Pairings: ToonShipping (Kaiba/Pegasus), StepShipping (Noa/Mokuba)

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately (probably fortunately for most), do not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Important note at bottom.

Kaiba strode down the corridor, each footfall making clear his anger. How could he even think that he would get away with this? There was just no way that Kaiba would take this sitting down. Abandoning him with hundreds of guests in a house not his own, at a dinner that hadn't even been his idea. Mingling, dancing, alcohol…Yes, what a wonderful partner.

And Kaiba would not stand for it. There was no way that Pegasus would get away with this one.

And, to speak of the madman, Kaiba now had no clue as to how he could actually find his way around the labyrinth that he tried to pass off as a house, because the blue-eyes was completely and utterly lost now…

Knowing that he was lost but unwilling to turn back, he was about to turn a corner when he noticed a door that was slightly ajar. He walked up to it and pushed it open farther, needing only a second to confirm that, yes, this was where Pegasus had gone off to.

It took him two to really get a look at the room within.

The room was dark, even with the drapes pulled completely back. The madman sat on the windowsill, facing the full moon, stars, and sea, glass of wine hanging softly from one hand. The pale moonlight shone on silver hair and lightly tanned skin. The sight was really something. He couldn't have torn his eyes away, no matter how much he wanted to.

But the thing that really got him was the mood coming from the man. This sobering calm…Kaiba felt tempted to deny that what he was looking at could even be the same Pegasus J. Crawford that he knew.

Where was the ridiculous laugh, the over-the-top-smile, the groan worthy puns? And he had thought it out of place when he came in in a decent tux as opposed to that horrid red suit…

But, truly, the look in that almond-coloured eye…Pegasus wasn't actually looking out the window. No, his eye and his mind were both miles, and maybe years, away. A slight frown tug at the man's lips. If Kaiba had believed in a God, he would have sworn to it that he'd never seen a more fascinating sight.

But, the moonlight aside, he strived to remember why he had come through the haze in his mind. The party…yes. Pegasus had abandoned him with all those guests he had at the party. He stepped back a few steps. He took a breath, pulling himself. Putting his mask back in place. He stepped forward forcefully, slamming his palm on the door. It swung and hit the wall. Pegasus jumped visibly.

He flipped around to look at him. When he saw Kaiba, his face relaxed, Kaiba could almost see the other's mask slip over his face. The other gave a low laugh. "Kaiba-boy, we are very lucky you didn't make me drop this." Another laugh…it didn't sound it but, nervously? "So what is it that you came all the way here, hmm?"

Kaiba's voice was carefully cold. "You ran off and left me to handle your guests. Go do it yourself." He turned and began to walk down the hallway.

Pegasus was now at the doorway. "What? No 'Hello, Pegasus,' No 'So, what made you leave'?" There was a pause, then footsteps heading away. Pegasus tossed over his shoulder, "You're headed entirely the wrong way, by the way. That way only leads to more bedrooms and, eventually, a dead end." Damn.

Kaiba easily enough caught up to Pegasus's strolling pace. They entered the main area and music flooded them. The live violins, singing…if nothing else, Pegasus knew how to entertain. Pegasus was soon drawn away to talk with several of the guests, either over business or the party. Kaiba had successfully managed to cold-shoulder the most of them from trying to talk to him earlier and now was able to just stand, secluded from the group against a wall, the music now just barely loud.

His mind had nothing to think on. He was trying hard to stay in the now, but had no real now to be in. His eyes, unthinkingly, followed Pegasus. A young lady, probably the daughter of a business partner, was being twirled around the floor by him, long skirt curling about her legs. They caught her leg and she tripped, falling against his chest. She had a big smile, and…a look in her eyes. Almost predatory. Wasn't she smart enough to know he wouldn't fall for her? Pegasus killed coldly and plotted heatedly. He would know her trick.

And yet, he just caught her and helped her to straighten up before finishing the dance, smile intact. A kind of burn set in Kaiba's chest. Why didn't he call the girl out? She was obviously one of those. One of those that came to these things looking for a wealthy man to trap and marry. Couldn't he tell? It irritated Kaiba. No matter his own distain for the man, he knew that Pegasus was smarter than that.

Pegasus entertaining a man-trap…It annoyed him. He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms, bitterness setting in the bottom of his stomach. The dance eventually ended. Pegasus and the girl broke apart and smiling, chatted a moment. Then Pegasus waved, turned, and left. The girl looked a little taken aback by the abrupt leaving. Kaiba could have laughed.

In fact, he did. Quietly and briefly, but he did. Pegasus turned and looked at him, before walking over. He gave the younger a confused look. "Well, well. Kaiba-boy…have you been standing over here all along? A shame. You should be out there dancing. Young and rich as you are, you'd think that the girls would be crowding you. Guess you scare them." He laughed, but Kaiba could tell that the sentiment was real, could tell from the tone. It kind of warmed him, oddly enough…The laugh was still as annoying as hell, though.

"Whatever, Pegasus. " He rolled his eyes at the older. "Just go drink yourself into a stupor or dance or something."

A 'hmm' came from the back of the silver-haired one's throat. Then, slowly he said, "Alright. Dancing sounds fine…but you're coming with me." The last part was quick as he quickly grabbed the brunette's wrist and dragged him out into the middle of the room.

"WHAT-!" Kaiba was practically screaming. He tugged at his arm, trying to free himself. The man really was remarkably strong. "You're even more insane than I thought, if you think you'll actually be able to get me to dance with someone. I'll leave the second you release me to dance!" He was dazed, but he was definitely not going to let Pegasus try and set him up with some stupid man-trap. Pegasus may humour them, but he was not going to. Period.

The man looked over his shoulder at Kaiba, stopping just to the left of the centre of the floor. "Kaiba…who said that I was letting you go?" He looked amused. Kaiba just blinked. The man rephrased it. "Who said that I was setting you up to dance with a girl? I just said that I was making you dance." He laughed.

Kaiba blinked. "No way." He tugged at his wrist again.

"Oh, come now, Kaiba. You're here for fun just as much as anything else. You obviously have no interest in any of the business opportunities, as you have proven by brushing off everyone to walk your way. And with your disregard for both lady and drink, you have been left staring at a wall the whole evening. Come now, loosen up."

He grabbed his other hand and guided it to his waist. He then sat his other hand on the younger's shoulder. He stood a second, obviously waiting out the last few seconds of the dying song that was playing.

"Er…Pegasus." He fought down the pink that was coming to his cheeks. He'd have to tell the man; it might even let him get out of the mess he was currently in. "Pegasus, there's another reason that I haven't been dancing." Pegasus started dancing, ignoring the teen's complaints. "Pegasus! I can't dance!" He nearly fell over, trying to not trip over the other man's feet. He barely kept from yelling.

Pegasus just laughed at him. "Kaiba." He said, soothingly. Seto straightened and looked at the other. "It's not that hard. Just listen to the music, clear your mind, and follow me. Okay?" He tipped his head slightly, letting a few strands of hair fall from in front of his face.

Slowly, Pegasus led him back into the movement, some unfamiliar bittersweet tone playing. Back, back, forward, forward…Left, right, left, right…A simple dance. He caught on fairly quickly. To be completely honest, Seto was having some fun in it. It was calming and Pegasus was rather graceful when dancing.

The song ended too quickly for his liking. A blonde man-trap was quick to bring herself to Pegasus' attention and make him dance with her. The man sent a soft, apologetic smile his way as the girl dragged him off.

Kaiba moved back to his place by the wall. He sat there the rest of the evening, watching all the dancers and vaguely wondering why his hand still tingled.

The next day was spent at the office, something that Kaiba would usually find, if not exactly relaxing, perhaps pleasant in it's everyday way. He had gotten quite a few people to sign him on for them due to the prior night's…festivities, maybe? It was certainly an odd night, for sure. He found his mind drifting and jolted when his phone rang. He grabbed up the receiver. "Kaiba," he answered.

"Oni-sama?" came the sweet voice. He relaxed back into his chair.

"Mokuba, what is it?"

"Uh…" A stutter. "Um, Seto…Er...Can you be home in time for dinner tonight?" Finally on topic.

"Oh…kay. Alright…only…"

"Yes, Big Brother?"

"When is dinner?"

Okay, so I wrote the oneshot version of Masks. Then my mind wondered where it went from there. I'm planning on making this my first multi-chapter fanfiction. It won't be wonderful, and it will no doubt be long stretches between chapters, but my plan is to finish it and to make it as good as I can.

So, please review with your opinions and offer any help or thoughts that you have, okay?

I 'm having one little plot issue. If anyone would be interested in helping me with plotting problems, I'd love to have someone help me through this one I'm having now. Just say that you're willing to in the review please. I can't put up the next chapter until I get past it. Thank you so much!