The leviathan sized Triangular ship exited hyperspace near the one of Illium's moons. The planet itself being an Asari colony within the terminus system. The terminus system itself a largely self ruled, anything goes so long as you obey the person with the guns and credits type of set up. Most of the 'known' galaxy of course was controlled by the galactic body known as the citadel council, three species that sat on a committee that decided the issues of the galaxy, unleashing special agents, spectors to do their more unseemly tasks.

Above the law these spectors could go almost anywhere and exercise maximum personal discretion without fear of legal reprisal, beat up a local politician, set a mining colony up to have a cave-in, so long as they achieved the end result the council wanted. Here in the terminus system though their weren't any specters, the planet in question certainly didn't have them or anyone with ties to the council, of the legal kind anyway, on it. The Ship orbiting a near by moon wanted to keep it that way.

Like an animal giving birth, a smaller ship exited from the much larger triangular craft. If one could be called nearly dreadnaught, ships measuring one kilometer in length and carry massive kinetic assets, this other ship seemed small. While the larger more imposing vessel held back, hiding itself as best it could, the other one shot forward with reckless abandon toward the populated world of ilium.

Humans had come to pay Ilium a visit, courtesy of a Helghast Star Destroyer.

The races didn't belong here, the first being mammals hailing from the garden worlds collectively known as Ferosian Federation. To the Asari you could almost say they were the same species, until you got down to the fact humans had hair covering their heads, as well as sprouting in several other regions of their body. The Asari were blue or purple while the humans could be pale white, tan or shades of brown in comparison. Humanity also had distinct genders in contrast to the mono-gendered Asari.

Whatever their similarities or differences, a certain human was about to make contact with the Asari, alongside other races like Turians, Krogans, Quarians and the odd Salarian or Drell. The man didn't have the patience for Elcor or hearing about the way of the enkindlers, though perhaps his counterpart aboard the bigger ship might. Machines could have infinite patience like that, and it bugged Anthony Slavic to no end.

"We're on approach captain. Should be less then ten minutes til we dock." An ensign relayed to Slavic.

"Good, I've been meaning to stretch my legs a bit. I'm sure our resident galactic tour guide would be more then happy to show us around, don't you think captain?" The man who'd responded wasn't the captain, wasn't even military. He was the soon to be famous, already somewhat infamous but always eccentric Doctor Galen.

"Call me a tour guide again and I'll use my biotic's to charge over their and knock you on your ass!" A purple skinned asari threatened, annoyed at the man's never ending penchant for pissing her off.

"The Doctor can't help it Shia, you and I both know we need to forget about knocking sense into the man, god knows I've tried on more then occasion." Slavic's knuckles could attest to that.

"Whatever you say Anthony, but just remember when he says something that pisses off our contact and shit goes down, I'll be their to say I told you so." Shia said with a huff.

"Whatever happens I'm sure it wont be any worse then Omega." The captain responded as if to show the level of fubar situations the scientist had gotten them all in and would likely continue to do so.

"Yeah We're never showing our faces on that backwater palace again because of him. Had a real nice sand dealer their too. If we fuck up Ilium you can forget getting home...sir."

"Wouldn't dream of it Shia. We've been away too long as it is"

"Seven of your 'Earth' Months as I recall. Can't say I'm excited to get poked and prodded at by sick fucks like our resident psycho over here." Shia said, referring to doctor Galen but also to the belief her and others on the ship held that humans would want to experiment on their first real live alien visitor. If Anthony Slavic and Bellona ever made it back into port that was.

" I resent these hurtful words being flung my way good captain, though if we do find a dealer in red sand on this plaent, I've been meaning to procure certain materials for my own little lucrative operation that could speed us on our way back home to civilized society." Doctor Galen said off offhandedly in his usual couldn't careless, always jovial sort of way.

The man was a genius and helpful more then anyone aboard either ship would like to admit, it didn't distract from the fact he was a murderer and a member of Ferosian Intelligences latest screw ups. He was the reason they were here, commandeering the nuclear warhead, weapons banned by all civilized life in their own systems, and unlocking the relay that had shot them into council known space.

If you looked around the room though you could also see that the man had come through and help rig a few 'native' technologies to make the Bellona faster, stronger and more able to blend into this alien dominated galaxy.

"I'm not even going to ask what the little project is your working on Galen, lord knows I should but for now I'll rest easy keeping you on the ship."

"What! Why?! We agreed yesterday that I should come along, why without me you won't know if your being swindled by old four eye's or not." Galen protested.

"I think Shia's more then able to determine weather a batarian arms merchant it trying to screw us over. Besides Chekov wants one of his people to tag along and that means your slot's been filled."

"Who lands on an alien world with danger around every corner and just brings two people as back up. Its utter nonsense! Guess I'll go run tests for my other experiments then." Galen said before storming off to his lab.

"Guy's ego bruises too easily, still say we should have left him on Tantiles station." Shia commented as she watched the one human she could say she honestly dislike retreat to another area of the ship. Far away from her, which as far as she knew was a bigger plus then half the jobs this motley little crew had pulled in the past few months.


Yes their could be more to this update but until now I'd basically abandoned the story. Several other authors have thrown up updates on stories that haven't updated in months so I figured I should jump on the bandwagon. Also Batman's last installment has me thinking up things for my Code Geass Story, Echo. My nBSG fic 'Mistakes Were Made', is gonna get an update soon too. The best cure for writers block is reading bad fanfics, also finally got a new monitor (using my desktop again).