Chapter 1: The door to a new universe.

Author's Note: Not canon to my stories, and contains spoilers from KH2 in it.

Yep. Now, we start an entirely new story. In the Ben 10 world, and another world at the same time.

It starts out with Me, Ali, Ben, Gwen, and Kevin having a video game night at Ben's place. What had happened with us was, I was playing Kingdom hearts 2, and they were watching me start up a new file, playing as Roxas, on Proud Mode, fighting the first Nobody.

Kevin: "You aren't doing anything to it, dude."

Kyle: "I know that, Kevin."

Ali: "Geez, Kyle. You sure that's how you play this particular game?"

Gwen; "You still aren't doing anything to him."

Kyle: "I THINK I know what I'm doing, guys! I beat this game before!"

Kevin: "Okay. Break him apart with your 'Struggle' Club."

Ben: "You really are having one."

Kyle; "I KNOW what I'm…"

Roxas: "It's no use!" Suddenly, his club turned into the Keyblade.

Kyle: "Ah! THAT's what I'm talking about!"

Kevin: "Can you hurt him now?"

Kyle; "I should, yeah." I killed the Nobody, gaining the experience, and also getting the munny from it. The game proceeded as normal, until… The static on the TV came on, and the Ultimatrix started getting static-y, as well.

Kyle: "Huh?" I was then zapped into the game when the Ultimatrix exploded with red energy, sending me inside the KH2 game. I woke up, and noticed I was now in a pitch black thing.

Kyle: "Huh? What the heck is…" I poked the walls, but nothing changed in it.

Kyle: "Where the heck am I? Is anybody outside of this thing? HEY!" I saw the walls go down, seeing a guy in a black robe, and Namine.

Kyle: "Ah, good!"

Hooded guy: "Well, how are things going, Sora?"

Kyle: "Sora? Wait a sec… I'm not… actually…" I realized I was put in Sora's place now, and that the hooded guy was, in fact, Riku, in Ansem's/ Xehanort's Heartless' form.

Kyle: "Um, good, actually. No problem." I put my hands behind my head like Sora would.

Riku: "Good. Go back to sleep now."

Kyle: "W… Why should I?"

Riku: "You've forgotten some memories, or others were replaced by a false memory. You need your real memories, don't you?"

Kyle: "Um… okay, sure. I'll wait in here."

Namine: "Bye!" I waved to her, and the pod closed. I went back to sleep again, because, hey, a nap sounded good.


Voice: "Sora! Sora, wake up!" The pod opened, and I came down, seeing Donald and Goofy.

Kyle: "Donald! Goofy! How are you two?" We danced around happily. I felt like I was actually Sora, and Jiminy Cricket popped out of my hood.

Jiminy: "That was some nap!"

Kyle; "How long were we asleep?"

Goofy: "Huh. I don't know."

Donald: "What's the journal say?"

Jiminy: "There's only one sentence! Thank Namine. Hmm, what does that mean?" Donald and Goofy looked at each other, shaking their heads. I nodded.

Doanld: "You know who this Namine is?"

Kyle: "Yeah. We should find her. And, I know what to thank her for."

Donald: "Some journal that is, Jiminy."

Jiminy: "Let's find out where we are." I nodded, and immediately ran out, with Goofy and Donald following behind me.


Ben: "What happened?"

Kevin: "I don't know, but we have to get him out of there!"

Gwen: "His manna's in there alright, but, I don't see how that is…"

Ali: "He can't be in any REAL danger, right? It's only a video game…"

Kevin: "Real danger, yeah. Besides, I never heard of this happening."

Ben: "This happened once. Well, with him, Gwen and I."

Kevin: "How'd you fix it?"

Ben: "We had to beat the game."

Kevin: "So, we have to wait until he beats it for him to get out?"

Gwen: "Yeah. There's no other way."

Ali: "Let's just hope the Ultimatrix gives him an edge over the enemies in the game that he normally wouldn't have."

Kevin: "We have to leave it on, don't we?"

Gwen: "Yeah, otherwise, he'll be deleted."

Ben: "This is going to take a while, unless Kyle knows some short cuts."

Gwen: "He already had one. He zoomed past a hell of the lot of the game already, right?"

Ben: "Let's just hope he keeps that advantage."


Kyle: "Hmm… Big Chill, Echo Echo, Humongousaur, Cannonbolt, Spidermonkey, Swampfire, Armodrillo, NRG, Terraspin, and Water Hazard. Should be able to get myself through this with just them."

Donald: "What are you blabbing on about?"

Kyle: "Um, nothing."

Goofy: "Well, you should be perfectly fine, right?"

Kyle: "Yeah, Goofy, of course."

Goofy: "By the way, where'd you get that red arm-band thing?"

Kyle: "This? Um… I found it when I woke up."

Donald: "It had better not be useless."

Kyle: "It isn't! At least, I don't think so."

Goofy: "You think it knows what this place is called?"

Kyle: "Um… Got me. It's…"

Donald: "Ah, phooey! I'm not going to wait around and see what it does!" He walked off, going into an alley.

Goofy: "Wait up, Donald!"

Kyle: "Yeah Donald, come on!"

Donald: "Oh. Hi." We saw Hayner, Pence, and Olette in there. So, we were in the Usual Spot.

Hayner: "What do you three want?"

Kyle: "Whoa. We were just seeing what was back here is all, man."

Donald: "I wanted to see what was back here."

Pence: "You're new here, right? I'm Pence."

Olette: "I'm Olette."

Hayner: "Hayner. Sorry I can't stay and chat, but we have stuff to do." He left.

Goofy: "We're Sora, (pointing to me), Donald (pointing to Doanld), and Goofy!"

Olette: "Sora, Donald, and Goofy? We just met someone who was looking for you."

Pence: "He had a hood on, so we couldn't see his face."

Olette: "He also had big, round ears."

Donald: "The King!"

Goofy: "King Mickey is looking for us!"

Kyle: "There's one part of our journey out of the way! Come on!" I ran out, and Donald and Goofy followed behind me. We headed in to the Sandlot, running past Hayner, and seeing Seifer, Rai, and Fuu there.

Seifer: "Who are you three? I don't recognize you, so, you must be new here, and if you're new here, then we have to get a few things straight. One, I'm the head of the Disciplinary Committee of Twilight Town. Second, you do what I say when I say to, and third…"

Kyle: "Don't worry about it, Seifer, we were just passing through!"

Seifer: "How did you know my name? I didn't even introduce myself yet."

Fuu: "Not newcomers?"

Rai: "They're new to me, y'know?"

Seifer: "I understand this. How did you know my name?"

Kyle; "Call it a hunch."

Seifer: "Must have been that blondie and his friends 'warning' you about us, but don't worry. We want nothing but peace being kept up here."

Goofy: "Really?"

Donald: "We'd better get going…" We just walked off, heading for the station. When we got there, Dusk Nobodies surrounded us, and Donald and Goofy brought out their weapons.

Kyle: "Nobodies? Now?"

Donald: "Sora? How do you know what these are?"

Goofy: "Sora?"

Kyle: "Forget it. Let's just take 'em down, the old fashioned way." I scrolled the Ultimatrix to Armodrillo, then slapped it down, becoming him.

Armodrillo: "ARMODRILLO! Time to WRECK these losers!" I charged up my piston powered arms, then slammed my arms into the ground. They created fault lines, which the Nobodies fell into.

Donald: "SORA?"

Goofy: "You could never do THAT!"

Armodrillo: "Just start attacking!" I punched every Nobody that came for me, vaporizing them all on impact. Donald was calling down Thunder onto the enemies, and Goofy was hitting them with his shield. I then spun around, punching a Nobody, and using my piston arms to constantly slam force into its face. It vaporized, as well. One got me from behind, but I punched right through it, destroying it. My arms were beating all these Noboides like crazy. This was much easier than swinging the Keyblade around, for sure! I doubted I could actually use it, though. That's why I used Armodrillo. Donald was smashing his way through enemies, as well as shocking them. Goofy threw his shield at one coming for me, knocking it out before I had to. I destroyed a creeper flying for me as a spear, and Donald killed a Creeper 'creeping' towards him. Goofy charged through another one, and we all had gotten tired eventually. I even reverted to normal from Armodrillo form. Out of nowhere, however, King Mickey saved us. I looked at him, like, 'wow', and Donald and Goofy pushed me into the ground.

Donald and Goofy: "Your Majesty!" He made a 'shh' gesture. He handed me a pouch, along with a blue crystal, and ran off.

Donald: "Your Majesty?" He was already gone by then.

Donald: "Why did he take off on us again?"

Kyle; "If he's here, then that also means Riku is here!"

Goofy: "Y-yeah, it does! A-hyuck!"

Donald: "But, Sora, you have a little explaining to do."

Kyle: "Like?"

Donald: "How'd you turn into that yellow thing?"

Kyle: "Um… it's… hard to explain…"

Donald: "Hard to explain?"

Goofy: "Whatever it was, it was a huge help! Thanks, Sora!"

Sora: "No biggie, Goofy."

Donald: "Let's go on this train…" We walked in, and I handed the pouch to the person inside, but it turned out we could have rode for free if we wanted to. That was awesome! So, we walked up, to have Hayner, Pence, and Olette show up.

Kyle: "Hey guys!"

Olette: "So, you're off now?"

Kyle: "Yeah. We have to go for a bit."

Hayner: "Oh. By the way, sorry I ignored you earlier…"

Kyle: "Whatever, man. I can live with it."

Goofy: "So, are you ready to head out?"

Kyle: "Whenever you are, Goofy."

Donald: "First we need to make sure we're ALL ready."

Kyle; "I'm sure we are. Come on." I walked up into the train, and Goofy and Donald followed behind me. We were sitting in the train, watching the town go by.

Kyle: "So, what do you guys think is…"

Donald: "First, explain that transformation you did. Is it because of that red thing on your arm?"

Kyle: "Yeah, it is, Donald. It's called the Ultimatrix. I can be many different kinds of creatures with it. That yellow thing was one of them."

Goofy: "But, what about the Keyblade? Won't you need it, still?"

Kyle: "I haven't tried bringing it out yet, Goofy."

Donald: "We're gonna need it ONE day, you know."

Kyle: "You are right. But, I just gotta use it at the right time, I think."

Donald: "Like when?"

Kyle; "I don't know, exactly."

Goofy; "Aw, cheer up. You'll use the Keyblade again."

Kyle: "Yep. I will. I sure will."

Donald: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's see it."

Kyle; "When I feel like it, Donald."

Donald; "Fine…"

Goofy: "Onward we go!" We stopped at a big castle after a while, then, the train disappeared after we got off of it.

Kyle: "There goes our ride…"

Donald: "Hey, there's someone at the door!" We went up to it, seeing Pete.

Goofy: "What's going on?"

Pete: "I sent in Heartless into this castle. I bet I can make old Yen Sid in to a Heartless!"

Kyle: "A Heartless?"

Donald: "Didn't see that coming?"

Kyle: "Not exactly…"

Pete: "Why am I bothering with you pipsqueaks anyway? Go on, scram, I'm behind schedule as it is!"

Goofy: "You oughta find something nicer to do." Pete turned around.

Pete: "Oh, it's you two!"

Goofy: "Pete?"

Donald: "Pete?"

Kyle: "Pete? You know this guy?"

Goofy: "Yeah. He caused all sorts of trouble back at Disney Castle. I wonder why he's here now?"

Pete: "Maleficent, my master, will conquer ALL the worlds! I will help her, of course!"

Kyle: "Um, about Maleficent, she's dead."

Pete: "So you're the ones that did it!"

Kyle; "We might've had something to do with it, yes."

Pete: "Heartless Squad, round up and attack!" We got surrounded by Shadows.

Kyle: "These things? Wow. What a joke!" I turned the Ultimatrix to Swampfire, and of course, became him.

Swampfire: "SWAMPFIRE!"

Donald: "Another one?"

Swampfire: "Yep." I shot flamethrowers out at the Heartless, and they almost immediately burned to cinders. Goofy and Donald finished them off after I was done.

Pete; "Nobody messes with me, the mighty Pete!"

Swampfire: "Mighty, huh?" I glowed, then towered over him.

Kyle: "HUMONGOUSAUR!" Pete screamed, and opened a portal, running away in fear.

Humongousaur: "Aw man. I didn't even roar yet." I changed back to normal.

Donald: "Why are we helping you again?"

Kyle; "I still need you guys, don't worry." We went in the castle, and started climbing up the staircase. Up on the way, Shadows crawled out from the floors, and I was using Terraspin to fight them this time. Donald and Goofy still helped me along the way, while I was blowing the Heartless of the stairs. Then, we got to the first room. Soldiers appeared now.

Terraspin: "This should be fun." I pulled in my head, and spun around like a fan, blowing away the Soldiers. Some of them immediately died, and Donald and Goofy again killed the rest.

Goofy: "This Ulti-ulti…"

Terraspin: "Ultimatrix."

Goofy: "With that, you're a better fighter."

Terraspin: "I've noticed."

Donald: "Just stop showing us up, okay?" He walked forward again, and we followed behind him, killing even more Heartless on the way up the stairs. They all were easily dispatched of with Terraspin. When we found Yen Sid, I had reverted to normal.

Donald: "Master Yen Sid. It's an honor to be in your presence."

Kyle: "Hi."

Goofy: "Sora…"

Donald: "Show a little respect why don't you?" Yen Sid did a 'simmer down' gesture.

Yen Sid: "Quite fine, you two. You are the wielder of the Keyblade, correct?"

Donald: "Not recently he hasn't been."

Goofy: "he's using the Ulti- Ulti-…"

Kyle: "Ultimatrix. It's ALMOST as good as the Keyblade."

Yen Sid: "Can I have a demonstration of this Ultimatrix?"

Kyle: "I'll make it brief." I transformed into Cannonbolt, and rolled up into a ball, then unrolled.

Yen Sid: "Show me your Keyblade."

Kyle: "I haven't tried it recently, but… here goes." I held my hand out, and concentrated on it, and it actually appeared in my hands.

Kyle: "Wow…"

Yen Sid: "You are the key to everything, Sora."

Kyle: "I know, I know."

Yen Sid: "And you two will help him, right?" Donald and Goofy nodded.

Yen Sid: "Now, I need you to have more suitable clothes."

Goofy: "Yep. You sure are growing fast!" I rubbed my head like Sora would. I went into the room next door with Donald and Goofy, and there were the three fairies.

Kyle; "Um… Excuse me, but…"

Flora: "Ah, Sora, you have come."

Fauna: "I'll design the clothes."

Merryweather: "Oh, no you don't." She shot a sarkle at me, and my clothes became blue.

Kyle: "Um…"

Flora: "No. Red!" It became red.

Fauna: "But green is the best!" they went green.

Kyle: "Um… how about doing it all together?"

Flora: "Together now, dears. And no more squabbling." I had my clothes change to Sora's KH2 outfit, with my Ultimatrix still intact.

Fauna: "Take the orb now, Sora." I grabbed it, because I knew what was going to happen. I felt a sudden change, then I burst light in every direction, becoming Valor Sora, holding Kingdom Key, and Star Seeker.

Valor Kyle: "Wow!"

Goofy: "TWO Keyblades!"

Donald: "Wow…"

Fauna: "Now, you three had better be heading out."

Valor Kyle: "Of course. Thanks a lot, you three." I became normal me after that. We left that room, then went into Yen Sid's room. He showed us the Gummi Ship.

Donald: "The Gummi Ship!"

Yen Sid: "Yes, exactly, my friends. Now, you can travel between worlds again. Your journey begins anew."

Kyle: "Anyone we should watch out for?" Yen Sid called up some holograms. He showed us people in black robes, like Riku was before.

Yen Sid: "They are Organization XIII. Villains bent on having the power of Kingdom hearts for themselves. Be vigilant. All three of you. Do not be fooled by them. They do not have hearts. They only pretend to."

Kyle; "Got it."

Yen Sid:"They also command the Nobodies that Sora has spoken of already. Be careful when you fight them." We nodded, then boarded the ship.

Donald: "Where are we going first?"

Kyle: "That one directly ahead!" It was a castle.

Goofy: "Well, onwards to the start of our adventure!"

To be continued…

Forms: Big Chill, Ultimate Big Chill, Echo Echo, Ultimate Echo Echo, Humongousaur, Ultimate Humongousaur, Cannonbolt, Ultimate Cannonbolt, Spidermonkey, Ultimate Spidermonkey, Swampfire, Ultimate Swampfire, Water Hazard, NRG, Terraspin, Armodrillo, and Valor Form.


Normal: Kingdom Key/Ultimatrix

Valor: Star Seeker

Donald: Mage's Staff

Goofy: Knight's Shield

Weapons (Overall):


Kingdom Key, Star Seeker


Mage's Staff


Knight's Shield