The readers said let there be sequel so there was a sequel. And most of you said sasunaru so there was sasunaru.

Which means….WARNING! THIS CHAPTER HAS SASUNARU. Turn around if you hate that. If you don't, please enjoy :]

Also, I got an a review from someone who said they didn't like Naruto's vocabulary because it was too advanced (And I really appreciate you're review and opinion!) But people also seem to like the intelligent Naruto (me included tehe) and I already wrote this before I got your review, so I apologize if it's not up to standards! I would have e-mailed this to you of course, but it was annonymous so I couldn't.


It had been nearly a month since Naruto had confessed his containment of the demon Kyuubi; which meant nearly a month in which countless amounts of tiny things started to make more sense than Sasuke thought was possible. He watched with sad, calculating eyes as villagers shot the blonde sidelong glares and whispered terrible words meant for him to hear among each other. He watched with sadder eyes as each gesture seemed to soak through his skin as ignorance that seemed to come back later.

Sure, Naruto could put up this visage in front of him and Sakura during the day, but as Sasuke lay awake long after most of the world was long asleep, he would watch as either nightmares haunted his blonde teammate's fragile mind or watch as the whiskered teen lay wide awake, gripping his blonde locks as he curled into himself in an attempt to grasp some sort of relief from whatever memories crawled through his shattered cognitive.

But never once did a word, whimper, or cry slip through his tight lips. He hadn't seen Naruto cry since that moment of happiness in the forest weeks ago which Sasuke could only assume had to be killing him. Even Sasuke had to admit that his nightmares dragged the child out of him. There was hardly a night he didn't have nightmares of his clan's murder that didn't bring him to tears. He could push the urge away on missions when he had his reputation to report to, but when he was home alone, he always let it go.

But Naruto didn't. He would watch from Naruto's windowsill as the blonde would sit up abruptly, his breathing quick and labored before slowly evening out, the look in his eye so hallow it usually sucked the air from Sasuke's very lungs.

So why was something so horrible so easy for Naruto to ignore?

But this time, something was different than the other nights. Sasuke watched as Naruto's tan, shaking fingers laced through his hair before gripping tightly at the blonde locks, his knees raising up to meet his forehead as he screamed until his voice was hoarse.

When he had run out of air, he tossed his sheets aside as he climbed out of bed, his harsh breathing sounding as if he were only just maintaining the crack in the dam he kept up to blockade the tears Sasuke knew were hiding just behind his tightly closed eyes.

But when his eyes flashed open, the look in those cerulean eyes was completely different from what he'd expected. There was no fear there like there used to always be about now. There was no sadness: just a firm expression of determination that alarmed Sasuke to see. He stumbled toward his bedside table, grabbing the top drawer and ripping entirely free from the remaining frame, several of the contents within spilling onto the floor from the rough and abrupt movement.

But Naruto didn't seem to be concerned with them at the moment. He sifted so roughly through the drawer that most of the remaining items ended up on the floor as well anyway.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes slightly when Naruto pulled out a scroll, slamming it roughly on the tile before unraveling it across the floor and kneeling before it, a seal Sasuke had only seen once before painted across the expanse of the white paper.

It was the same seal he had seen imprinted on Naruto's stomach during the chuunin exams.

Sasuke wondered just what Naruto was planning to do and wondered if he should intervene. There wasn't anything too drastic he might attempt, right? Although, he seemed to be in a fringed sense of reality; maybe he should intervene anyway?

But his curiosity and fear of having to explain just what he was doing outside Naruto's apartment at four in the morning kept his feet glued to the windowsill.

"Leave me alone, please!" the blonde begged as he went through a long sequence of handseals, "Just shut up, shut up!" he screamed before biting the tip of his thumb and pressing the bleeding appendix to the middle of the paper where the center of the seal lay in dark ink.

Blood usually meant a summon, as far as Sasuke knew. That meant time to intervene.

Naruto gasped in pain as he preformed several more handseals but before he could touch his palms to the paper, Sasuke's cool hands wrapped around each of his wrists, holding them still nearly six inches above the floor.

Sasuke opened his mouth to speak but the only thing that came out was a choked gasp when Naruto's hands, which stealthily escaped his hold, jabbed into the soft skin near each of his shoulders and again into his stomach, stunning and knocking the air from him.

Naruto immediately clapped his hands over his mouth when he realized what he'd done.

"Sorry!" he apologized quickly, when he dropped his hands into his lap which he began to wring out of nerves, "I thought – well I didn't think actually."

"I can tell, that was quick," the raven complimented in a strained tone before raising his eyes to meet Naruto's, strangely, red ones.

Just the look in Sasuke's eye must have given away his curiosity because Naruto immediately looked away.

"The seal is weakening," he explained in a voice that sounded almost ashamed, as if it were his fault.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked, watching as Naruto's eyes narrowed as if he were trying to concentrate on what the raven was saying.

"Huh?" he breathed, making Sasuke wonder how he possibly could have missed what he said.

"I said, what do you mea–"

"Shut up!" Naruto suddenly screamed as he grabbed his hair, cutting through the raven who looked rather taken aback, "I'm sorry, not you," he explained in a strained voice before abruptly slamming his palms onto the seal lying across the floor and Sasuke watched as the seals on both the scroll and Naruto's abdomen began to glow a dark red which seemed to cause the blonde a great deal of pain.

He wrapped his arms tightly around his stomach as he fell back to sit on his feet before the floor began to rise up to meet him. Sasuke caught him by the shoulders and gently guided him to the floor just before he hit the ground. But in his dazed state, Naruto hardly seemed to notice.

"What did you do?" Sasuke asked, the apprehension clear in his tone.

"It's just a strengthening barrier between my cognition and Kyuubi's. It's nothing to worry about. Just a little bit painful," he explained, his words strained and coming in what seemed like difficult bits.

"A little bit? Seems worse than just a little bit."

"Maybe," the blonde agreed with a painful smirk, "But it fades quickly. So wanna explain why you've been outside my window the past couple weeks?" he asked, watching with amused eyes as the raven's jaw dropped slightly, a conservative blush painting across his cheeks.

"Tch, because you're such an idiot I figured if you didn't get some sleep you'd screw up all our missions and that affects me too, dobe," he insulted, his voice giving away the real meaning behind the biting words. Naruto smiled in spite of himself, knowing that was Sasuke's way of showing his concern while simultaneously saving face.

"I see. Well check the stats, Sasuke. We haven't failed a mission in four months, two weeks, and three days."

"Why do you remember that?" Sasuke asked, feeling rather curious as to why he would remember such an exact amount of days.

"Because it was my fault we failed it," he explained, a dignified amount of shame laced through his tone, "And it wasn't for lack of sleep. So you don't need to give up on your own just to see if I'm getting mine."

Sasuke's jaw nearly went slack by the explanation. He never spoke with such logical sequencing in front of anyone else. He also never used patience as a means to explanation in front of anyone. There was never anything he would say as curious as just now that would lead to a question, possibly in fear that no one would ask it, but Sasuke suspected it was because he just assumed the people who talked to him were too stupid to catch on to the fact that there was more information available upon just a simple question of what or why.

Sasuke didn't know whether to feel shocked by the revelation or flattered by the fact that Naruto considered Sasuke to be at least on the same level as himself.

And honestly, now that Sasuke really thought back on the past several weeks, he was beginning to consider Naruto of his own status as well. Did that make Naruto a genius?

"Can I ask a question?" the raven asked, ignoring the blonde's insistences altogether.

"Ask away," he encouraged, as he subconsciously rubbed his stomach to ease the ache while he sat up to lean against the side of the bed.

"What number did you really graduate in the class at the academy?"

Naruto raised a blonde eyebrow with what appeared to be an impressed expression.

"What would make you ask a question like that?" he countered, the corner of his lips twitching up to form an amused smirk.

"Don't tell me to 'ask away' if you have no intention of answering, dobe," Sasuke berated in an irritated tone.

"Ok! No slack with you! I graduated fourth, behind you, Sakura-chan, and Shikamaru. I really can't clone for my life," he explained, his tone sounding abashed as if it were embarrassing to admit he might fall behind so many people.

"How hard did you try to graduate that far up in the ranks?"

"About as hard as you tried to graduate first."

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched up as he let out the air in his lungs through his mouth, knowing that with a little more effort, he would have easily graduated second, if not first.

"Why did Iruka always yell at you for nearly failing all the time?"

Naruto laughed lightly before smacking Sasuke lightly on the back.

"What is this anyway? Twenty questions?"

"I want to know. It's not like I'll judge you or anything. I think I proved myself in that aspect already," the raven pleaded, feeling embarrassed for having to resort to such a demeaning means of getting the information he wanted.

"Alright," Naruto obliged, nodding once as his eyes shifted to the floor, "I wasn't allowed to publically show any sort of anomalous aptitude in any subjects we learned at the academy. I didn't really understand why until I did publically show a little too much talent in spite of that rule and nearly got killed by a bunch of villagers and a couple shinobi who freaked out about me getting lessons from Kyuubi, which I've never done. They were worried I would get too strong and turn on the village. I've never raised a finger to any villager," he defended, his tone suddenly vulnerable, unlike the guarded tendency he'd been keeping up through the prior explanation, "I hate these," he mumbled as his hands rose to rub self-consciously at his cheeks, "It's bad enough to host a demonic fox but why do I have to look like one too?"

"I think they're cute."

Complete silence.

Sasuke didn't know how to react to his own words. What the hell was he thinking saying something so irrational? Naruto's expression was unreadable. His eyes were blank and behind them it seemed as if he were trying to decide if he'd heard things right or not.

"They're not cute," the blonde suddenly bit back, the anger clear in his tone, "It's not cute at all!"

"I didn't mean–"

"What the hell does that mean anyway? Did you – you, wait, did you call me cute?" Naruto asked, suddenly surprised when the full impact of what Sasuke had said hit him.

"No! That's not at all what I said, usuratonkachi. Don't look into things that aren't there," he denied quickly, wondering just what it was that he was telling the blonde not to look into.

"Well then what the hell did you say it for?"

What did he say it for? When he really thought about it, he couldn't deny that he felt it was the truth. He always thought Naruto was cute, especially when he was angry like now.

Maybe that was why it was so easy for him to love riling the blonde up.

"I said it so you would quit pitying yourself. Look at how pathetic you are," the raven bit back, his tone harsh and pointed, sending a shiver up the blonde's spine.

"Jesus Christ, you act as if it were my slip of the tongue. You don't have to be such an asshole. And you asked me those questions in the first place."

Just the look in the blonde's eyes was enough to make Sasuke feel guilty. If there was something worse than feeling guilty, Naruto's words would have made him feel it.

"Well you didn't have to act like me thinking you're cute is the most disgusting thing in the world," the raven mumbled, feeling as if some sort of apology was in order but unsure of how to go about delivering it.

"I'm not disgusted. I'm pleasantly shocked," the blonde admitted with a blush.

"Tch, don't take it as a compliment, dobe," Sasuke snapped, a hint of a blush adorning his cheeks as well.

"You're so callous! And I will take it as a compliment because I didn't know the word cute or any variation of the word existed in your vocabulary. So thank you for the compliment," Naruto stated, a wry smile twisting across his lips at the look on Sasuke's face during the explanation.

"Are you insulting the size of my vocabulary?" the raven asked in a dangerous tone while Naruto began to laugh.

"I would never!" he promised, breaking out into a fit of laughter at Sasuke's mock anger.

"Dobe, I know how to torture you in the worst ways possible. I'd stop laughing if I were you," he warned as he raised his hands, his fingers spread and bent slightly in a forewarning of what was to come.

"No!" the blonde pleaded loudly, his laughter continuing as he scooted away from the raven as he advanced upon him, "Don't tickle me!"

"You asked for it," Sasuke stated before pouncing the blonde who's laughter skyrocketed as graceful hands found every ticklish spot they could.

"Stop!" the blonde pleaded through his laughter, "Sasuke please! I'm gonna die!"

"You won't die, dobe. You always overact."

Somehow it took Sasuke to stop tickling Naruto to understand how promiscuous the position they were in was.

He was straddling the blonde who was lying flat on the ground, panting heavily, an occasional giggle escaping his lips in the aftermath.

Their eyes connected and both sets of expressions sobered immediately as if both had somewhat of the same revelation at the same time. And by the look they both shot each other, it was as if they could speak without words.

"I'm actually happy: not just pleasantly shocked. I'm happy. Interpret that however you want," Naruto stated, continuing the conversation from before and breaking the silence in the process.

And Sasuke did interpret it how he wanted. He leaned down until his lips were on Naruto's, planting a soft kiss there before pulling back to catch the blonde's reaction.

"Interpret that however you want," Sasuke repeated, a smirk playing across his lips at the look adorning Naruto's features.

"That wasn't an accident, right?" the blonde breathed, his fingers touching his lips softly as if trying to decide if that had happened or not, his gaze lowered from Sasuke's eyes in his shock.

"Did it feel like an accident?" Sasuke asked, his head tilting to the side slightly, his eyes finally catching Naruto's.

"How 'bout a joke, is it a joke?"

Sasuke smiled sadly at how sure Naruto needed to be. No one had willingly showed affection to him before. He had to make sure this wasn't just some sick joke.

"Have I ever told a joke in my life?"

It was like a chorus to a song; Sasuke knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when. Naruto smiled widely, his arm lifting up to cover his eyes as he laughed softly. He had never in his life felt so happy.

He had no idea how to channel this feeling. It was welling up inside him and he had no idea what to do with it.

So he did the only thing that came to his mind; he dropped his arm from before his eyes before pushing himself up far enough so his lips were only centimeters away from Sasuke's, his eyes searching the raven's dark ones, as if trying to determine if this was ok.

But before he could establish whether it was or not, Sasuke closed the distance.

"You don't need to ask with your eyes if it's ok. It'll always be ok," Sasuke whispered, his breath ghosting across Naruto's parted lips, sending a shiver up his spine as the words rolled over him.

"Always?" he asked, his eyes drifting away as a smile ghosted across his lips. That was such an immense pledge to make, "We're young. That's a lot to promise."

"We're ninja. We die young."

Maybe that's why it was ok to be so impulsive.

Maybe this one impulse could be forgiven.


I'm sorry if some of you were expecting a lemon but they're twelve you nasties! (Ok, in this timeline, Naruto's thirteen by a month but STILL!) I can maybe read a fic like that but I don't think I can write it. I'm sorry!

At least I gave you guys you're sasunaru ending right? Maybe a timeskip lemon? Pahaha I'm just kidding. Maybe.