
AN: I have decided to write in this fandom for awhile, since the writer's behind the show that is my other fandom decided to throw a major loop in there just as my favorite ship was nearly cannon. Why? Anyways, I'm a rabid Ichiruki fan girl, at your service. And I am home sick because I have Vertigo. Definition is from

Vertigo, or dizziness, refers to the sensation of spinning or the perception that surrounding objects are moving or spinning. Some patients describe a feeling of being pulled toward the floor or toward one side of the room. Moving the head, changing position, and turning while lying down often worsen vertigo. Symptoms usually last a few seconds to a few minutes and come and go. They also may include lightheadedness, imbalance, and nausea, usually as a result of a change in position {e.g., rolling over in bed, getting out of bed} It's caused by an infection in the inner ear.

It was a major character flaw of Rukia's that she dismissed things like feeling ill. She had grown up in the slums of Hanging Dog, she had killed and been nearly killed more times than she could recall.

She wasn't the type of girl to complain about a headache, or a skinned knee, or cramps. It wasn't like her to share such private worries to others.

So when she got up that morning and cracked her neck like she always did, and felt the room spin, she shrugged it off. When she made even a small movement, the room seemed to tilt sickly to the right. Sitting down briefly to eat breakfast, the room became just like the merry go round she had dragged Ichigo on that time they had gone to the fair.

Still, Rukia Kutchki wasn't one to complain. Slight nausea lingered in her stomach all morning, but maybe she was going to start her monthly up again soon. Her feet felt unsteady and her hands heavy. She nearly walked into a locker twice before she admitted even silently that something just might be wrong.

After lunch, she felt worse. It wasn't the worst feeling, but it was dizzying. Her feet felt like they were unsteady, and her muscles felt just a little weak. It was very similar to that time she drank with Renji.

"You okay Rukia?" piped Orihime meekly.

"You do look a bit weary," added Ishida helpfully.

"I'm alright," she sat down at the tops of the steps.

"You don't look alright." said Ichigo. " You're paler than normal."

She turned her head sharply to deliver a cold glare. The snap of her neck was punctuated by a nauseating swarm of sight. It was intense enough to nearly bring tears to her eyes.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, Orhime."

"What have you eaten today?" demanded Ishida.

"Drink some water." Chad suggested calmly.

"I'm fine you guys. I need to get my bento out of my locker." And with that she was off, ignoring the fact that Ichigo and the others were still looking at her retreating form.

She retrieved her lunch quickly, and opun return sat down, hoping to put this all behind her. The school had a few benches on the roof now, since all the kids ate there. She planted herself on the one next to Ichigo, and handed him her juice pack. She liked him opening it for her.

As everyone chatted happily, the earlier incident long gone, Rukia felt an odd feeling. She felt clumsy, and her head buzzed. Rukia felt herself slipping off the chair. It was a slow, clumsy fall, almost like she was swimming in molasses.

"Hey! What's a matter with you?" the irritating voice she knew so well was attached to the thick arms that pulled her up and replaced her to her seat. As confused as she was, she took a moment to marvel in the ease in which he had picked her up.

"I'm dizzy." she stated simply.

"I noticed. Drink some water." Ichigo all but shoved his water in her face. Glaring at him, she took a pull, ignoring that he had just been drinking from it himself.

"Perhaps, going to the nurse would be wise," said Ishida calmly.

"I'm sure I'm okay now," she murmured, feeling embarrassed.

"You will go to the nurse," insisted Ichigo, "If you faint again."

"I didn't faint!" protested Rukia vehemently.

"Well, sorry! Guess I forgot that today was National Fall Off a Bench Day!" Ichigo growled, before his face softened. Handing her her juice, he quieted down, his left arm behind her back to prop her up.

She glared at him above her straw, unable to resist leaning into the strong limb behind her. It stiffed a bit before relaxing to support it's new weight. It was rather reassuring and warm.

The faces all around the table looked dumbstruck.

It seemed as though everything was fine after lunch, so she decided it was fine to walk back to class with everyone else. The entire hallway was against her, seeming to tip nearly sideways. The odd sensation made her nauseous, and she didn't know she was falling until Ichigo picked her up. He held her up, letting her lean fully up against his side for support.

"Nurse?" Rukia asked resignedly. She had meant to put up more resistance, but she liked how his arm felt slung around her, his frame close and protective.

"You'd better believe it," he replied.

The nurse arranged for Rukia's street pass, and Ichigo had a pass so he could escort her home. Isshin was busy at the clinic, though he would now doubt fuss over his 'Third Daughter's Mystery Illness' when he got home.

"I'm sorry you had to bring me home," she fiddled with her nightgown, which she had changed into.

"I'm excused as long as I come back. Why do you think I'm upset about bringing you home?" He asked, cocking his head.

"You seemed a bit annoyed that I didn't want to go to the nurse." she hissed. He had to admit that!

"That's different. Taking you home is fine. I just hate how you think that you always have to grin and bear it. Be selfish and whine that you don't feel good, every once in awhile. You don't need to be a badass if you're sick." Ichigo said, looking at the ground.

"Thank you," she picked up the corner of her bed cover, snuggling in. A nap sounded pretty good right now.

"Can't have you walking like a drunk can I? Oh, and Dad called. Says you probably have Vertigo." Ichigo mentioned. He lingered at the doorway, knowing he needed to start walking back to school.

"I didn't look drunk!" Rukia laughed.

"You wanna bet?" The mirth in his eyes was contagious.

"Go back to school, Ichigo." She tossed a pillow at him.

"Bossy," he retorted, catching the fluffy missile with ease.

"Learned from the best," she smirked back. Somehow this verbal spar was more of a delay tactic than a true argument. He didn't want to stop talking to her, she realized.

"Hey come here," she gestured at him with her finger out.

" Why should I" Ichigo baited slyly. Putting a delicate hand beneath his chin, Rukia planted a soft kiss on his cheek. An odd expression clouded his face.

"Thanks for helping me. Now get back to class before I kick your ass." Pulling the covers up, she left just enough space so she could see him. The room was still spinning, but she knew for certain that he had flipped her off. He was also grinning. Not smirking. Grinning with full teeth, mirth in depths of his eyes, his joy palpable.

And then she had a million more reasons to be dizzy.

AN: Well? How was it?