Hello my dear readers. I've been told there has been some problems with my paragraph spacing in the last chapter and I have a probable excuse to why it turned out the way it did. The sites spellcheck was acting wierd so I used a different one on another site it messed it up and I basically spaced it out again just not like I did when I wrote it.

This is an improvement. Hopefully. So enjoy. If you see something screwed up in the story like something written that doesn't make sense just pop me a PM or review and I'll fix it.

Apparently Jacob wasn't convinced about this woman. Sure she could talk and sure she could reason like most humans can do but the blood on her claws and her apparent minimalist attitude toward killing told him something didn't set right with this woman. He leveled his Browning 1911 handgun to the witch. He wasn't taking chances.

"Jacob what are you doing?" Zoey asked with a shocked and scared look on her on the other hand ignored Zoey and spoke soley to the witch, "There's something not right about you...I think it would be in the interests of our own lives that you stay or die right here." he said coldly.

Savannah however merely looked at him with glassy sad eyes before she walked up to him slowly. Jacob pulled the slide on the .45. She was right at the tip of the muzzle. Her face was less than an inch from it. The woman was shorter than him by something close to a foot of difference.

Jacob reassured his grip on the pistol. As he leveled it back onto her Savannah uttered the words, "Make it count" as she guided the guns barrel through her parted pink lips into her mouth. Closing her eyes awaiting for the nothing after that ensued after the trigger was pulled.

Jacob however hesitated. His blue eyes were wide with such puzzlement. His hand started to shake making the gun tap against the woman's teeth. His eyes were wandering down to size the thing that stood before.

Pure white skin and hair. Her figure was a full hourglass though not grossly over curved. Her breast were perky, big enough to fill his hands with small light pink nipples that hardened from the cold air hitting them.

His eyes continued down her form to slender long legs that she held together as she did the crucified Christ stance as she awaited death. Between her legs was the curving lips of her womanhood that would be masked slightly had she any body hair. His eyes trailed up seeing her arms thinly built but underneath he knew she had enhanced muscles than that of a human. Next were her hands. Everything was human save after the first section of her fingers that curved into the deadly claws that would've been shorter and rounded hosting no cutting ability had she been a human.

She had more human qualities to her than monster like ones. Everything registered as human save for the white tone of skin, hair, the inhuman smoothness of her skin that made it glisten and the claws. He was sure she was quite some kind of eye candy in her normal human life though she still was though very exotic.

It wasn't her human physical qualities that made him think twice it was how readily she wished to die. Something was tormenting this girl and the better way to make it stop was through human interaction. Still the dead infected behind her told some violent story that made him wander.

There was a better way. He turned his head and slowly pulled his gun from her mouth. He trailed off backed to the car, "Beauty among zombies..." he uttered pulling his hat downward to shield his eyes.

Savannah's eyes twitched and her gazed shifted to Zoey who was standing to the side with a fearful look.

"Who are you?" Savannah asked holding her head.


Zoey just stared at the woman. There was something overly wrong with her.

More blood on the way in the next chapter. Plus if it works out somehow on paper slight intimacy between Zoey and the White Witch.

I know this chapter is short but I made it that way for a reason.

If there's any problems with the story just tell me. I've gotten a few examples from reviewers on a few of these things.