

Summary-Based off the 2009 comedy/Horror hit film, ZombieLand, Columbus (Simon Seville) and his new gang of zombie killing wanderers, Tallahassee (Alvin Seville) Wichita (Brittany Miller) and Little Rock, (Eleanor Miller) travel half way across the contaminated country of the United States, in search of a less contaminated place to live. Drama, Romance and cutthroat action occur throughout their journey. Enjoy!


Oh America. I wish I could tell you that this is still America, but I've come to realise that you can't have a country with no people. And there are no people here. No, my friends. This is now the United States of ZombieLand.

Its amazing how things can go from bad, to total shit storm. And why am I alive when everyone around me has turned to meat? Its because of my list of rules. Rule number one for surviving zombieland:
When the virus struck, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties. Poor fat basterd.

But as the infection spread and chaos grew, it wasn't enough to just be fast on your feet. You'd have to get a gun, and know how to use it. Which leads me to my second rule:
The double tap
In those moments when you're not sure if the undead, were really "Dead" dead, don't get all stingy with your bullets. I mean one more clean shot to the head. And you could have avoided being a human happy-meal. Woulda, coulda...shoulda.

It wasn't long before the zombies began to get clever. When you're at your most vulnerable...Somehow they could just smell it. Don't let them catch you with your pants down. Rule number three:
Beware of bathrooms

As zombies began to outnumber humans, well, that's when you had to cut all emotional ties. If the girls in your neighbourhood are now fucked-up little monsters, well maybe it's time to stop driving carpool. You had to focus on your own survival. Which leads to rule number four, pretty basic...
Fasten your seatbelts. Its gonna be a bumpy ride.