Author's Note: Hey there! This is my first Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfic. I hope you like it, though it's only a one shot.

Disclaimer: disclaimed.

Perseus Jackson.

He was the boy with the sword; the one that everyone, including me, adored.

He was a hero, and he happened to be someone that many people looked up to.

He was the son of Poseidon and named after the son of Zeus.

He took a dip in the Styx and came out alive; something that not many people can claim.

Out of everyone at Camp Half-Blood, he choose me. You can't imagine how terrified and excited I was when I first felt his lips press against mine. I remember the way the heat rushed to my cheeks when I realized that people had been watching and waiting for a long time. I had been too busy with the war and Luke to see what had been right in front of me that whole time.

He'd been waiting for me.

He created me a world where there were no monsters, no war; a world where it was just us, being together.

To others he may be Percy Jackson: The Boy of the Great Prophesy.

But to me, he'll always be my Seaweed-brain.

Please review. Constructive critisism is nice.