Taking a short break from the multiple pages of paperwork on his desk, Russia stood up to get a snack for the day. Some tea, some cake, that would be all before returning to his office. But when he passed by Prussia's room, he was surprised to hear his voice.

Prussia had refused to talk or do much since he had moved in to his house along with the rest of the Eastern Bloc. He had not expected to hear the other's voice today. He would've continued on his way if it wasn't for what word was uttered by the German inside the room.


So he was still thinking of his brother? This irritated him. How could he still think of his brother? He was not allowed to do that! Ever since he entered this house, the only person he should ever think of serving is himself, Russia. No one else was to occupy his thoughts. It did not matter that he would refuse to speak, but he won't allow the other to think of his brother. He'll never return him, East Germany was his to keep.

Intent on going inside to hit him a few times for being disobedient, Russia quickly opened the door.

The moment he stepped inside, he was not given time to react before Prussia had wrapped his thins arms around him in a hug. Russia could feel his coat getting soaked by Prussia's tears.

Any earlier thoughts about hurting the German were now gone as Russia stroked the other's back softly to calm him.

Prussia only stopped crying a few hours later, when he had fallen asleep in Russia's arms. Sometime in the middle of it all, Russia had moved them both over to the bed and sat down with him. Now that Prussia was asleep, Russia moved him onto the bed. When he tried to leave, however, he felt the ends of his coat being tugged at. Turning around, he saw that Prussia was still clinging onto his coat tightly. After several unsuccessful attempts in releasing himself, he sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.

"What the heck." He whispered softly. "I've been here for half a day, spending the rest here would be fine too."

De-Anon from kink meme.

Must be the shortest thing I've ever wrote :I And looking back, I have to question myself WTF was I thinking when I named this fic... D: I might've been influenced by the bunny!Prussia fic OvO`