (A/N: If you remember in the very first chapter, Ikuto assumed Amu is a goth right? Well it's just part of her façade so don't get confused when I put non-goth stuff.)

I quickly scribbled a note to Utau and my parents saying I was at the movie theater with a classmate and that I'd be back in an hour or two.

Once I reached outside I became "Erina Hayashi."

I got there in less than 5 minutes, thanks to my Porsche. Don't ask me how I got it. Yeah, I'm not even 17 yet but screw it. Nobody follows all the frickin laws. At least I don't. And I didn't steal or anything. Just convinced them to let me buy it. (A/N- I used Porsche cuz I think too many people use Lamborghini. I'm not sure how you spell it. Tell me if I spelled it wrong, thnx!)

"I'm here!" I yelled as I entered the studio. They turned to look at me.

"Oh you're here Erina." Kaminari said entering the room as well from the other door on the opposite end of where I was.

"Sorry, I'm late!" I apologized.

"No it's okay." She smiled. I looked around me. The only person I reconized was that blue-haired boy from my class.

"So you guys are all from Seraphiel Institute, I assume?"

"Ha, no. Sapphire here isn't." The long haired "guy" said. "And no, I am not a cross dresser nor gay person. I am a boy. Or dude, guy whatever you wanna call me. My name is Nagihiko Fujisaki by the way. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. Oh yeah, I remember him now.

"My name is Erina Hayashi. Nice to meet you too!" I replied. Eww. I sounds so girly, hyper, and…and..bubbly. And so GIRLISH! Don't get me wrong, I mean, I am a girl. Just not…a girlish girl. Sorry this probably doesn't make any sense to you.

"Erina? Erina, darling. Are you there?" I was still in daze to notice what was happening around me.

"I'm too sexy for her, duh!" I snapped back into reality, then noticed that I was "staring" at Ikuto.

"Har har" I said rolling my eyes at him. I turned away from him. "So…who here is Sapphire?"

The petite girl with the dirty blonde hair spoke. "My name is Sapphire Yoshida. I am actually twins with Rima Mashiro, but our parents got divorced and Rima stayed with mother and the "Stepfather" while I stayed with my dad."

"You don't attend Seraphiel Institute?" I asked.

"No, what about you?" She asked looking up at me.

Kaminari spoke up.

"Erina here, is from a private school. So you've probably never seen her before."

"That's right!" I said, "cheerfully". "I live in the next town and I'm actually cousins with Amu. Do any of you know her?" I smiled. Ha ha. I'm cousins with myself. How wonderful.

Ikuto and Nagihiko raised their hands.

"She's the new hottie that transferred from Seiyo Academy." Ikuto said. I mentally freaked out. WHAT? HE THINKS IM HOT?

"Oh you mean that goth girl who came in with that blonde chick? Utau Hoshina or something" Nagihiko said thoughtfully.

Kaminari looked at her watch. "Time for our first photoshoot."

Hideyo appeared at the doorway. "C'mon, I'll show you the dressing rooms."

Sylvir: gomen! It was short and was cut off. I have to go. Vacation on Myrtle Beach on Tuesday. (today is Sunday) Be back next Tuesday.

Pleaz review! 40-50. Ok thank you! Ps. I gotta phone finally! Yes, I am young.

Any grammar mistakes? I was rushing sorry again!