I'm so so sorry for not updating a lot, college assignments a pain... Just gave one in, so whole holiday to write stories and chapters as dad kindly let me take this laptop on holiday :D

Just updating all that christmas is approaching in 2 days as when I wrote this, 23rd Dec, and to update on my chapters, I won't be updating till 2014, about January 4/5th. Today I am going on holiday to visit my nan, where there is no wi-fi except on my mobile, but I write my documents in Wordpad software, which isn't compatible with my phone, and cannot upload chapters until Jan 2014. I plan to get this whole part to Wrecker and the Moonlight part 5 written, maybe some of part 6, and maybe finish the rest of Black and white Autobot family.

Also in other news, my tablet that broke with all my chapters, a specialist has been found by my dad who would be willing to fix it. Fingers crossed all goes well, otherwise have to redo whole chapter I wrote forr Black and white Autobot family, and all my stories I had planned to write.

Thank you for your patient and reading, God bless you all, Merry christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.


Keep updated on my Deviantart, TFG1001 for character drawings from my Fics. I'll be able to respond to Private messages on my mobile, so ever need to get in touch, I'm available there.