As Adam gazed at Kris, he felt the pain of unrequited love grip his heart. Kris glanced over and their gazes locked. Adam felt his heart start to flutter rapidly. "What is wrong with me?" thought Adam. "I'm not his type, not to mention the fact that he's married!"

Adam had loved Kris Allen since the day they had become roommates. Kris had walked into the room and introduced himself. Adam had been enthralled by the gently, flowing cadence of his voice. It didn't hurt that Kris' smile was wide and infectious.

Kris walked over to where Adam was practicing for his performance. "Hey Adam. How's it going?" he asked.

"Great! (Now that you're here.)" This last part he thought to himself. "How's your performance coming along?"

Kris' face took on a worried expression. "I'm kind of nervous. I can't seem to get everything just right. Will you help me?"

Adam wanted desperatly to embrace Kris and tell him how he really felt while attempting to comfort him. However, he settled for plain, friendly help.

"Well, if you speed the song up a little here and make these notes higher, it should be good. Performance wise, I think you should keep it simple and connect with the audience."

"Thanks man! You're a great friend!" exclaimed Kris.

Adam was upset by that statement. He wanted to be so much more than friends, but he just flashed his warmest smile and accepted the reality of his sorry situation. "Any time!" Adam replied cheerfully. He watched as Kris walked back over to his own corner of the large room to work on the new changes to his song.

Adam didn't have his own song perfect yet. He was too distracted by Kris to concentrate. This obsession was not good for his chances in the competition. He had to tell Kris the truth, wife or no wife!

That evening, Adam worried over what he was planning to do. He paced up and down his and Kris's room. He sat down and then stood up again. He just wanted this to be over with. Suddenly, Kris opened the door and walked in the room. Adam's heart began to beat wildly in his chest.

"Hey Kris," he said in a shaky voice. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure!" Kris replied enthusiastically. "What's on your mind?"

This was it. The moment that would either strengthen his relationship with Kris or destroy it. Kris nonchalantly sat on his bed. Adam did the same on his. He wet his dry lips and took a deep breath.

"Kris, I like you," blurted Adam, his face the color of a ripe tomato.

"Thanks man, I like you too," answered Kris in a puzzled voice.

"I don't mean as a friend," said Adam exasperated. "I mean I LIKE you like you." He hid his face in his hands to avoid seeing Kris's reaction. All Kris said was "Oh." With the lack of other response, Adam looked up. Kris's face showed surprise and pity.

"Adam, I...I don't know what to say," Kris managed to choke out. "I..."

"You don't have to say anything. I know you have a wife and everything, but I had to get this off my chest. I was too distracted. You can move into a new room if you want." Adam said this with a downcast expression and a dejected voice.

Kris shifted gently on his bed. Adam felt the tears of rejection flood his eyes. He had to focus to keep them from spilling over onto his face. He looked away from Kris. Seeing the expression of Kris's face was too much for him now.

Then a small ray of hope enveloped Adam. It was caused by what Kris said next. "I'll stay in this room," Kris said gently. "You're still my best friend."

Adam had to resist the urge to smile. He didn't want to weird out Kris any more than he already had. "Are you hungry? I'll go make dinner for everyone," Adam offered.

"Sure!" Kris replied with all of his old enthusiasm. "I'll let everyone know!" As Kris left the room with a smile, Adam felt there was still hope for him and Kris.

Kris was relaxing on a beach. His eyes were closed. He felt the warm sun strike his face and he listened as the waves gently lapped the shore. Someone was playing with his hand. Kris knew, but didn't know, who it was. It wasn't his wife, but he was perfectly content anyway.

Kris opened his eyes to see who was sitting next to him. Once his eyes got used to the bright sun, he saw it was Adam. He knew he shouldn't feel comfertable with this, but strangely, he was.

They gazed at each other, not saying anything. Kris began to get lost in the delicate blue of Adam's eyes. Adam gently took Kris's face in his hands and moved it towards his own. Kris did nothing to resist. In that moment of hesitation before their mouths met, Kris knew what true happiness could be. He had never felt this way with his wife.

Then, his sense of peace was shattered by the beep, beep, beeping of his alarm clock waking him from his dream. Kris was sitting straight up in his bed. He didn't know what to think after that dream. Everything he thought he knew had been obliterated by a simple day at the beach.

Adam was cooking breakfast for everyone. He liked to be helpful and he could make a mean omelet. He was singing his song for the week and dancing around the kitchen. Unbeknownst to Adam, Kris was watching him from the open doorway. Adam spun around and noticed Kris. He abruptly stopped, turned bright red, and went back to cooking.

"You don't have to stop on my account," Kris said quietly. He was looking down, embarassed for interrupting Adam.

Adam looked back at Kris and said, "It's okay, I was done cooking anyway." He grabbed a tray with all of the omelets on it and walked past Kris to the dining room. Ever since he had opened up about his feelings, interactions with Kris had become awkward.

Kris felt crushed. He wanted talking with Adam to be the highlight of his day like it used to be. He hadn't known how much Adam really meant to him until he had messed up their relationship possibly irrevocably.

Adam felt crushed. He wanted Kris to be his more than anything. He realized, surprising himself, that he would throw the competition if it meant he could be with Kris. Kris was his everything. Without him, Adam was nothing. There was a gaping hole in his soul that could only be mended by one person. And that person could never belong to him.

After a hard day of non-stop working, Adam was relaxing on his bed. He was listening to his IPod and gently tapping out the beat to one of his favorite songs. His eyes were closed. He was immersed in a sea of rhythm.

Kris walked into the room. He had been preparing for this all day. His dream had caused him to do some serious thinking. He realized that he had always had feelings for Adam. It took Adam admitting his feelings for Kris to realize his own. Now he knew that he had to confront Adam.

Kris walked over to Adam's bed and tapped his arm gently to get his attention. Adam started and opened his eyes. When he saw Kris standing there, he paused his music and said "Can I help you?"

"We need to talk," stated Kris matter-of-factly. He sat on the edge of Adam's bed and faced the wall.

Adam sat up. He was worried. Kris was in a serious mood. This couldn't be good. 'Great, you big dummy,' thought Adam. 'Now he's gonna tell you he never wants to see you again and it's all your fault! Why, oh why, did I tell him my true feelings?'

"Adam...," Kris began reluctantly.

"Yes Kris?"

"I, uh, I've been doing some thinking about what you told me yesterday." Kris paused to calm his nerves. This was harder than he thought it would be!

"Yes?" Adam gently prodded Kris to go on. He knew this wasn't going to be good. He just wanted Kris to say what he needed to say and be done with it. What Kris said next was the best thing Adam had ever heard.

"Adam, I've been thinking, and I've realized that I might have feelings for you, too. I had this dream where we were just sitting together. You were playing with my hand. I've never been happier, not even with my wife. I didn't even know what happiness was before the dream. I mean, can that kind of happiness really exist? I want...I feel that happiness. Can you help me fell?" As Kris was ranting, a tear had escaped his eyes. "Adam, what am I supposed to do? I'm so mixed up recently!"

Adam reached up and wiped the solitary tear that was making its lonely way down Kris's cheek. He slowly moved his head towards Kris's. Kris moved his towards Adam. They rested their foreheads against each other. Kris began to speak, "Adam, I..."

Adam placed his finger on Kris's mouth and whispered "Shh..." As he moved his finger away, he replaced it with his lips.

The kiss was delicate at firs. After a few seconds, it grew more passionate. Adam wrapped one hand into Kris's hair. With his other, he grabbed Kris's hand and enlaced his fingers around Kris's. It was the perfect moment. Adam and Kris had become one. All too soon, Kris ended the kiss.

"Adam, the door's open. What if someone comes up and sees us?" Kris asked worriedly.

"Are you ashamed of liking me?" asked Adam.

"Of course not! It's just, this is all new to me, and I'd prefer to keep it on the DL until I'm ready to share it with the world," replied Kris hurriedly. He rushed over to the door and closed it. When he turned around, Adam was right there. Kris couldn't help but smile. He was so happy.

Adam leaned in to kiss Kris again. Kris met Adam halfway. They were lost in their own world when a knock came at the door. Someone shouted through it, "Kris, your wife is here to see you." The perfect atmosphere that Adam and Kris had created was destroyed.

"Crap!" Kris said aloud. "What am I going to do?"

Everyone was having dinner together. Adam was sitting in the opposite corner from Kris and his wife. The rest of the idol contestants were sitting in between them. Adam felt like there was an ocean, rather than a mere table, between him and the man he loved. The vast ocean was added to by the prescence of Kris's wife and the fact that Kris looked very happy with her. Adam couldn't stand her.

"So sweetheart, how have you been since the last time I was over?" Katy Allen said sweetly. Adam rolled his eyes.

"Great!" Kris said with a special smile for her. "I've missed you though." It was all so sugary sweet, Adam could puke.

Katy leaned against Kris. "I've missed you too, cuddle-bear."

Adam couldn't take anymore. He violently thrust his chair back from the table and stood up. As he stormed into the kitchen with his untouched plate of food, he could feel everyone's eyes on his back. He didn't care, he just wanted to be away from the lovey-dovey-ness of Kris and Katy.

"What's wrong with Adam?" asked Katy.

"Oh, he's been a little stressed lately," Kris said, minorly irritated.

'What IS wrong with Adam?' wondered Kris. 'He was fine a few hours ago. In fact, he was MORE than fine a few hours ago!'

After dumping his dinner in the trash, Adam had retreated to the confines of his room. He was lying on his bed staring into space. How could Kris act so happy with Katy when he had just admitted that Adam was the one that made him happy?

As Adam lay thinking, a tear escaped his eyes. And then another. Eventually, his tears were pouring forth in a torrent. They kept coming, and Adam couldn't turn them off. He was stupid for believing Kris could ever be his.

Kris gave his wife a good-bye kiss and watched her walk to her car. "Bye, sweetheart. I love you," he called to her. As he said it, he realized it was true. He loved both Katy and Adam. This was not going to end well.

He turned back to the house and walked inside. He headed to the room he shared with Adam. When he was outside the door, Kris heard the sad sound of someone softly crying. He opened the door and found Adam just laying on his bed. Kris could feel tears come to his own eyes. It hurt for him to see Adam upset like this, especially because it was caused by him.

"Hey Adam," Kris said gently. "What's wrong?"

"What do you think is wrong?" Adam said. His voice was laced with pain and venom. He didn't care that Kris saw him crying. In fact, he was glad. Maybe Kris would realize how much he was hurting Adam. Hopefully, Kris would suffer just as much. Adam stormed out of the room, leaving Kris to pick up the pieces of their shattered relationship.

He didn't know where he was running to. He just let his legs operate on their own. Eventually, Adam found himself in a dark alley a few miles from the mansion. He leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

All of a sudden, a mysterious man emerged from the shadows. Adam jumped a food off the ground. "Geesh! You scared me man!" Adam said while trying to calm his nerves. The man looked familiar, but Adam couldn't place where he knew him from.

"I am sorry," the stranger replied smoothly. "I mean you no harm."

An unnatural peace fell over Adam. He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't seem to care. He should be upset; he was upset a few minutes ago. What had he been upset about? Adam couldn't remember. Then the man spoke again in a silky voice that seemed like it didn't belong to this century.

"You have been hurt by the one you love most. He has betrayed your love, and now you are powerless to resurrect it. I can give you the power to exact your revenge on him. Would you like me to help you?"

Adam didn't really want revenge on Kris, but he had the urge to say yes. How was this man controlling him like this? When he didn't respond, pain gripped his entire body. It hurt so much that Adam was doubled over. He fell to the ground screaming.

"I will ask you one more time," said the man harshly as he shot another wave of pain through Adam's body. "Would you like power beyond all imagination? If you accept my offer, I promise you shall walk as a God among man. If you choose to deny it, however, you will find that I can end you as quick as snapping my fingers. Now, what is your decision?"

Adam had no choice. Was it only yesterday that he had told Kris his true feelings and started this horrible chain of events? He managed to choke out his answer between the wrenching blasts of pain. "Yes." Despite the physical and emotional pain he had experienced today, Adam did not want to die.

Kris couldn't sleep. He was worried about Adam. Where was he? He hated himself for upsetting Adam like he had. Kris just wished Adam would come back so that he could make it up to him.

A flash of lightning lit up the room followed closely by the loud BAM of thunder. Kris was so startled, he nearly fell off his bed.

The door slammed open and Adam came stumbling in. He took a few shaky steps and collapsed. Kris rushed over to help him. Adam managed to get back on his feet with Kris supporting him. They maneuvered over to Adam's bed, where Kris helped him lay down.

"Adam, what happened? Where have you been?" a concerned Kris asked.

Adam tried to concentrate. "I...I can't remember. The last thing I can remember is kissing you. Everything else is blank."

"You don't remember anything?" asked Kris. "Not even dinner yesterday?"

"No. Why? What happened?"

Kris thought about not telling Adam about how upset he had been. It would wipe the emotional slate clean. However, Kris was an honest person. "My wife came over for dinner and you were upset by how we were close to each other while you were on the opposite end of the table."

"I hate not being able to remember anything!" exclaimed Adam. He felt so weak, and he just wanted to know why.

"Maybe it's for the best," said Kris. "You were pretty upset earlier. Now you don't have to be upset anymore."

"I guess you're right, Kris. Now, hopefully we can start fresh." Adam gave Kris a hopeful smile and squeezed his hand. He was thrilled when Kris squeezed back. Then the world around him faded as he drifted off to sleep.

When Adam awoke, he felt perfectly fine. All the pain he had been in last night was gone. His eyes drifted over to Kris's bed, where Kris was half-sitting and half-lying down. It looked as if he had been keeping watch over Adam and had fallen asleep.

Kris looked perfect. His peaceful face was soothing. His skin was immaculate. There wasn't a single flaw that Adam could see. And his neck. Adam had never noticed before, but the way Kris's neck looked in the pale morning light was intoxicating. Adam had to strong urge to sink his teeth in the smooth...woah, he had to stop this train of thought...the smooth, mouth-watering...donut on the side table. Yes, that was it, just the donut.

What was happening to him? He had wanted, still wanted, is odd! Adam grabbed the donut and took a large bite. 'That's funny, it's tasteless,' thought Adam.

He glanced back over at Kris. He wanted to be close to him. All of a sudden, he was next to Kris. The second he had thought about it, it had happened. This was beyond weird!

Kris began to stir. When he opened his eyes, Adam was sitting on Kris's bed with his face turned away from Kris and his eyes shut tight.

"Adam, what's wrong?" a concerned Kris asked.

"Something strange is happening, Kris," whispered Adam. "I was in pain last night, but now I feel absolutely no pain what-so-ever. When I woke up and looked over at you, I had the urge to..."

"To what?" prompted Kris.

" sink my teeth into your neck and suck you dry like a cherry juicebox!" Adam exclaimed matter-of-factly.

"Um, okay...," said Kris hesitantly. "Why would you want to do that?"

"I have no idea! I tried to drive the thought away by eating a donut, but it was tasteless. What the hell is happening to me?" Adam threw his hands up in frustration. He wanted to collapse into Kris and embrace him, but that would be too dangerous. He might actually bite Kris.

Just then, Kris wrapped his arms around Adam and held him close. Adam returned the warm squeeze. He turned his head towards Kris. Kris leaned in and whispered in Adam's ear, "Let me make everything better."

The next minute they were kissing, merging together perfectly. Adam slipped his shirt over his head. Kris noticed how perfect Adam's body was. Smooth and muscular. Kris stripped off his shirt as well. He lay down on his bed and Adam leaned over him. They began to kiss again. Adam felt his canine teeth lengthen and get sharper. As they were kissing, Kris cut his tongue on one of the teeth. Adam tasted Kris's blood as it slipped into his mouth.

Adam wrenched himself away. He was disgusted. He had tasted Kris's blood and had liked it.

Kris tried to pull him back. He didn't want Adam to stop kissing him because of a silly cut on his tongue. Then, Kris noticed Adam's teeth. They were exactly the kind of teeth one expects to see on a vampire. "What's happening to you, Adam? Your teeth, they're, they're..." He reached up to touch one of the fangs.

Adam turned his head away. He was ashamed and frightened of himself. He had realized what must have happened last night. He must have had a run-in with a vampire and become one himself.

After Adam had come to the awful realization of the monster he had become, he ran to the bathroom. He didn't want to face Kris as this monsterous thing. Kris deserved better than this. At least he had gotten out before he had bitten Kris. Adam still had the potent impulse to drink Kris's life-force deeply. He knew, without knowing, that it would be the best moment of both their lives. Adam would enjoy the lucious taste of Kris's sweet, sweet blood. Kris would find pleasure in the act of giving his blood to the one he loved. But Adam would never endanger Kris like that. He might not be able to quell his thirst.

Kris knocked on the door. "Adam, please let me in. We can get through this together. You just have to let me help you!" Kris paused to give Adam the chance to answer. A long time passed with no response from the other side of the door. "Adam, please...," Kris begged. He didn't want to start crying. He wanted to be strong for Adam, but he was really worried and couldn't hold the flow of tears much longer.

Adam reluctantly opened the door. Kris saw him and immediately gave him a huge hug. Adam hugged him back. He had already lost his old life. He didn't want to lose Kris as well. "Kris, I love you more than anything, but can you stomach to be around me anymore? I can't even stand myself. You deserve more than a horrible, evil beast!"

Kris slapped Adam flat across the face. Adam recoiled in shock. "Don't ever say something like that again! You aren't evil. You are the nicest, most sincere person I've ever met. I love you, no matter what you are."

Adam smiled widely and pulled Kris into a passionate kiss. He felt his teeth get sharp again. Kris broke away and bared his neck. "No, I can't, I'm not sure what will happen. I might end up killing you."

"Please, Adam, do it for me. It's what we both want. We both know you would never kill me." Kris pecked Adam quickly on the lips and showed him his neck again.

Adam closed his eyes. He had to resist. But the thought was too alluring. He gently grabbed Kris, bit into his delicate neck, and gave in to his deepest desire.

Time stopped. They were suspended in their own alternate reality. Adam felt the smooth liquid grace his tongue. He had never been closer to anyone. Maybe this whole vampire think wasn't so bad. Kris felt his blood being drawn out by Adam. It wasn't painful. In fact, it was the best feeling in the world. Adam being a vampire might not be as bad as he had thought.

Adam stopped drinking. He looked in Kris's eyes. They were flooded with tears of happiness. Adam felt his own eyes mist over. In this moment, nothing else mattered. Not the competition. Not Adam's missing memory. Not even Kris's wife.

The next day, Adam and Kris were inseperable. They were talking together backstage before Idol began. It was Tuesday and they had performances tonight. Katy came over and broke off their chatter. Kris walked with her to another part of the backstage area, leaving Adam alone.

They had talked about this last night. Kris had realized Katy couldn't offer him as much as Adam could. His love for Adam outweighed anything else. However, he had to keep up appearances at least until the end of the competition.

Adam had agreed to be left alone when Katy was around. He had no choice. Plus, he knew that he would get Kris all to himself eventually. Still, he wasn't all right when Kris wasn't there. He was moody and depressed. He just had to stick it out for a little while longer.

Kris and Katy looked happy. They were laughing and she was cuddling up to Kris. Adam wanted Kris to be all his. After all, he belonged totally to Kris. "Please be all mine," whispered Adam imploringly. No one heard him.

Kris's eyes flashed over to Adam as Adam was watching him. They smiled at each other. Kris turned back to talk to his wife.

The final call for the audience to take their seats caused Katy to finally leave Kris. Adam grabbed him and dragged him into a coat closet. They gave each other a good-luck kiss before having to go on stage.

When Adam walked onstage with the other contestants, he glanced over at Simon Cowell. A strange jab of pain shot through Adam as he made eye contact with Simon. He saw a twinkle of pure evil flash in Simon's eyes. Where had he seen that before? He racked his brain, but couldn't remember.

Ryan Seacrest told the contestants to go backstage and get ready for their performances. Backstage, Adam wished Kris good luck. Kris returned the wish.

Both of their performances were amazing. They sang heartfelt songs and drew the emotion from their relationship. They were happy for each other. However, Adam still couldn't get the interaction with Simon earlier out of his brain. He had to remember where he had experienced that before.

Adam was laying on his bed thinking. Where had he endured that type of pain before? Just when he was beginning to remember, his thoughts went blank. "God Damnit!" he shouted for all to hear. Kris came running out of the bathroom where he had just finished a shower. "Why can't I stinking remember!" Adam stood up and began pacing around the room, racking his brain for an answer that eluded him.

Kris walked over to him. "Adam, maybe you should relax? This kind of stress isn't good for you."

"I can't fricken relax!" Adam snapped. "I think I've got to talk to Simon about this." Adam started to walk out of the room. Kris quickly walked in front of him. "Don't make me move you, Kris, because you know I can."

Kris swallowed nervously and took a calming breath. "Adam, if you're going to confront Simon, I'm coming with you."

"Fine, let's go," Adam said as he seized Kris's hand and pulled him out of the room.

They headed for Simon's office. Adam was walking at an unnatural speed. He was dragging Kris behind him. He was too on edge to care who saw him using his newly acquired vampire abilities.

Once they arrived at the door, Adam didn't even bother knocking. He slammed open the door and barged in. Simon was doing something on the computer. He quickly stopped what he was doing when he saw a timid Kris and an extremely ticked off Adam.

"Can I help you boys?" Simon asked. He acted as if he had been expecting this confrontation.

"You can tell me what happened two days ago. I can't remember anything, and I know it's because of you."

Simon was dwarfed next to the new, scarier Adam, but he seemed as cool as a cucumber. He clasped his hands together and leaned back in his chair. "You are stronger than I thought," said Simon smoothly. "Usually, when I mind-wipe people, they don't miss their memories. You, on the other hand, have a powerful mind. I knew I chose the right person to be my apprentice."

A switch flipped on in Adam's brain. His lost memories came flooding back in. He remembered what had happened in the dark alley. Every painful detail was crystal clear. The vampire he had run into was none other than Simon Cowell.

"You," Adam snarled at Simon, his gaze as piercing as daggers.

"Yes, me." Simon just smiled back.

"Kris, get out of here quick," Adam said to Kris desperately. Kris turned to leave, but the door slammed closed.

"Not so fast, you'll miss the fun." Simon laughed maniacally.

"Let him go. Kris has nothing to do with this," Adam pleaded. He didn't want to see Kris hurt because of him.

"On the contrary, my dear boy. Kris is every bit a part of this as you are. He is the cause of all this. Now, don't you want him dead?"

For a brief second, the thought of seeing Kris lifeless appealed to Adam. Simon was controlling him again. He couldn't let that happen. "Get out of my head!" Adam slammed his hand on Simon's desk. "Tell me why you're doing this."

"What the hell, Kris will be dead and you'll be my slave in a few minutes anyway." Simon made himself comfertable. "I've been a vampire for 276 years. That whole time I've spent in solitude. I was evil for evil's sake. About 9 years ago, I decided to start spreading my evil. To do this, I needed a second in command. I decided to become a judge on American Idol to find the perfect apprentice. After all, thousands of people audition each year. I was beginning to lose hope, though. Seven seasons, thousands of hopefuls, and not one person worthy of my tutelage. Then, you auditioned, Adam. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were special. I could feel it. You had so much dormant power waiting to be awakened. When I learned of your feelings for Kris, I thought of the perfect way to bring forth your evil nature. I heightened your rage two nights ago. I caused you to be angry with Kris and to run to the alley. Then I turned you. Now it is time for the final step. You will kill Kris Allen and embrace your dark nature."

"I would never harm him," Adam said as he struggled against the urge to attack Kris.

"Maybe you would if he asked you to." Simon smiled deviously.

"Why would I do something like that?" asked Kris. "I would never cause Adam pain so great he has to become evil to sooth it."

Simon had been expecting this. He knew exactly how to affect Kris. "What if I told you that you have nothing left to live for? Everyone you've ever cared about or has cared about you no longer knows you exist. They remember nothing about their lives with you. I have mind-wiped them all. Even your wife, Katy."

Kris felt like a bomb had exploded underneath him. He collapsed onto his knees. He felt numb and empty. He wasn't crying, though he knew he should be. He was just staring.

Adam wanted desperately to take Kris's pain away. It was all his fault. Kris should not have been involved. He was only involved because Adam had been selfish enough to share his feelings. Kris had been happy. Adam had only wanted to be happy as well. He tried to walk over to Kris, but something was keeping him rooted to the floor.

"Now, Adam, take away his pain. End his life." Simon was enjoying the drama enfolding before him.

"Please," Simon caused Kris to beg. "I can't live as a ghost among my own friends. My life is ruined now. Maybe if you do what he wants, your life doesn't have to be ruined too."

A surge of someone else's thoughts came pouring into Adam's head. Simon planted all the different ways Adam could end Kris's life. All semblance of his old self was wiped clean. When he turned to Kris, he didn't see the love of his life. Instead, he saw the only person standing in the way of his true evil destiny.

Adam bared his razor-sharp fangs. He hated Kris to the bottom of his black heart. The little punk had been nothing but trouble. Adam couldn't wait to destroy him.

Kris's whole life had crashed down around him, but he had not shed a single tear. Not until he looked at Adam. The look of pure hatred Adam was directing at him was the crack that broke Kris's floodgates. How could Adam look at him like that? Yet, Kris felt no anger towards him. He loved Adam.

Adam walked to Kris and gripped him violently in his powerful grasp. Kris looked into Adam's eyes trying to find the Adam he knew. "Don't do this, Adam," Kris pleaded. "You don't really want to hurt me. You have to realize that Simon is controlling you."

"Shut up, you scruffy-looking nerf herder." Kris knew he was in trouble then. Adam was quoting Star Wars. He hated Star Wars. This person standing before him was no longer Adam. Kris realized there was nothing he could do, so he gave in to the Adam beast.

"The little fool no longer fights?" Adam mocked. "I guess you don't care about me as much as I thought."

"Enough chit-chat," Simon demanded. "Just kill him and be done with it."

"No problem, Master Cowell," Adam said as he gave a little bow to Simon. Then, he turned back to Kris with blood red eyes.

Kris couldn't think of a better or worse way to die. On one hand, he would did with the love of his life by his side. On the other, he would be the reason Adam went dark side.

Adam gripped Kris's arm tight with one hand and pulled his head sideways with the other, baring his neck. Kris had tears in his eyes from the pain. Adam didn't care one bit. He leaned in and bit deeply into Kris's neck. He loved the feeling of Kris's life force getting weaker and weaker. Any moment now and it would be gone.

But Kris did something unexpected. He found the strength to push Adam off of him. Then, he pulled Adam into a kiss.

An influx of his old self poured into Adam's head. Kris, weakened by the loss of blood, fainted in Adam's arms. Adam caught him before he fell to the floor. He then gently lay him down.

Once Kris was settled comfertably, Adam turned his rage on Simon.

With a smug look on his face, Simon snapped his fingers. "Now, my dear boy. Finish him off."

Adam was surprised to find that he was no longer a slave to Simon's commands. He stood up and launched himself at Simon. Simon noticed this just in time to brace himself for the blow.

The hit should have broken several bones in each of their bodies, but they were both vampires. Simon crashed into the wall behind him and broke off a large piece of plaster. He quickly recovered and flung himself at Adam. Adam was ready for him and stepped out of the way just in time. Simon went tumbling into the next room. It was a coat closet.

Adam took advantage of Simon's dazed state and quickly had him secured. "Now you play by my rules," Adam snarled. "Give Kris's family their memories back."

"No can do. I don't have enough power." Simon somehow managed to keep himself together despite Adam looming over him.

"Let's not forget who holds the power here," Adam said. "Do it now or you'll be in a world of hurt."

Simon truly looked scared now. "I can't restore their memories without a memory trade. Kris has to forget something important first."

"Like what?" asked Adam.

"Like the man he loves most. His loved ones can get their memories back if he loses all memory of you." Simon flashed an evil smile.

Adam didn't want to hear that. Anything but that. However, he knew how much Kris's family and friends meant to him. The last few days with Kris had been magical, but Adam would rather spend an eternity alone than force Kris into a friendless existence. Those enemy tears rose to his eyes again. He didn't let them win. He set his face in a determined expression and spoke the words he had to say. "Do it."

Simon knew he had won. He gave Adam a week before he wanted to join him and release his new-found pain. "As you wish," he said as a bright light filled the room. "He no longer remembers anything about you. He's free to live his normal life."

Kris sat up and rubbed his eyes. He felt a little weak. He saw Simon sitting in the corner of this strange room with a mysterious man looming over him. The man, who had black hair and was wearing black nail polish, moved over to Kris with concern in his eyes.

"Are you all right?" the stranger asked.

"Yes," answered Kris. "But who are you?"

The next few days were torture for Adam. He had explained to Kris how they were roommates, but Kris was very distant. Their friendship had died along with Kris's memory.

Kris was confused. His fellow Idol contestants told him that Adam was a contestant too, but he couldn't seem to remember. He could remember everyone else. He could remember what everyone had sung each week. He couldn't remember Adam Lambert.

A week after the fight with Simon, Kris still didn't feel comfertable around Adam. He hated going to bed every night with a stranger just a few feet away. He decided to talk to this Adam about their friendship that night.

Adam walked into his room late. He had been doing that lately in order to give Kris time to get settled first. It killed him that Kris was no longer his, but he was coping. And staring into an eternity without Kris's love.

Tonight, the lights were still on. Adam tried to quickly leave the room, but Kris called him in. "Hey, Adam. Can I talk to you tonight?"

"Sure," Adam replied. "What do you want to talk about?" He moved over to his bed and sat down.

"I actually wanted to talk about our friendship. Were we really friends? Because I can't for the life of me remember. Nothing else is blank. It's just you. They tell me that we were inseperable the day before I forgot you, but that seems unlikely. How could we be such great friends if I forgot you so easily?"

Adam knew it was never a good sign when Kris was ranting. It meant something was sincerely bothering him. He wished Kris could still remember. He hated seeing Kris worried like this. "We were very close. You forgot because it was better that you forgot. That's all their is to it." As he said this, he died a little more inside. The words left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Okay," Kris said. "I actually was wondering if we could be friends again. Me and some of the other singers are going out to eat tomorrow night. Do you wanna come with?"

Adam smiled slightly. "I'd love to come." His face showed mild indifference, but he was rejoicing on the inside. Kris wanted to be friends again! It was like a light had been turned on in his soul.

Adam, Kris, Matt, and Danny were enjoying themselves. They had gone to an LA club and were having a blast. Allison couldn't come because she was too young. They felt bad about leaving her behind, but they were determined to have a good time none-the-less.

Adam watched as the others ordered drinks. He wished he could still enjoy the effects of alcohol, but only blood would affect him now. He hadn't had any since the moment he had shared with Kris. He had to have some soon, or he would go crazy.

"I'll be right back, guys," Adam said as he walked to the back door. Earlier, he had detected the scent of a homeless man living in the back alley. He could take what he needed without the chance of the man recognizing him.

Adam walked into the alley. He shuddered. It was almost identical to the alley he had been turned in. The memories were painful and horrifying.

Something stirred near the grimy sewage drain. "Was that? Who's there?" A filthy, old man stood up and began groping the air looking for the cause of the disturbance to his peace. 'That's good,' thought Adam. 'He's blind. Even less chance of him recognizing me.'

Adam walked over to the man and grabbed him by the shoulder. "It's okay," he said. "This will only hurt for a second." He shivered in disgust at the thing he was about to do. 'Just do it and be done,' Adam attempted to encourage himself. For a brief second, the music from the club got louder, but Adam paid it no heed. He was too focused on keeping the struggling man still. Finally, he closed his eyes and sunk his fangs into the man's neck. Adam drained him not to the point of death, but rather to the point of unconscienceness.

There was a small gasp behind him. Adam dropped the man and spun around. He saw, to his horror, Kris standing by the back door of the club. Kris's eyes were widened in terror. He began backing away slowly. "Adam," Kris stammered. "What...what are you?"

Adam couldn't believe he had been so careless. He should have sensed Kris watching. Adam's foolishness would be the downfall of their renewed relationship. "Now Kris, don't freak out, but I'm a vampire."

Kris knew he couldn't be hearing Adam correctly. A vampire? They only existed in the movies...right? Yet here was irrefutable evidence that Adam was telling the truth. Hadn't he just seen Adam drink the blood of some homeless guy? It wasn't possible. But then again, it was true. All of a sudden, it began to pour.

"Did I know about this, you know, before I lost my memory?" asked Kris cautiously. He didn't want to upset Adam in any way. Who knew what he was capable of?

The way that Kris was looking at him in disgust and terror hurt Adam more than anything else ever could. "Yes, you knew," Adam said. "In fact, we found out about it together. We were..." He trailed off. He needed to ease Kris into the knowledge of their relationship gently. Kris couldn't take many more shocks in this delicate state. A flash of lightning lit up the alley.

Kris jumped. He was on edge, guarding against Adam if he decided to silence him. They had discoverd Adam was a vampire together? How was that possible? Confusion flickered across Kris's face for a brief second. For Adam, it was long enough. He realized Kris could only be convinced through undeniable proof that they had shared something special. And he knew just what that proof was.

Adam crossed the alley to where Kris was now backed up against the wall. Kris tried to stay as far away from Adam as the wall allowed, which wasn't very far. "When you found out the first time," Adam started. "You promised that we would get through this together. Then, I drank from you and our souls became one." Adam reached up to touch the two little scars on Kris's neck that were a permanent reminder of their bond. As he touched them, a shiver swept through Kris's body. Adam could tell it was not from fear, but from some instinct that told Kris his heart's deepest love. Adam moved his hand to Kris's face. Kris felt like he should brush it away, but he couldn't find the proper motivation to do so. The rain was still pouring forth, and both of them were soaking wet. Neither of them cared about the rain. They only had thoughts for each other. That's when it happened.

Out of nowhere, something hit Kris on the back of the head. He fell forward into Adam. Then, someone grabbed Kris and pulled him out of Adam's grasp. "Adam!" Kris shouted. "Help!" Adam was too dazed to react. Whoever had taken Kris must have been another vampire, because Kris was gone by the time Adam started running after him.

Why was this happening? He had only just begun to win Kris back. Who would do something like this? As Adam thought, he collapsed to his knees. He knew exactly who was capable of this kind of cruelty. Simon.