Betrayal from Blood

Chapter 2: Ten Years Later…


Story Summery:

After Edward left, Bella married Jacob and had a daughter named Emma. But when Edward comes back, Bella leaves Jacob. What will Jake and Emma do, especially when Bella has a baby with Edward? Emma's & Jacob's PointOfViews. Not a Bella x Jacob story.

Chapter Summery:

Can Emma let go of the past?

Can she finally move on?

Can eleven years heal all wounds?


Okay. I'm trying to keep this at a T rating.And, for some of you that didn't know, Jacob didn't hold Emma in the first chapter because he's still trying to make up for the time when he beat up Seth. You know, breaking his nose and chasing him to Canada. Yeah, just so you know.

Disclaimer: I wish, but I don't own Twilight and/or its characters.

-Present Day-

Narrator's POV

The sun was wrapped in a thick bleak layer of clouds that hovered over her head. The rain hammered down on her shoulders as she marched through the mud. The crack of thunder echoed above the solid wall of clouds. No one knew that she'd left or where she was going. That was good. They didn't need to know.

She kept walking, fueled by the anger from her wolf side. For how long, who knows? She didn't need to. She knew where she was going. She knew where the pain had started.

She turned off the main road to an old abandon dirt road. It wasn't very far now. She flexed her fits as she felt pressure squash her heart. Her face was tight and hard. She rounded the corner and that's when she saw it. She stopped in her tracks, taking in the sight.

The house still lay vacant. The paint on the outer walls was faded and peeling. Windows were broken from years before. The roof had holes and most of the shingles were missing. The grass was yellow and jagged. Beer cans and fire pits littered the yard. Teenagers use this lot now as a 'hang out' area. Her gut twisted inside her. Had it been eleven years ago?

The fuel from the anger from her animal side had faded as pain clutched her heart. She quickly looked down, taking deep breaths. Memories filled her head with that child that she longed forgotten. The child used to live here. The child she locked away deep in her subconscious. The memory slammed her with pain that twisted her nerves and made her body stiff.

After a moment she regained her strength. Be strong. She thought. You can do this. She plan this far too long to chicken out now. She started to walk again. A fire burned in her eyes as she stomped on an old beer can. She stopped at the front door. The handle was replaced with a deadbolt. A white laminated document was stapled to the door.


No trespassing. All trespassers will be dealt will to the full extent of the law!"

It said with big bold letters. She laughed, as she ripped off the paper. She quickly folded it then slipped it into her back pocket for later.

The door was no trouble. She easily kicked it in half without difficulty. The smell of wet mold and sawdust overwhelmed her. She waved her hand in the air in disgust. The wallpaper was completely torn off. The carpet had been violently ripped out. Parts were still attached to the sides of the walls. The heavy rainfall poured in from the holes on the ceiling.

She felt sorrow twist in her gut. It was not too long ago when the Black family lived here. She quickly went into the kitchen. All the counters were also gone. Outlines of faded paint were the only thing left to their existence. She turned to the right where a closet connected to the kitchen. The door had also vanished. But inside were cobwebs, an old shovel, empty paint cans, a broken broom, and- what she was looking for. She picked up the red container and shook it. A discolored liquid swashed inside. Then she smiled. There was enough left.

She took once last look of the place before she popped off the lid. It was hard trying not to inhale the fumes, having super scenes and all. She poured the liquid over the kitchen floor and trailed off to the front door. She emptied the container then tossed it into the house. She dug into her pocket and pulled out a lighter. She smiled as lit it with her thumb. Then with a quick flick of her wrist she tossed it into the house too.

The house where up in a blaze in seconds. She quickly stepped back before the entrance was completely covered with flames. When she was a fair distance away she turned around to watch the fire consume the old house. The flames crackled wildly.

Those, this scene looked tragic, she smiled with contentment. She lifted her head upward and sighed with ease. An invisible weight eased from her shoulder, those it wouldn't fully lifted. But it still felt nice.

She pulled the document out again. She pondered on the word condemned.

Condemned. Damned. That's how she felt. She was abandoned, discarded like a bad hand. She was cursed, marked as worthless. Even her own mother just deserted her. Well, that's how she felt anyways. The paper suddenly felt heavier than it was. She stood there for what seemed like second but soon she could hear a siren in the distance.

She tossed it away with disgust as she turned to leave. She was a few yards away when the water heater in the house exploded, sending portions of rubble in the air. The force of the blast send a wave that blew passed her, blowing her light brown hair in the wind. She continued to walk in her same pace. The ejected pieces of rubble fell to the ground with loud crashes.

She closed her eyes and smiled, "Happy Birthday Emma," She whispered to herself.

I apologize for not updating. I moved to a different town. :( Sad, I know. Life goes on. Kay, I know this is like an emo moment for Emma, but this is mostly her wolf side. Explanations later. By the way, I still take suggestions. Credit will be given. I'm struggling already. Thanks for reading. Hoped you enjoyed it. :)