Hi this is my first fanfic so I hope u like it! This story has been stuck in my mind for a while so it thought I should write it down. Plz don't be mean tu me! :D enjoy!


I first heard the voice whilst i was in heucu mundo. Ichigo was in the real world fighting Aizen with the others. I was very weak so i was sat on the floor leaning angainst the wall. Staring up at the fake blue sky. I was just starting to relax. until, "Rukia, We are coming for you soon. Your our child of ice and we will take you away from your false life". The voice was weclomig yet harsh and poisonous.

"kuchiki san!" inoue yelled with a smile. she ran over and knelt next to me

"are you ok?" asked the breathless Oriheme. Her eyes where filled with worry. I couldn't burden my bestfriend. she has enough on her plate.

"Yeah. Just a wound thats all.". Now that was not all lies. My arm has been bugging me for a while.

I hope the Voice was just my imagination.


I first heard the voice while i was in the darkness. The darkness filled my lungs as well as my eyes. It was suffocating me. I know where i am i have been here before, im on the bridge between life and death. I was fighting to stay on the living side of the bridge. Until ... "Toshirou, We are coming for you soon. Your our child of ice and we will take you away from your false life" The voice sounded more like a beast than a human. It was like a hollow with more than one voice.

But a hollow has never scared me before. Even when i was a kid in a rugungai, i was not scared of them but. Im scared of this voice.

I welcomed Death for a short period after the voice visited me.

But i fought on. For her.

So what do you think? i dont think its bad for a first chapter. Plz review and tell me wat u think bout it! :)