Author's note: Remus is my favourite... he really, really is. Like really.

Disclaimer: I, sadly do not own HP, or the characters of Remus Lupin et al, Lord knows that if I did Remus would spend a good percentage of the books (and therefore the films) naked.

Thank you and goodnight!

Moon Fishing.

Chapter One: Bedtime.

The small boy settled into bed. The fire crackled away in the grate and threw shapes onto the wall. He buried himself deep into the covers, the ancient patchwork quilt heavy on his legs. He sighed sleepily as his mother took her place in the ancient wing chair next to his bed. He could smell her flowery perfume. The clean soapy smell from his newly-washed hair mingled with it and he felt safe and contented. He sighed again.

Marelda Lupin smiled down at her son, opened the book and began to read.

In a bowl to sea went wise men three,

On a brilliant night in June:

They carried a net, and their hearts were set

On fishing up the Moon.

This was all part of the nightly ritual in the Lupin household. After dinner Remus and his father would laugh as John Lupin made the model airplanes they spent Saturday afternoons constructing fly around the room. Then it was upstairs and into a steaming bath. Only when any and all sinkable toy ships were scuppered and Remus'fingers and toes pruney beyond belief did he allow his mother to wrap him in a warm, fluffy towel and dress him in his stripey pyjamas. Then it was a story, then lights out.

Marelda Lupin had loved books her whole life and was overjoyed when her only son inherited that love. From the first night of his life Marelda had read to her son before bed. At eighteen months she read a poem he liked to call 'Moon Fishing'since then no other stories were wanted. It also ignited in Remus a love of stargazing. He was obsessed with the movements of the planets and stars. For his fifth birthday John had bewitched Remus'bedroom ceiling to reflect the movement of the real stars.

Remus was a stargazer through and through, but as Marelda Lupin kissed her son goodnight under a sleepy full moon she had no idea just how much trouble it would get him into.