Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, but I can guarantee you I made some names in here.

Author's note: So the first one was so awesome, I decided to write another. Right? Let's go with that. This one probably sucks more though. …no pun intended.

Warning: It's an M rated fic, which doesn't mean sex, but it does mean something.

After the incident with the Xny'e people Kirk made sure he wasn't left alone with Spock again. Not that he thought there would be any problems if they were left alone, because he knew he had enough self control to not think about what happened, and he knew Spock wouldn't bring it up because there was no logical reason to. He would bet that even if he and Spock were left alone somewhere even as linked as his bedroom that the subject wouldn't come up and it would be business as usual.

It was precautionary. Besides, he didn't want Spock to feel all awkward for giving him a hand job during a mission, or that Kirk found him attractive enough to get hard when he was stressed and hadn't gotten any in a while.

Really, it was for Spock's benefit. Kirk was completely cool about the whole thing.

He and his friends back home had occasionally helped each other out before, so it wasn't a new experience. He's found other guys attractive before, too! He was completely okay!

Kirk swallowed and shifted in his Captain's chair as he glanced around the bridge, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible as he leaned on one arm. Most of the crew was absent at the moment with the exception of Spock and a Yeoman minding the communication's controls, and the young girl was looking a little fidgety and eyeing the turbo lift.

He did not feel the urge to jump when he turned back around to find Spock at his side, no matter what that raised eyebrow meant. "Yes Commander Spock?"

The Vulcan returned his eyebrow back down and turned to face him with his hands behind his back, "Captain, may I suggest allowing Yeomen Katey a break, she seems to have the desire to leave for the past twenty-two minutes."

Kirk glanced at the Yeomen to find her blushing and looking down. "Sorry, sir. I was just wondering how my boyfriend-I mean Section Chief Lapel was doing. He was complaining of some pain earlier and went down to sick bay, and-"

Kirk held up his hand and sighed, "I understand. Go ahead and go down there and check him out, me and Spock can handle the bridge for a few minutes alone."

She quickly jumped up and saluted him, smiling brightly as she took off to the lift. "Thank you Captain!" Kirk watched the doors close and wondered why the sound of the lift was louder then usual.


Kirk felt his body stiffen and the hair on the back of his next stand up, slowly turning his head back around to look up at his first officer. "Yeah?"

"I have noticed a change in your behavior around me following the events of our diplomatic mission with planet X-Ny."

"Have you?" He smiled and stood up, not quite comfortable with sitting down with the Vulcan hovering over him. "I'm sure you are imagining it Spock, I'm completely relaxed. I don't see any change in my behavior at all." He told himself that he was walking completely normally as he stepped over to the navigation controls to read the data.

Spock watched him closely but continued to stand by his chair. "I have noticed this behavior change for some time, Captain, and I do not believe my conclusions are based on mental perception of your physical reactions."

"Spock I swear if you start talking about my physical reactions again I'll stop working shifts with you." Kirk sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he turned around to face him. "I'm fine, really. I'm just not in the habit of getting hand jobs from my first officer so I need a little time to adjust."

His first officer raised his eyebrow again as he stared at him. "The events of X-Ny took place over 19 days and 14 hours ago on the Starfleet regulation time schedule. If you have not been able to 'adjust' yet I suggest you talk to Dr. McCoy to prescribe you something to help you relax."

"Yeah, I'm just going to walk up to Bones and say, 'Bonesy, I need something cause I just haven't been the same since Spock jerked me off!' Yeah, that'll work out great!" He glared at him and stomped back over to his chair, sitting down in it with a huff.

"I fail to see what you are having difficulty with the fact that I preformed actions for you to ejaculate, resulting in a sufficient reasoning that allowed you to both have the Xny'e people appoint you off limits and diminish your arousal."

He looked up at him annoyed, "Well it may have to do with the fact that it was the single and most through touching we ever had. You're usually always telling me to stay away, and the one time you don't we ended up, well…damnit Spock, how can I just get over the fact that you gave me this random and fantastic hand job!"

"I see. I apologies for causing you grief with a 'random and fantastic hand job', Captain."

"That better have not been sarcasm Spock."

"Vulcan's do not perform sarcasm, it is a illogical verbal response to annoyance."

"Yeah, and I bet Vulcan's don't give hand job's on a regular bases either."

Spock tilted his head and seemed to think about this, the nodded, "It would be illogical to perform 'hand jobs' on a regular bases for a Vulcan, Captain. However, it is not a foreign concept, and I do know that Vulcans have engaged in other similar sexual activities that humans do, though it is not a regular occurrence."

"…I'm almost afraid to ask what you are talking about." Spock stared at him. "Okay fine, I'll bite. What else do you do?"

Spock raised his eyebrow again before stepping in front of the Captain's chair to face Kirk. "I believe your term would be 'giving head', correct me if I am wrong for I learned this slang term from a cadet back inside the academy when-"

Kirk, who had scooted back and pressed his back against the back of his chair when Spock stepped in front of him, made a surprised sound and cleared his throat to cut off Spock. "I'm not sure I want to know where you learned that term Spock, but I doubt it's what you mean."

"I confess that I have never had the need to literate these actions before, but I am quite sure that it is the correct term to use. I shall clarify the actions though in case I am at fault. First the party member who is performing fellatio-"

Kirk flushed, "-I don't want to hear you describe it!"

Spock paused then nodded, "Very well, then a demonstration is in order."

Jaw dropping open, he tried to force his mouth to work as Spock leaned down and grabbed his legs, opening them and kneeling down between them casually. Kirk wasn't able to speak until the Vulcan was undoing his pants, "Wh-wait!"

Spock paused again, looking up at Kirk with his hands still posed on Kirk's zipper, "Yes Captain?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I'm preparing to go down on you."

Kirk's mouth went dry as he stared at Spock, hands tightening their hold on the armrest of his chair as Spock waited a moment longer before pulling down the zipper and grabbing the pants, tugging them down to rest around the man's thighs. He was pleased to see an erection already forming. "That's-" Spock looked up to see the strained look on his Captain's face as he tried to talk. "That's- not fare..!"

The Vulcan raised an eyebrow, "'Not fare' Captain?"

He tried to push down his arousal by getting himself angry, sitting up straighter as he shouted, "You did this last time too! You're purposely getting me all hot and bothered to have your way with me!" Spock just stared at him patiently. "Say something damnit!"

"You're aroused, Captain."

Kirk growled at him and glared, "No kidding."

"Then you don't wish for me to perform a demonstration of fellatio on you?"

He wanted to say no, he really did, but his mouth had gone dry again and his tongue wasn't working.

"Then I shall continue." This time Kirk wasn't given the chance to protest as Spock pulled down his boxers and the cool air hit him, causing him to hiss. Spock tilted his head as he looked at the erection, then looked up at Kirk. "I do not know if my body temperature will make this unpleasant so please halt me if it becomes so."

Kirk swallowed again, wondering how the hell his mouth got so dry as he watched Spock lower his head and close his eyes, gasping as hot breath hit the tip. "Spock, wait a min-ah!" He gasped and dropped his head back against the chair, arching his back as his hands clawed at the armrest. Spock dropped his head lower and ran his tongue around the head as his hands came up to hold Kirk's hips still.

The Vulcan's body heat was more intense then it was back on X-Ny, and Kirk would say the burning feeling hurt if it didn't feel so good. His spine curved as he tried to move his hips but the Vulcan's grip was too strong and left him gasping, and his moaned cry as Spock took more of him in echoed around the bridge.

He cried out as his hands darted to twist into his first officer's neat hair, grasping it tightly as he tried to tell him to slow down, but all he could form were mumbles as he slid down lower in the chair and opened his legs wider. Spock seemed to get the message and lifted his head, swiping his tongue across the head before looking at him, "Breath Captain."

Kirk gasped and moaned as Spock's fingers started to massage his thighs as he tried to catch his breath again, "Spock-"

"I understand Captain, I'll go slower from now on and give you time to adjust."

He groaned and curled his fingers in the Vulcan's hair, sucking in a breath as he lowered his head again to start teasing his head again. Arching his back of the chair he thrust his hips up, almost gagging Spock before the Vulcan grasped his hips again, and he started to trail his tongue along the sides from the base to the tip, pressing against the slit to make Kirk shout again.

He then swallowed the head again and started sucking, slowly dropping his head lower and hold Kirk's hips still as the man cried and moaned beneath above him. He took him in to the base and hummed, flattening his tongue against the underneath as his Captain pulled and pushed his head, and he could sense the man was torn about what to do. He started moving his head back up, listening to the small whimpers as he paused at the head and the cry as he pushed his head back down quicker.

Kirk moaned and cried at the hot heat around him, gasping and trying to push his feet against the floor to thrust up. Annoyed with himself he dropped his head back and grabbed the black hair tighter, biting his lip as Spock bobbed his head. He let out a loud cry as one of Spock's hands trailed up from his hips and slid across his stomach to his chest to pinch one of his hardened nipples through his shirt.

The Vulcan pulled his head off and licked his lips as Kirk gasped at the touch, "I believe that this is also a pleasurable sensation?" The man moaned and Spock watched as he arched his back when he pinched again. The Vulcan was surprised to feel on of Kirk's hands leave his head to grasp himself and start pumping, apparently taking to long observing him. "Captain I must ask how I am suppose to take all of your erection into my mouth if your hand is in the way."

He could of came right then if Spock didn't seem to sense it, and he gasped as a hot hand tightly wrapped around him to stop him from cumming. He tried to thrust into the hand as his own squeezed his head and smeared the leaking pre-cum around. He cracked open his eyes to see why Spock wasn't moving, and his breath caught at the feral look those black eyes were giving him. "S-Spock?"

"Captain." Kirk moaned at the low voice that sounded as heated as the hand wrapped around his erection, and he dropped both his hands to try and pry the locked grip off him so he could cum, which only seemed to make the hand tighten more.

Kirk whimpered and twisted under Spock's hands, "Spock-please-!"

"I fear I can not allow you to cum just yet Captain, last time you were rendered unconscious and that would be problematic to me if it were to happen this time as well, which I hypothesize it will." The Vulcan slid his hand down Kirk's body to grasp one of his Captain's wrist and yanked it towards him. "I require you to help me toward completion Captain."

Kirk gasped and quickly nodded, "God! Yeah, okay, just let me cum! Please!" He hated that he was willing to beg him if it would get the Vulcan to move his hand.

"After you have demonstrated that you are in fact going to help me." Kirk blinked and found Spock now leaning over him, one knee placed on the chair to balance himself as he released Kirk's wrist to undo his own pants.

He was in more of a hurry then Spock's controlled pace and grabbed the pants as soon as Spock undid them, yanking them and the Vulcan's boxer's down in one go with just enough room for him to be freed, and Kirk grabbed his hips and yanked him forward to suck on the head, off balancing the Vulcan who was quick enough to grab the top of the chair to hold himself up as Kirk slid down lower.

Spock was forced to let go of his erection and grab the back of the chair with both hands as Kirk sucked him off, changing to kneel on the chair on his knees as Kirk slouched and push and pulled his hips. Admittedly, he was probably doing this more enthusiastically then he should be, but the Vulcan felt more then a little good as he rolled his hips in and out if his mouth.

"Captain, when I said I required your help-" Kirk could feel him shudder under his hands even if the Vulcan was silent, "-I did not necessarily mean for you to perform fellatio as well. Your hands would have been acceptable." Kirk hummed around him and slid his hands down the Vulcan's legs, who continued to move slowly at the pace he had set, and slid back up to trail up and down the burning arm's to grab his first officer's hands which were fisted above him on the chair's edge.

Spock shuddered again and pulled his hips back far enough to force Kirk to crane his neck forward to lick the tip, "Captain, I'm about to-"

"-It's fine." He let go of one of the Vulcan's hands to grab his hip again, forcing him closer again and began sucking him back into his mouth.

"But- ah, Captain-" Spock cut himself off and he took that as his cue to push more of the erection into his mouth, humming as Spock started to cum and swallowing quickly before he choked completely. Normally he would never even entertain the idea of swallowing sperm, let alone give another guy head, but he was willing to make an exception this time as Spock shuddered in his mouth and curved over him to rest his head on the chair, twisting his hand to tangle their fingers together tightly as he came down from his high.

He felt a tingling sensation in his hand, but ignored it as he dropped his head back against the chair and gasped for breath, squeezing his hand back as he whimpered and moved his free hand to his own member. He pumped it a few times as Spock collected himself, panting as he built himself back up to his climax he was denied before.

"Wait Captain." He whimpered but stopped, squeezing around the base as Spock moved off the chair to kneel back on the ground in front of him, tugging their grasped hands down to press against Kirk's hip as he used his other hand to gently tug away his hand and latched his mouth around the head. Kirk gasped, then shouted as the Vulcan started a much faster pace, arching back off the chair as one of his legs lifted, and Spock grabbed it and pushed it over his shoulder as he started to take him all in.

He started mumbling again as his free hand tangled itself back into Spock's hair, pushing up in time to match the pace Spock set as he rocked himself to his own climax, and he squeezed the warm hand in his when he felt himself reach it. The Vulcan's free hand grabbed his hip and held him still as he locked his lips around his base, and Kirk cried out as he felt himself hit the back of his throat, cumming.

He didn't pass out this time, but his body went limp between Spock and his chair, and he couldn't open his eyes for a few minutes as Spock untangled himself from him. The Vulcan was kind enough to pull his pants back up and fix them after he fixed himself, and he weakly helped by lifting his hips. He blinked and groaned, rubbing his eyes as he saw Spock stand up straight again in front of him.

"As I was saying before my demonstration, Vulcan's do perform similar sexual activates as humans, but it is illogical to do so on a regular bases." Kirk blinked at his first officer as the Vulcan folded his hands behind his back and acted normal. "I would also request that you do not continue to behave differently around me as you were after are mission on X-Ny, the crew members are worried and Dr. McCoy has voiced his concern to me in the form of a threat of, 'fixing whatever the hell I did to freak him out or else you will learn the painful side of Hypos,'."

Kirk blinked again and groaned, covering his face with his hands as he tried to make sense of what just happened. "This is just like last time."

Spock raised an eyebrow, "Captain?"

"Yeah, I get it. As soon as the next person get's here I'm going to my quarters to sleep and you have the Com, okay?"

Spock gave a small nod, "Very well." He turned and walked back over to his station, and Kirk shifted up into a more comfortable position. "The person who was to switch with Yeomen Katey should be here in one minute and thirteen seconds, Captain."

Kirk felt himself pale and realized that he and Spock had just fooled around on the bridge where anyone could of come in. "Spock, no more demonstrations in public." He folded his arms against the armrest and dropped his head onto them.

Spock tilted his head and nodded, continuing to go through some data. "Yes Captain."
