A few things you need to know:

1) Hollyleaf is ThunderClan's new leader

2) Breezepelt is WindClan's new leader

3) Lionblaze is ThunderClan's deputy

4) Breezepelt and Hollyleaf are not siblings

Okay, this is my first ever Warriors fic, and it may develop into my first ever LEMON! Please tell me what you think!

Hollystar and Breezestar

Hollystar's POV

"Hollystar!" I looked up from the vole I'd just begun eating as the dawn patrol came bounding into camp, their pelts bristling.

"What's wrong?" I asked urgently, sensing their anger and disbelief.

Foxleap trotted up with a piece of fresh-kill in his jaws and dipped his head in greeting."We just finished patrolling along the ShadowClan border, and we found this on the way back," he reported, dropping a half-eaten squirrel at my paws. I leaned down and sniffed it to find that it was coated in ShadowClan scent.

"Where did you find this?" I demanded, hoping that the answer wasn't what I thought it was.

"On our side of the border! ShadowClan have been stealing prey again!" Foxleap growled.

I sighed. We'd had a battle with ShadowClan a few suns ago because they'd been stealing our prey, and although quite a few cats were recovering in Jayfeather's den at the moment, we had kicked butt. Apparently, ShadowClan hadn't learned their lesson. I sniffed at the prey again, relieved to find that it was decaying.

"Thank you for reporting this, Foxleap," I mewed as I leaped onto the Highledge.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Highledge for a Clan meeting!" I yowled.

After a few moments, everybody had gathered. "The dawn patrol have found evidence that ShadowClan might be stealing our prey again," I announced. "It seems as though we may not have been clear in our last battle that nobody can steal prey from ThunderClan, and-"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go attack them right now!" Berrynose interrupted. "Nobody can mess with ThunderClan!" Yowls of agreement rose from multiple cats.

"Are we cowards?" Poppyfrost added. "Let's go teach those ShadowClan scum a lesson!"

Everybody began talking loudly and yowling all at once, and I raised a paw for silence. "In order to attack, we'll need all our warriors. We're going to have to wait until everybody is out of Jayfeather's den and back to full health. After that, we'll keep our eyes open for further evidence. If we find any, then we'll invade."

"Why don't we just invade right now?" Briarpaw challenged. "Or why not after all our cats are healed? This is enough evidence right here!"

"Because we're not sure if this is an old piece of prey from when they were stealing a few days ago, or if it's fresh. It's already decaying, so it's most likely from a few days ago. If we find more that's fresh, then we'll be certain that they are continuing to steal. Then it'll be time to launch an attack."


"End of discussion." I said the words firmly and with calmness although I was beginning to feel annoyed. "We are not attacking ShadowClan until further evidence is found. I simply warn you all to keep your eyes open."

The cats began grumbling and whispering among themselves, and I caught a few of the comments:

"-we could just attack-"

"That's kinda stupid-"

"-go teach those thieves a lesson-"

As I leaped off the Highledge, the crowd began to disperse. I could feel the new tinge of anger in the air, and all my responsibilities as the new Clan leader suddenly came crashing down on me. If only Bramblestar hadn't died so soon after appointing me as deputy...

Suddenly feeling grief for Bramblestar's death all over again, I felt the need to go take a walk and clear my mind.

By the WindClan border...

A cool breeze ruffled my pelt as I strolled along the WindClan border. I purred. I had recently come to love breezes, because whenever I was stressed, breezes seemed to just... carry all my worries away with them. They helped clear my mind. Now, whenever I needed comfort, I found myself heading to where there were the most breezes: Along the WindClan border.

"Greetings, Hollystar."

Startled, I turned and almost groaned. It was Breezepelt- no, Breezestar now, standing on his side of the border. He'd always been nothing but an annoying kit; how he had ever come to be leader, or even deputy, I had no idea.

Nevertheless, I dipped my head in respect to the new WindClan leader.

"Greetings, Breezestar," I said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Why have I always been so uncomfortable around him? I thought, slightly irritated.

"How are things in ThunderClan?" He asked politely.

Feeling a long conversation coming on, I sat down with my front paws tucked beneath my chest. Breezestar came and sat down in the same position in front of me, so close that our whiskers were about a tail-length apart. I was sitting half on the border and half in ThunderClan territory, while he was sitting half on the border and half in WindClan territory.

"Things in ThunderClan aren't going as well as I wish they were," I admitted.

Breezestar seemed honestly concerned. "Why not?"

"Well..." I hesitated. Should I really be telling my problems to a cat from another Clan? To the leader of another Clan? "Well, ever since we had that battle with ShadowClan over the stolen prey, every cat in my Clan has been on edge. When the dawn patrol found something that made it seem as though ShadowClan might be stealing prey again, they all insisted on rushing into a battle. As their new leader, I know it's my job to calm them all down and to make the right decisions, but it's just... hard." I sighed. "I can't help but wonder if Bramblestar made the right decision when he chose me as deputy."

Breezestar's eyes shone with unexpected sympathy. "I've been wondering about the same thing. You're not alone, Hollystar." He leaned in and licked my cheek in a comforting gesture.

Without thinking, I licked him back.

He simply stared at me, confused. I stared into his amber eyes as he stared into my green ones, and I was shocked by the depth of some emotion that I couldn't put my paw on lingering in his gaze.

If I hadn't known any better, I almost would've said that it was love.

Suddenly, he began purring loudly. I felt a jolt of excitement as he leaned in and gently licked me three times, once on my cheek, then between my ears, and lastly on the side of my neck.

By the time he had finished, I was purring as loudly as one of the Twoleg monsters that pass by on the Thunderpath. I moved to position myself next to him, my hindquarters in WindClan territory. I pressed my pelt into his while repeatedly rasping my tongue over the side of his face.

"So," I purred flirtatiously, "how are things in WindClan?"

He chuckled softly, then leaned close to my ear and whispered, "It's hard to remember when there's such a beautiful she-cat next to me."

My heart began to pound hyperactively, and a realization suddenly dawned on me: I had a crush on Breezestar. That must've been why I had always felt so uncomfortable around him, and being uncomfortable had then caused me to respond with anger. My being angry and irritated had must've then caused us to argue and end up thinking that we hated each other.


"Yes, Hollystar?"

"I think I might like you..." I tensed, afraid he might turn on me with disgust and accuse me of disloyalty to my Clan.

Instead, he met my eyes. "Well, I know I like you."

"Really?" I asked with confusion. "Well, if you... like me-" the thought was difficult to process- "then why were always so rude to me when we were apprentices?"

"Isn't it obvious? To hide my true feelings," he said simply, still holding my gaze. I was beginning to get lost in his handsome amber eyes. "The first day I laid my eyes on you, I almost couldn't bear how beautiful you were. But we were from different Clans, and-"

"Great StarClan!"

"What's wrong?"

"We're from different Clans!" I exclaimed. Reality slapped me in the face- I was the leader of a Clan. He was the leader of a different Clan. For us to be mates was...

Against the Warrior Code.

I was surprised at myself; I was falling for a WindClan cat, just like my mother had. I was going against the Warrior Code, and for the first time in my life, I didn't care.

All I wanted was to be with Breezestar.

"Well... so what if we're from different Clans? I ...I love you. I want to be your mate, Hollystar. All I want is you."

Hearing him say that he loved me made me just about burst with happiness. "I know, I want to be with you, too, Breezestar. I love you. But our Clans can't know anything about this."

He purred hopefully. "Are you saying you'll meet me here again in three days?"

I smiled. "I'll be here."

I stood up and stepped back over to my side of the border. "I need to go, Breezestar; my Clanmates are probably wondering where I am. I love you."

He stretched his neck over the borderline to lick my cheek. "I'll see you in three days. I love you too."

I purred, then turned and leisurely ran with long strides back toward the ThunderClan camp, smiling as a cool breeze whooshed past my face. They really had come to comfort me.

I loved them.

A/N: Well, there's the first chapter! Everybody that reviews gets a Lionblaze plushie!
