I do not own The Lion King or any of it's characters.

Get ready for massive angst...

Muuaji = murderer


The feeling that king Scar feels every day of his life. Every time he looks into the eyes of another, he feels ashamed, unworthy. Despicable. Filthy. A scoundrel, a murderer. Betrayed by his pride, and eventually by his friends. And in his eyes, as his "friends" close in on him, there is one emotion that's shown.

Not fear.

Not anger.


His three closest accomplices draw nearer, not an ounce of remorse shown in their glittering orbs. He's scared. He's a little angry. But above all, he's guilty, and he knows it. He knows there's no escape, and that there won't be a miracle for him. He doesn't deserve one. Who would rescue him? A cold-blooded murderer? Even in his last moments, he had tried again to kill his own nephew. He has to block the guilt out - it wasn't like he could ever be forgiven. He might as well finish the job.

But as his sad green eyes closed remorsefully for the last time, a dry sob escaped his lips. He didn't know where he was going, but it couldn't be good. Why would it be good? Again, he didn't deserve it. There was no forgiveness for a murderer, a muuaji. And why should there be? It was the worst of all crimes, and he's committed it twice. Or at least tried to. That was just as bad, and again, he knew that.


That grating feeling you get when you know you've done something you shouldn't have. The feeling that makes you feel as useless as a cub. It's believed that only murderous scoundrels, bad people don't feel this. People who murder, rape. Abuse. And maybe they're right. Maybe some people - lions, in this case - are like that.

But maybe they're wrong.

I actually have no idea how this came out. I got up a document for no reason, started writing, ((starting with the last part,)) and when I finished I read through it and realized it was Scar! My brain is weird...

Please review :). Reviews make me happeh :).