10 Years Today,
By ApocalypticDisaster


Pale fingers clenched around the paper held in a strong hand, the single document tearing slightly from an intense grip as unnaturally wide red-brown eyes drank in the four words written on the expensive paper, the vibrant blank ink of the familiar handwriting demanding attention from the brunette male.

'The princess is alive'

He took the remaining item from the recently opened brown envelope that sat on his desk in front of him, his harsh grip instantly softening.

Beautiful dark eyes stared back at him, wonderfully capturing the innocence held in them. A soft smile screaming with warmth as the sunlight shined upon the stunning female, bringing out the red highlights of her hair that was brushed away from her perfect face, giving him a clear view of her. It was clear she wasn't aware the picture was being taken by the way she didn't look directly at the camera used.

It would be 10 years tomorrow since he saw that girl from the photo and despite so many years and the way she had aged from a young girl to a young woman in the space of that time, he still knew it was her.

The Pureblooded vampire prince, Kuran Kaname, stood up from his seat, ignoring the calls of his name as he hastily walked out of the conference room, all thoughts about the meeting he was supposed to be attending gone. He was anxious, excited, worried and even slightly scared as he walked, the picture branded into each corner of his mind.

The door in front of him was pulled open by a lingering maid, showing her respect for the Pureblood by bowing lowly, her head inclined to the floor and hiding any view of her identity. Kaname's eyes met identical ones as he crossed the large space of the room and, with a small gesture with his hand, dismissed the households maids that were fluttering around the room in a rush to draw the heavy drapes to cover the tall arched windows ready for the soon to be rising sun.

As soon as the door was securely shut Kaname took a seat directly opposite the two remaining vampires in the room, his usually dull expression strangely hopeful, shocking the couple as he dropped the two paper items on the coffee table sitting between them, the edges of the paper dancing slightly in the sudden gust of wind it created before settling peacefully against the polished wood.

"Mother. Father." He greeted, watching the elder Kurans eyes widen as they took in the sight before them, both pairs of burgundy orbs stuck on the colorful photo.

"Y-Yu...ki?" Juuri managed to gasp, the grip on her Husbands hand tightening to an almost painful grasp as her free hand instinctively reached out toward the picture and sliding it across the smooth surface to bring it closer towards her and Haruka, her fingertips brushing over the cheek of the younger female gently, hesitantly, as if she didn't believe it was real.

The perfect picture was marred by a splash of water, the product of Juuri's emotional outlet as she allowed herself to cry, the name of her daughter a silent sob from her lips. She sought comfort in the strong arm that wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her against the vast chest of her husband she knew so well, though her eyes refused to leave the face she hadn't seen in so long.

"Kaname...how..?" Haruka questioned, lifting his eyes to stare at his son in dis-belief. "Rido took her... There's no way she could still be alive...Yuki.."

The youngest Pureblood reached over the table, his fingers swiftly tracing the outlines of the form and brushing away the single drop of moisture before it could damage the delicate photograph. "Do you recognize the background? I believe one of your old friends may have the answer we are looking for."

Juuri instantly sobered up at that, pulling away from her brother and Husband to take a better look, she had been too interested in the first look of her daughter she had in 10 years to pay attention to anything else.

She was standing in front of a large school building, surrounded by the forms of other students all dressed in the same black uniform, only changing between the difference in gender. Trees casted the perfect amount of shade amongst the large section of grassy grounds surrounding the main building, allowing some of the students to lounge away from the harsh light of the bright sun. The school's symbol carved into each door and window visible was impossible to misplace. A logo well known in both the Human and Vampire world.

"Mother.." Kaname started, his tone making it known that there was no room for an argument. He wouldn't take no for answer. "You may not have spoken to him in a long time...but make a call to Cross Kaien. I want to be attending Cross Academy by tomorrow."

A/N: Okay...well, this is just a random little plot bunny that just did not want to leave my brain. Heh heh heh. Sorry it's short. ^_^"

What do you think? Worth continuing or just leave it as a one-shot..? Please review and let me know what you think. Thank you!