Chapter 30
Title: "The Road Not Taken"
Rating: PG-13 probably.
Pairings: Claire/Elle, Claire/Gretchen
Summary: When Claire goes back in time to save Elle, her relationship with Gretchen is threatened.
Disclaimer: I do not own the television show "Heroes."
Note: Takes place after "Brave New World." The past takes place after "The Butterfly Effect." Thank you Lied and She-Hulk from the BAM Board. This chapter also wasn't beta-ed due to the holidays. Sorry guys! This is the end of the road in more ways than one. Thanks for reading guys. It's been fun. Enjoy the final chapter.
"Is that it?" Angela asked.
Claire slowly nodded as she finally took a moment to take a breathe. She got the whole story out in a rush in hopes of getting to the hospital sooner. Claire knew she would get some disapproval from Angela for how she handled the mission but Angela was not one to judge much after all she had done. Not with Claire at least.
Angela folded her hands together and leaned slightly over the desk to look at Claire. "You seem different."
Claire raised an eyebrow. She was not ready to discuss her new control of her power yet. It was all too new and would require long meetings and tests and studies when there were people who needed her now. She was scared though. Her grandmother had a way of seeing through everyone even in her dreams.
"What happen to that anger that is always smoldering behind your eyes? Did someone suddenly find peace?" Angela said with what was a terrifying but teasing smile.
Claire stayed silent for a moment before tentatively admitting, "I'm getting there. The right person will help."
"And you now know who that is," Angela said as she closed the report on the mission. It was a statement, not a question. Claire was more sure now that her grandmother knew something was different about her, something important. She was giving her a pass because in her own twisted way Angela always did try to take care of her family. Claire planned to take advantage of the opportunity in front of her. She planned in indulging in all the little pleasures of the moment from now on.
"I do know who it is," Claire allowed with a smile. Letting the right people in had benefits.
Angela smiled wider as well. It was the most Claire had said to Angela about any romantic involvement she had that did not end up in some report somewhere. Claire was changing in more ways than one.
"Then go," Angela instructed.
Claire did not wait another second to comply. She was instantly out the door and on her way to the hospital. She was not sure how many speeding tickets she risked getting on the way there but she did not have the best luck with cars anyway.
When she reached the hospital she searched for a familiar face and found Rene dutifully sitting in the hallway. She had no idea how he beat her there but there he was when she needed him as always.
She walked up to him and was tempted to hug him but they had only been apart for a few hours since returning.
Rene stood when she approached. "I've just been to see Elle and Gretchen. They're both awake and talking."
"Awake," Claire repeated softly to herself. No matter how many times she saw them come back to life Claire felt she would still be worried. The joy she felt knowing they were safe and sound and awake was almost overwhelming.
Claire shook herself out of it. "So, how are they?"
"They're well," Rene said. At Claire's frown at his few words he continued. "I checked in with Gretchen. She's trying to be rational but I'm afraid her death upset her quite a bit."
The sentence made Claire want to chuckle but the reality of what it meant took the humor right out of her. "And Elle?"
"She's doing well. And I... properly introduced myself to her with my actual name," Rene said, almost shyly at how long it took him to get around to it.
"And?" Claire prompted encouragingly.
"She liked it," Rene smiled. It was odd but nice when he did that and she was sure it was not the whole story but their conversations belonged to them.
"It's a good name," Claire assured him. "It means reborn, doesn't it? We could all use that right now."
Small talk was over. They were both too drained for it after all they had been through. Rene spoke again before Claire could even voice the question he was about to answer. "They are in rooms 109 and 110."
"That's right across from each other." Claire concluded needlessly.
It seemed that her friend almost wanted to laugh at the predicament but held it together long enough to speak again. "I'll wait here."
Claire began to walk down the hall with a smile on her face. It was a brave new world and she gave smiles to the people who lined the halls. She was willing to face them and everything. She was the girl who walked through fire and didn't get burned and she finally felt that way, the way her mom thought she had meant it all those years ago. She had love and friends and they would all heal and they would do it together. She had traveled the road not taken and came out on the other side and it was worth it. She saw everything in the journey that she never got to see before even the stars on the ceiling.
Claire stopped in between the two rooms knowing she was going to have to have two hard conversations ahead of her. One she hoped was going to build a romance and one she could only hope was going to build a new friendship after all was said and done. She wanted the two girls in her life in some form or another and would fight to keep them and not abandon either of them but something more important happened as she stood between the two rooms. She knew.
Her choice was made.
It was a new life and a new start for all of them. The end of the journey was only the beginning.
The End