"Really?" Elena asked confused.
"Yeah." Said Scarlet
"But the last time I brought it up you seemed so angry. What made you change your mind?"
"I'm not sure. I just think that you should know."
"You don't have to tell me everything if you don't want to."
"Elena I want to tell you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure."
With a sigh Scarlet said, "Alright, I committed suicide."
"It all started when I figured out that Katherine was exchanging blood with Stefan and Damon." Scarlet started pacing in front of the fire place as she continued. "After I knew what Katherine was and what she was doing I went to her and asked her if she could exchange blood with me too. I mean," Scarlet added seeing the shocked look on Elena's face, "if my brothers were going to live forever I wanted to as well. I loved them so much and I would do anything to keep them from getting hurt. She didn't want to do it at first but I finally convinced her. Well after that Katherine and I became inseparable so when Stefan and Damon woke me up the night Katherine was taken to tell me that they were going to get her back, I went with them."
Scarlet dropped to her knees staring into the fire like she was in some sort of trance. Elena went to sit beside her and when she saw the look in Scarlet's blue eyes, a look of pure fear, she said, "Scarlet you don't need to tell me the rest if you don't want to." But Scarlet didn't seem to hear her so she continued, "Before I left I grabbed my Dad's dagger off of the mantle and left to go save Katherine. When we got there Stefan distracted the other men, you already knew that. But when he came back telling Damon and I that the others were coming Damon told me to hide so I did. I stayed hidden for about a minute, then I heard the gun shots and I saw Damon fall and then another gunshot and Stefan fell. I ran from my hiding place to make sure that they were okay. I tried to help them, I got the bullets out but they were already dead and at that moment I forgot everything. I forgot about Katherine, about the vampire blood in their system. I guess that you can say I went over the edge." Scarlet took a deep ragged breath that sounded like she was in pain.
"Scarlet, snap out of it. You don't have to tell me anymore." Scarlet didn't respond.
"Then I grabbed the dagger that I had brought, I stood up, counted to three and then I drove the knife through my heart. I remember that I heard someone shout 'No' and then I collapsed. I was dead. You know the rest." Scarlet finished.
Elena swept Scarlet into a hug and said, "I'm so sorry."
"Elena can you please let me go?"
"Telling you that story made me realize something Elena."
"It made me realize how much I missed Stefan and Damon." Scarlet got up and went to the stairs. "Thank you Elena." She said before she disappeared.
"You're welcome." Elena muttered
Scarlet went straight to Stefan's room but stopped when she heard talking.
"Thanks for saving me Damon." Said Stefan
"Don't mention it." Said Damon
"You know I always looked up to you when we were kids Damon."
"Funny I always looked down at you."
"Damn it Damon!" Scarlet said as she stormed into Stefan's room. "Why do you have to ruin every brotherly moment?"
"Whoa Scarlet calm down it was just a joke." Damon said putting his hands up like he was surrendering.
"You really piss me off sometimes Damon. I mean I have lived a very long life and every time you two had a sweet moment going you ruin it!"
"Scarlet I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"You better be sorry. Now tell Stefan that you love him."
"Stefan I loathe you."
"That's not what I meant Damon."
"I'm not going to tell Stefan that I love him." Damon said crossing his arms over his chest.
Scarlet took a step toward Damon.
"That is not going to work. You don't scare me Scarlet."
She took another step.
"Not going to work."
"Okay how about this? If you don't say it then I will kick you in the balls so hard that you'll be holding a bag of frozen peas to them for a month."
"Stefan I love you."
"Good. Now you say it Stefan."
"I love you Damon."
"I didn't know you would cave that easily Stefan." Said Damon
"Yeah well I don't want to hold peas to my balls for a month."
"Now hug." Scarlet said
"No." Stefan and Damon said simultaneously.
Scarlet took a threatening step toward them and they hugged.
"Now was that so hard?" she asked
"Yes." They said
"Well now that that is taken care of I need to talk to Stefan alone."
"Why can't I be a part of the conversation?" Damon asked with a look of fake hurt on his face.
"Damon just leave." Scarlet said
Then Scarlet picked him up and threw him over her shoulder and carried him out of the room. When she set him down he said, "That was so uncalled for." But Scarlet just slammed the door in his face.
"Okay. Look Stefan I told Elena how I became a vampire and it made me realize how much I missed living with you guys and I was wondering, if it's okay with you, if I could stay here with you guys."
"Scarlet. . ." Stefan said
"You don't want me to stay. I get it. Well I'll leave then." As Scarlet turned toward the door Stefan said, "You didn't let me finish."
Scarlet turned to face Stefan.
"I was going to say Scarlet you don't even have to ask."
"Oh thank you Stefan." And Scarlet wrapped him in a hug so tight that he said, "Ow Scarlet ow."
"Sorry. So it's like the Salvatore siblings together again?"
Stefan laughed and said, "The Salvatore siblings together again."
The End
P.S. Do you guys think that I should write a sequel? Danielle Salvatore and I came up with a good idea. So let me know.