Remember Sunday

Author's Note: Go listen to Remembering Sunday by All Time Low while reading this. Trust makes it sooooo much better. 8DI was debating on whether or not I wanted to post this. I decided to go ahead and give it a shot. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts and its characters.

Warning: Mostly cursing - meh.


Remember Sunday

Sora woke that morning feeling horribly cold, but with a feeling of complete satisfaction. The only problem was, he had no idea why...


They had decided to spend the day together. It had been so long since they had seen each other, so why not hang out for told time's sake? Riku had smiled slightly, and his eyes shined when Sora proposed the idea. The date was set, meeting place affirmed, and all that was left was to wait. When the day finally arrived, neither could control their excitement. They ate at the small cafe, the one they used to go to after school, back when it was Sora, Riku and Kairi. Now-a-days it's Sora and Kairi or Riku and Kairi. Never all three; 'I'm too busy' is the normal excuse.

Sora stuffed two eggs down his throat, just like old times, and Riku munched on wheat toast. Just like old times. They discussed work and the normal (and not so normal) going-ons of life. They never talked about the past, however, and neither Sora nor Riku seemed to mind. They skipped lunch, having had a late breakfast, and later that night they found themselves at the local bar. They were welcomed with open arms and the first round was free...

Sora recalls the image of a grinning Riku pulling him up the stairs, flushed and panting, towards a comfortable bed, but surely that is just his imagination.


Sora woke that morning feeling horribly cold, but with a feeling of complete satisfaction. The only problem was, he had no idea why...

But he knows he's fucked up.


Kairi's call comes in around 2 o'clock, three days later. Sora manages to pick up after two rings and mumbles a "lo?"

"Have you talked to Riku lately?"

"Not since Sunday," Sora said. It was now, of course, Wednesday.

"...Are you still asleep?" She sounded annoyed.

"Maybe." He hadn't been able to shake the feeling of having messed something up since Monday morning. Spending hours lying in bed seemed to be the only solution in Sora's mind.

"Well, get your act together," Kairi told him. "Because Riku hasn't shown up for work at all this week."

And she hung up on his "what?".

Rolling out of bed and making himself presentable was surprisingly easy, considering how long he had laid there with the pillow over his head. Dead to the world. He sent a small prayer up for Kairi, thanking whoever was up there for sending him a friend who knew how to give him a good kick in the pants, and set off to find out why Riku was ditching work.

Getting into his apartment was harder than he expected. After several minutes of pounding on his best friend's door, Riku's next door neighbor peeked out from behind their door and politely told him that Riku had left to visit family. They closed the door before Sora could speak.

Sora reported back to Kairi, who seemed concerned. Sora would have been too, but his head was still a bit fuzzing from spending so much time asleep. She took pity on him and bought coffee for them at that same little cafe Riku and him had eaten at on Sunday. She sipped on her coffee in silence, while he didn't everything he could to make noise. Finally,

"I think I fucked up."

Kairi lowered her cup from her mouth, where he had just been about to take a sip, and arched a fine eyebrow. "How?" she asked softly, and Sora sighed and pouted.

"I don't know, but I know I did something. We got drunk. Riku wouldn't leave without telling one of us, you know? What if I did something? Said something that offended him? Kairi...what if -"

Kairi quickly cut off his rambling with a hand to his mouth. Sora mumbled a sorry under his breath, and she sat back.

"I don't know, Sora," she tried to smile. "But I think you need to think back on what you do remember. I'm worried about Riku, and anything that can explain why he left without a word can help."

She squeezed his hand softly, dropped a couple of bills on the table, and left Sora to think.


The next time Sora went to Riku's apartment, he was supposedly sick.


It had been nearly three weeks since Sora had last seen Riku, and both he and Kairi were getting worried. They tried to call, but after listening to his voice mail ("Hey, it's Riku. I'm either busy or don't want to talk to you, so leave a message and I might call you back.") for the sixth time, they gave up.

Even after all this time, Sora still didn't remember anything that might have caused Riku's absense. Just a devillish grin and a tug on his hand, up the stairs, into the bedroom. He didn't dare mention it to Kairi, but every time she asked, Sora almost gave in and told her. He wasn't exactly sure how she would take it. Kairi had always been a rather understanding person, but this...even Sora himself was afraid to admit it had actually happened. There was something, a feeling, in the pit of his stomach, he didn't quite understand it, but the more he thought about it, Sora began to believe that whatever that devillish grin had caused Riku to ignore their calls.

Kairi seemed to realize this, and she linked arms with him one day after she had gotten off work and took him back to that cafe and gave him a coffee to mull over.

"Riku..." she began, and didn't speak after that. Sora looked up from his untouched coffee to look at her. Her expression was soft.

"Riku," she continued in a much stronger voice. "Riku really cared about you, Sora. So...if you did something...if you both did something, I hope it doesn't ruin your friendship." She paused, as if considering something.

Sora couldn't find his tongue and waited in silence. "You guys are my best friends, and I care about you. But Riku really cares, Soa, and I hope you fix whatever you 'fucked up'."

This time, Sora was the first to leave the cafe.


Riku's phone still went directly to voice mail when Sora tried it. His neighbor was still giving vague explainations. Sora couldn't stop thinking about what Kairi had said.


"Sora! Hey Sora!"

He turned to meet an excited brunette and a smiling blonde. Selphie and Tidus had been his friends for a while, and though they weren't as close to him as Riku and Kairi were, they were still great for a laugh. "Hey Selphie. Tidus," Sora greeted brightly, grinning. "Been to the beach again?" he asked, taking in their appearance.

Selphie bobbed her head, wet hair slapping against her cheeks. "Mhmm...just came back from an afternoon swim."

"We don't see much of you anymore," Tidus added.

Sora scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I've been busy."

"Even Riku?"


"Yeah...even Riku."

"Surprised I don't see you together as much," Selphie teased. "It was always you and Riku for everything."

"Fighting, racing, swimming." Tidus was nodding in agreement.

"He always seemed happier with Sora," Selphie commented, as if Sora wasn't standing right in front of her. I didn't matter anyway, cause Sora was mumbling a quick 'good bye, talk later' and taking off down the street before Selphie had even finished.

It had all seemed to fall into place.

When Sora got to Riku's place the door actually opened.

A young women stepped out of the apartment, pushing boxes out of the way. "Can I help you?" she asked, and she sounded tired. Moving tended to make one tired, Sora figured. And he frowned.

"It's only been a month...a month and a half. When did you...?"

The women was confused - Sora didn't blame her, he was too - and pushed blonde hair away from her forehead. Realization slowly passed over her features,a nd she smiled softly and said, "You must be Sora. I've got something for you. From Riku - said he wouldn't have time to deliver it before he moved."


She slipped inside for a moment and reappeared with a folded piece of paper. The women pressed it into Sora's hand, squeezed his arm and went back into Riku's old - her new - apartment.

The door shut with a click.

Sora stumbled backward. Blinked. Opened the note.

Hey Sora. I guess you met Namine. She's a nice girl.

I'm not going to make anymore excuses, Sora. I wasn't as drunk as I seemed Sunday night. Another thing I'm better at you, I suppose, is holding my alcohol. Anyway, I got what I wanted. You probably don't remember, but I'm okay with that. I guess.

I'm not coming back, Sora. I've done something that not even you should be able to forgive me for; I don't think I want your forgiveness. I know I'm not making sense.

Don't try to find me, Sora. Just remember Sunday.



"I'm not coming back, I've done something so terrible,

I'm terrified to speak but you'd expect that from me.

I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt,

Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair, and out of my mind.

Keeping an eye on the world, so many thousands of feet off the ground.

I'm over you now, I'm at home int he clouds,

towering over your heads."

Remembering Sunday, All Time Low


Sora figured...he might as well go home.


Author's Note: -rolls over and dies-

If there are any mistakes...I'll deal with them later. Dx