A/N: A two-shot from me! Second one is much longer. I apologize if some words of the songs are not correct, I didn't the access to the internet when I wrote this and then I was lazy to check if it was right. SO! Enjoy it- our smexy Naruto is showing of his smexyness XD And read the warnings :/
Warnings: Male x Male, alcohol usage, adult, erotic stuff in future. Looks like SWP and PWP- I usually never write those but *shrug* It has a bit of plot in second part. Not your cup of tea, leave.
NOTE: Edited! Well more or less XD My dear friend Hatter is hitting last fixation on the story but I decided to go and upload what I have. Re-read it- it's worth it this time .
It was a chilly evening.
For this time of the year, it was not a surprise. Middle of November brought not only cold nights but also sharp winds with freezing rain. Winter had arrived at Konoha's doorstep, and people already started warming up their homes. It wasn't snowing yet, but that was only matter of time.
The street was illuminated only by the weak glow of streetlamps. A shadow stuck his hands in his coat pockets, hiding his face from the merciless wind behind the collar. He'd been waiting for almost fifteen minutes now, which he wouldn't mind normally, but considering it was freezing outside, he was getting more and more annoyed.
Uchiha Sasuke waited for his brother to show up.
Best friend was not the term he'd choose to describe his current relationship with Itachi, but they were on okay terms. It was enough for Sasuke. After all, they were brothers for God's sake- brothers never get along.
In any case, he was waiting for his older brother because Itachi had insisted to take him to a new club in town. According to him, it'd gotten five stars for decor, employees and drinks. Everything that Itachi liked. And that's why Sasuke didn't like the enthusiasm in Itachi's voice.
Just when he was about to turn and leave, a car stopped beside him- black BMW. Sasuke sighed and opened the door, sliding in.
"Took you long enough," Sasuke grumbled as he buckled up his seat belt.
Itachi chuckled with a smirk.
"I forgot to fix some things at the office so I got delayed. Are you cold?" he asked as he noticed Sasuke shiver and then turned on the heating. "Trust me; you will get overheated where we are going now."
Sasuke sent him a side-glance, but didn't comment, opting instead to stare out of the window. He watched people pass by as they hurried to their homes. With a sigh, he looked in front of him. His eyes widened as Itachi pulled by an, indeed, new bar and club in Konoha- Red Whirlpool. Sasuke's mouth fell open in shock, slight blush covering bridge of his nose.
Itachi announced proudly, "Welcome, my little brother, to paradise."
Sasuke sputtered: "A paradise! This is a gay bar!" Itachi raised an eyebrow: "So? What's wrong with it?" Sasuke only gaped at his big brother, his eyes flicking between the building and older man.
"I am not going in!" Sasuke crossed his arms stubbornly, managing to look cute even with twenty-five years and hard frown on his face.
It brought a smile to Itachi's face.
"Don't think I don't know your preferences, little brother. I spend a lot of time with you at the office and I am positive that you are swinging that way, and no," Itachi stopped Sasuke from interrupting him, "you are not bisexual."
Sasuke stared incredulously at his older brother, whose eyes danced with unhidden mirth. Itachi opened the door and left the car, but Sasuke remained seated stubbornly. He looked to his right, as the door opened.
"Come on now, get out. The party is about to begin," and if Itachi were anyone else, he would have grinned cheekily.
Sasuke glared.
"Which part of 'I will not go there' you do not understand?"
Itachi smiled and unfastened Sasuke, dragging him out of the car forcefully.
"None what so ever," and after light chuckle, he proceeded towards the entrance.
As soon as Sasuke stepped in, he regretted not having refused the offer to hang out with his brother. The place was big and packed with glass dancing tables and metal poles. At the far end of the room was a stage with a thin, glass pole that reflected all the red, blue, violet and crimson light in the club. Sasuke was grateful for those dim lights- it covered his abysmal blush perfectly. To the right was the checking place for leaving coats and personal belongings and on the left, shaped like a crescent moon, was the bar.
When Itachi handed over his and Sasuke's coat, they headed towards a table while music raged around them. The place was crammed full of people- male, female, young and old. Some were dancing, some were drinking and some were watching half- naked performers on the poles. If he hadn't sat down, Sasuke thought he would faint.
Itachi leaned over to Sasuke and yelled so that his brother can hear him over music.
"You chose here- either to be uke or seme," and then sent dark smirk to him. Sasuke just looked away from him, not wanting to strangle him in public place.
"Welcome to the Red Whirlpool, we hope we can spin your head tonight! How can I serve you?" loud and sly voice reached Sasuke's ears and he turned to look at the waiter.
The guy wasn't half bad - his light blue hair was tied on top of his head with a leather ribbon; his sharp, violet eyes were gleaming in dim and spinning light and he wore a sleeveless white shirt and very tight slacks. His lips were curved into smirk, showing of his sharp canines.
Itachi smirked at Sasuke's semi-baffled look, and he yelled at Sasuke.
"Tell him what you want to drink. As for me," he turned to waiter and winked, causing the man to grin knowingly.
The waiter then turned to Sasuke who looked away.
"Well, what can I bring you, Sir?" Sasuke felt creeps running down his spine at the way the waiter slurred 'r'.
He mumbled out "One bloody Mary," not sparing him second glance.
The waiter smirked and sent a side-glance to Itachi, who smirked back. The waiter left with their orders, leaving Sasuke to brood over the mess that his brother dragged him in. After a few silent moments, which Sasuke used to stare at brunette man on the nearest pole, a long-haired brunette approached their table and placed Sasuke's order in front of him. Sasuke looked at him and he was glad that he could restrain himself.
"One Bloody Mary for you," silky voice of the brunette man murmured right beside ear as white eyes looked him very up-close, remembering every line of Sasuke's face. Man had white bandana on his forehead and small, mysterious smile on his lips. His slim chest was covered with sleeveless fishnet t-shirt while he wore leather pants.
After he finished staring at Sasuke, man turned towards Sasuke's companion and scowled.
"You shouldn't have brought him here. The bastards will devour him," he commented offhandedly over loud music as he placed Itachi's vodka in front of him, loud enough for Sasuke to hear him and gulp mentally. Itachi took sip of his drink as Neji placed his butt on Itachi's knee, while Sasuke watched them with wide eyes.
"I know, but I promised Naruto-kun to introduce him to my brother," he smiled darkly as brunette raised and straddled Itachi, swaying his hips in rhythm of the music. He placed both of his hands on Itachi's shoulders, while fixing Sasuke with his white eyes: "Naruto will love him," he chuckled and then turned and pressed his back against raven's chest, sliding down slowly, still swaying his hips slowly.
Sasuke watched brunette man giving his brother lap dance, not daring to sip on his drink in fear to spit it all out. He noticed that they had planned something for him since the dancer fixed him with his eyes, almost-there smirk on his lips. He looked away and continued to watch the man on the pole who had now his pants button undone. He felt rush of blood back into his face so he looked away again and gulped down almost half of his drink, earning amused chuckle from his brother.
When brunette finished his dance, leaving glaring hickey on Itachi's neck, he approached Sasuke and loomed over him, leaning towards his ear.
"My name is Neji. And yours is...?"
Sasuke looked up at other and sent him half-hearted glare.
"Sasuke but I don't need the lap dance." Man named Neji chuckled and leaned back, his hand resting on Sasuke's shoulder, while looking him in the eyes.
"Of course you don't need a lap dance from me. After all, who saw uke giving another uke a lap dance?" he chuckled and moved, leaving Sasuke to stare after him.
Sasuke opened his mouth to protest but the man was suddenly nowhere in sight and Itachi didn't look like he was in mood for arguing. Sasuke huffed and crossed his arms, looking around the place. He then stood up, which earned surprised look from Itachi but Sasuke just rolled his eyes at him and left for bathroom.
When he was about to enter the bathroom, he bumped into some pink-haired girl, skimpily dressed. He muttered an apology but a hand on his arm stopped him from leaving. He turned to see emerald eyes staring at him in amusement.
"The only reason you might not be having fun here is because you're straight. If so, call me," she smirked and pressed small kiss on his cheek and left piece of paper in his hand.
When he narrowed his eyes at her, she chuckled.
"Yes, I planned this," and then she left. He rolled his eyes and wanted to throw the piece of paper away, but then changed his mind and stuffed it in his pocket.
When he returned, he noticed some commotion around his table. There were several people around it, with Itachi having Neji back on his lap again. He also noticed the light-haired waiter who had placed new glass of Bloody Mary on his side. However, the third person actually sat in his seat, with legs crossed, holding small shot glass, probably filled with vodka. Sasuke narrowed his eyes- sure he didn't like to be here, but that didn't mean that just any random person could sit on his place.
He tapped the man on his bare shoulder and narrowed his eyes.
"Dobe, get out of my seat."
He heard light chuckling and then he met dazzling blue eyes. Three whiskers marred both of his cheeks but the light grin that danced on his lips and warmth of his blue eyes made him look angelic and a bit foxy. He wore no shirt and had baggy, black pants that seemed too low riding. The man stood up and leaned up to Sasuke.
"For you, babe, anything," he grinned again and pressed slightly against Sasuke's smaller frame before letting him pass.
Sasuke thanked God the lights changed to red and masked blush on his face. He sat down on his chair and tensed when he felt strong arms circle around his neck. He narrowed his eyes, blush never leaving his face. Hard beat of music reached his ears- a new, slightly darker melody...
"I've never been closer or tried to understand,
That certain feeling, caught by another self...
But it's too late to hesitate; we can't keep on living like this!"
He felt hot breath against his neck and turned to glare at the offending blonde.
"What do you think you're doing dobe?"
Blue eyes sparkled and the blonde whispered only for Sasuke to hear.
"Name is Naruto, not dobe and technically I'm just doing my job since I work here and all."
Sasuke's eye twitched angrily.
"So your job includes molesting your customers?"
Naruto grinned as he slid his hands down Sasuke's shirt.
"Especially molesting our customers. We can touch you, tease you, dance for you but you can't touch us," he let out amused chuckle at Sasuke's snort.
Naruto ghosted Sasuke's ear with his hot breath continuing, "I know who you are, I know why you are here," Sasuke's eyelids dropped half-closed as Naruto circled the chair and straddled the brunette, grinding his body slowly against brunette's in rhythm of the music...
"Leave no track,
Don't look back!"
Sasuke's eyes traveled down blonde's body - the hard muscles of his stomach were so tantalizing that he forgot that his brother was sitting next to him and watching him with amusement. Sasuke just concentrated not to place his hands on blonde's swaying hips, which indeed held Naruto's pants loosely...
"All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher,
Naruto licked his lips as he locked his eye's on brunette's; smoldering, black pits were coming to life, thin tint of gray shadowing them and Naruto decided that he indeed liked this man. He placed one hand behind his head as the other moved down his neck, over his bare chest and resting on the edge of his pants.
"Adorable creatures,
With an unacceptable features,
Sasuke watched intently hand on blonde's hip as it tugged on the hem of pants, revealing that underneath them was nothing; only bare, tanned skin. Sasuke felt his mouth dry at the mental images that flooded his brain while Naruto just smirked. Blonde rolled his hips again, making Sasuke look up at him...
"A trouble is coming,
It's just a high course of loving,
The blonde turned his back at Sasuke and glided down in one smooth movement, doing a tormenting hip roll while watching the raven over his shoulder. He had to smirk in self satisfaction when other reached blindly for his drink, gulped half of it down at once, and then fixed his eyes back on blonde's butt. He hoisted himself up with another hip roll, making sure he touched Sasuke's legs...
"You can take it or leave it
But you better
Believe It!"
Sasuke felt his insides twist and turn- this man on his lap was dangerously sexy. He knew that this wasn't good for his health and cursed Itachi for bringing him here. The dark melody melted away suddenly and turned into familiar tune of 'Better, Faster, Stronger' that made Naruto grin happily as he turned back towards Sasuke. He placed both of his hands behind his head, as he made fast movement of his hips, dangerously close to Sasuke's crotch.
"Work it, Make it, Move it, Mix it..."
Sasuke was gripping handle of his seat with whole his might, restraining himself to just grab Naruto's hips and grind with him forcefully. But he knew that it was forbidden for guests to touch employees- it counted as harassment. In Sasuke's opinion that was all bull when employees harassed them first.
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger..."
Naruto placed both of his hands around Sasuke's neck and leaned in, sweat trickling down his face and stopping at the edge of Naruto's chin. His hips never stopped moving with the rhythm of the music as he pressed himself against the raven-haired man, making him gasp silently.
He trailed his breath across Sasuke's cheek and stopped beside his ear.
"Feels hot, doesn't it?" Sasuke's half-lidded eyes met with Naruto's blues for a moment before looking away and closing them.
Naruto let out sigh and rolled his hips into Sasuke's making other groan, almost breaking the armrests of his chair. He wanted to grab the blonde and drag him away from public place so that he can molest him... or be molested by him, if you count the height and size of the blonde- Sasuke didn't really care in the end. As long as it was Naruto...
As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he snapped his eyes open, finally realizing in what situation he was and the spell was broken. He had a guy giving him the most erotic lap dance he'd ever had (and he had girls giving him lap dances, but it was nothing compared to this), with his brother sitting next to him, enjoying the show brunette guy was giving him and watching Sasuke with amused eyes.
His eyes widened as he felt Naruto's teeth graze his pulse point on his neck, getting ready to give Sasuke hickey of his life, and possibly orgasm without even being touched. He finally placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders and moved the man away from him, still feeling the other's warm breath on his neck.
Naruto was, to put it simply, shocked- it had seemed that Sasuke was enjoying the show immensely and heaven forbid that he would dance like this to anyone else. He wasn't one to go spreading his most erotic dance around the club just like that. It was kept for very special people (people that Naruto decided they were special) and Sasuke was one of them. Was it possible that he disliked his dance?
Itachi, along with Neji, stared at them- at the confused and very obviously sad Naruto, and the flustered and very confused Sasuke. Sasuke still had his hands on Naruto's shoulders, his head hung down with wide eyes. He then stood up abruptly, moving Naruto out of his way, making him stumble and sit down in the chair across them before leaving the table in a hurry.
Itachi's eyes widened and then placed small kiss on Neji's cheek, at what the other nodded and moved from him, letting Itachi chase after his flustered brother. He glanced at Naruto who was still sitting in the chair, staring at now empty place where Sasuke was sitting. Neji approached him and placed hand on his shoulder, giving him sad look. Naruto looked up, tears gathering in corners of his eyes, mouthing silent: "I really like him..."
Sasuke ran down the street, not looking back or taking any heed of Itachi who was chasing him down. He didn't even care that it was freezing. He just needed to get away from that place, he needed to forget about that man and continue with what he was doing in his life. He didn't need another obsessive-compulsive idiot on his back, no matter how hot, sexy, gorgeous and yummy and all other stuff he was. He would get attached and then it would end as a one night stand and then what? He goes home to be heart-broken while the blonde continues to grin merrily.
He was just around the corner when black BMW crossed his path, making him stumble in his steps. Sasuke was panting, hands clutching around him to prevent himself of being frozen to the bone.
Itachi came out of the car, his eyes wide. He was carrying Sasuke's jacket that he threw over smaller raven's shoulders and then drew him into a hug.
"I didn't know it would affect you this much Sasuke. If I'd known, I would never have brought you there."
Sasuke shook his head and pulled away from his brother.
"It's not that. It's just the fact that it's going to be one-night stand. I am not ready to pull stunts like that, I can't be like- like you." he shot his older brother a frown, and Itachi nodded in understanding before leading Sasuke to the car. When he closed the door and sat down in the driver's seat he thought, a bit amused, 'Who said Naruto was planning a one-night stand?'
Three days later, Sasuke found himself calmer and more collected. He was happy that he wasn't haunted by sexy images of hot blonde on his lap.
He was cleaning the closet as he stumbled upon small piece of paper that fell out from his pants. He frowned and picked it up curiously, wondering what was it.
He unfolded it and stared at it: 'Call me if your evening sucked! I can make it better. Sakura.' The piece contained winking smiley and phone number. It was then when he remembered- that pink haired girl that he met at the club in front of the bathroom. He considered throwing the paper away but decided against it. Now he found it again and didn't know what to do.
He walked around the apartment, still holding the piece of paper in his hand. He undid his tie and threw it on the bed, as he sat down as well. His cell phone rang and he frowned while answering.
The voice on the other side chuckled.
"Hey there little brother. I am just calling you that I will be little late today. So eat dinner without me, okay?"
Sasuke nodded, but then remembered that his brother couldn't see him so he said.
"Okay. Have good time," and then he hung up.
Sasuke leaned down, still staring at the paper in his hand. With a determined look on his face he dialed the number and waited for person to answer. After the third ring, he was greeted with cheery "Hello?" and he smirked, "It's me..."
A/N: MWAHAHAH! Don't kill me please! O.O I just love leaving you hanging XD I hope you like it and don't worry, it is NaruSasu in the end :3 so, reviews are welcomed :D and don't ask from where this come from. I just felt bored and wanted to write some smexy timez with our bishies. BuhBai!