A/N Sorry it's been over a year for those of you reading this. It's a lousy reason but I got in a rut in my writing. On heck of a lousy time for since this is the final chapter and all. My apologizes for taking so long. I hope you enjoy it despite the wait.
On the Planet that was home to the Galactic Sheriff Headquarters Orion enjoyed the fresh air and sun as he walked down the busy streets. Finally given the green light to move about fully without the use of the cane or other devices he was enjoying every second of it. Still the medics were still saying he was pushing himself too hard with the lengths of the walks he had been taking lately. Maybe he was but he was confined to a chair for so long they couldn't or didn't understand his sudden to be on the constant move now. He wouldn't be surprised if they showed him video feeds of his legs just moving on their own while he slept.
Of course if they saw his training regimen to get back into armor shape they might tranquilize him to keep him from reaggravating his injury.
Armor shape, that made him think about Alex. he should have realized how the human was going to react he showed them that he was standing again. And he should have too, Orion felt a similar sense of loss when he was forced to hand over the keypad to him in what felt like forever ago. And Dez saying that they are so much alike that it was sickening. But his colleague and friend Xain was right, he was lucky when he choose Alex for his replacement. And if he was still that lucky all of them would be "lucky" when he took the armor back.
"Orion!", he looked back to see another Sheriff run toward him. And not just to catch up based on the look on his face.
"What's so urgent?", he asked when the other being finally stopped. "The Boss attacking the planet?", he joked.
The confusion showed on his face when the other being went, "You didn't hear?"
"No I didn't," fearing his joke may be closer to the truth then he meant.
"They're still confirming this," he went on, "but word is the Boss is dead."
Most people who didn't work with the Sheriffs would figured they would be overjoyed by the news. But in reality they knew the type of torment on trouble that sort of vacuum would case. "How did this happen? The Boss supposedly had better and tighter security than Headquarters has."
"Anybody who has a contact or a mole there is still trying to get some sort of confirmation but the current word is that it was Galgamayde."
"Oh slag," Orion muttered feeling a cold rock form in his stomach, the same size as the one when that very being first injured him.
"If you don't like that you're going to love this, space probes detected several space ships leaving orbit around the same time. Nobody seems to know where they're going as of yet."
That cold rock grew to the size of an asteroid. "And if Galgamayde has his way a good chunk of them are heading toward Earth."
You can't be sure of that Orion."
Yes I can. What is the council doing about it?"
He wouldn't exactly look at him, "They want some sort of confirmation before sending in a response team to intercept."
"Slag it, it'll be too late by then." Grabbing the other being by his uniform jacket he pulled him toward Headquarters. "Come on, we have to get into the next meeting. I have to convince them to send a squad toward Earth."
"On your left!" Sam shouted out. Alex looked up to see a Herculean swing a stop sign it tore out of the ground at him. Ducking the blow be blocked the return swing with his sword. Twisting the handle a bit be was able to cut through the metal of the pole sending the Herculan staggering as he lost his balance. It was enough of a distraction to allow the other Herculean he was concentrating on to grab him from behind and throw him.
Leaving a decent size dent in the car he crashed into he peeled himself free. "That's it," he grunted. -DOUBLE GUN-RAPID FIRE- Non-lethal target points on both muscular aliens locked in on his display a moment before he pressed down on both triggers. Both covered up as the energized shots assaulted them.
"I think you made them angry," Sam said as they started to make their way toward them despite the constant barrage.
"They made me angry first," he said. But quickly he realized that this wasn't the best idea after all. "Dez serve up the special canister for the cannon. the one I need is..."
"The one I said was designed for Herculeans,"she finished for him. A couple of keystrokes at her controls later she announced, "It's ready."
"Right. Sam!"
-DOUBLE GUN-RAPID FIRE- She took up firing so he could stop, "On it."
He pressed the five key on the pad -CANNON- and held out both arms as it appeared over his right shoulder. -SPECIAL-GOOP- "I really hope it was meant for more than one," he muttered as that thought just hit him and got a traget lock. He pulled the trigger and a canister shot forward and exploded as it contents covered both of the aliens. It was almost like glue in the way that it held them together and to the ground, still they tried to come at him.
"Ah Dez," Alex said as the cannon disappeared, "I think we discovered a slight flaw in the goop thing."
"They're still grabbing at us," Sam took over, and we still got to place a transport chip on them."
"Go at them from behind," she told them.
"Okay," Alex mused and looked at his twin sister, "I think I'll..."
"I'll get their attention," Sam quickly cut in, " and get them going one way while you sneak in from the other." Before he could say anything she started waving her arms and jumping while heading to the right, "Hey double trouble! Follow me!"
"I'm supposed to be the one in charge," he whined. Mainly to himself since she wasn't listening. Making his way in the other direction he quickly ran in while the two aliens tried to get at Sam. Finding a patch of skin that wasn't covered in the goop he pulled two chips just in case. Realizing he was very much in kill range if they spotted him he attached both chips and backed away as fast as he could. The stopped and tried to look back at him when Dez transported them away. "Whew," Alex went after they were gone.
"You ever deal with two of those things before?", Sam asked as he called down their respective transports.
"That was a first for me," He said as he jumped on the Skyboard and flew off with Sam close behind on the Galactic Cycle. "Dez always said they never use more than one at a time out from their base. Most of the time they start punching each other after awhile back when they tried to use two."
"Unless this was for a grudge of some sort," she countered. "Don't think I didn't notice there was one for each of us."
"Yeah, yeah", he said. He didn't want to admit that it occurred to him too. Finally they were far enough away that Dez said they were clear of the police search. Sam turned toward an alley that they could get off the vehicles and deactivate their respective armors in. Almost as soon as they hit the street Alex's phone started ringing. "Shit I forgot," he went as he saw who was calling. "Stacy hi. I'm on my way now. I started talking and walking with Sam and lost track of time." He looked at her, "Stacy says hi."
"Hi Stacy," she said loud enough to be heard. Alex mouthed the words 'Thank you' before hurrying off to whatever they had planned tonight. Sam just smirked at him, "Looks like he had a shot after all." Then she lost a bit of the smirk, "God I hope the Sheriff thing doesn't ruin it for him."
In the middle of a hyperspace jump Galgamayde and The Andorian sat quietly at the controls of the latter's ship. Somewhere in that extra dimensional space that helped enable space travel were other ships of various sizes, all heading toward the same destination. Earth. And more importantly, in Galgamayde's persona; opinion. the human Sheriff.
The Andorian broke the silence after glancing a screen between them, "Several of the ships want you to go over the plan again."
"How did the droid handle this level of frustration," he growled. Then his mood darkened even more realizing the droid probably never felt it to begin with. "Remind them that it's not that complex of a plan. The larger ships with jump drives will appear near Earth and get their sensor's attention. Meanwhile those of us in the smaller vessels will appear out of the closest gate to Earth and help surround them while the inhabitants and the Sheriff watch and coordinate the initial attack. And the larger ships are to start jamming all frequencies prevent the planet from calling for help."
"More than a few of the lot you got back there aren't known for being team players," The Andorian reminded him. "There hasn't been an assault this large in the history of the Organization. Or before it if I remember correctly."
"Which is why I made a necessary compromise," he told him. "They will want to work together if any of them want to stake a claim to part of the planet. And remind them of this," he said as an additional thought. "If any of the encounter the human Sheriff they can pound on and shoot at him all they want but the kill is mine."
The Andorian nodded and prepped the message, and silently prayed for any idiot who accidently took that away from the assassin.
It had been a couple of days since they last had a call so Alex was able to make it on time to meet up with Stacy. Although at this point Sam might have to officially conceded that this might be an actual date. The fact they were sitting all the over there at the bar instead of at the table with her and their friends pretty much confirmed it. Still the other people at the table...
"I wonder when she'll realize he's just a loser who got real good at covering it up," Ryan said as he looked at them. Sam, and a couple of the others apparently, kicked him under the table. "Ow, ow, ow."
"Everybody deserves a second chance Ryan," Steve told him plainly. And it was a good thing he spoke up right then, because it was getting harder and harder not to tell them why he never lost that first chance to begin with.
"A loser is still a loser," Ryan insisted. Which was followed by another round of kicks under the table.
Sam just happened to look over at Alex as his hand went to the pocket he usually kept the keypad in. Stacy was looking the other way so she didn't see him go for it. But she must have heard it because she started looking around for the source for a moment. Her twin looked at her and Sam mentioned that she had it. he looked grateful but he still seemed a bit nervous, probably afraid that they'll get called away right then.
"Excuse me gentlemen," she said as she stood up. "And Ryan."
"Funny," he grumbled as he rubbed his leg.
Sam made her way to the restroom and locked the door behind her. Pulling out her keypad she went, "What is it Dez?"
"Samantha?", she replied sounding confused. "I was looking for Alex."
"He's... a little indisposed at the moment. He's," she debated momentarily on telling her, "He's on a date to be exact."
"Right," she replied back. "He told me about this Stacy."
There was something in her voice," You all right Dez?"
"I'm perfectly fine," she answered. "I'm just frustrated more than anything. I haven't been able to get in contact with Orion and now Alex is ignoring my hails."
"If it's anything important Dez I can get him out of here." Not that he'd be overly thrilled at the idea.
"No it wasn't anything important. I just wanted t tell him that there was a new update to the database."
"I'll text him and let him know," she said wincing as she would have to look it over as well. Alex was right about one thing, those updates could be huge. But one thing Dez had said was nagging at her. "How come you haven't been able to get a hold of Orion?"
"I don't know and that what's been frustrating me," she told Sam. "He missed his usual check in, which in and of itself isn't a problem it happens on occasion. Therapy ran long, cosmic interference and the like. But when I call him he usually calls right back. But I haven't heard anything. I've even tried inquiring about him on any channel I have access too and I keep getting the run around. "I have no idea on what is happening."
"Did you try the Medical Center he was in?"
"That was the first thought I had. They said he was discharged and haven't seen him since."
"Weird," Sam went. She didn't know Orion all that well but what she knew from Dez he didn't sound like the type to just go off grid like that. "Well he'd been confined for so long maybe he really decided to stretch his legs. Just to enjoy the freedom if anything else."
"That's possible," she admitted. "But I'd like to think he would have told me."
"It could have been a spur of the moment thing. Granted I don't know him as well as you or Alex..."
"No, you're probably right. I'm sure he'll turn up somewhere. It'll give me the opportunity to yell at him when he does for leaving me in the dark. Be sure to tell Alex about the update."
"Will do and give him hell Dez." Although part of her was wondering if Alex and Stacy had hit the staying over stage of the relationship yet. Sam quickly dismissed it as it was still early for the two and Alex never rushed to get any of his previous girlfriends in bed. That she was aware of. Still she was surprised to find him right outside the restroom door, "Alex?"
"You been in here for a while," he said. "I was starting to wonder how bad it was."
"Nothing like that, she just wanted to let us know the database got updated."
"Ugh, it's worse than I thought," he groaned. And she was pretty sure her brother wasn't joking. "Good thing Stacy has an early day tomorrow. Was that it? Because you were in there for a long time just for an update."
She debated on telling him about Orion. "Just a little girl talk."
Alex didn't look convinced, "Dez doesn't do girl talk."
"That's because you're not a girl."
While Stacy had an early Sam was still a bit surprised when they met up at the local coffee shop on their breaks. Seeing that she wanted to talk about something Sam pointed out an empty table. besides it would give her a chance to see if Stacy knew what she was getting into with Alex. They made some small talk when Staxy suddenly blurted out, "I heard Ryan tell the others that it was strange that I was starting to see Alex now."
"Ryan's a dick," Sam told her, "I wouldn't put too much into anything he says."
"Trust me I know," she said with a slight smirk. But it disappeared just as fast, "But I'm sure everybody has been wondering too. Probably you too..."
"You don't have to prove anything to me," she told her.
"No, I want too, especially since I'm sure this thought has crossed Alex's mind too." Sam was going to say something to the contrary but Stacy stopped her. "Sam, I've been interested in Alex for a while now. I was about to ask him out myself because I got tired of waiting for him to make the first move. Then his... problem started happening. Look I've dated way too many guys who ended up being losers and I didn't want to find myself in the same situation all over again." This was where Sam hated the whole secret identity thing because she wanted to tell her how wrong she was. "Then I saw him in the park after he got out of rehab. Unlike Ryan I wanted to be encouraging so I went over and talked to him. Sam a lot of those loser I mentioned have told me they cleaned up their act. And the first few times I kept falling for it even as I was watching them backslide into old habits the first chance they got. But I did start to see through them after a bit. But as I was talking to Alex I could see it wasn't an act, he really did get himself clean."
"Stacy," Sam stated.
"I know the temptation is probably still there," she went on. "That never goes away from what I understand. God I'm making myself sound horrible."
"You sound human," Sam assured her. Damn it she was saying this to somebody. "Stacy my brother is the bravest man I know. He puts up with a lot of stuff and doesn't really complain about any of it. Mainly from Ryan if we're being honest here," they shared a small smile. "I mean if it was me I would have pushed him into the river a long time ago."
"I'm getting there now with some of the comments I've heard him say," Stacy admitted.
"Just know this, Alex is like head over heels for you. But," how was she goingt o put this without blowing the big secret, "if he has to leave suddenly or arrives late, he's probably with me." It was not a total lie, that have been working a lot of cases together when they could.
"So you're his moral support system then?", she asked. "When things get too tough for him."
Again that wasn't that far from the truth, "In a sense."
"Why didn't you say your ship had a portable jump gate?", Galgamayde demanded after word of this particular, and not particularly legal, device.
"It won't change anything," the ship's captain answered, almost sounding offended he thought otherwise.
"It changes everything," the assassin insisted. "If the smaller ships can appear closer to the planet then they can join the assault sooner. Because the watcher's station and the Earth sensor net will detect the larger ships as soon as the jump in smaller ship, if they jump in right after will be able to disable any defenses they try to set up. Therefore the damage to the larger ship in minimalized." There was silence on the other end for a long moment.
Finally," I'll transmit the frequency of the gate to the other ships."
Instead of acknowledging Galgamayde shut off the communicator. A few choice words mumbled under his breath.
"We're getting the gate's frequency," The Andorian said after a moment.
"Pick a random ship out of the smaller vessels and confirm it's the same frequency," Galgamayde told him. "I wouldn't put it past the slag waste to try and get rid of us that way."
"Times like these I see why the droid had the hunters on it's payroll," he said. "This wouldn't have been kept from him."
Galgamayde grumbled in disgusted agreement, "But I'm not afraid to personally show my displeasure for such disrespect. Or to create an example out of the ship."
Sitting on the steps of his apartment building he looked at the keypad in his hand absent mindedly. He was waiting for Sam so they could meet up with the others. But his mind wouldn't stop nagging at him. He didn't even realize Sam was sitting right next to him until she said something, "What's going on?"
He glanced at her before returning his look to the keypad. "Me and Stacy had a little talk."
"About...?", she said with some apprehension.
"About my 'recovery' and her sudden interest." Sam winced. "She wanted to be completely honest with me before we went any further. I told her it was all right and that I understood."
"But...," she went that was where he was headed.
He sighed, "But I can't be completely honest with her. And it's making me feel like shit. So much so I'm thinking about telling her."
"Whoa," Sam went, "slow down Alex. You guys just started dating."
"I know," he said. Looking at her he went, "You know how Mom and Dad always said they just knew they belonged together right from the start?"
"I know we always played along because we didn't really believe it," she reminded him. "You not starting to think that about you and Stacy are you?"
"I don't know," he admitted. "But i think I got something good here. Something that almost didn't happen because of an assumption about me that I let happen because it was convenient at the time."
"What does Dez think about this?"
"I haven't talked to her about it yet. I wanted to run it by you first since you'd be affected too."
She mulled it over for a moment before speaking, "If you're asking my opinion, I think it's too soon. And I think you been letting any guilt you've been feeling about letting people think that about you is clouding your judgment a bit." Alex really wanted to tell her she was wrong about that last part. Yet the words weren't coming out of his mouth. She went on, "Look bro, I'll try and help you out where I can with this. We'll talk to Dez and see if I can take on the small time guys for you whenever possible. I'll even try and cover for you if you have to get away fast. But seriously Alex, something this big," she gestured toward his keypad, "this soon in the relationship seems too fast."
"Too much too soon huh?", he finally ended up saying.
"A bit."
At that time Dez was monitoring things that required her usual attention. Then she got the signal for an incoming ship, unscheduled and a lot of them from the look of things. Then once they appeared close to Earth orbit one of them opened an illegal gate and more, smaller ships came pouring out. And they were heading straight toward the planet. "Alex, Samantha!"
Alex silently cursed at the timing of the call, "Yeah Dez."
"Alex!", the twins glanced at each other, why did she sound so nervous. "A large fleet of ships appeared in orbit. And several smaller ships are heading fast planetside."
"Define fast," Alex went.
"Alex!", Sam said looking behind him. Alex turned around to see several exhaust trails heading toward the ground. Then they started firing at some of the buildings once they were in range."
"Shit," he went.
"Those are small one man attack crafts," Dez said while going over the readings. They went in full speed ahead of the main fleet for the initial attack."
Looking around quick for a place they could activate the armor Alex went, "Take out the smaller ships, got it."
"It's not just them," she went one. "A group of larger ships are incoming right behind them. Then there are the ship still in orbit."
"Then we take them out one at a time," Sam countered. Seeing everyone else on the street distracted by what was going on no one saw them dip into an alley.
"We're on it Dez," they stopped in their tracks when a muffled explosion came over the line. "Dez!"
Both of them were relieved when she replied. "the larger vessels have targeted the station. Shield are holding." Making sure of that she let her fingers dance over the controls as various, non essential systems were shut down and rerouted the power toward the shields.
"Dez get out of there!"
"I wouldn't get far and they already started to circle my location." Lights in the corridors leading out of the control room went dark as she squeezed every bit of available power into those shields. "Alex I'll be fine, just engage the ones currently on the planet."
"Damn it," he muttered, but he still put the keypad on his forearm. As Sam did the sam he pulled out his cell phone and called somebody. "Stacy, are you still at the bar?"
"Yes," she said sounding alarmed. "Alex there are ships firing at the city!"
"I know. Look stay at the bar. Do not leave unless you absolutely have to."
"Alex where are you?"
He looked up at the sky, "I'm fine at the moment. Is Steve there?"
"Yes," she said sounding confused.
"Give him the phone real quick. Steve, just listen, make sure Stacy stays safe and doesn't leave the bar. But if they head your way get her out of there. Throw her over your shoulder if you have too but get her out of there. Do you understand me?"
"Yeah buddy you got it, you got my word."
"Alex what is going on?", Stacy demanded after taking her phone back.
"Just stay there," he told her. "I'll find you after this is over."
"How do you know it'll be over?"
"It will be one way or another," he said glaring the ships in the sky.
"Alex I...", she started to say.
"Yeah," he told her, "me too." Ending the call he looked at Sam, "Let's do this."
"Do you think Galgamayde in there somewhere?"
"I'll be insulted if he wasn't," he tried to joke but not feeling it.
"Online!", they both shouted as their armors formed around them. In the next second he called down the Skyboard and Galactic Cycle and they headed out. Alex toward the closest flying craft and Sam toward the closest landing one by Dez's estimation.
Still Sam had to ask, "So how exactly are we going to keep them from heading toward the bar?"
Getting a lock on the closest craft he pressed the two key. -DOUBLE GUN-RAPID FIRE- "We get their attention and keep it." Targeting what looked like an engine intake he unleashed a heavy stream of energized shots Something exploded and the craft started smoking as the pilot headed toward the ground. In his field of vision he saw the other crafts change course and head for his general direction. "See, easy." And he wished he felt as confident as he tried to make that sound.
"Just keep calm folks," the bar owner has said. "That mess is nowhere near us at the moment so just relax as best as you can. But... get ready to run just in case huh."
It didn't mean much to Stacy as she wanted to leave there any way but Steve was keeping his word to Alex. Not only that he and a couple of his friends helping him watch over her. She appreciated the sentiment but she was so giving Alex a piece of her mind if they were both around after this.
"Hey turn up the TV," somebody called out. They all looked. Steve in particular tried not to enjoy Ryan's jaw dropping to the floor.
"The armored individuals have started to take on the alien fleet," the reporter said as live footage played on. They all watched the original armored figure do some sort of spiral maneuver to cause one ship to take out another. Then shot that one's engines to ground it as well.
Ryan's only reaction to witnessing all of that was going, "But Steve's here. How is he doing that?"
"I'm not," he tried not to shout. "Get it through your head already. I have never been that guy ever."
"Call off the fighters," Galgamayde said as their craft landed. "The pilots not taken out can join in the ground assault."
"Slag," The Andorian muttered as he sent the command," last time I saw a single Sheriff take on this many ships by himself was back on my home sector a couple of solar cycles ago."
"I remember hearing about that," Galgamayde said as the got up and headed for the back ramp. "It was seven ships wasn't it?"
"Nine before they shot him down," he replied. "Still the human has gotten good."
"If The Boss had listened to me to begin with he would have never have gotten the chance."
"Too late for regrets now it seems."
Galgamayde sneered remembering the satisfaction he felt destroying the droid with his blaster, "Quite."
Despite being attack Dez was still feeding them information through their visor, going as far as indicating who had an capture order and who had Protocol Zero authorized as she looked at whoever was in view. Then she heard Alex shout over the comm, "The fighters are heading for the ground!" After a moment she heard an engine roar. Looking she saw one come out of the sky and start firing. She jumped out of the way as those lasers tore up the street as it passed by and kept going. As the dust cleared she looked up to see several people try to help her up. Morons.
"Get out of here!" she shouted at them.
"Die human!" She found the source of the shout quickly as what looked like a humanoid zebra ran at her with a club. -SHIELD- Getting it up to intercept she noticed the club had metal spikes. And some sort of liquid flew off each time it hit the shield. With a grunt she pushed him back to get some breathing room. In that moment she saw the Protocol Zero order flash in front of her. She looked behind the alien at the bodies lying on the street, a few with their heads caved in. An anger came over her as she realized what that liquid was.
She attacked back with a shout that caught him off guard as well as with her veracity. Smashing the shield into his face a couple of times he was dazed long enough for her to press the zero key. -PROTOCOL ZERO- The shield's edges started to glow as the energy started quickly built as while she ran forward and swung her arm with everything she had. Slicing through the zebra it designated a moment later. She'll feel guilty about that one after this was over, maybe. Seeing a couple of the zebra's companions start to run away after witnessing that she took the free moment that gave her to contact her brother.
"Alex, I probably should have asked this sooner but how many zeros can these suits do in one sitting?"
"I never asked before now," he said, causing a group of aliens to duck as he flew over them. All of them apparently had capture orders on them in their files as he switched setting on his guns while he came back around and started firing rings at them. "I'm wondering if we're going to have enough transport chips as it is."
A dog looking creature tried to jump Sam in the meantime. Sam quickly, after seeing the capture tag in her view, knocked it away with the shield. -SINGLE GUN-CAPTURE- And she shot the energized rings to surround it before it could get up. "Bad dog," she chided the alien. Back to her brother, "I'll guess we'll find out later. You think there be something for this type of situation in the regulations."
"I still haven't read that far into it yet so I'm going to take your word for it."
"You always were a slacker when it came to reading the rules," she grinning behind the helmet.
"Why do you think I improvise so well?", he told her while another alien tried to get the jump on him. Capturing that one after a short struggle he said, "Let's try and meet up. We'll have an easier time dealing with this if we don't have our heads on a swivel all the time."
"Sounds like the best plan I ever heard you make,' she said. It would be even better if they had some back up from the Sheriff organization itself at this point. But as it was pointed out to her when she first got the armor even if Dez sent out a S.O.S as soon as the ships appeared it would take a long while for any type of reinforcement to show up. Trying not to wonder if either of them could survive long enough to see it she took one more shot at her brother, "And that one is in the regulations."
"I'm sure I skimmed it somewhere."
"Alex! Samantha!", Dez called in. "Parts of the larger fleet is launching smaller crafts from orbit and are heading toward the planet. Based on the trajectory it looks like they're headed for your general location."
"And the fun never ends," Alex commented as he located Sam's signal and headed for her location. "Not like there's a whole world outside this city or anything."
"Outside of a few crafts attacking nearby military installations," the reporter on the screen went on, "most of the crafts have landed around the city. Most of them seemed to be centered around the armored individuals for the moment..."
"Of course," Ryan said, long past going into total panic mode. "They're here for them."
"As long as it stays there," one of their friends commented, a few in the bar nodding in agreement.
"And when they kill them what do you think is going to happen?" Ryan demanded. "They're just going to leave? No, they're going to split the fuck up and take out the rest of us!"
"Ryan calm down," Steve told him.
Naturally he didn't he was so scared. "You shut the fuck up. We are going to die..." The Ryan fell back into his chair as Stacy's fist connected with his face. She just glared at him. eventually he gave in, "All right, all right I'll shut up." Everybody else applauded her for a moment before returning their attention to the screen.
Those crafts landed fast as Alex and Sam found themselves shooting at anything that looked aggressive and not human. which was a lot at the moment. Through it all they heard a grunt, like somebody was straining to lift something. Both of them looked and they didn't have to look far. A six armed, at least seven foot tall red skinned alien held what looked like a safe over it's head. It must have torn it out if a wall somewhere as it still had a chunk of drywall attached to it. With another loud grunt it hurled the safe at them. They ran in separate directions as it crashed on the ground, but they ended up behind the same truck for cover.
"Six arms," Alex mused between breaths. "That is the first time I've ever seen that."
Equally as tired Sam went, "I guess it means three arms each."
He looked at her, "That's something I would say."
"Just means we're related little bro."
"Four minutes," he snapped at here. He started shaking his head after shooting at someone trying to flank them. "Things are going to hell and we're acting like it's business as usual. What does that say about us?"
"I'm trying not to think about it." Both of them winced as a mailbox hit the wall of the building in front of them. "I think he's getting bored."
"I guess so." Getting into position to move he asked, "Did you see the order attached to him?"
"I'm afraid I did," she answered. Getting into position herself she braced herself and said "Let's go." Running out from opposite ends of the truck they quickly located the six armed menace and fired away. a triple stream of energized shots forced it back slowly. It found a opening as it grabbed a small car and tossed it at Alex. He dove out of the way and came up on a knee, both of them having long pressed the zero key.
Sam had already ran up and stood slightly behind him as energy from the armor traveled through their armor and into the guns in their right hands. "Do it!", Alex ordered. Twin beams, that were twice the size of the barrels they fired from, hit the alien and quickly disintegrated it.
"That's two for me so far," Sam sighed.
"Four for me," Alex told her.
Her head snapped toward him, "Four?"
"Is it my fault I'm popular?", he shot back. Then it hit him nobody else was attacking them at the moment. Nor were they in sight. "Where did everybody..."
"Sheriff!" someone yelled.
Both of them looked toward the left. Down the street was a huge Herculean. "That would explain why everybody else left," Sam said. The old adage was, as she learned, that you didn't get between a Herculean and it's target, unless you were stupid. Or a Sheriff. And right now they were both the target and obstruction. It roared one more time before starting to run in their direction.
"Oh fuck this shit," Alex growled. -CANNON- Arms out wide it materialized on his shoulder. Grabbing the grip he twisted the dial with his right hand. -NET- Getting a quick target lock on the still charging Herculean he pulled the trigger. The huge alien didn't even stop as the energy net wrapped around it. Although it did struggle not to fall until failing completely. Alex lowered the cannon a bit and quipped, "I got to remember bust this out sooner. It makes things so much easier."
"Then they'll be throwing stronger criminals your way," Sam told him. Almost as soon as she was finished saying that they were struck by a barrage of fire from above. Keeping a grip on the cannon the deadly rain seemed to follow them as they ran for cover behind an a wall of a recently bombarded building. The building wall was no help as good chunk of it was eaten up before the firing stop. "Case in point!"
"Shut up," Alex snapped. And tried to ignore how much damaged that caused to his armors. As was she. Both peaked as best they could through the blasted wall Floating in the sky, like it was waiting for them to emerge, was a round looking ship. Various guns were visible with more coming ito view as it silently spun above them. "Where in the hell did that come from?"
"Are you seriously asking that?"
"Be quiet, floating balls of death dont just pop out if the air," he snapped. "Dez we got a hovering... thing by us. Is that thing manned?"
There was more static on the line then they were used to when he said,"I have it on sensors, no life signs that I can detect."
"Good, because I always wanted to try this." Getting out from cover just enough to have a clear shot he let go of the grip long enough to hit the zero key. -PROTOCOL ZERO- Hand going back he twisted it again. -FIRE- As soon as he got a lock he pulled the trigger. A huge beam of energy fired from the barrel. with enough recoil that he almost stumbled back for a moment before finding his footing. The beam hit the sphere and obliterated it on contact. The cannon disappeared and Alex flexed his shoulder a bit, "Now that was a kick."
Sam just looked at him. "Dez isn't here to say it so I will. You are an idiot."
"It got the job done didn't it?" He looked up for any more of those thing then frowned behind the helmet. "No more floating balls of death but they're almost as bad."
Looking where he was looking she saw one of several helicopters flying around. "Well a little late police help is better than none."
"Yeah, those ain't cops."
"Huh?", Sam looked back up and tried to zoom in with her visor. And not expecting to see what the guy inside was holding on to by the open door. "A news helicopter? Seriously?"
"Story of the century sis," he quipped. "Come on there got to be another group of guys to beat up somewhere."
"I guess it's too much to ask and see if the bad guys want to take a five minute break?"
"I wish," he said as they picked a direction and ran. "Because I really got to pee."
"TMI," she groaned.
"Galgamayde," The Andorian called out. "We were able to hack into the local news feed, visual and audio. He's bound to hear you one way or another."
Galgamayde sneered, this wasn't part of the original plan. But an assassin who lived long enough learned to be flexible during any assignment. besides he was getting tired of waiting to come across the human. "Prepare to broadcast."
In an attempt to try and conserve their weapons Alex and Sam had run across a group of alien criminals who had no plans on joining in on the fighting. In fact they were busy trying to rob a grocery store. Holstering their weapons they were grateful for the small break. An extremely short one as they swung the last two by the arm and crashed them into each other for the knockout.
"Now which way?", Sam asked.
"Figure it out in a second," he told her. "Dez how are you holding up?"
"...shields... holding...", she said in between the burst of static as she tried to clear it up. "But I'm not sure for how long. Using the Boost would not be advisable in my current situation."
"As racked as that leaves me I wouldn't be using it now to begin with."
"What?", Alex tried to find the source, preparing to tap the keypad before the attack came when Sam got his attention. She pointed toward a television monitor in the building that was just robbed. On it Galgamayde's face seemed to glare at them. She looked around and several other working sets and displays carry the same image.
"Come to me human," he said. "Let us finish this once and for all."
"Works for me," Alex muttered. "Dez did you get a location on that transmission?"
"A few... away...", the static seemed to come back in full force. "I'm... the location now..."
"Hang in there Dez," he said not sure if she heard him or not. Looking at his sister they both nodded. -SKYBOARD- -GALACTIC CYCLE- Hopping on their respective vehicles they headed for the location Dez was able to mark in their helmet's display."
The Andorian looked around. In the short time since that broadcast a larger chunk of those that followed them had surrounded the area and waited. Halfway expecting Galgamayde to wear a hole in the pavement beneath his feet by now he was surprised. He just stood there in the same spot he made the broadcast from, looking as powerful as he ever has. All things considered that image was more unnerving than when they were planning on breaking into the late Boss' palace. "Do you think he's coming?"
"Without a molecule of doubt in my mind," he stated while scanning the area in front of him. "The last time I faced him after he did this to me I could see it in his demeanor. He wanted to finish me as much as I wanted to kill him."
"I hope you're right...", he was cut off by the sound of an engine. All heads looked in the same direction. A second later Galgamayde and The Andorian watched asa section ducked a bit as Sam jumped the Galactic Cycle over them. Without stopping as she landed she headed straight toward them. Galgamayde was ready but then she altered her course just enough that she was able to grab The Andorian and take him away from there.
Watching the scene with more than a bit of confusion Galgamayde went, "That was the partner. Where is...?"
He was suddenly assaulted by a barrage of energized shot. Instead of following instinct and turning away he faced the direction they were coming from to locate where the source was, he already knew who. Alex came in fast, right above the mobs heads fingers pressing down both triggers, "Galgamayde!" Flying straight at him Alex only stopped firing long enough to jump of the board. Twisting in the air the board crashed into the assassin with a satisfying thud. Landing in a crouch as Galgaymade fell in a heap he pointed both guns at him.
"No you don't human!", he was grabbed from behind Alex got loose from the grip and turned toward his attacker. He almost didn't register the energy bolt that flew past his head. Then a smoking hole was suddenly in the middle of his attacker's forehead as ot fell backwards. Alex looked back to see Galgamayde was the one who took the shot.
"No one else human," he said as he dropped the blaster. "Just you and I."
"Wonder how long that's going to last," Alex muttered as he put the guns back into their holster and retracted back into his backpack. Without another word the charged each other and started exchanging fists.
Sam dumped her unwilling passenger before she saw another group come at her. Although she was surprised when one of the few times the database was able to attach a name to the person she was scanning only "The Andorian" was displayed. She didn't think about it too much as she tried ot turn the cycle around and get some room between her and the group. That was the plan, then a coil shot out from nowhere and pulled her off the cycle. -SINGLE GUN-SINGLE FIRE- Shooting the coil to free herself she got to her feet and fired at the one who tagged her.
"Smash outer shell!" Sam scrambled out of the way as another Herculean nearly landed on top of her. Angry that it didn't get her it started pounding on the Galactic Cycle. reducing it to a pile of junk very quickly.
"Gort!" The Andorian yelled. When it looked at him he pointed at her. "Break Shell." The humongous alien looked at her and smiled.
Holding down the trigger Gort was covered in energy rings. Fighting a losing battle to stay upright it fell over. She didn't get a chance to enjoy the moment as she was soon under a energy blast assault aimed directly at her.
"Don't die on me too soon human," Galgamayde grunted as he took what would have been a knockout swing with his mechanical arm if it connected. Alex got under it and tossed him over his shoulder. Galgamayde landed hard but he was quick to react as he got to his feet and threw Alex away. "I want to savor this for as long as I can."
"Get ready to get disappointed in a totally different way," Alex grunted as he got up. Running at the alien he saw him pull something off his vest. Tracking the object with his visor he tried to time this just right. Jumping back as it exploded he tried to ride the concussion wave as he flipped backwards in a kneeling position. Not wasting a second he ran at Galgamayde again, not hearing the growing high pitch whine until it was too late. Still he braced himself as best ashe could as the sonic wave from the emitter on his chest flung him back hard.
Watching him crash with a smirk Galgamayde, "Almost human. You were ready for the grenade this time but you forgot about the emitter.
Slowly Alex back to his feet, "How in the hell did I miss that?" Hearing the whine again through the ringing in his head he scrambled behind a nearby wall. The brick building seemed to shake as the wave hit it. Looking back at he tried to squash a new fear growing in the back of his head, "Don't fall on me now." Looking around he saw Sam get knocked around by the alien she grabbed earlier and a few others. Instinct screamed to get over there and help her. Galgamayde staying in position to use that emitter, and the damage it can cause, as soon as he popped out made him stay in place. "Hang in there Sam."
"Alex..." The keypad on his forearm squealed before being replaced by static.
"Dez?" A cold dread started to form in his gut, "Dez!"
Sam had heard Dez cut out too but couldn't do anything about it. Her armor was holding up to the assault for now but she wasn't sure for how much longer. Suddenly the Andorian held up a hand to stop it. Trying to scan the damage to the armor Sam also tried to suck in as much air as possible in the respite she was given. She heard him saw, "Find some other human to play one is all mine."
The others surprisingly, but reluctantly, did as he said. A few looked in Galgamayde's direction before heading elsewhere. The odds were a little better now but the equipment was in no shape for a major fight. "So," she said trying to buy her and the armor's repair system some extra time, "you needed help to wear down one lowly little girl. What a little bitch." Granted trying to channel Alex at that particular moment probably wasn't the best idea. But hey, she seen it work for him in the past.
"I don't know what that means," he said, taking a alien looking pole off the ground. "But by your tone i think that was meant to be a insult." He pressed something on the pole and a double headed ax extended from the end of it.
And this is why acting like Alex only worked for him.
"Sam!", Alex cried out as he raced toward her. He forgot about Galgamayde who was waiting as he fired another sonic blast that sent him flying.
Above them in the station Dez was doing everything she could to get in contact with either Alex or Samantha. Finally she looked down at the diagnostic display which showed that the communication array had been destroyed. She couldn't contact anybody, not even the ships attacking her. The station shook hard after a muffled explosion. The shields were about to fail.
Knowing what she had to do she opened a audio recording program. "This will be my final log entry.' Pausing as another explosion went off she continued. "We were attacked by a massive force." The ship shook again and a computer bank behind her exploded in a wave of sparks. "They were possibly lead by the assassin Galgamayde. as of now I have no contact with the Earth based Sheriff and his partner." The station shook again, more violently this time as she fought hard from being flung from her chair. Still she continued, "I have no way of knowing their condition, or even if they are still alive." Sensing the end was near she closed her eyes and prepared for it. "Alex, Samantha, if you somehow hear this. It's been an honor."
"Nothing for me?"
"Who?", Dez looked around and saw Orion standing there. Which was making no sense to her since the array was taken out. Then she realized he wasn't standing where his image was usually displayed. she was so stunned she didn't realized she was reaching out for him until he took her hand. Flesh on flesh contact brought her out of hr state of shock. "Orion?"
He smiled at her in his usual way. "The one and only. Sorry I've been ignoring your calls but I couldn't let this particular secret get out by accident." At her confused look he said, "As they say on Earth I was bringing in the Calvary." Dez looked at what sensors and scanners that were still working and detected the signals of several Galactic Sheriff vessels chasing away the ships attacking her and the station.
She was safe for the moment but, "What about Alex and Samantha?"
Sam tried to block that ax with the staff as best as she could. A swing caught it the right way and it broke in half. She tried calling the shield but he was able to destroy it before it fully formed. Then the Andorian stunned her long enough to strike her with it. Alarms went off in her helmet like Christmas lights. Trying to get to her feet The Andorian took a home run swing that hit her in the mid section. The armor held but it the impact sent her flying. Landing hard she coughed in pain as the armor disappeared, "Shit."
With everyone watching the news feed they all heard a reporter yell, "Get a close up of her face," to the cameraman. But he was already doing so. Everyone watching now knew what the armored female looked like.
"That's Sam," Steve said in disbelief. "Wait does that mean..."
"No!", Ryan quickly said. "No it can't be that stoned out son of a bitch."
Not taking her eyes off the screen Stacy muttered, "Alex?"
Sam had tried to crawl and rolled out of the way as The Andorian took a swing at her. Running she realized he could have killed her at any point by now so he must have been playing with her. As Alex would say, fuck that. She turned and faced him, showing no fear of him. If he was going to kill her it was going to face to face and not after chasing her around like a mouse.
The Andorian walked in way to show how unimpressed he was in her standing her ground. Still she wanted to puke. He lifted up the ax for te killing strike.
He looked up in surprise as Sam barely had time to react as a blue armored individual between the cutting The Andorian right down the middle with an energized sword. As the energy disintegrated him the armored individual face her. "Are you alright Sam?"
"Xain?", she said in relief. "Not that I mind but what the hell are you doing here?"
"Me and some of our comrade thought we'd come in and join the fun." Sam looked around to she saw Sheriffs in different styles and colored armor take on the surprised gang of criminals, on the ground and in the sky.
"Oh you guys are more than welcome to it," she told him.
Nodding he told her, "Head for cover. You're pretty much naked in this situation."
"Right," she said as she made her way through the rubble away from the battle. Then she paused, seeing Alex still on the ground and barely stirring.
Galgamayde looked on in disbelief as Sheriff after Sheriff appeared and took on those still active. It wasn't possible. There was no way they could get a force of any size her in the time the assault started. Out of the corner of his natural eye he saw the human slowing getting up. He had him. The human death was so close it was palatable in the air. Grunting in disgust he said, "Some other time human." His adversary barely moved from the knelling position he gotten to as he hit the transport button on his chest. He waited, and waited before finally realized nothing was happening. The human made some sort of snorting noise as he hit it again. And he just stayed there watching as it tried it a third time.
"I might have missed the sonic thingy,' he said getting to his feet and pointing at Galgamayde chest, "but I made damn sure I got you getting away button."
Galgamayde was confused at first but it then occurred to him. That initial barrage that was fired at him. "You targeted my transport key. I am impressed human."
"I have my moments," he said with a shrug. -DISK- Alex reached behind his back and threw the silver disk that lowered into his hand. Quickly realizing it was coming straight toward him Galgamayde fired a sonic wave on instinct making it falter in it's path. Alex was already falling backward in anticipation. -DOUBLE GUN-RAPID FIRE- Back against the ground most of the wave passed over him, although he still felt the vibration in his armor. Bringing both guns to bear and before the target lock in his visor turned green he pressed the triggers.
Galgamayde recoiled as several of the shots hit him. Before long the sonic emitter started sparking and shorted out. Once that happened Alex let go of the triggers and got back to his feet. Ripping the burning device off his chest he glared at the human, mechanical fingers flinching at the memory of the last time he was on fire. "I will crack you out of that shell human."
"Oh my," Alex went, "You're turning into a Herculean before my eyes."
"Alex!", he heard from the keypad.
He had never been so happy to hear anyone. "Dez! You're alright."
"Barely," she said. "I'm relaying this transmission through a Galactic Sheriff vessel. Alex you armor is..."
"After I take care of something," he looked at Galgamayde.
"My thoughts exactly human," he replied drawing a knife.
Aboard the battered station Orion put a hand on her shoulder, "Keep an eye on him but let him finish this if he can."
-SWORD- Both of them charged swing their blades at each other. Knowing Alex had the superior reach he kept the fight close. Remembering that little trick that shocked the hell out of him he tried to keep away from and not grab the assassin's mechanical arm.
Not that far away an alien with a sniper rifle lined up a shot on the human Sheriff. He wasn't worried about how angry Galgamayde was going to get, he already had a second shell ready just for him. "Now you die."
"Sorry," Xain grabbed the barrel and quickly pointed it up as the shot went off. "But that's a private matter. You don't need to complicate things. Before the would be assassin could react some scales flew off as he was punched in the face.
Bleeding from various places on his organic body he could take little satisfaction that his opponents armor was covered in more scratches and gouges than before. Still he had to set up the human just right. And if the human thought he was out of tricks then all the better. He grabbed him with his mechanical hand. Like he thought the human instantly tried to pull himself free. Instead of popping the electrode Galgamayde stepped into him. With the human off balance he threw him to the ground and kicked him away.
Righting himself Alex located Galgamayde as he was quickly backing away and throwing something at him again. He braced himself for the concussion wave, trying not to think what it was going to do to the armor as the alarms wouldn't stop at this point. Then it shot out a greenish liquid . Whatever this substance was hit right in the face plate. Not believing it was even possible even more alarms went off as the liquid started eating through the metal. Dez was yelling at him to get the helmet off. Trying hard not to panic and keep an eye on Galgamayde at the same time he fumbled for the emergency latches Dez told him about after the run in with the Blonibiea. The liquid finally ate through enough that he could see out the hole when his fingers found the latches and popped them. Alex ripped it off his head and threw it to the ground as the liquid kept eating away at the helmet.
On the station, after the visor feed cut off, Dez and Orion watched several live feeds as various cameramen tried to get a clear shot of Alex's face. "Can you disrupt those feeds?", Orion asked realizing how much trouble this was going to cause his friend.
"Not with the array damaged," Dez told. "But the damage has already been done,' she glanced at a frozen frame of an image of they got of Samantha.
"Fuck!", Ryan shouted at the bar. Then he stared at the screen and said it again, "Fuck!"
"Oh my God," Steve muttered as he dropped into a chair, "it was Alex the whole time." Stacy stayed transfixed t the image on the screen.
Sensing the kill was near Galgamayde practically jumped on him. Grappling with him Alex threw him to the ground. All he got was street as Galgamayde rolled away from a stab aimed at his chest. pulling the blade free he blocked a swipe from the knife that was aimed at his face. They stared at each other as they stayed in that position, both trying to figure out how to turn this into their advantage.
"Alex," Dez called out. "Local authorities have broken through the turmoil and are headed for you location. You have to get out of there now."
"Listen to your handler human," Galgamayde sneered.
"Like I'm going to take advice from you," he grunted pushing the alien away. They clashed blades in the middle of the street. realizing the human was mainly blocking him he facked a swing to get him to react and get a bit off balanced. alex say the real strike coming and tried to move out of the was. He wasn't fast enough as the edge of the blade caught the flesh of his temple. A stream of blood started to flow down the side of his head as he dodged the return swing. Alex swung in response and found the flesh of the alien's leg. He backed up clutching at it on instinct as he stared at his enemy.
"Alex listen to me!" Dez called out sounding desperate. "The armor's integrity is to far gone. You have thirty seconds before it deactivates."
Galgamayde heard this and sneered, all he had to do was wait for that to happen. Then the kill, and vengense, was his.
The clock ticking Alex just looked at him and went, "Not going to need that long. He ran forward making Galgamayde put up his knife to block the sword strike. what he wasn't expecting was Alex to keep pushing and forcing backwards and trying to keep from falling. He watched as one of his fingers hit something on the keypad. -PROTOCOL ZERO- He watched as the blade started to glow. Slamming them into a wall Alex yelled as he sliced through with all he had left.
Behind him Galgamayde shouted, "Nooo...!" as the energy quickly spread out as it disintegrated him from the inside out.
In the next second the armor disappeared and he fell to a knee completely exhausted.
"Alex!" Sam ran out of hiding and ran up to him. Getting under an arm she helped him up, "We got to get out of here."
"I heard Dez,' he grunted as he stood.
"Freeze!" Both of them looked up to see the police start to surround them. "Both of you get on the ground now!"
He was beyond fed up with this situation, "I just stopped the asshole responsible for forming this little city wrecking party in case you didn't notice!"
"Alex," Sam muttered as all of them stepped forward, still keeping their guns pointed at them.
"That is some fucking gratitude for you, I swear to god! you bunch of idiots can't even handle them!"
"Would you stop pissing them off!" Sam snapped at knowing it was making their situation worse.
"Stop!" Xain and a equal number of armored Sheriff's landed between them and the police. "These two are under our protection so stand down."
"You have no authority here," the one in front of Xain said. He pushed his gun at him a bit to prove his point.
"If you and yours would happen to look at the armor my comrades and I are wearing you would realize that would be a bad idea," Xain told him.
Alex just watched and went, "And Dez yelled at me when I made a similar threat."
"She's like that my friend," Orion, who appeared next to them, said. getting under his other arm he went, "I have him Samantha." Taking his full weight he pressed something in his ear, "I have them Dez, bring us aboard." They were covered in a shimmer briefly before they disappeared.
Xain turned back to the officers in front of him. "Now unless you gentlemen think you can take us on we have a mess to clean up." The Earth officers looked at each other before slowly lowering their weapons, the one in front of Xain being the last hold out. Xain glanced at his fellow Sheriffs and nodded before walking past them to take out what was left of the invading force.
After being bandaged up and having their wounds tended to, Sam asked, "How long are we going to stay up here?"
"It's only been a half hour Samantha," Dez told her. "And both of your armors are still heavily damaged. Sending you down know would be ill advise."
"Besides," Orion spoke up, "Xain and the rest are currently rounding up and taking out the rest. We would have been here sooner but raising this sort of task force takes time."
Sam pointed at the screen that had their faces on the live newsfeed. "I was talking about that. Are we going to have to stay up here now? Because there's going to be a seas of vultures swarming as soon as we get back home."
"I don't know Samantha," Dez told her. "Once the communication array was destroyed I lost the ability to stop the feed."
"I wasn't blaming you Dez," she said. "I was always afraid something like this was going to happen sooner or later.
"Well we got the array fixed," Orion suggested. "Maybe Dez can go in and alter the image."
"It was a live feed Orion," Dez reminded him. "Their identities were revealed to anyone who was watching as it happened."
"I know" Orion said, "it's just my decisions put them in this situation. We need to try and fix this if we can."
Sam's phone went off and she looked at the number of calls she was currently intentionally missing. "I was never this popular," she tried to joke it off but she was dreading it once she started answering some of them. "I'm surprised I'm even getting a signal all the way up here."
"It's the array," Dez explained. "I haven't fully calibrated it yet so it's currently boosting the signal."
"This ever happen to you Alex when you... first ... started." The three of them really didn't have to point out how quiet he had been. But right now he had his phone in one hand as he covered his mouth with the other. Sam could see the worried expression on the exposed part of his face. Walking up next to him she could see he was staring at a number that had called several times, Stacy.
"She's probably just worried," she told her twin. Yes she wasn't answering her phone either. Only because she knew Mom and dad were going to yell her ear off about what they were doing. Then again he didn't have the emotional involvement he had with the owner of that particular number.
"Just trying to figure out how long I can avoid the inevitable outcome," he finally said. Before any of them could say he was overreacting he pressed call and walked away. "Stacy are you all right?"
Orion shot a confused look at Dez who responded, "Alex may have found someone special to be with, as they say on Earth."
"Let's don't go too fast now," Sam said joining them. "They didn't start dating that long ago."
"Ah," Orion went as he understood the situation now. "Good for him. I never had the time once I got the armor."
"Stacy I didn't lie!", Alex had said suddenly. "Okay I kind of lied. All right I technically lied. But I had a good reason to keep quiet... Stacy let me... Stacy!" Looking at his phone like he wanted to throw it against the wall he put down on the console a little harder than necessary. Trying to shove that station he eventually leaned against it clasping his hands behind his lowered head. Their hearts broke a bit as he looked as devastated as they had ever seen him.
Sam went to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "If she's reacting anything like when I found out just give her a couple of days to calm down."
He glanced past her at Orion before finally looking at her. He turned away. "Why not, it's not like I'm not going to have a ton of free time now," he said darkly. He left the room before they could stop him.
Exasperated Sam looked at Orion and said, "If you have any kind of news for him you better tell him now. Because he's going to be a mess for the next couple of days at this rate."
"It's not that simple Samantha,' Dez told her. "I'm not even sure Orion can even see the council yet."
"Dez," Orion spoke up, "I pulled off this entire operation behind the council's back. Seeing the is not going to be a problem. It's being able to say anything other than 'Yes sir' and 'No sir' that's going to be the problem."
Months after the attack there was a press conference in front of the United Nation building. All cameras were trained on the head of the head of the Galactic Sheriff Council as he spoke to those present and the ones watching at home. More than a few in attendance looked around at the armored and unarmored Sheriffs who were acting as extra security for the press conference.
"As this is a new day, not only for your planet but for the organization that Irepresent and for the galaxy as well. As we recognize your decision to not join our organization, know that this option will always be open to you in the future. But we will not leave you unprotected against those you are not ready for. We know who is out there and what they can do. We have supplied your official with this information. So it pleases me to note that you will allow one of our Galactic Sheriffs help you in those times, when those threats reach your planet."
"Bah," said a bird like creature watching the conference from inside the Chicago City Hall on a hallway monitor. "Some Sheriff. He hasn't even gone through the proper training. And yet they're giving him a planet."
"I do believe he's had a rougher training camp than most recruits," his cat like companion commented. He looked back at Orion and Dez who were standing a little further back. "Would you not agree?"
"And slightly more demanding," Dez said, trying to be careful not to insult the other council member as much as possible.
Orion on the other hand, "He's more than earned this position. He's a Gamma that worked out beautifully."
"Bah," he spat again and walked off.
"I'm guessing they don't have on the job training where he's from?" They looked back to see Alex leaning against the wall and Samantha standing there. Both Dez and Orion had never been prouder to see them with both wearing the jackets all Galactic Sheriffs wear. Especially with the patch representing Earth on their arm.
Still Orion answered him despite the look Dez was giving them, "Not exactly."
"Alex and Samantha Brennen," the cat like alien said. "Allow me to officially welcome the both of you into the Galactic Sheriffs." He handed them both a keypad, Sam her old one and a new one for Alex since Orion had already reclaimed his. "Some of us wanted to do this as a ceremony in front of your media. But a moment like this, a majority of us felt, was this was more of a personal moment for you both."
"And a little less showy," Alex said as he looked it over with a gleam in his eye. "I still got that press conference later and i still have no idea what I'm going to say during it." while he was talking he folded the keypad up and was about to put it in his pocket. Sam coughed and he looked at her. Orion got his attention and pointed at his forearm. "Oh right," he said as he got the message. Unzipping the panel on his left sleeve he placed it on his arm. "I'm going to have to get used to wearing this in public now."
Orion arched a eyebrow since the councilmen looked slightly amused. "We all have adjustments to make. I will leave the four of you since I have to participate in the conference as well. Until then." He left them alone.
"Well this feels official now?", Alex muttered.
"How are things going for the two of you?" Orion asked.
"The press stopped following us," Sam answered for them. "At least visibly."
"And I'm watching various feed to make sure of that," Dez said.
"Hell I'm just glad all the property damage suits against me got dropped," Alex told them. "That was a nightmare I didn't need hanging over my head. And most of our friends are still looking at me funny, like I'm going to bust them for something."
"The ones still talking to us that is," Sam added.
"And my dad calling a fucking moron for getting the two us into this," he continued.
Being the first time she heard this Dez was appalled, "That's horrible."
Sam looked at her, "He's cut down on the swear words so he's getting used to the idea."
"I would have said calming down," Alex said. "God I don't even want to think about how he was talking to Sam... Wait, was that the guy I have to talk to?" he said pointing down the hallway the cat alien went. "Because Sam technically your partner. Oh Sir!" He started that way before Orion and Dez stopped him.
Sam looked confused, "Is that true? because this is the first I'm hearing of it."
"Technically," Orion admitted.
Dez smiled at Alex, "I already arranged the transfer. Samantha is officially your partner from this point on."
He surprised Dez by hugging her, "You are my favorite alien Dez don't let anybody tell you different."
"I'm standing right here," Orion said pouting a little.
"Come on man you're right there at number two," Alex told him.
Sam smiled at Orion before turning to alex, "What about Nyr?"
"Right Nyr," Alex said playing along. "He is my closest friend in Alien Town, even defended me during that interview segment. You're officially third. Then again Xain was a pretty cool guy too."
"You'll be lucky if you even in the top ten at this rate," Sam commented.
"If you're done beating up Orion's ego," Dez cut in. "Besides you may want to hold up on those ranking once we see how this plays out." she nodded down the hall behind him.
Alex's jaw nearly hit the floor as he spotted Stacy down there looking unsure of herself. "How?', he looked at Dez.
She glanced back at a smiling Sam before saying, "I pulled some strings.":
"Go on you lunkhead,' Sam told him.
Without a word they walked toward each other. Sam, Dez and Orion stayed back a respectable distance. Not sure what else to do he went, "Hi."
"Hi," she said sounding as nervous as he felt.
"You came to this."
"I was invited by someone named Dez," Alex looked back at her once she said that. "She suggested that we might want to talk. Um... is that?"
"Yeah that Dez next to Sam there, she sort of my boss. The other one is Orion, you could say he's my co-worker."
"Greetings," Orion said in a friendly tone while Dez waved. Stacy returned it still not sure about this.
Leaning in a bit Alex said, "Don't stare at the implant on her head, she hates that."
"She really hates that," Orion agreed.
"I am not that sensitive about my implant," Dez snapped at both of them.
"It's a pretty good act them," Sam quiped. Dez just glared at her.
Ignoring them Alex asked Stacy, "Do you want to find someplace private and talk?"
"Yes," she quickly agreed. "I think it's time we talked about what happened. It was nice meeting the two of you."
"It was a pleasure meeting you as well," Dez said. They walked off. Sam looked a little worried as they left but went off on her own leaving the two of them.
"Good for him,' Orion went. "I hope they work things out." He glanced at Dez and said, "Although I was wondering when you were going to tell me Samantha wasn't the only one you transferred."
Dez looked embarrassed at being caught. "It was only logical. Alex can be difficult to deal with if you are not used to him. And Earth's computer systems are hard to hack into for some reason even if you know the tricks to get in. And you always say seconds count in most of the cases we deal with."
"All perfectly logical reasons," he said pulling her into a hug that she willingly returned. "Look after both of them Dez. It's a rare day a Gamma works out so well as he did." He pulled away. "But now I have to break in a new watcher so my future headaches will be because of you. They'll probably give me another neon green rookie fresh from the academy."
"You'll survive,' Dez told him, "you did once already." Orion chuckled as he put an arm around her shoulders as they walked down the hallway.
Some weeks later police had cordoned off a section of street where an alien was causing havoc in. Ducking a mailbox that flew over their head only a few looked back to see a lone figure walking toward them talking on a phone. "Looks like a Herculean," Alex said calmly. "I should be about a half hour depending on how uppity he is. Wait, it looks like that dick of a detective is here. Make it forty-five in case he decides to argue."
Over the line Stacy went, "Sam's asking if you want some help."
"Nah, I'll have Dez call her if a surprise pops up. I'll be there as soon as I can."
"You better be in one piece," she told him. "I love you."
"Love you too Stacy, see you in a bit." He pocketed the phone and nodded at the officers, "Gentlemen."
The detective didn't hide his disgust. "Get out of here space boy we have this under control." Everybody but Alex flinched as it started smashing it's fist into a parked car.
"Seeing how I'm missing dinner with a so far understanding lovely lady that's tempting," Alex said. "But that one is from outer space making it my jurisdiction. Tell your boys to keep any crowds back." He walked past them and the barricades until he was in front of the Herculean.
"All right," he called out to the humongous alien, "listen up. You are in violation of interstellar regulation thirty-eight, mayhem and destruction on a non member world. Now if you just come along quietly..."
"Kill Sheriff!," the Herculean shouted.
"Yeah, didn't think quiet was going to be on the menu. Dez I'm powering up the armor."
"Understood," she said from her orbital station.
Unzipping a flap on his left forearm Alex revealed the keypad that was underneath. Holding it across his chest he imputed a code. -2-5-9-7- Punching his left hand out he shouted, "Online!" In a quick flash he was covered in silver armor with blue highlights.
He was the Galactic Sheriff of Earth and this was his job.
And it hasn't gotten old yet.