And here is chapter two of my story, please enjoy

Autum was woken up in the morning by the smell of something cooking. It smelled great, causing her stomache to growl. Autum sat up on her bed, pichu was awake and grooming herself. She stroked the mouse behind her ears "and how did you sleep" she asked. Pichu looked up and Autum and smiled "chu pichu" she replied happily.

Giggling at pichu's cuteness, Autum got up and got dressed for the day. The smell only got stonger as Autum walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was Brock, cooking over the stove with his usuall aipron on. He turned to her "morning Autum, did you sleep well" Brock asked.

Autum nodded "yeah I did" she replied, pichu came running into the kitchen, also hungry. Autum took out pichu's medication and mixed it in with her pokemon food that Brock had made. Autum's stomache growled again, making her blush in embarrasment "I see someone is hungry" Brock said, smiling.

He placed a plate of food where Autum had just sat down, there was sausage, eggs, and potatoes all mixed together "this looks great Brock" she said and started to eat. Autum had to admit, this was way better than anything her sister's could ever make, but they still made good things.

Once Autum was done eating, she cleaned up her plate and helped Brock with the dishes. She sighed, it was now or never "hey Brock, may I ask a big favor of you" she started. Brock turned to her "sure Autum, what is it" he replied. She spoke "I was wondering, would it be alright if I went with you" she asked.

Brock stopped what he was doing "what do you mean" he asked. Autum started biting her lip "could I come with you to Pewter City and help you with your daycare/breeding center" she finished. Many thoughts were running throgh the girls mind, would he let her come with him or not.

Brock smiled "of course you can come with me, it will be more fun then" he replied. Upon hearing that Autum's eyes widened and her smile grew huge "you really mean it, I can come with you" she asked. He nodded in reply "I don't see why not" he said. So after that chat, Autum went out and was going to tell Milta the good news.

Milta was eating some hay from last night "hey guess what girl, in two days we are going with Brock to him home town to help him with his dream" Autum explained happily. Milta smirked at her trainers excitness, this made her job easier to get the two humans together.

She had told her sisters her plan and they all said it was fine "its good your going to get out Autum, somewhere other than the ranch" they said. The day was going along great and it was only going to get better. That afternoon came by fast and Brock was helping the girls with some of the chores.

Pichu and Milta were lying under a shaded tree relaxing, since it was pretty hot outside. Autum joined the pokemon duo after a few hours, she was exaughsted "man its hot out today" she said. Pichu climbed onto Autum's lap and lay down, she missed Autum.

She closed her eyes while her back was against the trunk of the tree. The sound of ruffling beside her caused her to open her eyes and see who was there. It was Brock. He smiled at her "you look relaxed" he said and she nodded "yeah, I am" Autum replied.

It only got hotter as the day went on. Autum, finally having enough of this heat went inside and changed into her bikini. There was a lake right beside their farm and Autum loved to go swimming in it on days like today. Grabbing a towel from the bathroom she then went outside and proceded to the lake.

Milta and pichu followed her as she walked towards the water. Little did she know that another pair of eyes had been watching her. Brock was amazed at how mature Autum's body had become over the course of one year.

She was no longer a little girl but now a fine young woman and Brock had to admit, she was very attractive. Autum wasted no time jumping into the freezing cold water, it felt great. Pichu attempted to touch the water but jumped back at the coldness, causing Milta and Autum to laugh.

She had been swimming for about a half hour now, so Autum decided to get out of the water and lie down in the sun to warm up abit. Before she wanted to get out of teh heat but after being in the cold water, the sun felt great right now.

The sound of splashing caught her attention and she looked towards the water. It was a feebas. Autum's eyes widened, she had always wanted to see a feebas in real life, they were rare to come by around this area. She approached the fish pokemon and it just looked at her, curiously.

It swam towards her, intrested in this human. Autum reached her hand out in an attempt to touch feebas, and shockilngly, he let her. She smiled "hey there little guy, what are you doing all the way out here" she asked. Feebas are not supposed to be around this area, so what is this one doing here.

It was then when some people dressed in weird uniforms appered out of no where. They looked towards Autum "hey girl, give us that feebas and we will not have to hurt you" one of them said. Autum frowned "what do you want with this feebas" she asked.

The tall one who Autum guessed was the leader approached her "that feebas has a unique move that normal feebas don't learn and we want it" he explained. Feebas splashed him with water, not wanting to go with these people.

Autum laughed "I don't think this feebas wants to go along with you" she said. The leader growled and took out a pokeball "looks like we'll have to take it by force then" he said and threw the ball. In a flash, the light revealed the pokemon that was inside the ball, a flareon appered.

Milta got into a fighting position, ready to protect her master "if its a battle you want then a battle you'll get" Autum said. The leader smirked "fine then, flareon, use your flamethrower" he commanded. The fire fox let loose a stream of hot fire at Milta, she easily dodged the move though.

Autum grinned "alright, use your roll out Milta" she said. The cow rolled into a ball and charged towards flareon with such speed "use dig" the leader who's name was Jerry said. The fox pokemon dug a hole making the roll out attack miss.

Not knowing where flareon was going to strike, Milta scanned the ground "try to feel where flareon is by using your hooves" Autum said, hoping that it would work. So thats what Milta did, trying to feel for any vibrations in the ground. Flareon jumped out from the ground behind Milta and let loose another stream of fire, hitting the cow pokemon dead on.

Thanks to her high special defense, the attack didn't do much damage to Milta. The battle contuniued on like this for about 5 minutes, both pokemon were getting tired. Milta used milk drink to heal herself a little, giving her more energy.

Flareon on the other hand was panting "now, finish this off with a body slam" Autum said to Milta. The force of the impact was enough to send flareon flying into a tree and fainting. Jerry called flareon back "you may have beaten me once, but we will meet again" he said and they all ran off.

Feebas splashed around happily "there, your safe now" Autum said to the feebas. The heat and the battle had really worn out Milta "you deserve a nice break girl, return" Autum said, calling back Milta to her pokeball. She turned back to feebas to see him giving her a pleading look.

She smiled and approached feebas again "do you want to come along with me" she asked. Feebas splashed her happily, she could tell he had a jolly nature. So she took out an empty pokeball and tapped feebas on the head with it. Feebas was absorbed into the white and red all.

It wiggled a few times but then stopped "well, looks like I caught a feebas" Autum said. Pichu jumped up onto her shoulders and they walked back to the farm.

and there's my second, chapter, I know I forgot to add Don from the first chappie but he will be in the next. Sorry if this chapter kinda sucked, didn't know what to write but teh next on will be better.