Date Started: 5/17/10

As a reminder Reviews keep me from trashing stories not reader activity, favorite listing, subcriptions, etc. So If you'd like to see me move on with this story shoot me a review telling me what you liked or disliked about the chapter. I don't care if they're anonymous a review just lets me know people don't just read and run off.

To think just three days ago she had seen the beginning stages of what would be a global epidemic leading to an apocolypse. People coughing and vomiting in public.

They should of stayed home to slow down infecting everyone else but how did Savannah, a bright, slightly withdrawn, 24 year old woman still attending college at Georgetown contract something like the Green Flu?

It all was thanks to standing in the crowded subway next to a pale man who looked like he could keel over at any second.

Savannah was patiently waiting for the train looking around her personal space holding her sleeve to her nose and mouth. She was nervous some batch of stray infected mucous would find it's way to her.

It had been a total of two months since foreign person A was bitten by a rabid animal then coughed onto person B who was headed to America. Person B then had a sexual encounter with person C thusly getting Person C infected. The chain continues.

As all this thought literally ate her brain from the inside out she had realized the man beside her had keeled over into the tracks and was laying motionless between the two tracks. Her heart raced.

The people near the man started to panic. One attempted to climb down after him. Savannah was quicker and without a second thought she jumped into the tracks next to the man who had split his head against the ties between the tracks.

Her heart leaped. Literally jumping hard enough to bend the cartilage in her ribs when she heard the not so distant screeching of the approaching train. Shit shit shit. Her mind screamed at her. She gripped the man by his large grey rain coat and heaved him up with all her strength.

She looked to the train which was probably a hundred feet away then back to the man. When she looked to him she was welcomed with a spray of crimson spew right in her face. He vomitted on her! She pulled herself back in reflex and in the split second she dropped him he was hit by the train furthermore covering her in crimson.

She howled out desperately trying to get the blood off her. She was trapped beside the train. She panicked furiously wiping her face off. Her eyes were tearing up because some of the blood spattered into them.

She was screaming from the shock of seeing the man splattered to bits in front of her let alone that she was now infected.

The conductor of the train backed the train back and called into metro transit control. Savannah never moved from under the edge of the platform. She leaned her body as close as she could to the metal of the platform.

Her screams turned into soft whimpers. She long stopped clawing at her face in an attempt to get the blood of of her face. Savannah then let a long crying howl before she collapsed unconsious.

Savannah awoke to a gripping, sickening pain taking place within herself. Oh god... She felt sick. It felt like there was a tiny mixing machine in her stomach stirring wildly. Where was she? She looked around her. She was in a light green colored hospital room.

Then down to see she was dressed in a green hospital gown. She felt that underneath the gown her underwear was nonexistant. They must've taken her clothes because they were soaked in blood.

Her eyes focused back on the room.

Green. Savannah always liked the color but as she looked around the room finding it was a constant color in her mental imagary and reality mixed with her churning insides it just made her sick. Cluthing her stomach from the nauseating feeling she tried to remember.

She remembered standing on the subway platform and this deathly pale man to her side. It dawned on her. Her memory took no time coming back to eat at her. The blood. Herself screaming.

She wasn't going to convince herself it was a nightmare. No Savannah had learned a long time ago that kind of denial thinking only made pain worse. Memories rushed back to her.

It was a rainy day she remembered when she was 17 everything was going so well for her. School was a breeze, she had friends that loved her, and a family that did it even more.

Her house was empty because her parents had went out for dinner. Something they did to keep the spark going.

They always tried a different high class restaurant every month or so. What happened after they got home when she was usually asleep Savannah never wished to think that far.

Savannah was in her room. Green was it's color, sitting at her desk typing the bulk of a poetical shortstory. Writing was something she was unnaturally talented in.

Sometimes her literary past time grew into an occasional obssession because of writer's block or just because she wanted to type what happened next until she grew too tired to see the screen clearly.

She heard a knock on the front door from all the way downstairs. Hmm...They must be a little drunk. she thought as she made her way downstairs. The knock repeated itself, "I'm coming" she called. She turned the handle.

She refused to continue to remember. Her stomach couldn't handle whatever contents were in there. As a reflex she leaned over the side and emptied her stomach.

The contents were a dark thick red color. Oh God. She vomitted again. This time a lesser shade of the color came up. She was throwing up blood. The churning of her stomach was replaced by a burning pain and Savannah collapsed back on the bed in a deep state of unconsiousness.

Her body however was far from being well. Her skin grew paler by the minute as she lay there and became clammy. Sweat drenched her black hair causing it to stick to her face. The burning pain in her stomach spread throughout her body. Making her shudder in her sleep.

It felt like her bones were shifting inside her hands. All of these feelings were only percieved in her sleep by a variety of colors attached to swirling shapes. The pain in her hands was growing more intense her mouth shot open as she screeched in her sleep.

Her body was changing. Dramatically.

That night Savannah never ceased screaming. Panicking. Writhing in pain. Hours upon hours past. Sometime when the light was shining Savannah's screaming had turned into soft gentle whimpers and sobs. Dawn came and she didn't know it. She was trapped inside her own mind in a dream.

It was nothing more than a shade of red she could see. Like a the light off the receding sun at dusk. She was asleep and for the time being this display of color was reality. The bodily sensations of pain had long left Savannah. All she could feel now was her hair matted against the back of her head.

The color was interupted by some sound from actual reality entering her subconscious dreamscape. Most likely some hallucinary noise her mind was creating as an attempt to wake her up from this coma like sleep. The noise grew louder. The black dreamscape was opening. Making her vision go white momentarily.

Savannah let a slight groan escape her lips as she woke. Everything was where it was before. Though the fluorecent lights on the ceiling were no longer lit. Strangely the room was illuminated evenly as if the lights were on.

As she looked around she noticed it was the same light green hospital room. She looked to the window but looked back quickly. The light even though filtered through a curtain hurt her eyes.

How did she get here though? Why was she in a hospital to begin with? She tried remembering but could only remember just waking up previously in the bed and throwing up blood before she blanked out.

The nonexistant sounds eventually deminished. Her hands made their way to her eyes to wipe them but they felt different. They were heavier and boney as well as stiff. Savannah held her hands out to where they leveled with her line of sight. What she saw horrified her.

These weren't her hands. They were five times the size of a normal person's fingers. They were pale white. Snow white in color and curved slightly with points at their ends. Claws! I have claws! her mind screamed. Savannah was shocked.

She couldn't stop looking at them. She twiddled her fingers seeing they moved with her voluntary impulses. Oh God. They were hers alright. She took notice of the slightly bigger picture. Her skin...Was unnaturally pure white. She moved her arms foward. She was so pale.

It also hit her that her hospital gown was missing. She was naked. Savannah could see her pale breasts lined with goosebumps with they're slightly pink nipples stiffened from the cold air.

The feeling of the cold was taking her suddenly. She hugged her chest with one arm while she reached for the hospital blanket. It was cut to ribbons. She had been flailing in her sleep with these knives she had for fingers.

Apparently these claws were sharp. Very sharp Savannah puzzled at this. She was almost completely bare. There was no use staying in this torn bed.

Savannah abandoned her bed and headed into the rooms bathroom but stopped as the remainder of her hospital gown fell from her new body. It was torn from the flailing and clawing at herself in her pain stricken sleep. She didn't bother trying to cover herself for some reason.

She felt herself warm up and there was nobody around. She continued into the bathroom where there was no lights on but still she could see as there was some on. Strange. She made her way in front of the mirror where her jaw released.

Everything changed. Her skin was the most noticable. Pale. Pure white actually. As she looked closely there was no body hair just goosebumps from being cold.

Her eyes...She noticed her eyes were void. Completely black like her pupils had widened to consume her entire eye. Her hair was pure white also and was much longer than she remembered it from the last time she woke down all the way to the curve of her butt. She looked down to where her abdomen curved into her privates. No pubic hair it was just smooth white skin with goosebumps and underneath muscles constricting to keep her warm.

She looked like some creepy porcelain doll with claws.

Her chest was heaving taking in her strange appearance. Her grotesque and dangerous claws. Tears formed into her eyes. She collapsed onto her knees and landed her face into her clawed hands. "" she uttered in a whisper.

She looked up with her arms spread out and screamed. "NOOOOOOO!" she cried out before planting her face back into her clawed hands. The tears were flowing freely now. She was sobbing heavily.

She had to leave. She picked herself up ran from her room. As so many questions formulated in her head one constantly reemerged...Who was she? Dear high heaven she didn't even know her own name. A few stray tears fell from her eyes at this thought. She looked around for the name slot near the door.

Shielded in plastic and clear as if light illuminated on it, "Savannah Hettfield"

An odd urge to touch the name to where she traced the letters with her index clawed finger. Savannah lingered there just looking at her name. How could she forget her own name? Savannah knew she had to leave, she wasn't sure why but just some instinct. She was merely slowing herself down by lingering in her emotions.

The interior of the hopsital was empty, no electric and still as death.

Savannah wiped away a few stray tears and headed to the nurse's station where she found a white lab coat. There was nobody. Not a single living thing around. Where was everyone? Why wasn't there any power?

She turned her claws inward to not tear the coat as she slipped her arms through the sleeves. Slight rips were nothing compared to trying to button it. She could only tear away from the coat. It was frustrating and with a pouting cry Savannah gave up. Her arms wrapped around the coat to keep it closed against her body. She was still cold though she was igoring it because this was only a quick fix until she found something else and had the patience to put it on.

The feeling of exposure still had it's grip in her emotions but she ignored is and headed toward the stairs. Reason being because she wasn't stupid enough to try the elevator. Throughout the entire hospital was dead silence.

She came across a room...Yes something was indeed wrong and it horrified her. A thick dry smear of blood ran across the floor...leading into the room. I can't...i shouldn't...She debated mentally. There was a reasoning that she had to know exactly what the hell was going on. If things turned awry...Savannah shuddered as she looked down to her deadly claws. They would become useful.

She swallowed her fears, her uncertainties, and everything else trying to hold her back. If she was a normal human being she wouldn't have thought to go into a room that had a blood trail leading to it. Her steps were quick but so light only an almost inaudible tap could be heard. Savannah edged in. Now she could hear moaning and some unnerving sickening sounds. Flesh being torn apart. Her stomach for some reason didn't feel sick.

She moved ever so slightly foward slipping past the threshhold, along the wall into the middle of the room. Savannah just jaw dropped in horror. A patient. No he wasn't even human. His face was covered in red, bits and pieces of flesh. He was making snarling sounds as he raised his hands holding strips of flesh to his mouth.

Beneath him on the floor was a torn apart corpse with blood pooled underneath it. Head missing. Dismembered. Dressed in a white coat. It was a doctor. A very unlucky doctor.

Savannah's eyes trailed back to the snarling thing eating it. A balding human-like monster dressed in the remnants of what was hospital scrubs. Savannah whimpered slightly looking away. The thoughts that loomed in her mind they just seem plausible. A zombie? Her mind was swimming. She ran outside the room and collapsed on her hands and knees and emptied the watery stomach acids looming in her stomach.

The taste was horrid but the thought of...zombies. On such a scale...No...She fell over on her side in more thought. A zombie apocolypse. Perfectly plausible. Rabies simply mutates dramatically and infects a person through an animal bite. Virus is untreatable so human becomes a primitive monster that is driven by primitive needs. Still...She raised her claws to her view. How could it make her into this?

Could a human's physical, mental or genetic build alter the virus to turn them into something like Savannah? Maybe the virus is selective and the rabid flesh eating subhumans are just the half potential of what the virus really does. All these thoughts caused Savannah's stomach to lock up and attempt to vomit once more even though nothing could come up. From there her mind went black.

The monster in the room had taken notice to Savannah and had abandoned his meal to see to what had entered and quickly left the room. He could hear the woman vomit and begin to laugh insanely after. It didn't discern the monster.

He continued to approach the woman lying on her back with her white hair in her face, laughing. He stepped within of a foot of the woman before she swiftly swiped her claws at his knees. He aimed to step foward but her claws cut all the way through and the lower part of his legs fell out from under. Cut completely off.

The blood was flowing freely making a nice splatter and pool of crimson. It seemed to have pleased the woman. She laughed more heartedly. Sickening insane laughter. She leapt on top of the disabled zombie and parted her pale lips into a grin. She pointed two claws into his eyes and slowly pushed downward causing the zombie to scream. Thick red blood rised from his gouged eyes as she continued to push her claws into his skull.

The zombie eventually stopped moving when the woman had pushed her two claws through the back of it's skull. The woman retracted her hand and looked at the crimson on the claws and she laughed and laughed. She keeled over to the side of the now totally dead zombie and her vision went white. Still she continued to laugh until she finally lost all breath and went into unconsciousness.

Don't say I didn't warn you this was dark. Reviews or PMs regarding the story are always appreciated.