"You just had to open your big mouth, didn't you?" Nate grumbled as he tried to find a comfortable spot on the couch, the three youngest Ely boys we're stuck sleeping in the living room due to Sam's staying over….they would have all shared a room with her if Quinn hadn't made a vulgar comment of Jake and Sam might getting friendly in bed….their mother then sent them to the living room while Sam slept comfortably in their room

"At least you're not on the floor" Quinn complained rolling his shoulder that felt cramped

Jake simply rolled his eyes at his brothers argument as he turned to his side on the arm chair….he smirked at the vague flashback of him practically showing Quinn to the ground as he claimed the chair as his sleeping spot "would you both shut up" he hissed giving them a annoyed look

It was then he heard the hushed whispers Quinn was letting out "he's just cranky cause he can't snuggle with his widdle bwat" earning a snicker from Nate, instead of taking the bate vocally…Jake grabbed the nearest thing his hand came across – which so happened to be a book - and threw it at his blabbering brother, he smirked when he heard Quinn let out a yelp "dude!" Quinn exclaimed as he rubbed his abused shoulder

"Shut your air whole" Jake muttered darkly before pulling the blanket over his shoulder and waited for sleep to take over.


The three brothers slept as comfortably as they could in the room, Jake all the while trying to find a comfortable position on the arm chair and let out a huff….seemed that wasn't happening since whichever position he tried…he always had his legs bent. It was then he heard soft footsteps in the silence of the night, he quickly feigned to be asleep assuming it would be his mother awake and getting a glass of water

The footsteps seized moments later and he could almost smell the familiar scent he had come to love….it was then accompanied by a soft sultry voice he never grown tired of hearing "Jake?" Sam spoke softly in attempts of not waking the two additional Elys in the room….she quirked a delicate eyebrow when she heard Quinn muttering something like 'I didn't eat the cookies mommy, Seth did' before he turned to his side scratching his rear for a moment before settling

Jake feigned a groan as if barely waking from his sleep "what is it hon?" he asked looking up at her petite form, he mentally groaned when he noticed her wearing one of his flannel shirts….he gulped when he realized she wasn't wearing shorts – or bra- underneath….it was then he noticed a mischievous grin appear on her light tan face….he knew that look all to well

"It's rather cold sleeping in the room alone, it would be nice to have your large warm company to keep me nice and cozy at night" she spoke with a hushed voice…..it didn't hide the seductive tone in it "that's, if you don't mind" this chick is gonna be the death of him someday….for a sixteen year old….she sure knew what to do to make him turn into putty in her small hands, spoke with that darn voice that made him go weak in the knees and gave him sultry looks that made his mind go straight to the gutter

What would her dad say if he found out his little girl could be a little vixen time and again? He thought to himself, he spared a glance at his two brothers direction….frowning when noticing Nate practically covered in his own saliva until looking back at the girl before him "screw this" he muttered

Sam smiled happily when he got up from his spot and with no effort, picked her up and walked off to the direction leading to his room…..good bye small uncomfortable arm chair.


"That little sneak" Nate muttered darkly as he and Quinn looked down at the sleeping forms of their little brother and Sam….Jake lay on his stomach with a muscular arm sprawled protectively over his girlfriends form snoring lightly with his face buried in her auburn locks "I should of known he'd sneak back in here" he added as he shook his head

Both Ely men were confused to wake up and find out the spot on the arm chair was empty…..they assumed he had woken up earlier than usual to get chores done…..they figured otherwise when Quinn suggested that the guy must be in their room.

Nodding his head, Quinn mentally agreed as he looked at the slumbering couple….it was to his shock that he noticed something on the floor that he shouldn't be looking at and his eyes widen…..looking at the couple for a moment his assumptions were made clear when he noticed his brother's lack of shirt, he tilted his head slightly at Nate's direction and whispered "do you think he's getting more than us?" he quietly asked flicking his dark eyes at the two sleeping figures for a moment

Nate nearly jumped in shock at the very question "what are ya, crazy? Its Jake and Sam remember. What would make you think such?" he asked with a soft voice giving his brother a bewildered stare….as much as he knew….his little brother was pretty much the 'wait until marriage' type of guy…..and little Sam was just sixteen years old

His brother shrugged "well for one, he lacks the shirt he was wearing last night, and two" he trailed off as he crouched to the floor and grabbed the certain item that caused him shock "Sam's panties are on the floor" he finished dangling the piece of clothing on his finger

At seeing the item, Nate slapped Quinn's hand watching as the underwear landed on the floor "what are you doing? That's Sam's underwear you were holding" he scolded shuddering at the very thought of little Samantha Forster committing in such activities the whole Ely brothers never wanted her to get in….minus Jake obviously

He was shocked to see his brother's reaction was a snicker "didn't know she wore lace" he replied with toothy grin

Nate rolled his eyes and flicked his brother's forehead "get your mind out of the gutter Quinn" he scolded before turning his attention back at the obvious couple sleeping peacefully…..his scowl broaden "little fakes, feigning to be an innocent little couple in love…..only to be a bunch of wild animals" it was then a shudder ran down his spine "they could be at it all over the range for all we know" he added shaking his head to rid of the mental images

Quinn looked at his brother and Sam a moment longer before turning his attention back to Nate…..who was practically convulsing in utter repulse "so what do we do?" he asked quietly as he noticed Jake tighten his arm around Sam's petite body….he emediantly shut his eyes when he caught glimpse of the soft curve of her breast

Swinging an arm around his brother's slender shoulder "we forget this ever happened, they should not know we witnessed, this…" he trailed off gesturing to the sleeping couple….he slowly led his brother out of the room "and when the time is right, we will tease Jake mercilessly to no end" he finished letting his brother settle on the couch once reaching the living room

Quinn snickered at the very idea of teasing Jake nonstop….it would be even better if their other brothers knew "love how your mind works" he commented with a mischievous grin on his tan face.
