"It's the circle of life!" Some woman sang in the background as the hornbill Zazu flew up to the top of the big pointy rock thing. On top was the blue butted creepy monkey, who was about to raise up baby Simba for all of the Pridelands to see. They were all happy for the birth of their new to-be-king, and predator who will eat them in the future. Rafiki held up Simba for all too see...

And then suddenly a bolt of energy blasted Simba and knocked him out of Rafiki's hands, and to his certain doom below.

Iron Man landed behind Rafiki. "I am Iron Man." He kicked Rafiki off of the cliff and gave a thumbs up. "And it isn't the circle of life, it's the square of life." All the animals then stared at him, confused as confused can be. "Peace out, bitches!" He flew off into the sky.