Disclaimer: I do not own bleach.

Chapter 11

Harry couldn't help but let out a loud groan when he woke up. He felt as if his whole body was on fire. Everytime he moved, it was as if his muscles was totally against the idea and decided to move in the other direction, twisting his muscles painfully. It was exactly 10am in the morning when he woke up. He used his muscle aching arms to push his sore body to a sitting position. Glancing around, he realised that both Hermione and Ron was not there. They might have already woke up earlier than him and had already went down to breakfast. He could imagine Ron, Fred and George groaning on every step they made and Harry couldn't help but chuckle. However, that action made his stomach muscles ached painfully and his laughter stopped and he tried to soothe the muscles by rubbing his thumb around the sore spot in a circular motion so to relax the muscles. Groaning loudly at the sharp pain all over his body, he stood up and wobbled and stumbled out his room. He was right. His friends was already downstairs for breakfast. He could hear their commotion up from the third level. Gripping on the wooden black railing for some support he climbed- no- crawled down the stairs, stopping every two steps until he reached the ground floor. Trying to soothe his usual messed up hair into a more presentable impression (which still was not possible) he walked into the brightly lit room, unlike the rest of the house which was all dark and gloomy.

Ron looked up at long time best friend and waved his fork in the air (groaning albeit at the over-exerting of his muscles) and called, "Harry! Over here!"

Harry found Ron and went to sat right next to him, in between Ron himself and Rukia. He winced when he tried to stretch out his arm to get the bowl of chicken soup. God, he couldn't live doing wandless combat for the rest of the year. He'll be all muscles, meat and fat but no bones as they were all broken by then. Rukia giggled as she stared at the way Harry groan, moan, grunted and wince as his muscles stretched painfully. Growling, Harry snapped his head to glare at the petite girl. Staring at his frowning face, she just giggled harder, amused at his facial expressions. Snarling, he hissed, "Shut it. Not everyone is as flexible and fast as you. So put a sock in it!" And that just made her laugh all the more harder.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, Toushiro, Renji and Ichigo was sincerely trying their hardest not to smack their metal spoon over the twin's head. Ever since the three went down to eat, the twins had been moaning every few seconds about how much their body ached. Renji threw an envying gaze at Rukia and eyed her as she giggled at Harry. Oh what he would give just to trade places with her and laugh and tease Harry as he was in pain. But no... He was sitting here, in between the two twins and he had to even listen to them as they moan. He knew he could have just ignored them but every single time he tried to do so, one of them would either kick his chair or tried to hug him. Right now, Fred was crying out, "Oh my dear muscles! Oh my dear body! How much pain we're in would never match how much we love our amusing toys!" And George said, "Yes, I agree! Our love for amusing toys is much much more! We cannot moan about this all day long!" There was silence for a few minutes and the three Shinigami sighed in relief, thinking that the two finally stopped. But then after another few minutes Fred cried, "My body and muscles hurts like shit!" And George was like, "I know. God, I really wish I did not agree to go for yesterday's training!" And the other three smacked their palms on their forehead. Those IDIOTS!

Urahara, Yoruichi, Soi Fon and Hermione on the other hand was sitting there having a friendly conversation. Well... At least Urahara, Yoruichi and Hermione was. "So, why did you decide to be a teacher, Professor Shihoin?" Hermione asked.

The violet haired female just grinned and her and with a wave of her hand replied, "Just Yoruichi would do. And to answer your question, I just thought that wizards nowadays are using their magical powers to much for their daily life. I mean, why use a broom when you could just walk, why use magic to defeat someone when using combat ways was also possible. Magic is getting used by any magical person for their daily life for something as easy as transportation, fighting or exercising. You can get obese, you know."

"Right... So Profe- No, I mean Miss Yoruichi, do you actually look forward to teaching in school?" Hermione asked.

This time, it was Urahara who answered. "Of course, Yoruichi-san has as much reason as I to actually break lots and lots of rules. We share the same hobbies!"

Soi Fon suddenly punched him in the chest as hard as she could. "Don't you dare say such bad things about Yoruichi-sama! She's different from you, scumbag!" God, how she hated the scumbag named Urahara Kisuke! He was irritating, annoying, worthless, disgusting, lazy, retarded and smelly! And worse, he was always trying to ruin Yoruichi-sama perfect name!

"Oh... Right... Sorry for asking..." Hermione said, trailing off as she could not comprehend why Soi Fon hated Urahara that much.

Sirius lifted his head up from his bowl of soup and asked thoughtfully, "Harry, aren't you meant to go back to Hogwarts the day after next?"

Gulping down the rest of his soup as quickly as possible, Toushiro silently thanked the gods for making ultra hungry today. If he was not, he would not eat. If he did not eat, Mrs Weasley wouldn't let him leave the kitchen, stating that he should eat more. And the longer he took to eat, the more he would suffer from the annoying twins complains. Toushiro couldn't even think why did the two even decide to go! If they were going to do this all day long they might as well just not join wandless combat. Even Matsumoto seem like a better person than the two! At least she was not moaning, complaining about every single thing, she was perfectly fit and healthy, she did not just suddenly appear infront of him, she did not force him to eat those weird sweets that made him puke, she did not complete someone else's sentence and lastly and the most important, SHE DID NOT TREAT HIM LIKE A KID! He had enough of it! Mrs Weasley petting him on the head, ruffling his already messy hair, asking if he wanted sweets. Mr Weasley asking if he needed to be carried when they went out. Hermione always trying to add him into conversation because she was afraid that he would feel left out and start to bawl his eyes out over it. Harry and Ron helping him in his homework when he could do it perfectly fine, and he was much much more smarter than them. Tonks calling him "Lil' Shiro" and changing her looks to look like some idiotic clown to make him laugh. (It never worked.) He was the captain of the tenth unit and he was going to reach his first century real soon, so they should just treat him like a proper adult! He was slightly thankful for Kurosaki, Kuchiki, Abarai and Urahara who at least know when they should not pass the line.

Placing the bowl down and taking a deep breath to calm himself down from his angry thoughts, he excused himself from the too bright and warm kitchen. He climbed the staircase, two at a time until he reached their room's floor. Opening the door, he quickly slipped in their room. They had decorated and made their room suitable for anyone. Mr Weasley had casted some strange spell on it to enlarge it on the inside so that when someone was to see it from outside, it would look normal. But when one steps in the room, it was super large, as big as Kurosaki's whole house! It was just enough to fit all of them, now including Soi Fon and Yoruichi. Right now, the air-con was on to below 20 degrees celcius and he was satisfied of how cold it was. Flopping himself on his futon on the ground, he reached out to grab his calendar, noticing that they had to prepare to leave to Hogwarts the next day and used a blue marker to cancel out that day's date. He was counting down to the end of the year where he could quickly escape back to Soul Society where the people there is sane (to him. Cause you know the Shinigamis to the wizards can never normal ) and never return. As childish as it seems, his patience was really wearing thin. Not only that, he was already going against one of soul society's rules of going against missions by keeping important informations from them. (I'm not sure if this rule ever existed but lets just pretend it does) He was sure if Soul Society ever found out, they'll going to give him a whole years worth of paperworks to do all in one day. And now since Soi Fon and Yoruichi is here, it would be much much more harder to hide secrets, especially for Soi Fon since Yoruichi couldn't care less about Soul Society's rules.

Giving out a loud sigh, he threw the calendar to one corner as he slowly sat up. He had to think of a plan to get past Aizen, the ministry of magic, Voldemort, Soul Society, the death eaters and the stupid, damn Arrancars, all without getting one of them killed. Even for someone as strong and smart as he is, it proved a problem. Giving another sigh, he knew one thing for sure. THEY WERE SCREWED UP.


Ichigo lazily poked his pancakes with disinterest. He was not hungry and he didn't want to eat anything. However, Mrs Weasley had to be all evil and told him he can't leave the kitchen without wiping his plates clean. Sighing, he placed his fork on the plate and gazed around the table, hoping to find some way to throw the food out. He and his unit did it all the time with Inoue's cooking, not that he wanted to do it but Inoue's cooking was so scary sometimes that it could make Kenpachi run for his money. And that was why they had this scissors-paper-stones competition each monday, exactly on 7am, just before breakfast. The point was that the head of each section which was Urahara, the second seat of the healing unit, Akiya and Ichigo. Since Inoue was the head of the healing section, the second seat of the healing section of the fourteenth unit (Akiya) went. And then they would do scissors paper stones. The loser had to survive one whole week of Inoue's food while he other two sections could dress up in Yukata and go to the Rukongai for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once in awhile, Ichigo would lose and his whole section had to eat her food. However, being so desperate to not wanting to eat the food, they would devise some methods so that the food never reached their tongues unless they allowed it. That was why they drilled in some concealing pipes under the floor boards. Sometimes, they would just throw their bowl of food to anyone closest to the window and the person would throw the food down the building (which just so happens to be the dumpster) and sent the plate flying back. And if Inoue Orihime ever knew about it, she never really showed it.

However, right now, Ichigo was sure there was no hidden pipes under floor boards and he was not able to throw it to the one nearest to the window as the person sitting there was Mrs Weasley herself. Groaning at himself, he stared back at his plate, wishing that the plate had suddenly disappeared to Hueco Muendo. Maybe the damn Arrancars would like to keep a diet of pancakes instead of "delicious" souls.

Renji stretched out his hand and shook Ichigo in the shoulder, waking the younger one from his cursing. When Ichigo stared at him, eyebrows raised, asking a silent question of a "What do you want?" Grinning, Renji pointed to the plate of uneaten pancakes. For a minute there, Ichigo stared confused at the other, wondering what he wanted. Taking a look of his plate, he turned to look at the empty plate or Renji's. Suddenly, Ichigo finally understood what he was trying to say. Rolling his eyes, he asked in whispers, "Why can't you just ask Mrs Weasley?"

"Because you idiot, it seems that you're won't be eating that. It would be just stupid to leave such delicious food there, isn't it? Now give it to me and both of our problems would be solved." Renji hissed back. Ichigo gave out a sigh, he was right. Looking around to make sure everybody's eyes was AWAY from the both of them before he slipped the pancakes to Renji's plate.

Now happy that he could finally slip away, he gazed back to his friends, realising that they were enjoying conversations here and there. Turning his gaze back to the gloomy room, he rolled his eyes and climbed back to their room.

Ichigo opened the room just to be hit by a blast of cool air. Maybe he should really tell Toushiro to turn down the air-con higher. Shivering, he plopped down to his own futon and pulled the blanket to his chin. Grabbing his bag, he turned on his phone and look into his contacts list. There wasn't much people listed there. Most of it was that he had a few friends. He must have scared the others of or ignored them or something. Sighing he scrolled down...

Chapter 11 end

to be continued

Can someone tell me who he'll call. I just wrote this for fun as I think that you've been waiting for an update... So Enjoy and please review. :)